We Build a Tiny House! CatNap vs Dogday vs Smiling Critters! One Colored Challenge!

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somebody help you done for silly kids catnap save us what the don't touch the children Delight get down we're okay why I ought to destroy are we saved not so fast don't hurtles calm down now you're saved I think it's much better yes now C step is our bestie hurry up come with me wow this is where I live I'll tell you the rules of the house yes this is the best bedroom ever it's crazy the disco ball is great move dog day I'll sleep here hey I saw it first I noticed it first why I ought to try me I want it too no me no me mine guys don't fight how about you sit quietly and I'll build you houses over there okay wow okay I knew you'd be into it voila here's the plan wow so many things let's start with the basics martial arts K it's easyn rock duh ready H I hope the two lives I spent in art school were not in vain let's get started oh I know I just made crafty corn I'm so talented you that means it's true done wow Perfect the final touch what about me now what don't move Poppy we'll make you too H let me think oh a camera that might come in handy how does it work 1 2 3 one 2 three got it poppy smile crafty corn that's so rude don't get in the way okay and got it a what a cute photo now we need to crop and and maximum Zoom sick oh what do we have here a unicorn I thought they were extinct let's fix that it's her again catnap catnip help smile Delight no problem I don't feel so good no Paparazzi you wish ouch my face oh it hurts that's it I'm going to I'll call you later cowo what we made it huh that was easy ew you dropped this eh it'll come in handy nice aw my sweet [Music] baby hm this is what I need Mr Huggy greetings what a wonderful claw can I borrow it ah what give it back are you crazy I need it now yes now don't be greedy what this is my baby oh no so high baby what have I done hey guys help me save the baby like this video as much as POS possible please not enough keep going hurry nice job pH it works is everything okay with the baby so cute don't even get close to him or you'll be sorry I got it and the fabric is perfect just staple it keep going pH the fur is [Music] done I am so itchy I can't deal with it ew disgusting I see the spray was just lying around sick and the fur will come in handy let's upholster the house check that out off easy as [Music] pie okay and here we have what green fabric too basic now that's perfect don't peek eat check that off so what's next what's going on I'm going to be crushed wow it's magic the ears are done [Music] high five high five let's celebrate poppy poppy oh what's this tape maybe it's Dad's I'll check wow cartoon I'm sorry I need it more [Music] nice oh got it orang orange green blue almost done I'm going to need that wait no this is our toy here's a replacement how cute I like it we need to bleach a little let there be [Music] light wow that's a fine horn [Music] where can we get yours for dog day I think I know come on let me let my claws out what are you up to wait what's behind your ear isn't that a nice scratcher I look good as a red head never mind a little magic that'll work here are the ears [Music] done what can I make Hoppy's tongue out of oh all this building made me hungry one minute gummies M perfect crafty [Music] corn check that out off M don't tease me don't tease me something is missing catap exactly a tongue what do we have here oh hi Mr Huggy Huggy is At Your Service gotcha wo this fabric can I help I'm here if you need anything maybe maybe yogurt or cookies how about milk cola milk cola I'll look in the back yeah please check that's not it that's not milk cola at all I'll borrow this nice haul maybe that'll work where's that cat thank you thank you doesn't pay the rent what's up $5 okay money is no issue at least I found the tongue let's add volume with a pillow cut it out H got it on the first try yes 1 2 three that's it [Music] next what's next hair H there are a couple of options not that this is for dog day maybe this no it's too basic I'll go get paint finally that cat is gone new hair for you let's get started Hey where's the hair guys tell me in the comments who stole the wig Rapunzel did you dye your hair thanks a lot hey no peeking perfect hairstyle got it now what poppy needs eyes let's roll out our balloons and here are the eyes eyes cut out the pupils done add lighting and celebrate dog day also needs eyes let's see Heaven is on our side cut oops I'll make a wish a piece of the night sky and star us can't forget pupils the moon will be perfect oh that's what's on the other side double moon yay a marker done you thought you beat me but I know your weakness catnip where's your ball let's play catch oh what's that smell oh yes I'll take this horn oo great this isn't easy it's my ball so much fun it smells amazing fly H what is this ooh catnap is that yours baby give me the ball okay you can't get it catch well where is he I don't understand crash C hey look she'll ruin everything don't do that Delight now the Unicorn is just a horse well what do I do now what's that noise crafty C my house is ruined so unfair smash yes Anarchy so much fun what have you done you should be ashamed of yourselves we'll have to redo everything we're sorry it turned out okay um what's that oh balls of wall I'm turning them into something nice no peeking ready isn't it nice wow like new could you help me blow a balloon I'll teach you watch it's not working all right then breathe in and out there I did amazing help oh hang on I'm coming save me you guys hit the thumbs up to save evine we need more help almost there add some for my supplies 1% to go another thumbs up H wow thank you guys what is this oops it's mine you can have it so what do I do next a balloon popped I'll help heads up a rolling pin thanks it's basically a godsend I'll roll out the ball and paint it black ready next I add pupils making a crescent and adding a neon strap there [Music] the cat has eyes some static electricity May there be light what do we think it's wonderful big deal I'm the real Beauty in here hold on this head is crying out for hair I'll look up online no hard pass oh yeah sick what do you have to say now spectacular evine how do you feel about it I'm obsessed I could use a new hair you know I need a phone to do that oh yeah bye wow boxs no it's her hair H what my hair you [Music] [Applause] [Music] snap the wig is mine so is the phone H mess things are back to normal now hey what what's up I know we need a mouth here it comes I clean the fabric fat chance give up on it or you'll regret it stop I'm sleepy all of a sudden you bet the fabric only belongs to me nice that's out of the way that's a soft ottoman an idea hit me I'll do a red cover and add a tongue so it looks super real oh yeah I had the most amazing nap huh loser you didn't do absolutely anything the fabric is for me end of story end of story Fabric's mine pH we're all good the eyes and the mouth are done next on the list is a nose question is we need some supplies for it I got it that's not going to cut it a hammer perhaps uh not good either think harder a nose oh yeah there [Music] wow awesome to have a dazzling smile you need teeth drawing done oops that's awkward bottom and top they are kind of dim dentist come right away who called a dentist yeah the teeth must be blinding the task is pretty clear starting off with floss it's helpless in this case bigger floss might work oh yeah this one's nice we'll clean every single tooth make sure you brush your teth teeth really well there you have it blinding teeth I'll brush mine too ready yet lovely thanks there you go yeah glad to be of help hey I need your hand actually um where are the teeth I feel like napping the timing is really bad oops Miss Delight help Delight what is the big fuss hurry up a moment bam pH thanks you had my back another box checked off next comes the bow adding blush on the cheeks I'm making a bow with bone Rubber and red fabric [Music] now I'm all set uh-huh another part of the plan completed check it [Music] out nice the pupils are out for some reason it clearly calls for an expert who called for a handyman here I am really could you fix it it's not that big of a deal measuring the height and width oops the nose came off quite a predicament it'll be exactly as it was it won't hold up anymore what have I done what if I tape it there I I'll fix it no worries is he legit handyman it's much better than before all you need is good tools [Music] screwdriver tighten it a little [Music] he calls himself a handyman a cord what if you pull it wow it's up and running there's fur I'll help ew it's nasty sorry that'll come in handy fabric cardboard and a marker outlining a paw there I'll wrap it in Fabric and make a night stand all we got to do is add pad so it looks real there fabulous oh no the nose it's still not here Huggy wuggy you to blame I'll sort it out the nose is going back in place my mini house is ready what catnap is all done at this point got to make haste I know cats have a thing for mice wind up in particular run mouse mouse I'm taking this I'll get rid of unnecessary stuff yum yum huh Delight snuck away a paw she'll regret it oops you swiped my [Music] paw what have you done run run oh wow wow the competition is over wow I am free to draw whatever my heart wants next we cut out all this cuteness let's do martial arts Kung Fu Panda inspired oops I forgot the foundation thanks cardboard for this fight hey baby wow the silhouette is ready oh this fabric will come in handy it matches my complexion it must be secured well I stretch the fabric real nice so there are no creases I'm done how is it looking if you ask me it needs hair good thinking what do I make it from foam rubber what oh oh yeah stunning idea I'm making a Chic foam hairstyle that's a great shade for my hair I'm covering the foam layer with the fabric taada my hair is complete wo that's sick we're through with the hairy challenge this head needs some teeth fair enough I can handle that drawing straight snow white teeth cutting out a straight jaw here are our Jaws thoughts aren't the teeth cute oh I missed something look at the teeth it's really bad I can handle them in no time lord our teeth who are you uh-oh I'm somewhere else I'm coming you guys hit the thumbs up to save me from catnap I'm desperate she's close you didn't make it sweet dreams uh-oh someone's coming here she is aw my baby is tight asleep lovely what's that my maze what happened here my teeth they hit you with a maze H question is who did it you guys comment down below who knocked out the [Music] teeth oh what has this mace been through I think I know how to fix it I need pencils and glue I'll glue the mixing pencils to the bald side of the mace there you go it was pretty easy woo great idea taada I made it poor tea emergency dental care needed let's get a drill hang on a second an anesthetic injection comes first give it some time to kick in that's it we're good to treat your teeth oh yeah ready feels nice to be back in my own clothes beautiful smile oh oh what's under my feet right I forgot something lights for a radiant smile huh why isn't it working a clap might work huh louder that's right I do have a button it did the trick all shiny what do you think of my teeth brilliant this box is complete unlike mace fixing H an oral cavity would be nice here what is it oh I think I figured it out this dark matter is perfect I no peeking here's the tongue it's Hefty you know ready I like the mouth the mouth is done now we need a collar the task is pretty clear okay the renovation work goes on oh I'm going to destroy the head have some Dynamite bone appeti uh-oh my face where is it pH my head what's going on no not the head it's my weak spot stop I'll put on a good song hey you are trying to blow my head up get out you filthy cat lady and merret room volum oh man I'm hurt what a confrontation oh what's that these are balloons they will make great eyes all I got to do is inflate them not working baby I could use some help aw a [Music] balloon uh-oh you took it too far sweetie are you okay no more balloons I guess we have a pump yeah wow this is perfect next we should paintt the eyes white oh I should be painting the balloon not me there let's go now I add a black C Ball sweet one eye is ready so is the other one how do you feel about it I'm almost done with eyes too oh right lashes what do I need Maybe Cal nah let's see what what about a chocolate bar definitely not H hey I've got what you need knitting yarn oh right up my alley let's go to the checkout what he's fast fine congrats you're our thousandth customer huh what's all this for woo woo this is your gift come again okay thanks let's check out the gifts I got what hot glue and zip ties quite a gift um second thought it'll come in handy the ties look a lot like lashes Flawless all I got to do now is glue the tube with lashes on the eyes of the [Music] house great and just like that we've made a bright look untangling yarn is basically a walk in the park oh well it's harder than I expected is there an entangling manual by any chance my yarn where are you going that's it game over now I need to cut out a perfect eyebrow shape and wrap yarn Around It Fabulous attaching my soft eyebrow right above the eye oh an extra hair it's calling for an eyebrow correction trim the excess ready baby how is it looking nice the eyes are done oh is there anything else in the Box oh red fabric I know how to use it I should draw two even circles pH now we cut it [Music] out ready stapler come to Mama next I'm giving the head some cute blush who did amazing it's me the mace reconstruction is almost done ooh more red fabric awesome it's long I'll fill it with foam rubber and tie a bow it turned out neat all I have to do is secure it oh can't reach it h magic oh yeah nice how do we feel about the bow isn't it cute it is we're through with this task we did terrific hush the craziest thing is about to begin oh boy oh yeah get ready for Mayhem and [Applause] solution gosh out of bullets it's over what are we do now huh moving on to plan B [Music] paper pH ruining stuff is tiring you know holy smokes huh what it's a nightmare we'll have to clean it up in super fast mode oh brush off the dust it's spotless yay the color would be the last thing to do what's left no no and why is this picture here oh I love this hat it's time for a style makeover Miss Delight how do you feel about my new style you look like a million bucks I have an idea a fabric [Music] collar nah it doesn't feel right the fabric is not enough I'll go buy us all we need at a store what is this drawing it's a sketch of pom's head right I didn't put on glasses we're all good now I'll add hands right here hey used to be yours now it's mine so tacky gosh my sketch hand it over get it back it's mine incoming want to have it back it's not going to work hand it over right this second this nah you regret it don't ruin my work what are you [Applause] done losar with a dumb cap bullying kids is unacceptable take that and you he's scared to death bye what about my sketch it's a wreck don't worry I'll fix things that's sick can't believe my dream will come true soon shall we yeah first order of business transfer the sketch to cardboard good it out this is not for kids why not you can play with the new doll wow get to work we just got to get rid of the excess taada the outline is cut out check your cap needs an adjustment it could be an idea idea let's DIY a [Music] cap give me a brush heads up and glue there no no all right here's your glue thanks I apply glue to the edges of the cardboard and attach a layer of foam rubber wrapping it in red fabric [Music] securing with a [Music] stapler off to a good start next I add the remaining pieces and now we have a cute cap I found a neon light hand it over I do like it myself I really need it okay you can have it I fasten the trip where the pieces are joined switch on fabulous yay the second part of the plan is complete we've been working our butts off we can take a break a bedtime story oh yeah some sleep would be nice get cozy and listen once upon a time there live baby pomy surprise gosh Kane where is my hammer looking for this don't worry I'm here ha kiss your doll goodbye she'll end up under the toy press you guys save pomy doll hit the like button we need 5,000 likes so Kane disappears chop chop please more likes pH we made it Kane the Fun's over please not Cosmo can't run away from me it's [Music] hilarious yeah we're free of him a fluffy blanket I have an idea I have scissors ready to go trim the excess sew along the edge and stopping voila we made a fluffy pom pom the third part is over I'm done with the cap edging help I'm tangled up I'll set you free Spin that was fun totally I'll use the neon light how it's supposed to be used another part of the plan is successfully complete gosh my toy what has it been through it's ruined don't cry I'll fix it my doll oops look a bird huh what do I do oh I know I'll cut out a cardboard [Music] bunny adding [Music] details taping it up and adding stuffing [Music] your new squishy toy is ready thanks it's so cute let's keep going I almost forgot about time I powdered my nose here's an idea the cardboard pomy could use some makeup too not working should I use paint you're a genius hold the face powder thanks I'm cute um the roll is not going to cut it I need another one this one is just as bad what do I paint with is a can of paint any good all I want is a decent brush finally there I'm done painting next I add round eyes outline with a marker your turn ready yeah one and two nice job wait up I have a surprise balloons we can make eyes out of [Music] them MH it looks really funny nah this is too much don't try that hard there's a better way let's use a vacuum switch on the reverse mode first ball done and the second next we color the eyes all draw the pupil and color it with markers painting the rest [Music] white and I'm [Music] done the eyes are now where they belong I found light bulbs great idea [Music] eyes check no not yet we forgot something what is it be patient you'll see in a second I need more Neon Lights something is in the way it's Kane here I am missed me we didn't want to see you oops a vacuum switch it on serves you right Kane stay right here we're done with him uh-oh something's wrong with the vacuum oh no hide right now I'll disguise myself under a blanket surprise oh you can't hide from me where is everyone Kane no one oops could it be here nope mind blow glowing I let them [Music] slip got to look elsewhere don't you dare come back you psycho we have got to get back at him good point we'll set a trap place a box of feathers right over the door hello blow Lego scattered in front of the door we'll also take the door nasty [Music] slime I'll finally add some [Music] light yay cardboard pomy is lacking blush there is a can of spray paint around question is [Music] where thanks a bunch W we've got blush it's still missing something you don't think so can't really tell I can't put my finger on it do you know what we forgot comment down below a mouth duh thanks for the help [Music] yeah face is done tangled hair I'll bail you out comb it and put on the cap lovely what about hair for the other pomy let's jump right to it you are so lucky to have a professional stylist close your eyes don't peek okay the fabric is really good perfect Tada ready open your [Music] eyes that's a funny hairstyle I got the point I'll fix it diee right here trim over here redo here oh thought how do we feel about [Music] it it's awful you don't like it whatever huh how lucky is that this is exactly the kind of blanket I need cutting out there
Channel: Troom Troom
Views: 354,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: troom troom, we build a tiny house, catnap, tiny house, hoppy poppy playtime, poppy playtime 3, smiling critters, catnap poppy playtime, troom oki toki, catnap x dog day, We Build a Tiny House for Smilling Critters, Poppy Playtime Chapter 3, hoppy hopscotch, craftycorn, dogday, trum trum, one colored house challenge, one colored challenge, troom troom trick, troom trick
Id: TRX4yXQhugI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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