Secrets of the Spirit World LIVE! with Sid Roth, Perry Stone & Kent Henry

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Harry stone was mentored in the supernatural as a young man but few unfortunately had mentors like he had now Perry wants to teach you secrets from the invisible world such as angelic encounters the coming greater glory and even ancient rabbinical secrets from the temple days and frankly I have never heard these before next on it's supernatural Harry stone unveils the ancient secrets of the spirit world join Sid Roth and his special guests Perry stone and worship leader can't Henry for this exclusive TV event secrets of the spirit world Perry stone will unveil mysteries concerning the supernatural of God which few have ever heard before reveal Rabbinical secrets he has learned concerning the supernatural from the days of the Holy Temple share what's the difference between the Shekinah glory and what the glory will be in the next great move of God unveils what God has revealed to him concerning the future of America Israel and the world worship leader Kent Henry will be helping to usher us into the atmosphere of God's glory and now here's your host Sid Roth Kent Henry has been assuring people into the presence of God for 42 years but you've just been on this set for a short while and what are you sensing in the atmosphere before you've even started well we were talking earlier with Perry about impartation I believe the next 90 minutes is people lock on we encounter the glory of God there's going to be impartation at a high level in the anointing and signs and wonders well Perry stone actually prophesied came out of his mouth he wasn't even thinking this and he has so many great gifts that have been transferred to him from his father from his father's uncle I mean he's three generations of Ministers and he says they're gonna be transferred out tonight Kent Henry I commissioned you to tell everyone everywhere how great and wonderful I got it Wow [Applause] this is real simple tonight this is real simple get your hands up and sing it with me everybody hands up well a great and mighty are you lord I'm gonna sing it in a row creating my the [Music] king of kings King of Kings and Lord king of kings and come on let's go there tonight Breeden your singer write to him tonight created my need here [Music] Lord King of Kings [Music] Lord [Music] long shot to the throat [Music] lord [Music] Monsieur Aidan King uh kids and I want you to lift your hands he just sing to the Lord and I come on singing the spirit the glory [Music] the essence of yoga mighty God come on sing it out find your song [Music] the glory of the king the glory of the floor into your presence annoyed [Music] winner and tonight yeah until your presence Lord into your River come on sing out just fine really really garden [Music] Sanna ho Sanna [Music] Marie de Guise King of Kings and Lord we begin to my god transfer in the glory in the glory in the glory impartation in Jesus name somebody's say hallelujah bro [Music] well I am so excited to find out some of the secrets of the supernatural that you found out from your father and from his uncle and because most people see you and they think of a prophecy teacher a Jewish roots teacher and they don't know the supernet for instance I don't think many of you know this did you know that he has an angel that has followed he's third generational angel that follows him now what happens when that angel shows up I can I can say this you know really before the Lord that I don't sense him all the time but probably on 10 different occasions out of absolutely totally unexpected not praying for it not asking for it when I have been in services the shifting of the atmosphere is felt by everyone there even even people that are backs literal a from God can sense it and there's usually almost a Weeping that comes there's a real holiness of God that shows up there's a real just just awareness of God and awareness of the Holy Spirit that comes and then what always happens there either is a shifting in the sermon totally without notes without the I'll lay the scripture the Bible the pulpit and just go into a realm of ministry or there comes a very heavy prophetic word totally unexpected where the Spirit of God gives a prophetic now prophetic word is an utterance under inspiration of the Holy Spirit without tongues and interpretation if you're if you're charismatic and Pentecostal you'll understand what I'm talking about there and the other thing that I have noticed is that on one occasion we were in a transition in the ministry a very heavy transition and I was so down because more weight was coming to me more heaviness and weight now I was complaining and said Lord how can I do this well you asked me to do this I can't physically do this and I'm this is what happens to him we talked about this and I was sitting in this big chair at my desk and I turn it this way and I felt the hand come to the chair when when the hand came to my chair every hair on my body stood up see the Holy Spirit's presence works from let's say in John 7 from the belly out and angelic presence is around you you'll never feel it in you'll feel the anointing stir but you'll feel it out here well every here my body stood up and all of a sudden a weeping came to me and the weight within 10 minutes the weight that was on me came off of me and from that moment on and really I made a mistake I made a mistake my daddy always said the period when you feel this presence stay in it don't jump at it but I got so excited it sounds crazy I jumped up and I ran through my office and I ran my secretary's office beat the door doesn't knock doors you won't believe what just happened just happened well they're all exciting I'll run to another office then I realized what about doing so I go back in there hope but it's there and it's not there now what would have happened if I would have stayed there now let me say this and we're going to kind of flow this way for the people one of the mistakes that I see in the contemporary church is we customize services for the benefit of the people isn't that called seeker sensitive yes but it's all customized for a time frame I've heard I've heard pastors say we're going to do a 55-minute service everybody knows how long the sermon and the and the music is going to be and here's the disservice we do to people if we give them at the edge of the Holy Place or we get them into the presence of God we then pull them out prematurely and it's like a premature birth when you have a premature birth you don't you have a undeveloped baby something and it could be the heart the lungs or physically it doesn't it doesn't totally develop and it has to stay in the hospital so long till the till the full development comes and we we we pull people close to the presence of God knows I'm not saying everybody does this but too many do and then we want them out by 12 because we're active the kids got ball in the afternoon they want to go the mall whatever the case is and I've I feel so much for this generation because a lot of them have experienced church but not the glory and so what we do we customize the service to adjust it to the not needs of the people and we adjust it to the activities of people and what happens is you cannot encounter depths with God until you move in the progression of the Spirit of God and so and I'm gonna say this I'm gonna say this very carefully but I grew up around and some of the folks in the audience of some of those watching may understand this but I grew up and around the old classical camp meetings and the camp meeting was where you had a tent or you had a big metal building and back then we all wore suit and ties when it was 104 degrees which I never never thank the Lord would come through that now you know but back in the day and what would happen is as the presence of God would move as the presence of God would move they allowed the anointing to flow and then ultra services were break out but I can remember not not leaving the altars to until midnight or later and you would leave so refreshed and so into the glory they and this is the truth you could live off of a little sleep I've had revivals that was seven eight and eleven weeks and we didn't miss a service a night that people never messed missed a night and we didn't get out of church to one and two in the morning and they're getting up at five and six and going to work and people say how could you do that because when you are in the glory you lose the concept of time time becomes irrelevant in the glory of God what you have shared is so important did you get that you're right on the edge God showing up and when God shows up everything is possible yes well it's noon I got a run right by right right let's switch gears first yeah okay because aren't you have revelation that you learned from rabbis yeah and I'm Jewish and I've never heard this preparation before for instance Supernatural languages tongues I've always been told well that didn't start till they have any Ross yeah I have to penalize but you have learned different tell me all right it was in the 1990s rabbi Yehuda Getz was the head rabbi one of the head rabbis in Jerusalem at the western wall heritage foundation we met him at night we would go in there at 10:00 and 11:00 o'clock at night because he would pray at night from like 11:00 till 3:00 in the morning that was his prayer time and he asked me what I believed I got to tell you this this is humorous so and there's a picture of him right there that's rabbi Getz that's the young Perry stone on that people can see that the younger the younger version so what he's doing right there and I don't want to get sidetracked he's showing me where the Ark of the Covenant was hid in a certain location under the Temple Mount and I don't want to get into that would be sidetracked so he asked me what I believe and I said you know what he's kind of a mystic so I'm going to just lay it on him I said I believe in the covenants I believe in the redemption of come and I said I believe in casting out Devils and he looked at me and he said there's a man at the western wall who prays he thinks he's a Alijah but he's not could you go cast the devil out of him for me I was hilarious and that kind of bonded us at that point then I said this thing yeah I said this to him I said I also believe in speaking with other tongues which is the prayer language of the Holy Spirit and he looked at me without blinking he said oh you mean the language of God and I went wait a minute what do you know about the language of God I'm thinking I'm thinking he's thinking the Hebrew language or something like that and he said well we have a Jewish tradition and he said I believe it that on the day of atonement when the high priest would go into the Holy of Holies God gave him a tongue to communicate in a language that he was not familiar with that only him and God could talk in and no one could hear it and I said well why would that be he said so that's Satan and this is spirits could not interfere with what he was saying so in other words it was it was a language of God or a language of heaven that was known only to God the priest and he said I said well what would happen later he said well he would leave and exit the holy place and he couldn't speak it again til the next year so I was what happened with that is I became so curious about some of the traditions and and let me say this the Jews as you know said being Jewish have the Torah but they also have the oral tradition and some of the oral traditions can be based on rabbinical commentary which can be a little off of obvious but there are oral traditions that were handed down for generations and generations and later put in writing that you can actually go to certain scriptures and you can see how it all pieces together so you and I know the reason I tell people don't read a lot of the commentaries you know because it can get off of people can learn yeah it's a mix it's a mix but in some of this so I thought I'd end up writing a book called the code of the Holy Spirit and use that as the introduction but if I can go ahead and talk about the breadth of the whole East for a minute or some of your way yeah I want you to hold that thought you thought that was amazing that they spoke in tongues wait till you hear about this I mean this is even more amazing but I just want to mention something about Perry's father's uncle his name was uncle who this did you know that uncle Rufus was educated Gracie third grade only third grade only uncle Rufus could speak in any language of anyone he spoke to yes third grade education and preached the gospel and Perry prophesied I heard it come out of his mouth a little earlier before we went on the air that these gifts that were imparted to him he is going to start imparting them to you we'll be right back we will return with more of our special presentation of secrets of the Spirit in just one moment the supernatural of God knows no bounds and now there are no limits to equipping you to receive your supernatural breakthrough anytime any place is in the it's supernatural online network is now available for your mobile devices and smart TVs with this free iesson app people are astounded at the miracles they've seen others receive on our TV programs now viewers are experience that same touch of God and you can too isn offers live streaming of programs 24 hours a day seven days a week right on your mobile devices or Smart TVs access our life-changing specials led by top world class teachers or choose from dozens of powerful episodes of it's supernatural just go to your App Store and download it for free television schedules were fine for my parents generation both the is an app I can watch on my schedule get ready to receive your supernatural breakthrough your healing your miracle download the free is an app today and [Music] now back to our special presentation of secrets of the spirit world okay this is amazing to me tell me about the breath of the Holies okay I'm these ancient rabbis teachings okay there was a tradition that in the tabernacle of Moses you knew when the glory of the Lord came down by number one the sound of a man breathing it would be like breath like like a wind blowing and the second way you would know is the whether you have the chamber of the inner court in the Holy of Holies we call it where the inner curtains were the curtains would start moving like a man's lungs breathing they would expand in and out and this became known as the breath of the Holies now what is interesting is in Hebrew the word breath wind and spirit is the same word you have to read the context of the verse to see what it's speaking about it's raw and the ruach ha'qodesh means the holy spirit now if you if you start tracing this down this is in the tabernacle of Moses it became known as breath of the holy place breath of the Holies holy breath holy spirit hmm so in other words that breathing sound was a manifestation of the Ruach Hakodesh which is the Holy Spirit or the spirit that's holy the Spirit of God and the interesting thing about that is if you come to the New Testament in Acts chapter 2 verses one through four on the day of Pentecost there is a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind and the Bible says it filled the house where they were seated I want to sidetrack on one note a few weeks ago before one of our big youth conferences in July my body had completely shut down I had a I don't know what happened I think it was a demonic attack to be honest with you and I had lost all energy and I was telling my kids I don't know that I'll be able to preach and they said you know my daughter said dad you got to preach you know we got 4,000 kids coming and they're expecting you to preach and I went over to a lodge that we had built and I shut the door and I had my grandmother's old prayer blanket I got an old blanket that you know grandma slept on I'm talking one oh look like a hundred-year-old blankets and I wrapped up in and I laid on this little Murphy's bed that pulls down in it's a private office area and I just began to pray and I said god I am so tired and this happened before the Lord in heaven this happened I have heard the air conditioner go on in that room and that and I know what it sounds like I thought the air unit kicked in but it's coming from the other room into this room and it goes oh it got so loud that my ears start hurting it filled the room and I'm telling you I have never been more terrified in my life could this have been what happened in penetrates you you know what absolutely the first thing that came to my mind I heard the Holy Spirit say a sound from heaven like a wind a sound from heaven like I'm in now I didn't see fire it's dark because I'm laying there in the dark I don't have lights on but man it lasted and my hair standing up and the Holy Spirit energized me supernaturally and the next I had yeah the next day and I said you know what we got conference coming up let's take a break and we went up to Pigeon Forge Tennessee at my favorite place the pancake pantry we hung out and we sang songs and shouted and laughed and spoke in tongues and just all the way up and all the way back and I preached that conference and felt as much strength as I do right now the manifestation of the glory of the Lord one of the things we have to understand is the joy of the Lord is our strength and the Holy Spirit gives us supernatural strength when we need to win Elijah was under that tree he had an appointment under a generator something that I believe yeah I believe that if you have faith in the promises of God there's no reason when you get older come on such as I am that every cell of your body cannot be energized yes then when you were 30 years of a but I want to get to more secrets of the spirit world with you of our instance your dad who I had the privilege of meeting yeah prophetic words he's gonna usually did and what the professor with the one he gave me has not to my knowledge happened yeah but it's about ready to happen yeah he said one day said you will be speaking in a supernatural language on the air and you will get letters that people understood what you were saying do you remember him that's right not to make this before your dad was promoted to heaven he gave you some advice what did he tell you okay we're sitting in the house and he had was 78 years of age at the time and he said I had a dream and he said in this and I'm gonna make the dream real short but in this room and a church service and I'm seeing the enemy attack people I'm seeing him attack people and he talked about the sexual sins he talked about temptation he talked about pressures he talked about depression he said all this was coming against God's people and then he said the Lord told me this and he said I'm going to tell you this because I'm not gonna live long enough to tell people this I can't go out and preach now cuz he was getting up there in you and so I said okay what is he says now when the Spirit of God quickens this to you you tell people that the solution to the attacks that are coming and this is his exact words they must learn to pray excessively in the spirit then I said that what do you excuse me I just have to give you a commentary right now Paul made it even stronger he did he said I pray without ceasing yeah I speak with tongues more than all of you yes so that's praying in the spirit suffer and he said I speak with tongues exactly and so and so I said that what do you mean by excessively he says not your normal worshipping in church not your normal praying in the spirit going to where he said you're gonna have to go into a prayer chamber and pray in the spirit sometimes for thirty minutes to an hour to break stuff that's on you he said if you don't pray he looked at me and says is if you and this generation does not learn how to pray in the spirit you're gonna come under attacks that you're gonna have our time coming out from alpha under this mandatory yeah it's a mandatory thing and so when he said this to me about praying accesible he says hey do you remember your uncle Rufus now let me explain who hung called Rufus what was in case we get into a story about him Rufus Dunford was my dad's uncle and Rufus Dunford had a gift that when he was saved if there what the Holy Spirit he could speak in diverse tongues of any language in the world go up to any foreigner in the coal fields of West Virginia that worked in the mines of anywhere in the world and speak to them in tongues because a lot of those people came from other countries and they couldn't speak English well so nobody could witness to him so he preached to them and witnessed to them and they just thought he knew the language they even thought he was a Catholic priest when he speak Latin priest now when that said do you remember uncle your uncle River said your uncle Rufus every morning would pray on his knees and that's why my dad I pray walking or standing up but my dad never prayed without praying on his knees because he said Rufus told him for this cause I bow my knees before the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ and so my dad never prayed without praying on his knees but Rufus would pray to his daughter and his daughter happens attended 10 attends a Baptist Church in Norfolk Virginia I believe but she said I watched my dad pray in tongues and he would bounce on the floor he would get anointed and when the glory would hit him he'd bounce on his knees all over the place and you think that ceiling was gonna fall in downstairs at the kitchen now Rufus would pray so long in the spirit but when he would come out he would say to my he would say to dad the Lord just told us we've got to drive two hours down the road and pray for this person and that said what are you talking about and he would have a word of knowledge about someone's need or someone's situation and his I wish that had given me the book I didn't ask for the book I have no idea what happened she had before and after pictures they would take pictures of people with cancers on their face before he prayed and cancers a month later after they were completely healed I mean they had before she showed me this girl had this here's the before and after this one had this here's the older picture ever when she couldn't walk here she is walking around standing at praising God I mean this was so when you say and I say this very humbly before the Lord that the Lord let me be raised around men personally now this is not a internet story who knew to hear the voice of the Lord and respond to it that quick the one that you would talked about earlier that one of the mistakes the church makes is to customize services for evil and not permit the Holy Spirit the second thing we do is we pray but we don't listen I can't tell you how many times I'd be talking to my wife and I said honey I'm here and she says yes you're here but you're not listening look at all the women laughs and they know what I'm talking about you're hearing but you're not listening so my dad said this to me he said everybody I know that knows how to pray can pray but some of them don't know how to hear they're not listening now in the spirit and I feel the anointing real strong right now in the Spirit of God you have to learn the voice of God and you have to learn to act at that moment too many people sit in a service and feel impressed to give something and they talk their self out of it they think maybe I feel like I should talk to this person they're new and just maybe ministered to them well I better not I should call this person yeah and you know you find out later they were depressed and about to kill themselves and your call would have come at the perfect time or you find out that they're about to divorce and you've got this word you know you're saying there honey the Lord just showed me that you and your husband you know you've been in an argument and you really don't do what you're about to do and I'm telling you you would be shocked to have how often the Spirit of the Lord can use the body of Christ but we just aren't paying listen the cab I'm in Nevada and I'll get a cab long vacation and I get in the cab and I turn to the gentleman you know people in the minutes this 42 Muslim countries a person could be from I said sir you're from Egypt he looks at me and says this is true and I said you're you were you're from Cairo he said this is true I said you've been here ten years and he got so sprayed of me he shut down and couldn't get me out of that place fast enough and I started to talk to you about his family and stuff and I think it but then the reason God does that is to prove that the Spirit of God is real and to convince if you'll read Paul's writings the first Corinthians 14 it's to convince the unbeliever that the secrets of his heart of manifest okay I need you to repeat something to me okay before your father was went to heaven yeah he gave you some advice he said pray in tongues excessively excessively yes you see here's what I believe when you're praying in tongues not only you're praising God well but right you are getting the junk of the world that's acceptable to you that's right and you have no idea now there are many of you that pray in Supernatural languages but you don't pray much you may be prayed last year right or what I mean I think you're going to change and then there are others that have never prayed in a language because the little confused they don't realize those different types of tongues in the Bible is your type of tongues that's in a public service right and not all that's what says in Corinthians not all have that gift but everyone yes all would not have used the southern term I wish you all in tongues says he didn't mean it you can have a private devotional prayer language and you're not going to make it you weren't going to make it with what's coming on this earth Parenthood you very quickly lead everyone to the Lord look in the camera leader the Lord and pray for everyone to be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak honks all right first thing we want to do you have to repent so let's pray a prayer of repentance everybody the studio if you want to agree with this and pray this is fine say this with me Father in heaven father in heaven the name of Jesus the name of Jesus I'm coming to you I'm coming asking you ask you forgive me forgive of all my sin of all my students in hidden secret sins secrets public sins anything and it's pleasing to you God that's just please forgive me forgive cleanse me industry by the blood of Jesus right now right now help me Lord help me to walk in victory so walk your walk in faith to walk to follow you follow you to have deliverance you have to live my life in my heart and heart today today I receive Jesus as Lord and Savior as Lord and say man amen praise God this is going to take two minutes someone will give you three things I'm going to tell you what I tell folks have had a 200,000 people baptized in the Holy Spirit in meetings in America all right number one the same faith that you're saved with is the same faith you receive the Holy Spirit with you don't have to have a greater faith more faith pray more faith in if you can believe what I'm saying you have faith number two when we ask the Holy Spirit to come in you have to ask him to come in baptize you fill you he will do what you ask him if you'll believe number three the Bible says that when they were filled they spoke with tongues as the spirit gave utterance and I'd like to say it this way they spoke as the Spirit gave them inspired words and when you're praying for the Holy Spirit and you've asked him to come in has happened to me it happens to everybody I've ever met you will at some moment hear the Holy Spirit speaking to you and it's your spirit praying your spirits receiving the power of God and when you hear those words coming into your spirit and you're hearing it speak it with your mouth and you'll feel the power of God be released okay so right now say this with me everybody that's pray this together say Heavenly Father have been the father according to your word according to according to your promise according to your prom I receive I receive a gift again the Holy Ghost of the Holy right now like Spirit of God spirit of God fill me fill me baptize me God's power with the Holy Spirit and everybody watching we praise You Lord Airways all across the country all emotional Amanda Halle Paula bossa right now right now right now Holy Spirit in the Middle East right now right there in the Middle East let the spirit of God come someone that's a Muslim background you beginning to believe in Jesus you haven't followed through you prayed that prayer just now God's going to give you a sign right now I'm feeling this right now somewhere in the world that the Spirit of God come to you now in the name of Jesus that the Spirit of God come to you now and just begin to pray you're not gonna pray an Arabic or Aramaic you're gonna pray in a language right now everybody the colonel gets you lift up your voice let's just keep let's keep this something's happening right now receive as a sign to you that Christ is Messiah as a sign to you that the word of the Lord is real receive the power of God I'm gonna pray in the Holy Spirit for just a minute see the Lord told me to pray in the Holy Spirit somebody's gonna understand what I'm saying so it doesn't need to be interpret [Music] Mahalo Mahalo Mahalo diamond in l'homme de jambe de la Ola marathon shay-bo vivid osela from Attica Holman Ellis Ellis ISA ISA Colella or meta on Donna marsala or Baca Roberto Raymundo che guevara por la cárcel Matano Rosa hallelujah hallelujah God was so you to know he's real the Christ is real that Jesus is who he said he was that he is the Messiah he is the savior and the Redeemer the weight that you have been under the Lord Jesus will lift that from you if you are willing to believe that he is whom the angel Gabriel said that he is the son of the Living God that he is the Redeemer believe it with all of your heart right now believe it with all of your heart hallelujah hallelujah for the anointing is heaven how do we polish that many of us spoke in your supernatural Lord I got a few did not do it yet you know what you'll never hear it until you speak it right but once you start speaking it you will hear it you can't you know you can't speak in English if you don't move your lips and your and your tongue and enunciate you but there's coming from your belly from you Sharon so don't wait to hear it here wait to speak it from here how about Perry was given seven words from an angel that changed his life and it's going to change your life be right back we will return with more of our special presentation of secrets of the spirit world in just one moment only someone like Perry Stone who understands Israel the Jewish roots and studied the Bible for over 80 thousand hours and has a supernatural gift of teaching can help you unlock and understand the appointed times of the seven feasts of Israel so you can be prepared for the endtime events about to occur on planet earth call now and get Perry stones powerful revelatory book breaking the code of the feasts plus his three-part audio CD teaching series mysteries of the feasts plus his bonus audio CD teaching revealing God's glory this is an exclusive offer for our rich supernatural audience yours for a donation of $39 shipping and handling is included ask for offer number nine five five six in this groundbreaking yet easy-to-understand revelatory book breaking the code of the feasts and the anointed three-part audio CD teaching series mysteries of the feasts Perry stone will share with you amazing insights into the prophetic layers that encode the future you will see how God has detailed future events in the fall feasts and celebrations of Israel topics include God's best-kept secret concerning the future prophetic events that will impact planet earth the progression of Revelation the Exodus code the Tribulation code in Gideon's story prophetic secrets hidden in the parables the Armageddon code hidden in the book of Esther the future hidden in the fall feasts of Israel the awesome revelation discovered in Genesis 22 and so much more you will also receive Perry stones bonus audio CD revealing God's glory in this teaching Perry addresses the questions what is the glory of God what happens when the glory of God arises how can we tap into the glory of God also Perry's free bonus CD and as far as I'm concerned there is revelation knowledge in this CD I don't believe even Perry stone knew he literally had an angel whispering in his ear on this sir and the presence of God is so amazing and I think when you listen to that Sadie you will see the glory of God it is important to understand this teaching to better prepare you for the tsunami of God's glory about to invade planet Earth if you are really concerned about the future and if you really want to know what's going to happen and you want to know the mysteries of God let me tell you this is an instruction manual for the last days for the end time and for Bible prophecy it's important that right now you get this entire series because it's going to open your eyes to insight and revelation that you need to hear in this day and in this season don't miss out on getting Perry stones powerful revelatory book breaking the code of the feasts plus is three-part audio CD teaching series mysteries of the feasts plus bonus audio CD teaching revealing God's glory this is an exclusive offer for our in Supernatural audience yours for a donation of $39 shipping and handling is included s for offer number nine five five six call or you can send your check to sid roth it's supernatural p o-- box 39222 charlotte north carolina 28278 please specify offer number nine five five six or log on to call or write today and now back to our special presentation of secrets of the spirit world in this night of impartation and transfer from the Lord you guys know this song one of SIDS favorites you are awesome in this place put your hand over your heart even our listening and viewing audience and I want you to sing this plane released Lord the world tonight [Music] every vessel in this place [Music] to sweet [Music] this [Music] over you or your friends tonight see every vessel or [Music] transfer an impartation this manatees are your vessels [Music] all three [Music] our lives we [Music] [Music] we release part Asian Mighty touching every vessel with your glory your holiness we look away to unit the glory of who you are and what you to touching every human heart every life tonight or D this is real because you're awesome [Music] you are awesome in every vessel in Jesus name I want somebody to say hallelujah [Music] I'm gonna tell you something Harry and ain't you heard seven angel words that have changed your history tell me about Robert kimberly was pastoring the church years ago in South Dakota this happened to a woman who was members Church it was in the 1920s during the dustbowl her cow had gotten cut on a fence had maggots was dying her husband had tuberculosis was dying they were about to lose their farm and she was seeking God and I'm really abbreviating this and she saw they call it a dust devil it's that wind that just starts stirring like a little tornado and it starts coming toward her and she says Lord what else can I take and all of a sudden the dust ceased and a man stepped out of it and it was an angel of the Lord told her that her husband would be healed and they would live to birth more children told her that the cow was going to be healed and by the way the the maggots fell out of the cow's belly God stitched the couch supernaturally and the cow lived give stretching a lot listen this and this is what because she promised to give the couch to World Missions of God healed it now when she said to this man who was an angel of God if God heals this cow I'll sell it for World Missions the angel got angry at her and looked to her and said Liz seven words there are no ifs in God's plan there are no Deus and when brother Kimberling told me this and it's a lot more detailed than that and all her husband got healed they had more kids but when she told me this God changed my life and let me explain why I was praying a lot of prayers over my board that was addicted to alcohol and drugs who's now delivered but I was praying back then lord if you'll just touch him and I would say to my armor bearer Robby Robby if the Lord touches Jonathan and I kept saying if if if and there would be so many times that saying we're gonna build this building if the money comes in and the Lord told me he said when you say if you are always delaying it and you're questioning me he said think about if if you're saying what God can't do he said you realize the reason your boys not been delivered it's safe and can come before me and say he don't even believe you Perry stones is doesn't believe you because he's questioned if you're even able and I said Lord how do I change my prayer he said quit saying if and say when my son comes to God when that money comes in and I'm telling you everything started changing SID when I checked when I took the if out see a man came to Jesus said if you will make me hope and Jesus said I will he took the if out and so there's the if of Satan if of Satan is if you be the Son of God if you write the if of Satan is always making you doubt the word the only if God has is conditional on if my people are called by my name the condition is not on God because he doesn't have if the conditions on us are we going to obey okay and so when I begin to take the if out and those seven words I told brother camera like I said you just changed my life that's story from 1929 right about 20 that depression and I want people to know that when you pray quit praying if quit talking if after you pray and start using the phrase brother let me tell you something when when God gets ready when God does this when this comes through here's what we're gonna do and he taught me a lesson that I still to this day will catch myself and I said God forgive me you have no ifs in your plan you know how I know he has no ifs because it says the promises of God are yes and amen so be it and without faith you can't please God so no wonder if can't be in the believed vocabulary yeah now I want to tell you this after this broadcast sins you can continue watching the same gas save spirit this live event on isn it's supernatural Network now to continue watching on isn just log on to slash isn or download our free is and app to download the app just go to the App Store type in my name Sid Roth and select the orange isn app download it now that's the only way to get to the miracle portion that Perry prophesied is going to happen now when we return Kent Henry is going to share how to tune into the frequency of heaven for your prayers to be answered rapidly be right back we will return with more of our special presentation of secrets of the spirit world in just one moment call now and get Perry stones powerful revelatory book breaking the code of the feasts plus his three-part audio CD teaching series mysteries of the feasts plus his bonus audio CD teaching revealing God's glory this is an exclusive offer for our rich supernatural audience yours for a donation of $39 shipping and handling is included ask for offer number nine five five six in this groundbreaking yet easy-to-understand revelatory book breaking the code of the feasts and the anointed three-part audio CD teaching series mysteries of the feasts Perry stone will share with you amazing insights into the prophetic layers that encode the future you will see how God has detailed future events in the fall feasts and celebrations of Israel topics include God's best-kept secret concerning the future prophetic events that will impact planet earth the progression of Revelation the Exodus code the Tribulation code in Gideon's story prophetic secrets hidden in the parables the Armageddon code hidden in the book of Esther the future hidden in the fall feasts of Israel the awesome revelation discovered in Genesis 22 and so much more you will also receive Perry stones bonus audio CD revealing God's glory in this teaching Perry addresses the questions what is the glory of God what happens when the glory of God arises how can we tap into the glory of God you listen to that say day you will see the glory of God it is important to understand this teaching to better prepare you for the tsunami of God's glory about to invade planet Earth if you are really concerned about the future and if you really want to know what's going to happen this is an instruction manual for the last days for the end time and for Bible prophecy it's important that right now you get this entire series because it's going to open your eyes to insight and revelation that you need to hear in this day and in this season don't miss out on getting Perry stones powerful revelatory book breaking the code of the feasts plus is three-part audio CD teaching series mysteries the feasts plus his bonus audio CD teaching revealing God's glory this is an exclusive offer for our it's supernatural audience yours for a donation of $39 shipping and handling is included s for offer number nine five five six call or you can send your check to sid roth it's supernatural p o-- box 39222 charlotte north carolina 28278 please specify offer number nine five five six or log on to call or write today and now back to our special presentation of secrets of the spirit world many years ago God told you something but you actually you found out later it was in revelation and said if you would teach this and do this the presence of God would be on people and our prayers would be answered rapidly what did he tell you he said I was about twenty nine years old can't teach my body the body of Christ he didn't say people or the church but he said teach my body the devoted ones how to intermingle praise with prayer and worship intercession I think said people they get into worship but they don't cross over you just heard Perry saying about if when you're in worship face starts rising if you'll kick over into prayer even ten or twelve fifteen minutes later my wife said Kent that's how you lead worship you you've always if we give you a guitar or a piano what will happen is that you take as deep in the river of his presence in ten or twelve minutes and then you have a prayer target or prayer tabhi and then you come back we start praying about something it starts getting answered then eight or ten minutes later you come back out so when you lead worship for an hour and a half we're going through different prayer segments that are being answered because we were worshiping in his presence and faith had risen so intermingling praise with prayer and worship intercession is vital to our life i I want to push your gifting right now I want you to tell me what is going to happen this next segment where Perry stone and myself are going to operate in miracles you are gonna operate in miracles so be prophecy you'll be worshipping for a period of time and you'll be worshipping with him what is gonna happen if you lay down an anointed music bed and start hosting the presence of God his presence is boundless it's a limitless all things are possible what's gonna happen is we're just gonna open the gateway well I think about Bill Johnson at Bethel who wrote the book hosting the presence of God and I said man I could have written half of that because that's how I lead worship always leave room for the presence of God first you'll always have anointing and juice later to help people get you know to get their answers to their prayers but we're gonna open the gateway host the presence and when he shows up all things are possible well see I happen to know why someone even watching us now in a hospital room and you need a miracle geez you're at the right place at the right time I want to thank inspiration TV g/b and Emmy TV middle east television for partnering with us on this broadcast and don't forget even after this broadcast ends you can continue watching the miracle portion and remember remember Perry prophesied the gifts from uncle Rufus they'd be the one that could speak all these languages and other gifts they had they're going to be poured out and transferred to people but you have to watch this portion on the isn it's supernatural network to continue watching on isn just log on to or download our free is and app to download the app just go to the App Store type in my name Sid Roth and select the orange is and app once you have it you can watch us anytime 24/7 on any computer any smartphone download right now so you can continue watching once the broadcast ends but first here's Kent Henry with I tell you I love this song can III tell God this all the time I stand in awe of you [Music] I stand I stand in all of you you guys never come on I stand I stand on a miracle working God I stand I stay the forever God stay it god Oh crazy I stay [Music] Hey [Music] I still and you know [Music] Steve [Music] nasty nice there you know there are some God understand ice [Music] Oh to all praises do I stay [Music] I stay No [Music] standing in our we are standing No we are standing in our [Music] you're standing in we Revere you tonight we're standing [Music] we're standing in our [Music] I know my help comes from you Lord sing it with me I know your help I know my help comes from you word right [Music] comes from you [Music] like Harry stone [Music] help comes from you I know comes from you I know comes [Music] maker of maker come on one more to the right to the Lord and let me say that I know help comes from you lord [Music] up comes from yeah [Music] coming from you maker of heaven and earth miracles transforming power we enter in tonight mere I a miracle from you somebody say yes in dame [Music] mirakl from [Music] come on just keep pressing in of heaven and sing hallelujah see Holly me maker of heaven began [Music] [Applause] IFS no ifs ands or buts [Music] make come a warmer time I know my help comes from your lawyer I know help comes from [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I I know that God has something special in store for everyone for you watching in your television and you and the studio audience and I'm beginning to get words of knowledge words of knowledge are words from God what that means is there's no if there is no as that angel said it's yes and a man yes and so be it early this morning I was praying and I saw people being healed in their entire bodies of any arthritic condition arthritic knees arthritic fingers wrist carpal tunnel fingers any arthritic bags arthritic legs or shoulders you are free you know the truth behind the truth I set you free I can't if you have any words and Perrie or you feel impressed to say something any of you it's kind of free it's a it's a tag-team I was you know when we were coming over here and I knew that we would have this moment and I'm not sure if this is for someone here if it's someone watching but the Spirit of the Lord said to me there are people who the enemy has attacked their mind that they've blaspheme the Holy Ghost and some of this is a result of there was times that you were disobedient to the Lord and you have not felt now this is this may be for someone here and if it is you need to let me know because we can pray for you but it may be for someone at home but what happened is there was a time when you were close to the Lord you did got you got it a disobedience and since you've tried to come back and you have tried to come back you feel as though you're not at the level spiritually you were you don't have the joy that you used to have and and you you never you didn't blaspheme the enemy is telling you this to try to make you quit and give up okay is there anyone in the audience right here honey stand up if you would but let me just mention one thing about please please stand up but let me just mention one thing if you are worried that you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit you do have a try that's right if you're working you have it that's right that's down now right right now I want I want a couple lighters put your hand on this sister a couple let us stand up put your hand right over this is just touching on the shoulder right there real quick I do this real quick now I'm going to pray and it's what this is it's the spirit of shame well pray praying for these two pray for the people at home that's right and you at home you you you at home if you're at your computer wherever you're at or whatever you need to stand up and put your hands up nothing now everybody put your hands toward them right now I rebuke the spirit of shame in the name of Jesus be gone right now the bow few ladies raise your hands father God right now go ahead just receive open up your mouth and say Lord I receive Lord I receive right now in Jesus name Lord take this away by the power of God right now take it away oh hi Larry pull aside there you go go that's right let the Spirit of God pray through you let the Spirit of God pray father take this out right now his name we release her in her mind oh oh there we go in her spirit look her in the name of Jesus Christ oh the folks at home Spirit of God move upon them right now I speak to your Holy Spirit to go right where they are right where these individuals are this lying spirit it's nothing but a spirit of shame that's trying to condemn them to tell them that God is not with them I come against it in the name of Jesus right now go from the people you set them free Holy Spirit right where they are somebody at home I see a woman I see a woman you're wearing glasses you just took your glasses down because you're starting to cry you couldn't cry like that if you'd blaspheme the Holy Spirit that devil is a liar you're weeping because the Spirit of God is coming on you I'm telling you that's that's that's going on right now prays okay in a hospital room watching us right now that doctor has given you a death sentence it has to do with your heart I say in Jesus you will live and I not die okay Harry you it came right out of your mouth yeah I know it we are not pre consumed no I know what you said about tell us just a little bit about some of the gifting that people have prayed for laid hands on you and for my uncle that could speak all those languages was about to die didn't know he's about to die but I went to West Virginia when I was 18 had him lay hands on me and asked him and I didn't actually ask him he prayed in tongues I said what did I say and I said I don't know he said you better learn how to interpret and then I did then he speaks in tongues against one of the Lord SAS said the Lord said I'm gonna get your anointing when you die he said that's it I was never sick glad to hear from God my life this was scary now after he prayed for me two things happened the first the first miracle I ever saw a boy healed his granddaddy carried him in he couldn't walk in he basketball within the next day and the second one was the gift of tongues it started operating where signs and wonders happened through that gift that was his anointing that same anointing he had that Holy Spirit it's his anointing but he gives those gifts to people now I understand as much as anybody will ever meet the power of transferring anointings and giftings just like in second Kings - with the two prophets you read about the Bible but there's three things got ten that's going to take about a minute and a half number one covet earnest of the best gift and that word covet sounds like a negative word to us but in Greek it means desire heavily the best gift now what's the best gift it's the one that works best at the situation you're in okay okay you may have a gift but you may need a different one for this and a different one for that so you have to cover us or the best skip which means how do you want to be used by the Lord God doesn't give these gifts for you just to go to church and lay hands and profits over church folks hello God gives you gifts to be signs and wonders to the unbeliever and to minister to help people and number three is there's an impartation that comes and when this man prayed for me this happened after he prayed I felt liquid fire I can't describe it any other way go up my hands down my back across my neck and I had to drive home an hour about an hour and a half to Salem Virginia maybe two hours and felt that all night long so I knew something had happened because it was a it was a touch all the way to the bone now when the Spirit of God gets ready to move in a moment I want you to ask him Holy Spirit how would you use me in this area and you're not you're not asking for self gratification for self glory you're not asking to be because somebody called you a prophet or a prophetess in fact if you're a real one you won't even announce it other people will recognize it but you won't have to run around saying I'm prophet or so-and-so a prophet so-and-so and I'm a taste of a real prophet or tell you ain't living right - he's not just gonna always prophesy blessing over you we'll come to your church and say mr. elder right there you're causing trouble for the passenger God's gonna kill you like and sapphire if you don't straighten up you said no God's not gonna do that no real people of God that hear from God consist can show the bad things it's about to happen but the good things it's about to happen all right now having said that I want you to put your hands up right now and I'm going to start praying by the window thank you ready especially the people at home I have a heart yeah absolutely here's what I believe I believe that we are in the glory I believe this is an and can you understand what I'm saying where there's an atmospheric uh-huh anointing front in this place it'll go right through your your smartphone yes it right through your computer yes right from as we pray it's not so much Terry laying hands on you that's right it's you believing right you're believing right it's not if it's now now you at home if you desire this and I know many of you do to be used by the Lord put your hands up right where you are at home here sit come over here the anointing of God's coming heavy now I'm gonna pray in the spirit at first because the Holy Spirit's power is real Oh spirit Oh tenemos PETA Nocona que se ponen de toda la raza Prato Canelo na hito soprano neck until at MiraCosta Tory Robert and soprano Corey Mel Arango repet us a Lakota men oka tesara Vito Salaam break otamatone bro lightest Oh father father father in the name of the sword of God the Lord Jesus the sheshu the Messiah God we come to you now and we ask you God to as Paul said to impart spiritual gifts Lord these gifts have been neglected but they've always existed these have been neglected in the church but they've always been there you have never taken one gift away from your people your people have become cold and neglected them but right now Oh in the name of the Lord Jesus I come to you God and I'm asking you to impart the gifts of the Spirit the ones that are best for the people right now lift up your voice and craft to God that you want that right now watching right now the Spirit of God move to where they are let the anointing of God be released upon them right now Oh God for Sid Mr prettiman - Meiko little rebus spiracle Bayona missile atomic number leader risako Oh Lord use him Lord God that the word spoken over him many years ago be fulfilled soon in the name of the Lord Heavenly Father we impart God what you've given to us such as we have God through your spirit such as we have God by your grace we give and we release in the name in the name of the Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit we release those things that are good we released them you said Heavenly Father to stir up the gift that's within us which was given to us God for the laying on of hands and prayer so now stir it up everybody everybody that's in this room put your hands up begin to pray and the Holy Ghost right now and I might eat some of you your language is gonna change some of you start praying in tongues your language is gonna change watch this those hands to God this is your presence this is your gifting this is your anointing that needs to be released in this area there needs to be released around the world master in the name of Jesus put your hand upon the people put your presence upon the people stir up the gift on the inside rekindle the fire on the inside fires that have died in the spirit God stir it back up again gives God that once existed that people have allowed they've ignored them that they have not followed through with them stir them up in the name in the name in the name in the name thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord stir that stir that Lord change people's hearts change their life change their thinking change their attitude change heavenly father those things that the enemy have tried to do turn it around give a turn around and ninety God in the name of the Son of God in the name of the king of bulrush in the name of the king of kings by your spirit not by your spirit do something special impart those things right now God according to your presence the sphere [Applause] blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be blesses me blessed be the name blessed be the name so could be nice and there buddy now so the Spirit of God wants to wants me to give give us one word to you about operating in any gift if you have words of wisdom a word of knowledge you you feel like in your spirit and this is folks at home to that maybe he's giving you something and sometimes we're not sure you've been there you know Scott is this the Lord it's me I never go up to anybody and say the Lord told me to tell you this because if you miss it you get you disqualify yourself from speaking to them again okay does that make sense but if I'm not sure because there's times I know it's God it burns in me and I know it I could just look I can say this if you're not sure but you think you're getting something what I do is I'll go up to somebody this is in the Church of zesting the folks I'm hearing something I'm feeling something in the spirit now you're gonna have to judge this but I wanted I want to share this with you and then you share with the person what you're hearing and feeling then if they say you know what I've been praying about that or yes I was asking God about that last week or you know that just happened to me then but never get puffed up never get puffed up my boy God spoke to me because pride will bring every gift to a hole in your lives okay always be humble when God uses you well and then you have to test it because I remember the first time I spoke in tongues and gave a message in that little church when I was 18 it scared me bad and I was like oh god is that really you you know and was the Lord because it came so fast but my point is that too many people go out and say God said God said God said and God never said well they got a gift of suspicion and not the gift of the Spirit they heard something on somebody now they go act like they go prophesy over something they heard come on I'm talking to you and my daddy always said never say God said unless you have 100% peace and confidence that he did now you'll learn that it's like a baby a baby spits up but it quit spitting up when it gets older if my boy spit up at 27 I'd slap him and I wouldn't slap him when he was three you grow up and you mature in this you learn how to flow in the spirit but the only way you can learn to flow is gradually test what your feelings gradually test like you know you know I've been around people in the world with sad be at a restaurant and the Lord would say to me that person needs a hundred and forty dollars that's a lot of money and I'd get money and I say sir can I ask you a question why do you need a hundred and forty dollars and they look at me and say who told you that I said well I'm just asking they said well I got a bill come and do and it's $140 and I can't pay it I said well I'll have it in my hand right here and I've watched them break down and cry because that's exactly the amount they needed this has happened to me more times than not in camp remember God will speak you just have to flow learn to listen learn to test it and if you ever test something and you tell someone something you say I've been praying and they'll say well that ain't me well so that's why that's why I said it I wanted to see don't get upset well just what go let go let God speak to me but you know don't get upset because you have you're dealing with flesh and spirit and what you have to learn to do is listen to spirit instead of follow flesh you know and it takes to know attack sound isn't very he must increase yes grace you had a word yeah you know a great capstone for where at this is such a powerful flow you know parry to get people to pray in the spirit even for five to eight to ten minutes is a big deal anymore because we lost understanding so here's what I want to do I'm gonna pray we're gonna join hands and a mitten in a minute and it's Ephesians 1:17 eighteen and nineteen open the eyes of our understanding to ending what I see is light and wisdom of heaven is falling like a rain it's raining in this sanctuary and at home right now one of the highest things we could pray is God give us your light and wisdom from heaven for discernment on how to proceed for the next two or three years I'm saying much is hanging in the balance in America maybe at your home church or maybe where you work or whatever so I want you to grab your neighbors hand we're going to kick into the prayer leg again I'm going to start releasing here's where the line a twisted knot I want you to go to that channel and said I want you to sing it yeah there's more power yeah with the song and the music that's right design and wisdom of heaven is raining down lightin wisdom is raining down we receive your life we receive your and wisdom we received right now we receive your light from we receive your wisdom from we receive your right now it's raining it's raining thank you it's raining now we're training in your home tonight [Music] in Serena sanctuary from heaven in this sanctuary wisdom is falling all around the wisdom of I didn't wisdom we receive your rain right now you rain right wisdom [Music] we receive your rain right now we come on sing it out [Music] right now in wisdom of heaven right now we receive you [Music] involving now 9 and wisdom we receive your rain sit with me and light and wisdom of heaven we receive light and wisdom and we believe it's raining we receive your [Music] right and wisdom of heaven we received we leave receiving it right now come on more time and then we'll start praying it who is the love haven't we receive lying we believe it's raining in the sanctuary we receive it this is concerning discernment and wisdom of heaven falling now in wisdom and we receive right now and I start praying from your neighbor your friend on either side start praying in the spirit discernment discernment discernment is release concerning our future for the next two to three year run for your glory God the greater discernment of the the greater discernment of the Holy Ghost greater discernment and judgment of the holy God Holy Spirit right it just use your prayer language start praying heavy-duty heavy-duty anointing heavy duty and oh it's happening it's in trees there's a flow of the light and wisdom of heaven in the Holy Spirit discernment we need a greater discernment to make the run only someone like Perry stone who understands Israel the Jewish roots and studied the Bible for over 80,000 hours and has a supernatural gift of teaching can help you unlock and understand the appointed times of the seven feasts of Israel so you can be prepared for the endtime events about to occur on planet earth call now and get Perry stones powerful revelatory book breaking the code of the feasts plus his three-part audio CD teaching series mysteries of the feasts plus his bonus audio CD teaching revealing God's glory this is an exclusive offer for our rich Supernatural audience yours for a donation of $39 shipping and handling is included ask for offer number nine five five six in this groundbreaking yet easy to understand revelatory book breaking the code of the feasts and the anointed three-part audio CD teaching series mysteries of the feasts Perry stone will share with you amazing insights into the prophetic layers that encode the future you will see how God has detailed future events in the fall feasts and celebrations of Israel topics include God's best-kept secret concerning the future prophetic events that will impact planet earth the progression of Revelation the Exodus code the Tribulation code in Gideon's story prophetic secrets hidden in the parables the Armageddon code hidden in the book of Esther the future hidden in the fall feasts of Israel the awesome revelation discovered in Genesis 22 and so much more you will also receive Perry stones bonus audio CD revealing God's glory in this teaching Perry addresses the questions what is the glory of God what happens when the glory of God arises how can we tap into the glory of God also Perry's free bonus CD and as far as I'm concerned there is revelation knowledge in this CD I don't believe even Perry stone knew hilary had an angel whispering in his ear on this service and the presence of god is so amazing and I think when you listen to that CD you will see the glory of God it is important to understand this teaching to better prepare you for the tsunami of God's glory about to invade planet Earth if you are really concerned about the future and if you really want to know what's going to happen and you want to know the mysteries of God let me tell you this is an instruction manual for the last days for the end time and for Bible prophecy it's important that right now you get this entire series because it's going to open your eyes to insight and revelation that you need to hear in this day and in this season don't miss out on getting Perry stones powerful revelatory book breaking the code of the feasts plus is three-part audio CD teaching series mysteries of the feasts plus his bonus audio CD teaching revealing God's glory this is an exclusive offer for our rich supernatural audience yours for a donation of $39 shipping and handling is included s for offer number nine five five six call or you can send your check to sid roth it's supernatural p o-- box 39222 charlotte north carolina 28278 please specify offer number nine five five six or log on to call or write today [Music]
Channel: Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!
Views: 409,344
Rating: 4.8162007 out of 5
Keywords: Secrets of the Spirit World LIVE, Perry Stone, Sid Roth, Kent Henry, Sid Roth Perry Stone, Sid Roth 2018, Sid Roth It's Supernatural, Sid Roth Supernatural, Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!, It's Supernatural!
Id: GKXT_iXcqgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 16sec (5296 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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