[Music] you [Music] [Music] hey I'm ready get your Bible you're gonna need it tell dr. Perry stone how glad you are he's come to Columbus to bless us [Applause] you [Music] I want to do one thing before you recede I want you to give the Lord the best praise you've given him so far I liked it here the saints of God how to work being you can be seated god bless you my my mind how many of you is anybody here this is the very first time you've been to this church stand up I want pastors to see how many first-timers here this is the first time you've ever been here pastor's going to give you a big hug right now you gonna give you a group hug good to have you thank you so much for coming it means a lot to us and I want you to know that and I said this morning I believe it with all my heart about two years ago maybe three years ago we were talking about how the in America the way things were going there was not a voice a person that could speak truth to people to be become the voice for the body and when Pastor parsley God began to talk to him about this I said this is the man that God's going to use to be the voice to put the people together they put the team together around the United States because folks i'ma tell you something if we don't get with it we're in trouble as a nation and God's people would ever background you're from it's times as he said speak up stand up speak up and pray and pray up hmm are you still here pastor thank you for the invitation I mean it I've respected you too admired you for years and just to be in this church is a great honor and you invite me back come back really well think I will you guys are so sweet you get in your Bible go to the Book of Ruth Lord Lord Lord I'm ready to preach I feel like I've said it before I feel like I'm at the Kentucky Derby and I'm a racehorse and the gate just open Ruth chapter 1 I'm going to show you something it's amazing to me if you watch our program manifest you'll know that I like to study the symbolism of the Bible the cycles the patterns the types and the shadows it's amazing to me classes one says it this way the thing which has been is that which shall be and there's nothing new Under the Sun it amazes me how you can read something in the Bible that happened years ago centuries ago and yet find truth that's relevant for us today we're going to show you a relevant truth from the Book of Ruth and then I'm going to carry you into the prophetic and show you some prophetic things later on in this message now since this is the last night I'll be with you how many of you are ready to hang with me till God gets the word out come on shout let me hear you shout now alright here we go Ruth chapter one I want you to look with me as I read verse one it simply says this it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled that there was a famine in the land and a certain man of Bethlehem Judah notice not just Bethlehem not just Judah Bethlehem Judah the words are together you don't find it that often in the Bible where Bethlehem and Judah are together in the same statement here same sentence went to soldiered in the country of Moab but he and his wife and two sons now let me stop there because believe it or not I'm going to key up and pin in and tie into that first verse of root chapter 1 there are four people main people in the story a woman by the name of Naomi her husband by the name of Elimelech a boy by the name of meh along and another son by the name of Killian now every name means something as most of you know Naomi in Hebrew basically means a pleasant person or a pleasant personality or a pleasant one Melek Melek is king in Hebrew and Ellen Malik means God is our king then you have Mellon and Killian which is very interesting because their name in Hebrew means to be sickly or weak and to wither away now the reason I believe the boys have this name is because when a child was born the parents would name it either something relating to its birth or something prophetic about it I believe these were probably two sons that were born very very sickly some believe they were even twins may having been born prematurely and the parents name them a name that identified them as being sickly you got to be careful what you name your kids because these two boys ended up dying a few years later in the land of Moab now here's what I want to key up on right here I want to show you that the Bible says that they were from a place called Bethlehem Judah Bethlehem and when you see a word in the Bible with the letters in English be ETH it's usually the Hebrew letter back the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet in Hebrew school they'll tell you that every Hebrew letter has a symbol or an emblem and Aleph the first letter represents an ox bet the second letter represents a house so when you see names in the Bible that begin with Beth be Eph in English it's the Hebrew letter bent and it always means house of something you've got Beth Shemesh mentioned you've got Beth Shaun mention and here you've got Bethlehem so what does it mean let him in Hebrew is the word for bread so this place is called the House of bread but notice something and this is very very very important that in this scripture it's also identified as Bethlehem Judah why is this connected to Bethlehem Judah because Bethlehem is in the tribe of Judah but what does the name Judah mean Judah was the fourth son of Jacob and it means praise or praise Judah is always identified as a lion Lions roar the roar of the line can be heard a mile away the roar of the lion will paralyze a rabbit or squirrel a small animal even in zoos a lion's roar paralyzes small animals in fear and so Bethlehem Judah identifies this place as a house of feeding a house of bread and a place of worship let me just tell you that this is a picture of the true church the true church is to be a place of bread where people are fed it is to be a place of worship where they come together and worship the Lord now Bethlehem was known historically for three things that you just might not be familiar of number one Bethlehem was known for some of the purest cleanest crystal clear keep breaking water that you'll ever drink in the wells of Bethlehem David on one occasion wanted water from the well do you remember that he could have gotten water anywhere out of the springs of the desert but he wanted water from Bethlehem so watch this so Bethlehem is identified with pure clear water Bethlehem is identified with wheat fields and barley fields because the grain that was used for the tabled shewbread in the Temple of Solomon came from Bethlehem thirdly according to enter shine that a Jewish historian Bethlehem was a place where baby lambs were raised for the poor people who couldn't afford to bring them from the family so when you understand that Bethlehem is known for the water Bethlehem is known for the bread and Bethlehem it's known for the Lambs it all makes sense why Jesus had to be born in Bethlehem hood the Bible said I am the bread come down from heaven jesus said I am the living water if you drink with me you never thirst again and he's identified as a Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world so he was from the Bethlehem and these things identify Bethlehem just as the church is identified as a place where Christ is preached as the bread from heaven and the living water and the Lamb of God now something strange began to happen in the House of bread it says suddenly a famine happened in the house of bread do you know that there are times when churches go dry it's a spiritual famine there are times when the atmosphere changes there are times when people don't worship as they should there are times they don't give like they should they don't pray like they should and all of a sudden you walk in the building now listen to me and you leave service feeling worse than you did when you came in and there's famines or spiritual dry spells that break out in the church and there was a famine in Bethlehem it wasn't supposed to be that way but here's what happens don't miss my point because we're going to go somewhere when a famine broke out in Bethlehem you have one of two choices you either stay there like Boaz did because you don't read we're go as left his field you either stay there and you ride it out knowing it's not gonna stay that way forever or you leave and go somewhere else that you think it's better and I've got news for you many many times when people leave a place of famine to go somewhere where they think it's better the grass isn't always greener on the other side it might be a septic tank making it green you from Kentucky you know what I'm talking about now having said that you've got to follow me because I haven't start preaching yet I'm just laying my foundation right here if you don't mind it says that Naomi eliminated me hello Nikki Leon decided to leave Bethlehem the house appraised the house of worship the place where the wells were and go to a place called Moab now here's what you've got to understand at that mode you know the Moabites were the Moabites were was the mobitz daddy originally was Moab and Moab was a son born to lot but that son was born not to Lot's wife who became a pillar of salt but do lots daughter let's make it plain that child was born through an act of incest so in other words Moab's history was not a really good history because Moab identifies itself as wrong type of seed see when people get into a famine oh don't get me going on this now and they went to Moab they went to a place where and lived among people that the seed the heritage of the season now you know I'm talking about the word because mark bore said the seed is the word of God but they were not going to get the same type of seed they would get in Bethlehem they weren't going to get the same kind of word that they would get in Bethlehem but see they decided to cross the Jordan River go over into the land of Moab and there they were going to live now let's break it down just a little bit let's break it down to the famine in the church what causes a famine in the natural first the natural in the spirit so spiritual what cause of the famine in the natural is a lack of rain what is the holy spirit representative of living now watch this in the individual he is a river of living water but among the collective body of believers he's rain when the Bible talks about pouring out the Spirit that is a collective outpouring on a body of people when it talks about John seven out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water that's an individual manifestation see I have the spirit in me you had the spirit in you he's with me when I get up in the shower in the morning drive my car and go to work however when I get together with the collective body of believers and all the streams start coming together it creates an atmosphere of spiritual rain in the atmosphere so that it so there's nothing dry going on but what happens with a church it's famine is this that there's no rain there's no outpouring of the Spirit hey you'll discover something most people never leave a church as long as the anointing is flowing people are falling under the power folks are getting saved and healed the music is great but when things begin to dry up and the pastor just can't get that word going on and the music departments all missed and all of a sudden there's stripe breaking out here in problems breaking out there things become dry God has anybody ever been there and it becomes dry and so what happens is no rain produces a dry spell a dry spell produces famine why is it what's going on because listen what the Bible says a lot of the reason why churches never have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit is because of the word called pride they're too proud to break through too proud to worship afraid it's going to become too emotional in the congregation but listen to what the Bible says Leviticus 26 19 the pride of your power and make your heavens of iron and your earth as brass when the Bible identify heavens of iron it's heavens of brass when there's heavens of brass that is in the Hebrew idiom meaning no rain it's not going to rain there's not going to be any outpouring why because of the pride that is in people's heart now let's go and step further there's some things that begin to happen when a famine strikes your life or strikes the congregation did you know that wild beasts start coming out when there's a famine in the earth you've got sharks in Florida that when droughts would hit Florida and weird things would happen they'd come on in to the coastline to try to devour something or devour just whatever they can find now here's the point that I want to make when when famine strikes a believer and a believer really gets hungry they got to be careful because the famine will either drive you to God or it will drive you away from God because you won't understand why you're going through what you're going through now if you start being driven away from God here's what you've got to watch people who get real hungry will eat anything in the Bible it says that they were eating doves dung and donkeys heads now you know oh don't get me on this you know in Matthew 3 that it does is a picture of the Holy Spirit but see eating doves dung is not normal eating a dove would be there are dub hunters but not doves dung see when people go through famine they lose their ability to know how to deal with the Holy Spirit you'll get that in a minute now what's this not only did that happen but in the Old Testament also said there was a famine in the land so bad that a woman started eating her own child get ready because I'm about to tell you something you see I was raised not around great churches like this I was raised in coal camps like you were my daddy was my daddy's daddy was a coal miner my granddad was a coal miner so we were raised in West Virginia I can relate to Kentucky because Kentucky is just like West Virginia the mining areas are and most of the churches were rural churches but you better hear what I'm going to tell you you see the Bible teaches that people will start eating weird things when they get really dry in a famine and the worst thing people can do is start eating other people what do you mean cannibalism no Paul wrote to the Galatians he said why do you bite and devour one another why are you using the words of your mouth to cut down your brother and criticize the things of God and if you want to know how important is about what you eat Jesus said eat my flesh drink my blood you're going to have life in you that's the communion service but what's what happens in the Old Testament God was giving his real manna manna food from heaven angels food and what do those people do what did they do they wanted quail they wanted flesh to eat and God gave them quail and they a quail for 30 days straight and finally God starts smiting them with sickness and they began to die because they were not meant in the wilderness to eat the quail because you if you don't have a way of storing it up keeping it right it's going to kill you it's going to make you sick they were supposed to eat the bread come down from heaven now what I'm trying to say to you is this when people in a local church get Drive they start turning on each other and many times they start devouring one another they devour the pastor I tell you he just don't preach like he used to what's he getting sidetracked for all this mess going on in the church by God then it started out on the music program I'll tell you it's allowed in there I'm gonna have to wear me some over my head next time I go to church why they got a jumping shot all the time why can't they just get up there and sing you got to understand when you're getting blessed you're getting fed when you're getting said you're not in famine but if you're not getting sad then you're going to get dry and you better watch out when you go dry because if you start eating people God might just kill you well Bible course Paul wrote to the Church of Corinth and he said you there's divisions and contentions among you which ought not be then he writes about the communion service about taking the bread and the fruit of the vine and receiving it and he says for this cost many are sick and weakly among you and many sleep because you do not discern the body of Christ you know what they were doing they were eating people cutting people down criticizing people I'm not talking about dealing with sin but I'm not dealing with issues I'm talking about brothers and sisters who were in the body of Christ and God's not going to put up with it you missed a good place to shout amen sometimes you need to fake in a man or I'm gonna think you're guilty let me tell you something else ready for this whoo when Jesus in mark chapter 5 went to the land of the gadarenes do you all hear a word in that statement there's a tribe I just named right there who is it yeah let me tell you that the tribe of GAD the tribe of GAD lived the farthest from the temple when and I will talk about this to know when they had to go three times a year to celebrate the Feast guess who had the furtherance to come but cries of GAD so they got tired of coming you know what they did they built an altar up in their territory and the priest went up there and sent some representatives and what are you doing this is an abomination of God you're not to copy the altar they said owner this is just a memorial to tell our children about it so they let him have it see for some of you to get here is the longer Drive than others for some of you to get here cost a little bit more gas than others for some of you to get here takes a bit more time than others but let me tell you why it's important you get here because the most demons Jesus ever met in his ministry was in the tribe of GAD and they were the furthest away from God's presence and the further away you live from fellowshipping with people and being in God's house and hanging around the saints of God demons will get comfortable and Jesus encountered a man with two thousand demons in him and he was called the man of Ghaderi demons get come I listen to this man here's what it says about him it says and the devil drove him into the wilderness watch this the Bible said and the spirit led Jesus into the woods you know what it means to be led it means you're following it means the Holy Ghost says follow me Jesus follow me Jesus so I see when you leave somebody I will lead you to church there in front of you to drive somebody is to push them from and this man had no control over his own emotions or his own life and so the devil was driving him the Greek word driven means to push as the wind does when it hits a sail of a ship and it drives it in the direction of however the wind is blowing don't miss this in Luke's Gospel Luke makes the statement I'm talking about spirits for just a moment here he makes a statement he said when the unclean spirits going out of the man it walks through dry places if I say Dry places seeking rest and finding none my point and I don't want you to miss this is simply this that evil spirits get comfortable when the atmosphere of your life gets dry and when the Holy Spirit is not flowing and the water is not flowing I preached this years ago I think Norval Haslett picked up on and so to jettison demons can't swim you know what I'm talking about in mark chapter 5 they went into the pigs the pigs committed suicide you got to really be from the hills to understand that way the pigs committed suicide 2,000 of them drown and then when they when they drown they had the demons had to go somewhere else here's my point demonic powers are comfortable in dry places that's why if a church goes dry any Church at all and there's no move of God there'll be more contention there'll be more divisions they'll be more strife there'll be more people devouring each other see in the book of Revelation you know I have to go there sooner or later with something it says that the Euphrates River it's 1,800 miles long that it dries up and the next Revelation chapter 16 verse 13 says and when the river dried up three unclean spirits like frogs came out of that river and went into the mouth of the Beast and the mouth of the dragon and the mouth of the false prophets to produce false miracles then I read that one day and said God I know that's literal but there's a prophetic implication of that what is it he said because there's people in the church that act like frogs when things get dry I said what's that mean he said think about this this is what the Lord gave me he said frogs when they're in danger hide when they're about to be exposed until I feel that which is about to expose them leaves and then they pop their head back up so you got some people in the church that are troublemakers that they know when to shut up and when to talk they know who to get around that loves pastor Parsons that they better not say anything about then they know those people that might be easier they can say something about brother stone or you understand what I'm saying hey I just love it when they talk about me somewhere and somebody just says oh by the way all that stuff you said about him I ought to let him know cuz I'm one of his partners number two limite something about frogs you noticed it you don't hear them during the day when the light is now when it gets dark they start croaking you can't see them but you can hear them and I say a third thing about them they don't like flowing water they like stagnant water they like they like the tradition let's do it the old way let's do it the way we used to do it they like it stale they like it stagnant they like it like it's always been they don't care to sit on a little pond and croak I'm telling you there are people that have a froggy spirit in uh you know I'm talking about when the river gets dry you see you understand I was talking a moment ago good lord help me Holy Spirit about no rain that's the collective anointing but this is the afraid he's River so out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water so when you start getting dry and you don't pray like you should and you don't worship like you should and you come to church when you feel like it and not because you're supposed to there's gonna be an old croaking spirit come on you why don't you just look at somebody the next time that you know they have not been around a half's of God in a long time and they're complaining and when you say would you please shut up and quit croaker [Music] something else you need to understand about where people were not worship you know there's churches in Columbus Ohio that will not worship with their mouth they just close their eyes and they say it's they say we're referencing God we respect listen references not deadness I can have my hands raised with tears coming down my face on my knees in a church and be as reverent as somebody who's not doesn't have a word coming out of their mouth but I will say what the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh if you've got a praise in your heart it will come out of your mouth if it's really down here you can't keep it there I noticed this when the sky gets dry and the atmosphere gets tossed dry guess what happens ready dust starts getting stirred you walk and death do tell you the danger of dust the book of Genesis says you were made from the dust man was made from the dust the dust represents the flesh of man or represents what the New Testament calls the carnal nature of man death if I say dust let me tell you something you need to know about dust according to the book of Genesis God told the snake all your life you will eat dust and if you've ever watched a snake a rattlesnake you see those Kentucky Rattlers brother I'm sure you see our snake and it might not be doing much till you start walking toward it and it stung and the closer you get the tongue keeps coming in awhile because it's got a little sensor in the brain that reads the dust particles in the air and it's got poor sight you don't know if you're a deer or a human but the more dust you stir up the easier it is for the serpent to detect what you are who you are how far away you are and when it can make its move against you come on somebody you better hear what I just said the serpent eats the dust the devil eats the flesh offense in other words the carnal nature the corner man it's what Satan feeds offer so you've got to learn to keep the dust down and the only way you can keep a dust down is by a good rainstorm ah now I've got to show you this and we're going to go to the table I want you to go to Zechariah chapter 14 in your Bible whoa didn't I could do that digit Zechariah chapter 14 now my momma in the millennial reign of Christ when Jesus comes back to rule this is something that's going to happen I want you to look at verse 16 of Zechariah 14 have you found and shall yet it should come to pass that every one that is left of all the nations which come up against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the king the Lord of hosts and keep the Feast of Tabernacles I'm going to mention that feast in a moment at this table it shall be that whoever does not come up of all the families of the earth to worship the king even upon them shall be no rain woo can I tell you a fact no rain no worship no worship no rain why is our church so dry have they worshiped why is the atmosphere so indifferent where I go to church do they worship this identifies a spiritual principle of God that worshipers will get rain somebody say worshipers will get rain but there's something you got to do go to Zechariah 10 flip a page or two over Zechariah 10 listen to what he says about rain 10 and verse 1 he said ask of me rain in the time of the latter rain so the Lord shall make brought the clouds and give the showers of rain to everyone the grass of the field why does God say that we're supposed to pray for rain in the middle of rain you know why because this latter ray and earlier and I would Israel asked several Jewish men describe to me the difference between the two and here's what they said when the first rain comes it blankets the whole country and everything gets rained on but when the last rain comes it's called a selective rain and it might rain over here real hard and you'll drive five miles up the road and it's not raining anywhere did you know that's in the Bible did you know that if you go we don't have time into this but if you'll go over to the Book of Amos Amos the Prophet says I'll cause it to rain in one city when it doesn't rain in another city so the people where it's not raining will go to the place where it is raining and say give us water do you know why this church is filled tonight it's because there's people that want some rain there's some people that said I heard it's raining at world Harvest I've heard there's an outpouring going on and you may be a Baptist Methodist Catholic 1.2 God 3 God glory to God you might be of a different background than we could even imagine but I'm telling you there's something that when people get dried they get thirsty when they get thirsty they want water and I'm telling you God said in the time of the last day outport you still gotta pray that I'll mark you as a special place in a special cities and so the people from the city who will know where to go when they need some water hallelujah somebody give the Lord of praise in this house right now please my momma now going back to Ruth follow me very carefully The Book of Ruth it says in chapter 1 toward the end of it that they made their way back to Bethlehem in the time of the barley harvest if I say barley harvest now I get not as much as I used to but I will get letters and emails from people across the United States every time I mention this word rapture I get letters like this that word is not in the Bible no it's not in the English translation of the Bible but neither is the word Trinity neither is the word millennial reign neither is the phrase second coming neither is the word Godhead and the anti-retro crowd uses all four of those words the word Godhead is mentioned not Trinity the millennium is the Latin for a thousand it's mentioned six times the thousand year reign in Revelation chapter 20 so what am I saying rapture is a theological English word to describe the event mentioned in 1st Thessalonians 4:16 and 17 where the Lord descends from heaven with a shout the voice of the Archangel the Trump of God the dead in Christ rise first we who are alive remain shall be here it is caught up you want the Greek word is a zoo it's found four times in the New Testament it's found where it says Paul was caught up into the third heaven the man child was caught up to the throne of God in Revelation chapter 12 that word caught up Phillip was caught up by the spirit for one location and it always means to be moved from one location to another to be physically or bodily caught up from one location I asked a man I didn't ask a Greek scholar eyes command from Greece but as deep as you can go I said what does a face who mean iPad's ooh what's it mean he said well my brother it means this that you're walking together and all of a sudden you hear a noise in turn and the person beside you is not there but he said it not only means that it means if a child would be walking in front of a car and about to get hit you grab them by the hair of the head and you snatch them as fast as you can out of dangers way so if you want to get caught up on words let me just tell you how that the Bible says in Ephesians 1 9 and 10 it's the gathering together if you want to go let another word 2nd Thessalonians 2 talks about the gathering together unto Him so if you can call it the gathering together you can call up the end gathering you can call it what Paul called in Hebrews 12 the General Assembly of the Church of God in heaven call it what you want to but when the Trump of God sounds call me that's where I'm headed hallelujah now having said that what people and theologians I don't know if you saw the programs that we did with Brian Cutshaw and bill cloud anybody see those programs whoa what the heavy alright listen Brian Cutshaw is on the board at Lee University one of the top Christian universities in America so I asked Brian I said you are an educator you have a degree and I said why is it that when we preach like I'm going to preach this now why do theologians often reject that and so he went into his explanation as to why he said but let me say something to you prophetic mysteries here when I'm saying the prophetic word of God and prophetic mysteries are seldom made plain in the scripture and the reason if you'll read the Book of Daniel it's because knowledge has to be increased in the season with it being fulfilled so that the people will understand it I'm telling you the truth and so what many people do not understand is this that God is a God of patterns body soul and spirit outer court inner court holy of holies your body is the temple Ark of the Covenant three things the manna the rod the law that rhythm Anna is your salvation the law is your sanctification the rod is your baptism in the Holy Ghost those are the pictures that God gives see God wants his people to have the wisdom to search out the mystery now here's what I discovered I've discovered that the whole understanding of the rapture which is the next big event the seven-year tribulation which follows that and the gathering together of the Jews at the end of the tribulation are all understood in something called the harvest cycles God laid down in the Bible does anybody want me to go there right now [Applause] now I'm getting on my subject now just bear with me God said there's going to be seven feasts of Israel it's going to be Passover unleavened bread firstfruits those are spring there's going to be a feast called Pentecost which happens in early summer then you're going to go four months ahead approximate you're going to have three fall feast you're going to have Feast of Trumpets I'm going to use the general name to make it easy instead of the Hebrew names you can have trumpets ten days later the day of atonement five days later Tabernacles it's going to run for seven days straight and on the eighth day it's called the sweet cloth which is the rejoicing in the Torah that's God's feast but then God said there's men in Exodus and when God tells you something like this it's a clue to other things because the Bible says the feasts are a shadow of things to come God says there's three of them that every man over twenty years of age every year has to go up and celebrate first it's Passover he said then I want you there at Pentecost then I want you there at Tabernacles first feast fourth beast last feast I want the men there to worship me when I put my name in Jerusalem whoo now why does he every man there because those feasts are a picture of something Passover is the blood of the Lamb Pentecost is the birth of the church Tabernacles according to early history early church fathers and rabbinical sources is the kingdom of the Messiah coming to earth we'd say it's the resurrection of the Dead it's all tied together with the great resurrection where the King Messiah rules are you still with the shout yes so why do you have to be at those three watch this because Passover is your salvation Pentecost is your Holy Ghost baptism and Tabernacles pic is a picture of your resurrection where you raise up and rule and reign with Christ a thousand years and nobody can be saved for you you've got to go to the altar yourself nobody can get to what the Holy Ghost for you you've got to get it yourself and ain't nobody going to be resurrected in your place at least I hope not you've got to be resurrected your self so God makes these three feasts enter but there's another deeper reason because these feasts these three are the prophetic picture of everything God is about to do prophetically are you still here shouting yes I'm going to read to you some scriptures Exodus 23 16 and 17 and the feast of harvest the first fruits of thy Labor's which you sown in the field and the feast of ingathering which is in the end of the year when that has gathered in thy Labor's as the field three times a year the male's shall come up before me to worship says the Lord now here's another verse Leviticus 19 9 and 10 when you reap the harvest of your land thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of the field neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of the harvest you shall not glean your vineyard thou shall gather every grape out of that neither shall there gather every grape out of thy vineyard that shall leave them a portion of them for the poor and the stranger for I am the Lord your God now this is what's important the reason God chose these three feasts is because they center around seed time they center around rain time and they center around this time let me say it again these three are central because of seed planting rain and harvest now here's what's important let's go over here this table this of course is sweet but we're going to pretend like it's barley you have barley you have wheat then you have what's called the end gathering where they would drive the fruit the grapes harvest in August and September but they drive the fruit and they present that fruit as an offering to God at Tabernacles it's dried fruit they used to try to bring actual fruit and store that but it were to rotten so they dry it so the in gathering its fruit now here's what it is this is Passover this is Pentecost this is Tabernacles is still here this is barley this is wheat this is fruit now here's what you've got to understand that it's so important about this all three of these are harvested differently barley has a soft shell on it you cannot step on barley or your crushes they take a fan it looks like a pitchfork and they gather the barley together and they throw it up in the air and the wind separates the outer shell from the meat which is the barley itself then they collect the barley and they bring it in in the Book of Ruth it was barley harvest meaning it was Passover time Passover is the time of the barley harvest first feast identified by barley fifty days after the first Sabbath the Passover you count fifty days and you go to the temple and you present this before God it's called wheat and the priest would make two loaves of bread I've got those let's just get a shot of those so people can see you he'd made two loaves of bread equal size equal length they filter and sift through that wheat ten times to make it fine and then he would hold those two pieces of bread up before the Lord and he'd wave them and that represented something it represented a loaf representing the Jew and a loaf representing the Gentile and how he would wave them before the Lord you know what's weird this had leaven in it this didn't because it barley harvest you in seven days seven days and ain't bread without leaven but it Passover it's strange God said put leaven in the bread and wave two loaves before me I'm going somewhere and then you get to the fruit the great sea grapes are very unique because grapes have a skin on them but they have to be totally crushed you do not want to totally crush barley you'll destroy it wheat is hard but you don't want to tone the question until you're ready to use it to make bread but grapes you take them and you crush them until you break the skin and the juice comes out you say well what does all this have to do here's what it has to do when you go to separate this you do it by wind when you go to separate this in Jesus stay don't you miss this there was a board and I've seen one that was a copy it's a board that you stand on and you take an animal and you stand on that board and you hook it to the animal and you go over top of the week because wheat is very hard if you've ever dealt with wheat and that board that separates that grain and breaks it up and gets the wheat out is called in Latin a tribulus from which we get the word tribulation there is no trivial amused at Passover with the barley I'm going somewhere the tribulus is used at this feast to separate the shelf from the wheat and then the grapes are only totally crushed now my mama please follow me because I want you to get this picture case you didn't know what brother stone is saying here's what I'm saying I'm gonna prove it to you in a minute the barley harvest is a picture of the Saints who will be ranchers whose hearts are tender who do not have to be separated as sweet in chaff then later on in the tribulation there is a separating of wheat and tear there's 144,000 Jews that will be caught up to the throne of God and during the tribulation there will be a crushing on the earth to separate the wheat from the chaff and then the great harvest comes at the end you want to see this from the book of Revelation I'll give it to you revelation 4 and 1 I heard a voice saying come up hither come up to the throne of God and immediately I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and John saw 24 elders sitting on Thrones Daniel saw Thrones but they were empty John saw Thrones that had people sitting on him then there is a number of the no man could number worship and God there's a search party in heaven looking for me and men in heaven to open the seven sealed book revelation 4:1 is the rapture of the church it's the barley harvest because the barley doesn't have to go through tribulus the barley doesn't have to go through tribulation the wind is the Holy Ghost and all we have to do is that the Holy Ghost blow over and blow the junk out of us and blow the carnality out of us hallelujah the overcomers are represented by barley which you get in the middle of the tribulation and guess what you've got you've got chaff on the wheat and so you've got to take this and you've got a trivial and you've got to crush it you got to bring a crushing of the tribulation to find out who is standing for God who is not and you have a hundred and forty fourth in Revelation 4 and 1 the church is caught up to God but in the middle of Revelation in the middle of tribulation 144,000 are caught up to God watch this and at the end of the tribulation revelation 14 it talks about The Grapes of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath take the granite take your sickle and go to the vineyard that is now right God says and cut the grapes and throw the grapes into the wine press of my wrath that is the last part of the Tribulation Period that is where the wrath of God not just tribulation separating wheat and chaff but that's the last part ladies and gentlemen where the crushing takes place and the winepress comes out the Bible says to the City of Jerusalem and the blood is to the horse's bridle you see when you understand the law of harvest it clears up this whole thing is the church going it all up in before the tribulation are they going up in the middle of hit elation are they going up at the end God has not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation through his son that's what the Bible said he said pray that you be accounted worthy to escape these things and a stand before the Son of man he said because you kept the word of my patience I'll keep you from the hour of testing which is coming on all the earth he's not appointed us to the great brass fibula the separation of the wheat and hair happens in two places at the end of the tribulation in Matthew 24 I'll talk about that in a moment and during the tribulation itself but there is a coming of the Lord a guy I haven't got to what I won't tell you yet you better stay with me see I want you to pretend like this is the harvest field everything on this purple carpet carpet is a field that I have planted okay of barley barley a picture of the overcomers no leaven eaten for seven days from Passover - firstfruits seven days no leaven seven-year tribulation saints in heaven for seven years the no leaven crowd the no sin crowd why do you think he addressed seven churches and talked about seven blessings to the overcomer why do give seven at God because God does everything the pattern and here's how I know here's how I know there has to be what's called a rapture of the church here's how I know everybody ready my quote this there is a law of the harvest and the law of firstfruits understanding these laws will explain why there is a rapture of the true church when it occurs and the timing of it now watch maquette this is so important God shows you everything in the pictures of the feast here's my barley harvest there's a law of firstfruits okay at barley time and it goes like this the priest walks through the field and finds that which has matured Paul said that we grow up in him a perfect man if there's one thing Paul talks about it's Christian maturity get off the milk get on the knee quit acting like a bunch of babies get have a diaper squid second you sons grow up okay maturity here's what the priest does he would take a band and he would tie a band or a string around the bottom of what was ripened first he would then come out on a set day mm-hmm and take a sickle and he could do it one of two ways they said he could either rip it up by the roots out of the ground out of the ground and the dead in Christ shall rise first out or he could do it by sickle here's what he did he then took the firstfruits of the barley out of the field marched it to the Temple in Jerusalem and gave it to the high priest at that moment the rest of the field was sanctified and ready for the next phase of the harvest the next phase of the harvest involved going in with Reapers who are identified in your Bible as angels with sickles in the book of Revelation and they go in and start cutting down the other parts of the field but watch this they leave what's called the gleanings found in the Book of Ruth that are the four corners of the field then at the end of harvest if I say the end of harvest they then send men in with permission for the poor and the widow and the stranger to glean from the four corners three parts you can't miss this you've got to get the firstfruits out first out of the field and present them at the temple of God and then God looks at the rest of the field and says now it's harvest time then after the main field is harvest God said get the four corners now let me just tell you what that is the first fruits are the saints of God living right I don't I don't want to get into this tonight you got parables where you've got five wise virgins and five rules and they're all called virgins the five had oil and five didn't you've got a profitable servitude profitable service and one unprofitable servant and believe it or not and you can stick your tongue out if you want to that parable deals with money and how you handle money and taking your money and hiding it and not given and not doing with it and others that gave it for the work of God multiplied it come on I'm preaching here it's in your Bible you got the parable of the wedding where a God tries to sneak in without a garment and he's stoned out outer darkness let me tell you something and I don't know how to say this any other way than making it plain not everybody who goes to a church who says they're born again it's going to make it when the rapture takes place the people that's going in the rapture are they that look for him they then are living holy how come on somebody read in your Bible it says the overcomer shall inherit these things and you've got to overcome something you can't be overcome you got to bend over don't you know the way some of you looked at me you're gonna be I see pastor rod does this I can tell he's just like me you get me stirred up I'll start preaching right at you whether you like it or not and don't get mean on us I'm gonna taste them I'm not getting mean I'm getting stirred in my spirit because I get sick and tired of these kingdom now preachers who are building their kingdom now building their 25 million dollar houses with their ten million dollar yacht telling you to give to a ministry but it's only to them and nobody else and saying Jesus isn't coming getting old TV and telling you the rapture was started by a bunch of old hillbillies in the mountains who didn't own anything and they just wanted Jesus to come so they could walk on streets to go I got news for you fully on that bunch oh you don't give me preacher now if you read the book of Hebrews you know what Paul says in Hebrews he says there remains a rest for God's people and he's not talking about the Sabbath day he's talking about the rest when we get to heaven read your Bible and he said you better be careful lest you have a heart of unbelief of not entering into his rest he said Israel could not enter in because of their what because of their unbelief now I wanna ask you a question if you did not believe in salvation could you be saved if you said the Holy Ghost is not real can you be filled with the Holy Ghost if you say that healing does not exist today can you be healed if you say all that sanctification is a bunch of malarkey can God deliver you from habits if you don't believe he can do it then you tell me something what's going to happen to the scoffers what's going to happen to the people to say there ain't no such thing as the coming of the Lord there ain't no such thing as the rapture guess what they are the five virgins who aren't going to go anywhere because you can only receive from God what you have faithful and I'll make it real simple that's why in the tribulation you got people being martyred that's why in Chapter 9 chapter seven eight you've got people who have made their roads wide and come out of Great Tribulation you know why because there's a lot of people who've missed this thing and those they've got to give their life in order to make it in the kingdom of God but I've got news for you you better hear me what I'm saying right now the rapture the rapture is not a guarantee blessing for everybody who just says I'm saying you know one preacher got on the radio says when Jesus comes he'll be pulling some of his choice children out of the taverns the bars the prostitutes bears and they'll be caught up to meet him in the air don't you believe that lies that some preacher preaching that mess cause he ain't living right and he's trying to justify how he's living he's got girlfriends on the side some of them are eat up of homosexuality they got boyfriends in the choir and God's not going to put up with it but you better hear me there is a reward for those who look for him and there is a reward for being faithful as there is a reward for standing with nobody else'll stance is that rewarded when he comes you are going to go with him hallelujah you're going to be a part of the barley harvest [Applause] [Music] now watch it imma show it to you I will show it to you from the Bible it's real simple man just real simple here it is the people that believe and and and I have friends that believe this way we first in love huh really but they'll say Matthew 24 teaches that when the Son of Man comes he sends his angels to sound the trumpet and gather his elect from the four winds you know the four winds are the four corners right that's when Jesus is coming at the end of the tribulation stop right there he's got the harvest all messed up because the raptured Saints are the firstfruits of the barley harvest because the barley doesn't have that old hard shaft on it that's the overcoming crowd under they that look for him he shall appear you with me then at that point the rest of the field becomes sanctified and you move from barley to wheat and there's a separation of the wheat and tear that happens that happens both in the middle and at the end of the tribulation but don't miss this when you gathers his elect to collect them from the four corners folks read the book of Revelation the harvest is over he's already got the wheat up there he's got the barley up there the grapes of wrath' have been crushed that's Passover Pentecost a burn apples and all that's left on earth are the four corners which is the gleanings that's the last phase of the harvest that that is not him coming for the church because I got a question to ask these dudes that think that Matthew 24 and those four corners gleaning is the rapture then what happened to the rest of the field okay you can't have four corners till you've taken out the rest of the field so where'd they go [Applause] if you make the rapture Matthew 24 the four corners you got to ask yourself what happened to the firstfruits because you had a firstfruits @ barley and wheat harvest that's why the 144,000 come out of the wheat harvest are called the firstfruits unto God into Christ because it's a barley harvest firstfruits there's a wheat harvest firstfruits Oh help me Holy Ghost somebody ought to give the Lord a praise right here right now and here's the point and I got one more thing to tell you here's my point there is a harvest before the tribulation there's a harvest in the middle of the tribulation there's a harvest at the end hello because there's three feast and there's three different harvest is this making sense to anybody is anybody receiving this clap your hands let me know somebody if you're receiving now I will wrap it up with this and stay with me where are we at now prophetically where is the church at now got7 feast now we're going to skip the harvest and we're going to get into the rain for about five minutes remember everything is centered around rain see time rain here we go can't tell where the church is now the church is camped at Pentecost because Pentecost us where Moses received the Word of God he received the law he taught the word he taught the law Pentecost is where the church was born so the church I'm not talking your salvation comes at passive I'm talking about the church we have been for 1907 years since the day of Pentecost camped at Pentecost why am I saying that because no other feast has been fulfilled since then Jesus got it Passover was in the ground and unleavened bread Thomas touched him at first fruits the church was born at Pentecost and there has not been another feast fulfilled there's three four words trumpets atonement and Tabernacles that represents the rapture the tribulation and the millennial reign stay with the nether now there is what I call the no reign theology and there are ministers who mean well who tell their people now the Holy Spirit even notice how guys just changed their voice all of a sudden the Holy Spirit you know and it's always when they get into unbelief you know when the preaching faith they don't you but when again elbows you've got to change you got to get like Vincent Price you know like a promoter with another alright here's what they'll say they'll say the Holy Spirit and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit ceased when the new testament was compiled in the 4th century and when the Canon of Scripture was completed under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the early fathers there is now more no necessity for the operation of the gifts of the Spirit including tones in prophecy and these gifts that the Pentecostal charismatic people seem to accept and here's what they base it on examine the history of the early church from the fourth century onward and you will discover that there was no manifestations of the Holy Spirit from the 4th century forward so I did I found out that's not totally true I found out that I have quotes that all through history there were pockets of God's Spirit being poured out in France and England and Germany in islands of the sea for the past eight you know since the fourth century for the past fifteen hundred years so it's not totally true but what God showed me one day is the pattern of the feast he said have some think about this you've been to Israel in the summer Pentecost comes usually in May or June and then you have four months you remember Jesus saying why say ye four months then cometh harvest and then you come to the next feast which is trunk pits with me still here now here's the thing once Pentecost ends in Israel you have a major dry spell that hits for three-and-a-half to four months sometimes they don't see one drop of rain and it gets hot and there's no water so these theologians are basing the fact that there's no rain from the fourth century onward no water from the fourth century onwards that the holy spirit must have just taken flight and went back to heaven right wrong because here's where it gets real prophetic ready the next feast in the feast align is Rosh Hashanah known as the Feast of Trumpets where they blow a hundred trumpets which is the prophetic picture of the rapture of the church oh don't get me preaching on that well in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 at the sound of the last trumpet Jesus comes and the last trumpet is in Revelation chapter 11 so therefore that no know the last trumpet in Judaism is called the takea huggles Allah it's the last trumpet blown on the Feast of Trumpets you blow that trumpet you hold your breath as long and loud as you can and that's what Paul alluded to at the sound of the last Trump because that's what it's called it's not an allusion to revelation 11 with the seventh angel sounding the seventh trumpet it's an allusion in Judaism and ever and any Jew would have known that in Paul's day he's talking about Rosh Hashanah the Feast of Trumpets from the Trump of sounds so the church has been at Pentecost this whole time but why is there been a dry spell cause they're supposed to be [Applause] because some petty cost as you get god help me I feel like jerking in the Holy Ghost from Pentecost when the church is born four months goes by and you come to trumpets now here's the weather pattern the closer you get to the sounding of the trumpet the atmosphere changes all of a sudden the heat begins to go away and it gets a little cooler all the sudden clouds start coming over the Mediterranean and all of a sudden you find that the rain starts coming in the fall feast preparing for what's about to happen you see my point is simply this don't let it bug you if you study church history at a Christian University that's not quite Christian and they tell you that there's a dry spell from the fourth century on and there's no evidence that anything great happening that's because there wasn't any prophecies being fulfilled I preached it this morning from the fourth century to the 1800s but a hundred years ago in Azusa Street hit and in 1967 when the charismatic movement hit God began to do something here's my point the closer we get to the sound of the trumpets the closer we get to the rapture the atmosphere is going to change and that destructors are going to start getting filled with the Holy Ghost Catholics are going to start getting filled with the Holy Ghost Methodists are going to start getting filled with the Holy Ghost why because God said I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh you want to help me praise God right now samba [Applause] now listen to me there's more I could say but we got to do something like right now now look this way honor the Holy Spirit respect God I've given you my best now respect the Holy Spirit and stay with me here while we do this okay on the count of three I'm going to ask every man woman go and write and ask you what church are from it and ask you how long you've been in the way how long you been saved but I want every man woman boy and girl miss building that says brother Perry I'm born again I'm saved and I believe in what you're preaching and I believe there's a gift of the Holy Spirit but I've never received that gift I've never had the prayer language of the Holy Ghost I've never had it happen to me but I want you to pray with me tonight that God will fill me I said I think I said this this morning most people don't know this but in our minister who had 40,000 people baptized in the Holy Ghost that's that's the area God has anointed me my god the man that prayed for me on his deathbed had a third-grade education he was a West Virginia man in a third-grade education they could speak eight languages and tongues and could go up to people on the street and talk to them in their language when that man died that anointing came on me I can't explain it's a gift from God when I count to three I want everybody who says I want that baptism of the Holy Ghost I want a prayer language of the Spirit I want God to ignore me here's what you don't you come out of your seat and I want you to fill up the front it don't matter if it's ten don't matter if it's 20 doesn't matter if it's 50 or 100 and I'm going to ask two or three Usher's just come and stand right here on the platform guys cup about two or three of you but I want the people to come and just fill up the front are you ready put your hands up everybody put your hands up say this with me Jesus I love you I want more of you I'm asking you for after spirit upon the hungry people tonight let them receive of your blessing in Jesus name again doesn't matter where you're from if you've never received the gift of the Holy Ghost you've never had the prayer language of the Spirit you come down here because God's going to do something for you and we're going to do this in about seven minutes this is how God uses me I can't explain it are you ready on the count of three one come out of the balcony 2 2 3 right now step up on your feet and come down here somebody start praising God father come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god bless you god bless you cook for one line for one line all the way across when that line fills up for the second line when that line fills up for the third line hallelujah I want to thank you look my momma and it's wonderful [Music] oh my oh my oh my whoa keep coming lord have mercy pastor lord have mercy as some hundred people in it tonight [Music] now I know you've not worked with me before for five for about four minutes I won't have any music or singing for four minutes and then I'll tell you when we can come into because this is how the Lord works with me in this I have to have you know God do it God's away everybody does it different okay everybody look at Mike they're still coming in it's amazing all right now okay give me your attention and let me tell you what the Lord told me over almost 20 years ago and he said if you'll tell people this I'll baptize them in the Holy Spirit number one we're going to pray a prayer of cleansing I found out that a lot of times people have unforgiveness or little things in them and I used to just pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit and they would get blocked and they'd get so close and the Lord started dealing with me he said you need to pray a cleansing prayer first it gets the little stuff out of them they're saved but it gets the you know the little stuff and then we're going to pray a prayer for the baptism of the Holy Ghost when we pray this prayer here's three things I want you to remember number one the same faith you were saved with is the same faith you receive the Holy Ghost with when I grew up in church I used to think that you know they had to shake my head and beat me on the head and jerk me a little bit come on come on let go turn loose no no that's the way they did it then and that's fine but it's faith it's just believing and listen you got you have faith because you couldn't have come down here if you didn't have faith so you don't have to ask you about our faith here's the second thing and we're going to pray the second prayer and ask the Holy Ghost to come in and what's going to happen is this at some point you're going to feel a glyph of God's presence just like this when that happens just that presence of God that quickening then you believe God and you will listen and this is so simple but it's helped more people listen for the Holy Ghost to give you the utterance because what happens is the Bible says when you speak in tongues your spirits pray you will hear your spirit your inner man pray in the Holy Ghost and praying in the language before you ever speak it and at that moment speak out what God gives you I remember as a kid I heard these words coming in my I thought that was my head it with my spirit and and somebody said speak what God's giving and I start speaking and when I spoke it that's when the power of God was released now since that time God's let me speak eight languages to people who were foreigners through this through the Holy Ghost that I've never studied in my life so whatever I got when I was 11 was real right here's the thing don't hold back now the crowd is so big and my daddy taught me this and my dad's got a lot of wisdom he said when you get a large crowd tell them that when the power of God comes don't fall back go down on your knees there's too many people for people just to kind of collapse we know we Pentecostals we just like to collapse it and give it up you know you don't say well I'm out of here you know but you can do this because the Spirit of the Prophet is said to the Prophet if the Holy Ghost touches you just go down yours but keep praying don't keep praying and you're going to hear me and I'm giving you a lot of information here but you're going to hear me at the end of the second prayer say receive the Holy Ghost now and when I say now I'm believing he's just going to sweep this place and don't you listen don't you get caught up on what you're praying like or what it sounds like you just start speaking and you'll feel the energy of God's power in you you ready everybody stretch your hands this way okay give me seven minutes of your times all I need just seven minutes God will do this I believe with all of my heart raise your hands everybody in the front say this out loud in fact everybody needs to pray this this is just a good cleansing prayer say this Heavenly Father in Jesus name I'm hungry for you I'm hungry for more of you and I'm asking you tonight to cleanse my heart of anything that I said or done that would offend you or offend another person take out of me fear doubt unbelief unforgiveness strike racism anything that's been in me anybody I haven't forgiven Lord release them out of my heart now prepare me let me save your spirit worship him for a minute because I felt that anointing when I just said that I felt something happened you have a quorum honorable show little mobile ghost haunting of God Maury dynamo Rosaura manga robos something's happening people are getting released right now some of you have this especial some of you needed that so bad all right it's time for the Holy Ghost prayer raise your hands now remember received by faith listen for him to speak to you and when I say received let it come out just let the words come out and the power of God will start coming on you ready say this Jesus you said in the last days you pour out your spirit on all flesh I'm asking you tonight right here in this church pour out your spirit upon me and in me give me the free gift of the Holy Ghost I receive by faith right now the gift of a holy spirit right through me in the rare language of God I receive now in Jesus name oh oh oh oh oh whee-hee-hee I felt something thank you Jesus there it is 30s together that idea that Akasha well there it is come on chakra Bahama muhannad a Bahama bahasa no other be released in the name of Jesus released in the name of Jesus release in the name of Jesus now get ready I'm speak to your spirit in Jesus name and command you receive the Holy Ghost now oh well all right open it open it Mahadeva boho-chic are under the under the Bahasa everybody the church raise your hands and pray out loud in the spirit the Paragon just struck that man struck down lady right there no no shadow ball under the power of God just came on that lady right there no body laying hands on her she Nana mama baba holy and álava ruse psyche Harada hiya rindo Robo hotkey debajo handle Abajo straw speak Holy Ghost there you go sister stammering lips and another tongue God will speak for you keep praying just like that when your lips began to stammer keep praying madam Amanda de bourree under the bahasa Korean Dada he loved above it's happening it's happening to lift up your voice twice as loud for five minutes and start praying come on twice as laughter dedication remember the validity Haneda resident the inaudible inaudible come on he has to pray through you open up your mouth and space speak speak speak speak speak speak speak la da da da da da da da dun that's it brother Holy Ghost is on you now speak bahasa the power of God's coming upon oh there you go let me just just speak the Holy Ghost powers all over you let him give you letters now in the name of Jesus so arugula bah ha ha brother right now oh god this young man filling fill it up fill it up fill it up fill him up come on everybody obey God over here ha ha ha there it is there it is there it is there it is speak now Holy Spirit speak now there is there your brain of the Holy Ghost mother pray muhahahaha rooster courier comet Elenin oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho little lady right here right here right here he can consultation people come on come on Bebo go down since no you were trying to reason it you gotta let reason come it I shall receive in the name of chief receive open up your mouth and pray and pray it out play it out play it out pray it out pray it out Oh church I tell you there's a breakthrough here for so many people would you raise your hands again and pray out loud come on don't quit I shake this building with your brains shake this building with it right now right now right now what we did at that moment is over here under the care of God's on you the anointing of God come on you now keep praying just like that you're praying you're doing right you're doing right just keep obeying God keep obeying God hallelu hallelujah yeah yeah yeah another hostage go give up Praetorian press on in press on ian brother go ahead and play with an organ music Rodney hallelujah press or Nia Vardalos soviet-era right here this middle section everybody obey God come on receive receive nothing down hallelujah is singing nothing down receive nothing doubting we're seeing nothing had it come on uh sure is your men of God you wouldn't be on you will be down here if you were men of God move among the people some of you ladies get him under people some of the staff your get among the people hurry it's impossible to lay hands on everybody but but go to who you feel led to go to aha there you go there you go ha ha ha there you go there you go like I said I can remember remember remember in the name of the Son of God in the name of the son of count go put your hand on him God put your hand on the keeper preserve and keep and father I pray my lord God touch my brother tonight touch my brother 2:19 with your presence o fool mMmmm oh my favorite scene by faith I receive by faith yes yes yes yes whoa whoa he'll feel good in another ah oh that's what I built to what thank you [Music] was awesome at all the hints on this brother in the black jacket right here put your hands on it fellas now in the name of Yeshua the crisis senator they got now brother there any better hush Cikini Hannity here below we see the blessing God has for you tonight receive a blessed and aha sister you still praying in the Holy Ghost she's lost in it now she's lost in the spirit now somebody go I hope somebody can drive her home well she's gonna least invited rather home tonight more remind another border babari deliver ha hallelujah yes sir my brother got his a young man God said sons and daughters of prophets time put it all in Jesus put it all in Jesus brother keep praying in the spirit it's like they're lovable you know that now how how do you feel [Music] [Music] Oh Oh kevie Oh oh it's heavy ahead of him now everybody here slipped up your hands to the doors everybody even in office now all of you that the Holy Ghost to start praying through in the name of Jesus pray in the spirit right now the spirit of the Prophet is subject to the Prophet I know I didn't I wasn't growing up to talk that when I grew up they they taught you that you had to get hit by the spirit before he could speak let me tell you he doesn't hit me from out here he hits me inside he's in me and all my worship stirs him up so right now every one of you that have heard the Holy Ghost pray for you pray again right now come on more LaVonda kiha other ha see that's exercising the gift of the Holy Ghost you need to hear him proud ha ha ha ha you need to hear him pray you need to hear him pray through you oh yes you did you need to hear him pray through you those of you that don't have the manifestation don't quit while you're driving home and a little bit keep worshiping I know people that have gone to bed it now will cut praying in the Holy Ghost God in the shower the next morning start praying in the Holy Ghost don't you be discouraged when you draw near to God God will draw near to you remember Mahalo ha ha ha oh yeah tomasa here oh I feel this thing in my spirit so strong right now hallelujah my daddy holida the Lord just spoke to me and said there's some saints of God standing up you're not in the altar but you're out here in the past 60 days there's a spirit of depression it happened right after Christmas right after Christmas for some reason you weren't under a real heavy depression and you've been trying to do everything you can you going to church reading your Bible breaking this thing and it's like a spirit is following you around and you've not been able for about the past that you know after Christmas we've got this is uh this is what February what day is today February 12 or I we're talking something like 45 days 45 to 60 days right in that timeframe you've just been you've just been struggling if you know what I'm talking about raise your hands right now there's been a heaviness on you the saints of God I don't normally do it this way but I want only clean-living spirit-filled Christians to gather around these people that got their hands raised and I want you to command the oppression to come off of these saints of God right now come on turn around find somebody with their hands raised Oh God oh hey hey Bahasa [Music] release Jesus anointest to preach deliverance to the captives to set free those that are oppressed of the devil be loosed from your oppression in the name of Jesus we loose from that mental battle you've been going through in the name of Jesus be refreshed by the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus pray it praying on in church you've got authority in Jesus name you've got the authority in Jesus name you got a you got a kingly anointing of priestly anointing on you to pray approve [Music] [Applause] [Music] my lord [Music] my lord [Music] matera baccarat mihashi [Music] I want to ask a question how many of those that come to the altar look this way how many of those that came down to the altar tonight you heard the holy spirit give utterances to you you spoke out brother I know you did raise your hands if you heard it you heard the Holy Ghost pray through you come on raise your hands you heard the Holy Ghost pray through you hallelujah hallelujah I know some of you you've met some of you have never been in a thing like this in your life but I'm telling you this will change your life now look at look at me God told me to do something I haven't done this in years a professor at Blacksburg Virginia researched clasp your hands in the Bible we do this he found out that the Hebrew people would clap at one time in unison try come on all right you almost had it you ready one time now the Lord told me to have us do that slowly like one to seven times and then give the Lord a shout because somebody's victories will be dependent on that are you ready seven times [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ask any black fire what right [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you