The Best Features Suited to "Mini" Guild Wars 2 Expansions

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foreign welcome to another video a kind of a third in a Trilogy or actually I guess quadrilogy of videos I'm doing covering the announcement of mini x-pacs so uh at first we just kind of covered the news in general The Guild Wars 2 isn't doing expansions and living world like we knew before it's all expansions now with just some patches afterwards they're going to come out regularly uh slightly cheaper uh then I did a video where we looked at the elite specialization situation because the blog post didn't mention them kind of had this kg mention of uh different combat mechanics or something and I kind of Illustrated hey can they get away with not doing Elite specs what would some potential Alternatives be then we looked at law and story that was over this weekend uh all the different places that we might actually be able to go uh and loose threads now that the elder dragons are over and now that we have this kind of clear concept that it's only going to be x amount of story it's going to be three maps and I actually found that was a really cool video because it was it made me realize that they're actually kind of liberated by the smaller expansion size doing disconnected stories actually allows them a lot of room to pick up a ton of threads and I did 14 Concepts in that video which I just kind of waffled through while I was in bed on my laptop that night I feel like they could do even more so that was really quite cool now here's the last thing features Big Ticket ideas that change the game in some way if you imagine you know a new expansion announcements come out what do you get with that expansion well you're expecting some bullet points of some things to shake stuff up right I do believe people buy expansions for features and these mini ones are going to be no different there should be something there now there's a little bit of an unfair thing going on with Guild Wars at the moment which is that the first ever expansion Heart Of Thorns did loads of features and kind of gave this sense that all the expansions would then we had like this really rich and detailed thing with mounts when end of dragons came out you know there's less things that they could do there were some outstanding Big Ticket ideas from MMOs like fishing is the big one I think really but some of the features they announced for end of dragons were kind of Duds and people were saying well they should have done better could have done better I sort of do think we have to stop on this topic for this video and take stock of the fact that the game's 10 years old it generally has all the major things most MMOs have now at some point they don't have to keep Reinventing the wheel maybe at some point it is right for us to entertain the idea that an expansion is literally just more story more exploration more content and if that really rips people up and makes them feel sour and like they're not really going to like the game for that then I think at a certain point you do just have to ask yourself do you like Guild Wars 2 because the game is not going to change too much the more that time goes by and you're either looking for new content or you're not so I do kind of have that in mind but nonetheless there are still some big ideas that I really want to see for this game that I do believe many X factors should sell and that's kind of what I'm going to go through here uh I think that doing it mini is actually really liberating for them because they can just focus on one big feature each time instead of too many like Skiffs and the turtle and stuff maybe they felt like Duds because they weren't all in on that idea you know when we go back to Heart Of Thorns it was really crazy guys they did the Mastery system and with gliding as a big part of it and Guild halls and raids and Adventures in the open world maps and like in the other formats you had like the stronghold map and a lot of these ended up feeling like Duds or took a long long long time to really get to a good place or have been abandoned you know we don't really see much with Adventures lately do we so um no specifically not in the heart of thorn style so I don't think that we're going to see expansions like Heart Of Thorns or even say with the end of dragons I think they should have here's a mini X-Pac here's the big idea so what could those big Ideas be let's look at these headline features I'll go through what I think are realistic and I would actually like and some of these are really cool but require quite a lot of conversation so let's start with something easy here and just uh underline the idea of mounts I do think mounts are viable for mini X facts end of dragons actually kind of did demonstrate quite well how this works end of dragon's big thing was the turtle yes but also it gave us some of the old amounts too like if you'd missed POF it also had the Raptor with it for example in some of those early mounts which are now kind of like you can think of core expansion mounts and then you look at stuff like the Griffin as POF specific mounts I think we could see something similar with these other mini x-packs you get a handful of like base mounts with them but there is a new cool special Mount associated with the x-back for this one it's been the turtle if you watched I did another video talking about the next patch coming up next week um I actually don't think the title has been that good just yet I think they really need to work on it for the upcoming stuff so the turtle was a bit of a dud that doesn't mean that future mounts might not be I think there are some niches you might say well WP Jesus Christ we've already got flying mounts and we've got fast mounts and we've got slow mounts and we've got the skimmer for the water stuff with a skiff on top which really kind of doesn't fit what the hell else that could they do so here's the mounts I think are still possible a fast multiplayer Mount so the turtle right now it has the side seat but it's very slow it's very cumbersome imagine something a bit more like a beetle with a side seat I'm not going to give you guys the actual theme because that would depend on the story of the X-Pac and all that kind of stuff but a fast multiplayer amount I think there is a gameplay Niche for that I also think there's potentially a gameplay Niche for a flying multiplayer man so those are those two big things I would consider the skiff to be the you know the multiplayer water-based thing um but going back to water I actually do think there's some other Concepts there as well and it's not that this has to come in with a story with a ton of water content necessarily but right now we can swim down on our skimmer but again it's not very fast and we can go down on the turtle and it's very slow so again on the idea of speed a fast underwater Mount like I've always imagined a dolphin that you can like have this burst a bit like the beetle burst but you know you're like charging around you know the beetle of underwater some kind of mechanic where they can go into slip streams stuff like that I think that would be a viable Mount and an interesting Mount um staying underwater I suppose if you're gonna actually get an underwater expansion where you go really really deep you can have a diving or ascending Mount so like you can go up and down really quickly I'm not quite sure what that would look like like a jellyfish or something that can I don't know really but maybe that's an idea and you know if they really push with the Mastery system they can do stuff like where there's really high pressure low down you take constant damage if you're too low unless you're on a certain amount they can do things like that if they really want to to try and carve out a space for it um and finally there's this idea of combat mounts um the turtle is kind of I mean all mounts to a certain extent have a bit of combat right the skill one you disengage with it and you do certain damage the turtle kind of pushed that envelope by saying okay you can actually stay on the mount and keep doing damage by sieging or like by constantly spamming the CC Auto attack if you're the driver combat mounts are a very interesting idea and I think they are they don't necessarily fit into the game very well right now but with a lot of careful planning and good design I think that could be an interesting choice as well there you go that's mounts I can totally imagine mini xpacks giving you amount maybe two and people would be reasonably excited by that it would run out fairly soon after that but there are some spaces right let's get into something really cool and really big this is something people have been talking about for years I actually wasn't a huge fan of it for years but I'm a huge fan of it now um because of its possibility for the future let's talk about housing oh yes so I think housing is a good idea uh I thought once upon a time that Guild Hall decorations and stuff would be a worthy substitute but they're clearly not people don't get their own personal ownership there's a lot of like weird mechanical issues you have to be in the right Community with the right Guild Hall that spent the right amount of money there are economical issues with it there were implementation issues with it it's not a worthy substitute when you look at big features from the perspective of oh what do other MMOs have and Guild Wars doesn't like fishing is a good example of this it makes sense to do housing as well when I think way back to living World season one when ncsoft West were releasing another big MMO in the west WildStar wildstar's big thing was housing and I wasn't really too into it back then but looking back I can see the power of it and I definitely would like to play with something like this but I think the real value here is how if they were smart arenanet has a tendency to be a bit All or Nothing to go too much too fast but if they're smart they can Implement something here that's heavily expandable and keeps off over loads of mini x-pacs and that's the real thing you know in a lot of my videos lately I've been talking about oh what could we get in a mini xpac but the idea is there's going to be another one and then another one and another one so you really want to think long term about this and this is where I think housing is very very good think about how POF introduced the idea of mounts an end of dragons added a new one another mini xpects might add other ones so housing could be the same essentially when housing first comes in on the first mini X Factor does it I would say it's a fairly basic system it's a lot like Guild Hall decorating but it's for individuals in their own instances I I would say you'd update the guildhall decorating system just a little bit so that you know what's clunky with the ground targeting or opening the palette to get different tools and things can be smoothed out you know a little bit of a rework but you basically just slap that idea into people's own personal plots of land and instances so you would enable it first of all I think straight away on home instances every race has their own home instance I think that could definitely be a candidate for your house if you want it to be and you should be able to decorate and you should be able to build in there but also the system would give you some new additional plots elsewhere in the world so you know there'd be some plots that you can pick out in the new maps environments or maybe even in the other expansions if they really wanted to if they wanted to cross-pollinate if you want to go live in the maguma jungle maybe they should add a plot that you can go and decorate there and they'd just be instances that you can take your friends into maybe there could be nodes and stuff that you do there daily maybe that can be an idea for getting friends together to actually visit but none of that stuff's necessary just the basic do is give people their own decorations and their own decorating capacity for instances their plots of land that they pick that's it and I think that's a very realistic thing that the game could add the reality is that they probably dump it onto a Mastery line uh because I think they're going to be desperate to find an interesting masteries as we go forwards a bit like how fishing didn't need to be a Mastery but they made it a Mastery uh I think this would be a Mastery but what I think is most important about my idealized version of housing is it would actually be a discipline so remember when heart of thorns came out and added the sky but obviously nowadays in retrospect the Scribe isn't something people really like very much because a lot of the guild features weren't implemented that well and so on and so and so on but it is actually quite an exciting captivating thing to see if you imagine on a bullet pointed list oh there's a whole new crafting discipline coming in this is something we see other MMOs do quite often too and I think if they were going to do housing they would add a discipline for it like how guildhall decorators have scribes we'd get a new one we wouldn't just expand scribe they should do a totally new one and call it you know like the decorator or the Builder or whatever that they like that discipline means that when the expat comes out people get this new progression they might not be adding new classes they might not be adding Elite specs or any of that stuff but at least there's a discipline for people to like level up and go through for those who are so inclined obviously this isn't a combat feature I'm not pretending it is um but I think you do a new uh discipline and with a whole new discipline that means you craft your own items you escape from like the Scribe economies and just how messy everything was with scribing scribing itself thematically was really over engineered as far as I'm concerned like I don't like this idea of we make blueprints to throw into a magical 3D printer you know don't do any of that let's just have decorators building stuff out of Timber and lumber and whatever they like to actually build their houses like let's just do it that way and so now you've got huge amounts of items and economy that's been stimulated again which hasn't been and it's kind of been Duds for years in the game uh lots of new training and interesting and fun things for people to do and uh just loads of new items that you can get items for doing heart quests you know which help you with your decorating items for beating strike missions items in the new fractals items there's all kinds of stuff that can really pump up the game with this and there can be prestige rewards as well just like how with Guild Halls you know you've got the trophies and stuff again all the implementation was a bit wonky but they can do that and I think that they can look at what they did with scribing and guildhalls as well and use those lessons to inform a much better system for housing here but I think key to success with housing okay housing in mini expats is on that first release they should keep it really narrow and quite simple what you can actually do like the Core Concepts here are what building walls doors windows roofs making our rooms decorating them a little bit stuff like that but actually build your house create it that's the extent of it though okay that for like the first original release now let's talk about subsequent mini X facts this is where it really starts to shine because you can treat Guild Wars 2 a bit like The Sims right with all of their DLCs if you will so the original housing feature think of that now as like the path of fire Raptor right that's going to come over in every single X-Pac now no matter what mini expat you buy you will get that original discipline and you will get the base access to the feature but now each expansion has its own little spin on it so the next mini X back gives you the gardener discipline and The Gardener has a whole new level of progression for you to go through even more different items and things to get but this guy specializes in all about the stuff around your house you can now make Picket Fences and you can plant flowers and you can create Lawns and gravel paths and whatever else else you like like on this new dimension to the house don't do it all in the first mini X-Pac do like a gardening thing in the next one the next expansion has like the Tamer discipline and the Tamer again is new progression blah blah but now what you can do is add pets to your house you can get living creatures and you know you can have pets indoors and you can have bigger creatures out in your Gardens if you have those and so on so we expand it next expansion has like you know aquascaping or whatever you can make ponds and rivers and fountains and indoor hot tubs and pools and all that kind of stuff the next expansion has like a heavy contractor so you can add attic spaces and sellers and dungeons beneath the house and on and on and on you know I even like the idea of maybe something where you can add NPCs to your home who who will live there with you and maybe they can even be iconic story Heroes and stuff this is how housing can keep paying off for like the next 10 years of Guild Wars 2 over lots of mini xpacks it's like in infrastructure that they keep expanding outwards so that's why I like it most you know Arena that do if they do want to do something like that they have to think quite carefully about how the game engine will work and how they want to expand it like that idea of adding basements and sellers and stuff they would have to have that in mind when they very initially create housing so that it's ready and expandable but as long as they do think ahead and I think this has been one of the big things for Guild Wars for a long time if they don't think ahead enough if they do that this could be a really really cool thing I'd be happy to see as a part of expansion and by the way not just expansions would benefit from this think about like every quarterly patch you could get new house plots coming into the game festivals right now they all add Guild Hall decorations but how many of us really care you know only the nerdiest of us the most like dedicated of us really care a huge amount about the Guild Hall decorations well if those become home decorations yeah suddenly each Year's festival and those little minor updates people pay a lot more attention to so there you have it uh housing let's go on to another feature I've rambled about that one long enough I do want to talk a little bit about legendaries so I'm actually going to talk about legendaries twice in this video but right now when I'm talking about legendaries what I mean is I don't really care about legendary weapons but what I mean is legendaries in like whole new slots into entirely new ideas of legendaries so first of all I think this would be totally cool in a mini X Factor legendary Mount I would still love to get a legendary mount a mount I can actually earn and work on in game through collections through resource acquiring and it's a big cool reward at the end I would I love the idea of a legendary Mount if they do legendary mounts well then what's the legendary Raptor gonna look like what's the legendary skimmer gonna look like what's the legendary Springer they don't all have to come in at once but each mini X-Pac can do a new one for example I think this is a really good idea the tricky issue with legendary mounts is unfortunately the gem store because the Gem Store went so mental with the visuals on mounts and so crazy with them I'm not actually sure how a legendary Mount can compete with a 2000 gem Mount so like when you've got a mount in the gem store that is a totally new animal and it has footsteps and it has a trail effect and it's got a crazy on Mount activation explosion of pretty effects you know they went crazy with the mounts um that's already in game that's already in the Gem Store what the hell can a legendary be now I really don't have any great ideas for that since they've already done Footprints and stuff like that if Arena can figure something out I think this could be very very good they figured something out for the Gen 3 weapons after all you know the on-kill explosion effect so maybe there's something there um there is also the argument well maybe they don't need to do better than the gem skins maybe just the fact that this is a mountain not on a gem store is enticing to people but I'm not sure I fully buy that I think that that might be a little bit dodgy so but it's a good idea if they can figure something out and I hate coming here with a video that I don't even really have the full answer so maybe you guys in the comments gonna can drop something there talking about uh other legendaries though I'm not interested in weapons anymore however armor we only ever had legendary armor once I must admit I'm quite excited about the idea of Gen 2 Armor it doesn't have to be tied to raids or strikes or whatever not necessarily it might still be a good idea it doesn't necessarily have to be just a PVE set either because I think that caused some issues before but a new set of legendary armor that looks really flashy really cool this could be good now I think Arena have been a bit Leery and afraid of this idea because it took a long time for them to implement and figure out out the Gen 2 Armor and when they did it was a bit controversial not everyone liked the aesthetic you know I think back in particular to the whole thing with the medium legendary armor where people were like Yay it's not a trench coat and then when you unsheath it becomes a trench coat and what almost looked like a bit of a joke I think that because that patch was a little controversial dare I say that might be too strong of a term but it was a bit of a wobbly patch and they spent a lot of time on it if they do Gen 2 legendary armor they're running that exact same risk again it might look like there might also be something here about how it competes with outfit sales or something I I don't know but if the idea is it's risky because people might like not like the specific visuals well the more sets of legendary armor come in eventually you're gonna hit a visual that people enjoy you know all they have to do is make the Gen 2 sets look very different from the Gen 1 sets and they're likely now to appeal to audience members that fell unsatisfied the first time you know so I I do think that this is a really good idea and I would love to log into a guild wars where I get to work on legendary armor again that would be awesome now two little side notes first you've got back pieces I do see space for back pieces but I'm going to come to that again in a minute in a different part of this video and then finally there are there's the idea of the aqua breather now look this is basically the last slot in the game we don't have a legendary Aqua Bree that you can't get it um so I think it would be nice to be in Guild Wars I would like to finally finish you know my last item and make that legendary but let's be real is this actually an expansion selling thing no I actually I think they should do it but they should hide it you know if they're going to do a big underwater themed expansion like the Kraken or whatever I I would hide this a bit like the Griffin was hidden at the end of POF it'll be big and it'll be special it'd be cool and it will take effort to get but it's not something anyone knows about until they stumble on it after they've been in the story or something I think that's the best way to do the aqua reader I don't really have anything else to say about it to be honest it's more of a novelty for very dedicated Players let's be real speaking of features that I'm not too keen on um with the aqua breather there here's another big one now I mentioned in the the discords uh just the other day I said guys I'm thinking of this video where I want to do all these these different features for mini X facts but I'm kind of drawing a blank and one of the responses I got from you guys was was an old outstanding feature polymock so polymock was a thing if you guys are out the loop on this way back in the day in eye of the north this was a Guild Wars one expansion That was supposed to be basically hinting at all the things that would come in with the sequel game and one of the big things either North did was it introduced this game played by the Asura called polymock where it's essentially like tonic battles you assume the Visage of a monster and it's monster V monster I believe that was quite a long long time ago that polymock was kind of like Pokemon in Guild Wars um and clearly this was something they wanted to do for the sequel game there's a an unused polymock arena in Radisson that has been there for 10 years and hasn't been touched so that's an obvious thing to say well let's do polymock in one of these mini X facts and I do think finally actually with a mini X-Pac polymock is exactly the kind of thing that would be in scope this could be the feature but I don't actually really know how Keen I am on this I think there's much better things the game can keep doing I would take even some of those more obscure mounts I think than polymock it's one of those weird things where it's like with this really be a benefit to the game or is it just something we're talking about because it seems to be an outstanding issue you know and it's kind of difficult to disentangle those two ideas sometimes the most excited I'd be for polymock is if it came in as a mini pet system like it's a mini pet battler different Mini Pets have different capabilities and obviously in other MMOs we see they use their minis for you know mini battle games like this but this is always going to be a bit of a side novelty I'm a bit worried it would end up like costume brawl or belcher's Bluff something that ostensibly people can do while they're waiting around for metas but they don't in the end because you know the system wasn't thought through well enough or whatever I don't know if they spend a whole mini X back purely thinking about polymock as the big feature maybe they can engineer something really cool and maybe having a feature like that that people can participate in while waiting for you know their raid boss Pearl or waiting for uh you know their strike Mission or particularly the meta events maybe that's really good but it's a lower priority for me I must be honest but I'll mention it here in the video and finally the last big feature this I would put alongside housing is actually genuinely really good and something to sit up and pay attention to uh is playable races yeah you could probably guess I was going to say this in this video now look I have done countless hours and hours countless videos countless streams countless discussions on the viability of new playable races about the voice acting staff about the armor staff about leveling about whether it matters because does it affect combat or not and everything about it we've talked unendingly about it I'm not going to do it in this video but I will just restate once again I am of the opinion there are viable ways of doing new playable Races they would be incredibly exciting the best thing about this as a concept is it is a signal to people outside of the game people who are not currently fans of Guild Wars 2 that hey there's a new thing you can level and play a bunch of noobs are joining it's a bit like the steam release right and getting fresh blood into the game and growing the game is like priority number one I think that this is an excellent feature it appeals to many vets not all vets but many vets and it's very very good for new players and they got some great Concepts as well a lot like housing it's something you can keep giving once that first mini expat comes out that sort of sets the precedent and exactly how it can be done and will be done then new Mini expats can add new races you know I think Tengu would be the first I would want to see I really want to play as Tengu kodan after that Lagos maybe there's a bit of an issue with the wings and then they can go on to wackier or weirder Concepts just based on you know how things have been going I know there are people out there that say oh you could get playable quagen you know when we get to very very weird body proportions and sizes and stuff I start to get a bit iffy about it but you know there's also nothing wrong with them writing new law that uh has new races for us to play that are in that humanoid space can use a bunch of the old armor I think there is unending potential here I think there's even potential for new categories of the existing races so like for example we have the Asura right now if they did an expansion where we go back to the depths and we find other Asura there ancient Asura cities that survived primorders and managed to live down there these Asura might look very different they might look a lot more like the Guild Wars Monastery are very different proportions but they are essentially well that's like a new playable race a new type of a sir that you can play I think there's a lot you know silvari from other pale trees there's a lot of possibility here this would look very good for many expats I've saved it for last on the list here but I feel emphatically that this should be done uh so there you go so those are the big feature ideas hopefully that's somewhat invigorating to you guys now uh for this next bit of video I I want to close it down just discussing another thing that many expats can do on the feature front that shouldn't be ignored I kind of Imagine mini X facts as doing a big feature and then like a smaller thing on the side so let's talk about this idea of smaller things on the side what can those be well like reworks and enhancements of established stuff in the game so there's a moment in the blog post a bit like where they very sneakily say combat updates and we don't really know what that means in the context of elite specializations there's a moment as well where they suggest they can go back to old things and update them and I sort of said at the time well how how does that really work well I do think that there's space here I'm talking about updates that would be a big benefit to Guild Wars 2 but they're way too meaty for random small patches like think about world three and four of the super adventure box when we're dealing with mini x-backs and just charging ahead constantly where they still don't really have space for world three and four of the super adventure box Living World season one was a similar type thing and look at what they had to do they burned a year really re-implementing that obviously also setting up a lot of what we're going to be playing soon um but you know that there's not really space for anything like that if they didn't do Living World season one last year when would they ever have found a way to do it so one of the other games I'm a big fan of and uh follow very closely is Stellaris from Paradox Studios you might remember I did a series about it on YouTube and they kind of do mini Xbox too but they've got a very cool concept that I think arenanet could pay attention to which is that Paradox essentially realized you don't have to sell everything in their like upcoming expansion what they'll do is they'll look at reworking a core system or something about the core game that's broken and could use improvements they'll rework it perk it up it's kind of a part of the expansion but technically they didn't sell it with the expansion it's just that it launched when the expansion launched and while they're technically not the same thing by releasing everything all together everyone's excited and everyone ends up getting the expansion and they all play together and usually like their big core game rework will have a hook into the new box that they're selling and it creates a ton of hype so let me give you a very clear idea here like let's look at Guild missions okay I really believe that Guild missions right now desperately need to be looked at we need new they're in a sorry state they're one of the best ways of keeping groups of people together a fun thing that people can go together and do every week particularly for those of us who don't raid or don't strike you know we don't feel comfortable in those areas Guild missions were a great place to have a community and a meaning for a community and Guild Wars but they're in a sorry State and they have been for years the priority one is that there's you need something good to spend that currency on the guild Mission currency that people are going to want New Missions as well they're going to want a lot of the weird Jank and clunk that's especially like in the PVP in the World versus World missions and stuff to be ironed out people like the idea of new puzzles well let's look at mini x-pacs I think that each mini x-pack Arena net should look at a system like this like Guild missions and say okay this mini expect this is the one where we look at Guild missions Guild mission to get a bunch of time a bunch of Love they get the the stuff that they need and while they're at it maybe there's a couple of new Guild missions in the mini x-back but that's the focus this time and in this way even though they're spending a bunch of time and resources just fixing core game issues they can talk about it in expansion press and it all builds hype for the game and it all actually continues to fix up and help the game so I think this is a really good idea each mini X back should just look at a different thing from the base game and improve it and maybe give it a little hook uh some things on this list I would say like activities you know they were we were talking about polymock just now is one of those things that could have been in Guild Wars 2 and wasn't back in early Guild Wars Two blog posts before the game came out they were talking about a bunch of activities that still aren't in the game and what about South Sun survival and all these weird things well maybe these guys just need a bit of a look they need some rewards put on them that people will actually find a bit more meaningful they need to be you know more evident when what daily activity is for the day people should be able to go to them and they should get that little bit of a a refresh uh dailies themselves as well I would love an update to the Daily fees and daily rewards and how that structure works World versus World is a perfect example here as well if we talk about the idea of a new Borderlands or New World versus World abilities or extensions to the current World versus World abilities this is where I think that space for that should exist uh now they've talked a lot about DirectX 11 and stuff lately but you know there are improvements they might be able to make to the graphics to the rendering capabilities to different options we get UI improvements all that kind of stuff bundled with Xbox one thing that people constantly are talking about and I really don't actually stand by but for an example underwater combat as well a lot of people say oh they really want underwater to be improved they need to look at underwater underwater I actually think that's a terrible idea and a non-starter but it's an example of something well paired with a mini xpac fractals as well there's a lot of bloating fractals that can be removed there's this idea of do they lean into the idea of it being a heavy progression game type I.E add more tears fractals T5 fractals T6 fractal C7 and on or do they just completely change it uh Ford is worth I think they should lean into it as a progress thing and there's maybe a discussion for another story but you know Concepts like integrating the explorable dungeons into fractals those kinds of ideas um personal story improvements new player experience stuff fixing up the zaitan fight I believe that there's some big YouTuber or streamer that just tried Guild Wars 2 and hated the zaitan fight like 50 000 people saw it was terrible and uh you know if Irina ever want to fix stuff like that with a new player update pair it with a mini X back and so finally I'll come back uh to this idea of other legendaries earlier I was talking about like legendaries and new slots but what about like a golden fractal backpack or an Abyssal fractal backpack or New World vs world and PVP backpacks or just any other legendaries Trinkets and stuff like that I think that adding new legendaries in established slots that's not that exciting but it's really good to pair with the like these refreshes so for example if they're gonna refresh Guild missions pair it with a mini X back well maybe one of the things that would make Guild missions really exciting and something people would like to do is if there's a legendary you can earn through Guild missions by collecting enough of the tickets and so on a mini expat comes out suddenly people have loads of Guild missions that they can do to earn a legendary they're all getting communities with mini X back and away they go you know and that works really well up until the next one um so yeah I think that that is the other side of this I think there's two things they want to create new features but they also want to find the space to fix something up with Guild Wars and and sort of pair that as a feature too hope you haven't articulated that well that was a bit waffely to be honest at the end of the video there but there you have it that's my thoughts on features and uh that's basically everything I have to say about mini xpacks now guys I've had a lot of comments over the past few days of people saying oh it's so good to see you so active blah blah blah blah you know I will be active and I will talk a lot about this game uh when they give us stuff to talk about this game and when you know there's actual meaningful discussion to be had I think that this was a really huge announcement so naturally there's a lot I want to run through uh these are kind of my thoughts quite happily as well by the way I was fairly cynical when that blog post first came out about various elements but I think over these past few episodes I've sort of convinced myself they can do good stuff instead of elite specs if they're going to get rid of them they can do good stuff for you know stories and areas of the world and I think they can even do good stuff for features for many many years yet as well I mean according to how I feel this is just what I think should happen with the game and where it should go they may have very very different ideas and we'll see whether they do anything like this they might not but I'll be there for videos of that for you guys all as well so yeah keep an eye on the channel I think next I'm going to be looking a lot more at this upcoming patch and we'll be picking up some of our other projects so thank you very very much for watching guys if you've got interesting thoughts and comments uh let me have those because I can do some follow-up q and A's should be a good time I mean as long as people are watching and there's activity I'm really happy to keep doing it thank you everybody it's been a great time uh let me know what you think and I'll see you on the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: WoodenPotatoes 🥔
Views: 14,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guild Wars 2, WoodenPotatoes, Gaming, Guild Wars, ArenaNet, Tyria, Sylvari, Charr, Guild Wars 2 2021, Guild Wars 2 2020, Guild Wars 2 Gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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