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[Music] welcome to manna-fest hosted by international evangelist teacher and author perry stone on today's program you will experience a powerful right now word that will change your life forever enjoy unique insight into prophetic and practical truth as Perry ministers using biblical word studies ancient Jewish history and Hebrew customs that will cause the scriptures to come alive as never before it's time to feast on fresh manna so get ready to be blessed and encouraged and now here is your host and teacher Perry stone [Music] well if you've ever known as grace and mercy you can appreciate that song cancer amen is Tommy here from peso pesos Tommy is he got here he was supposed to drop in this morning he's probably been so busy yet no chance - Tommy is a dear friend of ours he attends a church local church here in town and if you've been to our previous Camping's peso peso is the best restaurant in Pigeon Forge I'm not kidding we eat there I hear about every time every day that I'm in don't go to any other place hardly but there it's a Mexican place he supports this our ministry and we always tell people if you're gonna eat go to peso paces at least once it's take a right when you go out and it's right down here really where the Grand Hotel is right across the street from and if you like Mexican food it's authentic it ain't Taco Bell then I say that it's authentic and they have real Mexican people back there cooking and it's just phenomenal if you like Mexican food do not eat it an hour before church with a lot of spice you know you'll be sitting there going bro Ray's God but I thought Tommy will probably be here one day this week to share with you because he is a great blessing and we wanted to also inform you of that all right we're getting started here in just a moment we make sure that we've got everything taken care of and everybody give me a signal of taping it off it's ready to go you ready to go here we go Pigeon Forge camp meeting I don't give the Lord a hand for Pigeon Forge camp hated summer prophetic conference for those who may be listening my cassette tape for those who may be watching on video or television we have a manual that we're using but this manual was only made available to those who attended the conference it is not made available to anyone else except the conference attendees we're beginning today in the subject of lesson 1 the mystery of the world that was the pre-adamic worldly page 1 in your outline I want to take a moment and tell you something that has intrigued me for many years and that is this that there seems to be a great contradiction between what's Christians traditional Christianity believes and what science believes concerning the age of the earth and concerning the age of mankind basically traditional Christianity dates mankind to about 6,000 years that is Adam traditional sign as we would call it says that man existed millions of years ago dinosaurs existed millions of years before man did so how do you preach or teach creationism and still have this contradiction apparent contradiction there are seven theories that are propagated throughout the world concerning to the creation/evolution debate I'd like to get these to you first is what's called naturalistic atheistic evolution all creation and living systems are explained without a god evolutionists believe all creations evolved over a period of millions of years this was the theory that Charles Darwin espoused and the theory taught in most public schools theory number two is called theistic evolution all forms progressed over millions of years as God supervised this long term process the third theory is the progressive creation theory God would spend millions of years interviewing one aspect of creation and then he would intervene adding another area to the process of creation you didn't know there was this moon theories digit the four theory is called the de-age theory God created the earth and all living things over a period of days the days are not literal days but represent an extended unknown period of time the scripture from 2nd Peter 3:8 talks about one day with the Lord is a thousand years and that is often used to propagate the theory in other words he did it in a day but it's not a day that we know of a day a day that to God maybe ten million years and that's what this theory deals with then there's the Revel of the revelatory day theory God revealed to Moses who wrote the book of Genesis by the way over a period of seven days the entire story of creation the first day was the dateless past the second day God revealed what he created in the dateless past and the third day in the fourth day and so on so in other words the actual creative process was millions of years but the revoluta God gave the revelation to Moses in the wilderness on day one day two day three day four day five so he says on the second day God did this and he was saying that God did this showed me that he did this on the second day and the next day showed me something else and there is a theory that deals with that the gap theory this process involves hundreds of millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 there's a huge gap of time consisting of perhaps millions of years the earth was created Perth but became void through the fall of Lucifer and the host of angels who fell from heaven and of course number seven this is a again a traditional Christian theory this theory is the tradition of Christian theory stating that the seven days of creation are seven literal day since the Genesis account says the evening and the morning are the first day and I will add that if you take the word day YUM in Hebrew there it does mean a literal 24-hour period and that's one of the arguments that the cheese is used for theory number seven which is what we just mentioned now here's where you get into the real conflict the real conflict is if we as Christians believe that God over a period of six days created everything on the sixth day he created man and the seventh day he rested and we believe that the earth itself is 6,000 years old then how do you bridge the gap between carbon-14 which is by the way an older way of testing now and all the scientific evidence that says the earth is at least four million years old and could actually be way up into a hundred million to 150 million years of agent this is supposed to be coming now from reputable men who have high degrees of education how do you relate the difference between there if we accept the seven-day theory that is that in seven days everything was completed 6,000 years ago how do you explain away the dinosaurs and that is where the real thorn the flesh comes in as it relates to teaching creationism in public schools see the public school system says how can you come and teach kids that everything was made in 6,000 years when you got Toronto source recs over here that's a you know 100 million years of age and so there is this real contradiction now here's what we want to talk about with the exception of naturalistic atheistic evolution which is what Darwin taught which is what is taught basically public schools every theory and this is important to understand has its own arguments and many of these theories I just listed with the exception of evolution is really is taught by very highly knowledgeable Christians in mainstream Christianity and also some in secular education in other words theory number two through number seven on your list there are good Christian Scientists and professors who different ones of them pick a certain theory and they will say this is what I believe and then they'll give you they'll give you real good evidence for all those theories so when we study what we're about to study I want you to understand that what I'm going to deal with today is a theory just like one of these other theories but I believe after twenty four years of studying it's probably the best theory of putting everything together and so we hope you're going to hear some things today that will help you understand this josephus mentioned something how many know Josephus is if you ever if you ever listen to me preach you know who Josephus is I used to quote him at least once and every blessed Josephus was a Jewish historian actually a Greek Jewish historian who lived back at a time of the destruction of the temple and he wrote the history of creation all the way to the destruction of the temple he wrote the whole story in volumes called the works of Josephus by the way they are available in most Christian bookstores now printed in the English language Josephus makes an interesting statement relating to Moses writing about creation in the purpose of his writings Josephus says that Moses wrote some things enigmatically some allegorically and the rest in plain words he says that Moses after the seventh day was over began to talk philosophically this is his perspective of understanding what Moses wrote therefore some scientists say that that shows you that it was not seven literal days of creation but that Josephus was trying to say that when God revealed this to Moses he showed him some things that we today don't quite understand why he wrote or how he wrote it or what he really meant by it because he may have been writing it from a different perspective than what we understand I want to just kind of drive that point home there so that you will understand this that even back in that day which is 1,900 years ago they're still trying to figure out what Moses wrote okay so when we start talking about theories understand something that most Jewish people who are religious believe that God created the earth in seven days but the problem is what do you do with the age of the planet I believe just up front that Adam goes back to 6,000 years I do have a problem though if you say the planet itself is only 6,000 years of age I personally have a problem with that although we'll show you evidence that it probably is I have a problem with that and I'll show you how that problem may be solved everybody ready to see how the problem might be able to be solved at least we're going to try to do that in theory now in second Peter chapter 3 verse 5 through 6 here's what the Bible says for this are they willingly ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of water and in the water wherefore the world that then was being overflowed with water perished now I would assume that he's talking about the flood of Noah there but scholars indicate that there may have been a flood of some kind of water at the beginning of creation how do we know that because here's what it says in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth now watch verse 2 and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and then you start seeing after that dry land appear and God separating the water from the dry land now the question is this if God just did a normal process of creating the land and then creating the sea in the creating the sky why do you have water covering the face of the earth in Genesis chapter 1 and verse 2 when in verse 1 it's created perfect the Hebrew word God created that were created and all Hebrew scholars agree with this is a Hebrew word that means he did it intact and perfect and so we find it that water is connected very early so therefore we have water in two instances we have water at the beginning of creation covering the entire planet now either something has happened relating with water or there's been a flood and then we have a second flood which is the flood of Noah which we also know according to Genesis chapter 6 and 7 covered the entire earth so I want to establish from the beginning that we find water at creation covering the planet we find water in the story of Noah covering the entire planet and this water believe it or not this water is the real key to understanding the theory and understanding how it all connects with creation now let me talk for a moment about the condition of the earth before the flood of Noah because folks the flood of Noah totally changed things I mean over 4,200 years ago when this blood took place the changes that took place on planet Earth are incredible point number one and this is interesting I found this out many years ago when I was in school I was fascinated by the earth at one time was one large continent in one large plate it was not divided up into the seven continents that we have today in fact and I tried to do this I was going to get a map and gonna bring it here and piece all these pieces together but I'll let you do that on your own I did do this one time but you'll discover if you cut out the map of the continents they fit together you can fit this one over here into Latin America and this one over here into Africa up into Europe and so it is unequivocally believed that at one time the earth that we know it was all connected in one area in one geographical plate and then water surrounded those that that huge huge land mass that is not a if that is an absolute fact now what is interesting is this this can be seen when connecting the major continents from a large map the continents were once connected the waters in the beginning we're gathered together in one place there was not the Mediterranean the Pacific the Black Sea the Mediterranean all these different seas there was only one massive water Genesis chapter 1 verse 9 and in the beginning I want to say it again there was one landmass one body of water surrounding it during Noah's Flood it ruptured the plates of the of this connivance one continent because the Fountains of the deep the Bible said were ruptured and how do we know that had that happened that way how do we know the flood of Noah did that because the same sedimentary deposits are found along the coastlines of both America and Europe in other words they studied the coastlines and it's the exact same deposits and sediments on our coastlines showing that at one time they were both connected and what they did they floated during this time and by the way the continents are still floating I don't know if you know that or not and they drifted apart now it's interesting because we say when did this happen I want you to look in Genesis chapter 10:25 here's what it says is Part C Part C actually of your outline page 2 in the time of Peleg P eleg Peleg it says in your Bible in his day was the earth divided now that has no reference to the Tower of Babel where the nations were divided and their speeches were divided something happened in the days of Peleg now by the way pale eggs name means earthquake so there was something that happened there was a shaking of the plates that took place we believed that Noah's Flood may have been the part that that actually originated this and then it set the continents adrift but the Bible says Peleg in his day was the earth divided and several major Christians who are scientists have pointed out that verse to show the cut the drifting of the continental drifting of the plates which took place secondly this again has been proven by theory there was one time a large canopy covering the firmament now when you look up today you're gonna look up and see the moon and the Sun perhaps hope you don't look at Sun too long but you're gonna see the moon the Sun and you're going to see this beautiful sky that's above us according to the Bible Genesis 1 verses 6 through 8 there was a beautiful firmament that was covering the entire planet and this firmament believe this or not was a firmament that had a thin layer of water in it now how do we know that because scientists I wish I'd have brought this article it's about five years old scientists have discovered rivers in the sky you do not see them with the natural eye but they have discovered there were actually vapour rivers that are literally covering this entire planet which may be the remnant of some of this firmament that once covered the earth now some scientists believe that that was a sort of an aqua green color and they do that because of all the molecules and all the different things are putting them together so you can imagine if you would go out look at this beautiful to be honest a sapphire looking heaven and how many know the throne of God is like a sapphire according to the Bible in the book of Revelation and it had this thin covering of water around it and this is important later on you understand this and this covering what it did it filtered any kind of deadly rays from the Sun there were no deadly rays at all getting through to the earth in the very beginning of time of creation so the atmosphere as far as the Sun was concerned was totally perfect and to watch this now this is interesting and because the continents were all together the weather would have been perfectly equal around the entire earth perfectly equal there wouldn't have been anything freezing here anything cold here anything hot there it would have all been connected in one area on a certain parallel of the earth and I think you can understand this when you see this so where the garden was you know where the garden was Genesis chapter 2 it gives you the rivers of the garden Jerusalem was the center of the garden I don't have time to preach this but see if you've heard me preach it and fifteen hundred miles square all the way around the Nile River it was the Gihon that your freight ease and the Tigris were over here you can balance those rivers out to 1500 miles squared that's where man lived in the beginning and the the I'm telling you the weather was perfect the temperatures stayed the same throughout the year and this is how everything was again at the beginning of creation number three this is important at the beginning of creation the Bible says that the earth was watered from a mist coming out of the ground Genesis chapter 2 5 through 6 and every plant of the field before and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew the Lord had not caused a terrain upon the earth and there was not a man to till the ground but there went up from the earth and watered a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground of the ground and Genesis chapter 2 there's one river that runs through the Garden of Eden the rivers are called the pishon that you honed the Euphrates and the Tigris of the heada Kel River and again we know where the Euphrates and Tigris are they're the border of Iran and Iraq the Jihan according to Josephus was the Nile that's in Egypt and the other River the pishon River is a lost river that probably ran through Havilah which is Saudi Arabia and they found out they have a satellite now that found a dried riverbed oddly enough it runs all the way through Saudi Arabia and they believe that's the ancient pishon river that the book of Genesis talks about how you know the Bible is true yeah you know no Zion and so you have this this this boundaries of the Garden of Eden again they if you make Jerusalem the center the boundaries were 1500 miles squared that ought to excite you because the New Jerusalem is 1500 miles squared so God had a parallel in the working at the very beginning of time now this mist coming up from the ground is very important that you understand they see when knowit's start preaching the flood was coming and he did preach that because God showed Adam the world would be destroyed by water according to Josephus and he told Seth and said told Enoch and they passed it down all the way to know it so knows that they're building the boat but when Noah's preaching that a flood is coming it had never totally rained as we know it on the earth because the Bible says you had this beautiful canopy of water around the surface of around the atmosphere Kevin's and there were clouds by the way but it was totally operative print than it is now and you had the one River of Eden and then you had the mist coming up out of the ground to water the garden and this would have made some tremendous changes in the plant life vegetation life the size of men the size of animals as we're going to show you here now I don't know if anyone has ever watched this man he comes on TV and quater a lot dr. Karl ba has anybody ever seen dr. Carl Baugh on Telegraph let me see your hand if you've ever seen it well you folks will know what I'm talking about you that have and I encourage you get any material this guy puts out because he's just on my level you understand what I'm saying I can just eat this guy all day long you know it what he's not him but his material I'm not a cannibal but his material now he talks about he talks about this man don't give me laughing group he talks about this mist that one time came up out of the ground in the book of Genesis the water that came up out of the ground was located in subterranean chambers listen to the book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep darkness was upon the face of the deep Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters the word deep in Hebrew is to home to home and to home our subterranean chambers that are underneath the earth now you know if you remember from school that the earth is three layers you have you have the crust you have the mantle and you have the core what is odd is between the crust and the mantle is what's called the mohuru basic discontinuity abbreviation is Moho the Moho is between the crust and the mantle now what it is it's like it's like a layer of a skin on an apple it's a gap and everything is floating on that Moho this was discovered kind of at the turn of the century and what is interesting is in that chamber our subterranean waters now but the subterranean waters that are there now the aquifer whatever they call it is a lot different now than it was then here's the reason why they have discovered that the water before the flood was called energized water because it ran over granite in most parts of the earth it would come over granite and granite ionizes or in I should I say energizes water now if you don't understand what energized water is it's too complicated for me to stand here and try to explain to you but let me show you dr. Carl Baugh and the research that he has done because of the president of TCT Network Tina and Garth Koontz they were telling me they took their cameras down to Texas where dr. Carl Baugh is working and they videotaped this and he told me he's it's the most phenomenal thing you've ever seen in your life they start energizing water and they began to give it to plants and here's what they discovered they discovered that they can make corn grow they've done this now 18 feet tall where normally a corn stalk will be 8 feet tall they can make it grow 18 feet tall with huge ears of corn on it they've tested energized water on fish and fish grow twice their normal size come on give me some catfish baby put chow down okay this would affect the size of animals if animals were drinking energized water it would increase their size to twice their size as normal this is why you get into the dinosaurs that's why you give these creatures that were so huge back in that day and they also believed it could have had could have had the same impact on mankind now listen to this number four this is the this is the earth that was the earth back before the flood of no and everything I'm explaining to you now is from Adam to Noah prior to the flood the oxygen and the atmospheric pressure was doubled to the present level they developed a chamber in Texas to demonstrate the effects of increased oxygen and atmospheric pressure cuts heal faster the mental abilities such as memories increase and even to the point of doubling as you increase the oxygen levels you will learn that the flood of Noah changed these things let me tell you what I heard now I'm not a doctor and I'm not gonna get into that aspect of it but let me say this sugar feeds can't serve anyone who's ever had cancer or fighting cancer has to totally completely get off sugar now people always juice carrots because carrots have beta carotene but carrots also turned to sugar a lot of people don't know that so they may be helping themselves in one area not helping themselves in another area but cancer cannot survive in pure oxygen now I don't want to get started on this because if I were a politician I would be blasting this across America I have friends who are doctors and I have talked to them and these men who are good Christian men agree with me 100% in the medical profession you make your money off of people being sick not people getting well it's like an automobile a guy who is a mechanic once your car to break down we have a copy machine in our office an older one that was like a horse it wouldn't break down and the company guy who sold us another one hadn't bought a new one because that one was too small he said you know they've taken this machine now and put a chip in it where it'll break down after two years I said now come on no they they they have and so did you know Thomas Edison's rubber never wears out the rubber he invented that if Thomas Edison would have made your tires they would last you your lifetime the lightbulb he invented is still burning in San Francisco at a fire department and it's not probably a hundred years old now ninety or hundred years of age the batteries he made but you can't sell a light bulb that never goes out or a tire that never goes out because once everybody's got it you're out of business so guess what they do they put a filament in your light bulb that will snap after a period of time so you've got to go buy a light bulb they put something in the rubber to make the rubber wear out and I'm telling you it's I think they even started to do it to computers I've had computer demons in my office do you understand what I'm saying I mean the computer struck going crazy after about two or three years and I'm saying to myself you know these guys I've got to put a chip in this thing so you'll buy another one and so that's oh don't get me on this now but here's the point that I want to make there are ways that cancer could be healed now I'm only going to give you this in brief they took a woman with cancer with cancer put her in this chamber for a period of six weeks with double the oxygen level and the cancer was completely taken out of her without surgery without radiation or without anything now if I were the medical profession I'd be building these chambers and if you go to make money make money off of putting people in these chambers but you've got to understand the number one and I'm not trying to be facetious here but the number one maker for the medical profession is treating a cancer patient and many times first thing they want to do is cut you open and operate on you and you know and if people say well when the oxygen hits it doubles well there's evidence to show that if you know what you're doing and you know how I'm gonna talk about cutting people and throwing it in there I'm talking about them breathing it natural that they're having you know God if you really look at the word the Lord understands how to take care of the body he understands how to how to get it healed and there's things they put on earth I believe very firmly that that that if man knows how to follow that pattern and I'm not talking about New Age medicine I'm talk about just basic things that God enabled the body to heal itself so don't get me on that because I'd say I have a if I have a pet peeve it's how people are spending their income on medicine that they may not even need that's not helping them at all okay let me go on from here praise God so okay for things again sometimes I get on a rabbit trail and just can't help it for things I want to share with you okay number one the earth was a large plate surrounded by water number two there was a canopy covering the firmament in the heavens that also consisted of a thin layer of water how do we know that read the book of Genesis he separated the waters that were below from the waters that were above number three the earth was watered by a mist coming from the ground Genesis 2:5 through six number four and this has been proven again by tests which they have made that the oxygen and the atmospheric pressure was double of what it is now meaning that people if they got any kind of a cut it would almost heal within within just a very short period of time probably within a day if they had any kind of a sickness that would have even come upon them now that doesn't take you long now to figure out that under these conditions that's one reason why people live to be seven hundred and nine hundred years of age before the flood of Noah and the flood of Noah changed some things now let us go back now and look at the earth that was and let me share with you some things I think you're going to find very interesting I do believe personally after Stenson study in a theory that is known as the gap theory now the gap theory basically basically goes something like this that in Genesis chapter 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and when God created the heavens and the earth everything was created perfect the Hebrew word is Barack in the beginning God created and that word actually means everything is complete it's done it's it's done well then in Genesis chapter 1 in verse 2 the earth is without form and void and darkness is upon the face of the deep what would have caused the earth to go through a change from Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 1:2 that's question number one question number two is how much time passed between God creating the heavens and the earth and the story of the Spirit of God suddenly coming down moving on the face of the waters now it is an assumption the Bible doesn't tell you this it is an assumption that it all happened on the first day I want to say that again it is an assumption that it all happened on the first day there is a gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 that could be 1 million years ten million years 1,000 years one week we don't know how long it was well someone said well what do you think weathers don't happen between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 I can tell you from reading the Bible what happened in Genesis 1:1 when God created the heavens and the earth the book of Job says that the sons of God sang together and the morning stars shouted for joy sons of God has been in Elohim and it means angels it is literally interpreted in Jewish history and in your Bible as angels Angels rejoiced at the creation of the heavens and the earth that's in the book of Job now among those angels was an angel by the name of Satan that was not his original name by the way or Satan which means adversary but his original name appears to be Lucifer which means a Light Bearer now I believe the fall of Lucifer happened in the dateless Paz somewhere between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 and it was that fall that set the entire universe in a total complete chaotic state now let me read to you and you're on page 4 now if you follow me in the outline let me read to you 4 scriptures found in the Bible Isaiah chapter 14 reads as follows how far have fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning Herald are cut down to the ground which did weaken the nation's for thou has set in my heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the height of the clouds I will be like the Most High yet God says you should be brought down to the sides of the pit now any scholar who studies this in the context of what it's saying knows it's not talking about some earthly king that the Prophet is talking about the supernatural king of Babylon who is Satan or Lucifer now here's the part I want you to notice he says I will have sin into heaven hold it I thought before he fell he was already in heaven he said I will ascend above the clouds and above the Stars wait a minute I thought before he fell he was already above the clouds and above the Stars hold on here it appears from this scripture that the enemy or Satan or Lucifer before he fell is somewhere in a lower level of the atmosphere perhaps ruling leading a worship on a thing called the Mount of the congregation and he wants to ascend into heaven and ascend above the height of the clouds and be like the Most High God it almost appears look what it says I will ascend above the stars I will ascend above the Mount of the congregation's I will be like the Most High God I will exalt my throne now this is Lucifer before the fall what is he doing with the throne now I want you to remember that statement because I'm going to be talking about the planet Mars in a minute I never say anything controversial until today but we're going to show you something interesting about the planet Mars Ezekiel chapter 28 now has been in Eden the garden of God every precious stone was recovering now this is the Garden of Eden now there aren't the anointed cherub that covereth I've set these so you were upon the holy mountain of God you've walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire now this is a real strange passage because I have traditionally said he's talking about the garden of how he's come into the garden of God which was the Garden of Eden but then we also know that there is a paradise in heaven 2nd Corinthians 12 and the word paradise is garden and we know that in heaven is where Satan God was worshiped we know Satan was an anointed cherub we know that from the text we know that there's a holy mountain of God where God is worshiped in heaven and we don't know no scholar can explain what does it mean to walk up and down in the midst of the stones of fire I have my own theory different people have theories but you it's only a theory Tommy by the way good to see you back there buddy stay with me stay with me buddy what you got it you got time ok praise God I'm gonna teach you something here all glory to God how good to see it now watch very carefully because this is real important that you grasp this if I say got a grasp it there was also a Garden of Eden on earth Hemme know this and how many know in that garden God came down in the cool of the day God walk with man and God worship with man at the tree of the knowledge of the tree of life actually and it was a daily thing where God came down the cool of the day and walk with me and so we got two guards we got a guard in heaven we know his paradise 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 mentions that we got a garden on earth which was somewhere I personally believe located in the vicinity of the city of Jerusalem if you've ever heard the entire teaching on that it makes more sense than anything else probably that you'll hear but notice what happens Revelation chapter 12 verse 4 the tail of the dragon who is Satan drew one-third of the stars of heaven and had cast them into the earth now when Satan fell this is where we get the theory that one-third of the angels of God because the word stars can mean the stars of heaven but it's a Hebrew idiom four angels can also mean angels in the Old Testament fell from heaven then Jesus said in Luke 10:18 I held Satan as lightning fall from heaven now let me tell you a little bit about this it appears that Satan had a throne under the heaven not in heaven where God was but he was given some kind of a special authority see a throne doesn't mean a little throne you sit on always having a throne can mean having authority to rule it's just like horns in the Bible these beasts that come up with horns he doesn't mean you're gonna have a man the future gonna have big a horn sticking out his head you know Osen oh the cross having a look at the horn on his head horns mean Authority in the Bible the authority of a king or a kingdom is represented in prophecy by horn so a throne can mean a throne you sit on but a throne here can mean I will exalt my position of authority above the position of God and sit in the heavens we also know that Satan according to the Book of Ezekiel had an ability to produce music you've read them have you read the verse where it says pipes were prepared in him and tablet tablets were in him from the day that he was created it appears that he was a worshipper or a praise leader and I've often said it this way it's almost like because and you understand before there was sin there was no need of a priesthood but it's almost as though Lucifer would have been like a heavenly priest leading angels just angels not man into the presence of God to lead and direct the worship of heaven and the Jenson Franklin you know he said one time he was going to write a book called when Satan fell from heaven he landed in my choir because because he said there's always hell breaking loose among the music people as good as they are and and it's true I've traveled enough to know if the enemy gets in anything in the church he gets in the music department and that the truth I mean let's let's have a hand clap over here in the corner praise God you know I'm talking about no it's strange but it's the creativity it's the coming into God's presence that's a whole nother message now a man with a name and I might as well go ahead I've got a note in here to share this with you just a second okay I can do this now a man by the name of finest day propagated the theory I'm about to tell you now I brought with me a Bible now this is a detailing the story behind this Bible this is a very interesting Bible because when I was 16 years of age really before I always felt like maybe I would preach but I didn't have a call from the Lord having know what a call means it means when God speaks to you to do it I didn't have a call from the Lord but there was a girl that attended my dad's church when I was 16 years of age I think she was probably 14 and I took a real liking to this girl and so for my birthday which is which was June 23rd she comes to me and she gives me this Bible now I had never seen one of these Bibles before but I'm gonna tell you the best investment that that anybody ever made in me before I met my wife was this Bible right here because this is the Bible that caused me to study it's called a Dake's annotated Bible and I'm not pushing this Bible I'm showing you something here but in the think I guess you can see where I got it taped up but in the middle is the scripture and on either in are the notes now Dave is the one that started a real controversy years ago and this controversy still rages on what is called the pre-adamic world now I'm going to give you the basic general theory of fitness at finest day so that you can understand because I know there are preachers that really believe very strongly in what they teaches he believes that there was a creation that existed before Genesis 1 verse 2 that when God created the heavens and the earth he created a civilization of people we would almost call it an Adam a man and they literally began to populate the earth and they were set here to worship God God allowed Lucifer to have a throne on the earth and that's why you get into the scripture about exalting my throne above the stars and he literally led people in a Mount of the congregation in a place here to worship God now the theory is that when Lucifer fell from heaven when he was cast out of God's presence completely and the third of the angels were cast out with him God sent a universal flood called called Lucifer's flood now one of the verses in the Bible he uses and it's in your outline is Jenna I'm sorry Jeremiah chapter 4 23 through 26 I beheld the earth and lo it was without form and void now that does compare to what you read in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 the heavens had no light there again darkness was upon the face of the deep Genesis 1:2 I beheld the mountains and lo they trembled the hills move lightly I beheld and there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled not beheld and lo the fruitful places were a wilderness and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord and by his fierce anger now most scholars will take that and say that that has reference to what Jeremiah is seeing about the destruction by the Babylonians others will say it may allude to and could allude to the destruction which is coming by the Antichrist but mr. dake felt that this was a scriptures showing you the condition of what is called the pre-adamic world that's the theory the pre-adamic world and so what happened was the fall of Lucifer now I'm again giving this theory the fall of Lucifer created a condition where God destroyed all the pre-adamic world including the cities including the people including any creature that was made flooded the entire planet thus the remains of those people are so deep encrusted in the ground you'll never be able to to find certain parts of them because they're so encrusted there and then God recreated everything in six days in other words day one was a recreative process the the light reappeared day two the vegetation began to reappear and one of the things he uses and it does become an argument is when God said to man God said to Adam replenish the earth and he brings out the word replenish means to do it over again and it says if there were not some human form on earth before that why would God have said to Adam to replenish he woulda said plena sh the earth always go out and do it the first time and there and he has an argument from the Hebrew perspective of that particular word now again let's look at this because I want to I want to show you another aspect of this which is very interesting water is covering the planet in Genesis 1 in verse 2 now I will I will I will say from the very outset here and I want I want to be understood of how I believe there was a time because you know when you're 16 years of age and you're studying mr. Dyk's notes and he's got page after page and chapter after chapter then you automatically how many know you sort of believe just what you're reading because you say this guy knows what he's talking about I then had years later a scientist and he is an actual literal scientist he's a a man who invents laser equipment he can actually invent a laser I'm talking about a laser beam and he's worked with NASA he's worked with the US government he's even flown to Israel and his name is Wayne Penn he happens to be one of the members of my board of director and he's an you talk about a man that's heavy into Jewish stuff I mean he's really heavy into the Hebrew culture and customs as well but I tie discuss this in length with Wayne and Wayne says he does not believe that there was ever a creation of cities or a creation of man before Adam now I must confess the one when we got through talking for quite a bit of time we've talked about this from time to time but years ago I was very certain that this man who is a scientist who is a true Christian who really understands in fact when we talk he leaves me out there in left field now I don't mean this to sound may be the way it's going to sin but if you can leave me in left field you deep I mean you know I'm saying I'm it's like you lost me son cuz I think I can I think I can pretty much keep up with about anything there's somebody's teachings but man he got talking about the Trinity and the Godhead and the right hand of God the left hand of God and the Holy Spirit and the and the male attributes and I said oh you done lost me son this let's go back and talk about Adam you know what I mean I understand Adam but he got real deep into this and he says that there's no evidence at all that that happened there can be evidence of water covering the earth but not evidence the other way now here is something that is extremely interesting as to why there may be water covering the earth in Genesis chapter one verse two is everybody ready for this one in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth now although the word created there means he completed or was done if we just simply say he created the heavens in the earth we have to ask this question what condition the original earth before Adam came in when God created the heavens of the earth now several years ago I was in Israel and we were talking to one of the rabbis there and this came up and I'm telling you I never saw this before till this time this has been years ago he said he said go to Genesis 1 and notice well let's do it let's go to Genesis want to notice huh why should we not notice is anybody getting anything so far all right it's gonna get more interesting so keep them hanging in there now if we go the order of creation verse 3 now this how many BC can see the earth is there's water all over the earth the Spirit of God has moved up over the face of that water something's happening verse 3 and 4 God said let there be light and there was light he divided the darkness from the light he called the darkness night the light day in the evening of morning of the first day that watch what happens now that's day one go up to day four verse 14 God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from night nothing be first signs and seasons verse 16 and God made day for day for two great lights the greater light to rule by day which is the Sun and the lesser not to rule by night and he made stars also and set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light into the earth and to rule over the day and over the night now we got a real strange situation here because we have we have morning and evening or we have day and night in on day one we have light appearing on day one but we don't have Sun Moon and stars really shining or appearing till day four don't ask a question what condition would the earth have been in plant class what condition were the earth have been in if there was no sunlight I'm getting ok what you say cold let's get more specific what would happen if the Sun went out what would happen to everything on this planet freeze it would literally be a ball of ice now we're going somewhere so when God creates know what let's go back let's go back I mean I know it gets heavy we can go three different ways get still we still got that problem with Lucifer having a throne somewhere right we still got that problem somewhere if if now I'm giving you theories now ok we understand brothers does I said this is how it was we're giving you theorists we're giving you something to think about in fact you're probably more confused when you leave here this morning you order when you gave thought about this am i right Alex if I lost you brother all right let's go back watch carefully if we say in Genesis 1 and 2 he creates it it doesn't tell us really the condition of planets but if there's no Sun till day 4 I can tell you what the condition was it was cold and the earth would have been covered with ice the Spirit of God darkness is upon the face of the deep because there's no light the Spirit of God moves on the face of the water and when you have the Spirit of God you have light oh come on now the inference of that word giveth light and the Spirit of God melts the ice that's on the planet thus the planet is covered with water now watch this there is a light and the rabbi called it prem evil light he said there's a premier light of creation day for the Sun and stars are created that's the natural light but he kept saying we don't know who the light was or what the light was in the early part of creation and when he said that I thought I could tell him right now who they were in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him without him was not anything made which is May talking about creation and then he says in him was light and this light was the light of men and the light shine in darkness creation and the darkness comprehended it not and the Greek word comprehend means that darkness couldn't hold it back the darkness was not just a physical darkness the darkness was a spiritual darkness because there had been a fall of angels the whole universe was in topsy-turvy condition and there was darkness covering the whole planet and all of a sudden God comes down and says light B and the light was the light of his word the entrance of his word the light according to John 1 is Jesus Christ the God said let us make man in our image us as a plural personal pronoun meaning more than one in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the Hebrew word is Elohim Elohim is a plural word meaning there was somebody else present besides us God Himself there was God oh you want to see God God as in Genesis 1:1 the holy spirits and Genesis 1:2 and the word who is Jesus it's Genesis chapter 1 3 who's taken the creation and bringing it back to life again so we have to understand that the possibility of water covering the earth is not impossible if the Sun Moon and stars actually are shining on day 4 causing the plant life now to grow and to develop and the Holy Spirit is melting the ice but then the theories even get more bizarre glad to be here folks just glad to be here ok now are you still here let me make sure I'm not getting ahead of myself well yeah maybe I am getting ahead of myself all right now let us go back for a moment and let me just read on page 5 toward the top of the page where it says according to Sun water covered the earth according to some this water was not created but was similar to a flood that had covered the entire planet sembly this was an act of God cleansing the earth and destroying the throne of Lucifer after he rebelled that would be your finished stake theory therefore the earth according to this theory could be millions of years old prior to the fall of the Angels are you still with me now it could be yeah the recreated or replenished earth that mr. dake talks about is only six thousand years of age this theory would teach that God actually recreated earth vegetation and animals after destroying the first creation with water the six days were six literal days and God told man to replenish the earth now here's why a lot of people accept mr. Dyk's theory on a pre-adamic world it would explain why there are dinosaur bones that are allegedly very old and yet how that race of dinosaurs was wiped out and covered and now they're going and digging them up it would explain how the earth could be millions of years old but Adam could still be only six thousand years old let me explain it again if you take the pre-adamic theory that there was a world that was a creation that was it explains dinosaurs it explains the age of the earth and that is one of the reasons mr. dick did the study many years ago on this theory because he wanted to find an explanation because back at his day Darwinism and you remember the Scopes Monkey Trial in Tennessee that was the only bad thing they ever came out of Tennessee to be honest with you remember that trial that took place in Dayton Tennessee all the evolutionary theories he wanted an answer to it so the pre-adamic theory explains it the problem you have with the pre-adamic theory is there are several major holes that come when you try to explain that there was a world before Genesis chapter one and verse two y'all thought you were going to get an answer to this I'm just gonna leave you in confusion when it's all said and done you know all right now the man again I'm gonna refer back to this man his name is dr. Carl Baugh he has done research as a creation scientists they're not a Christian Scientists critten have to be careful talking about Christian scientists because there's an organization called Christian scientists and we're not talking about them but scientists who are Christians he is a Christian and he has the creation evidence museum and they have a website and I don't know what that website is but if you ever so again if you ever see this manner or hear anything about him it's very much worth getting his material he teaches that the six days of creation are six literal days he says the evening in the morning or a Jewish day of reckoning which absolutely true Jim this is one five evening the morning or the first day and he said that all forms of life all forms of life can be proven to be six thousand years of age now if he's correct in his theory it literally means that simply God created what we now know on this planet in six literal days and time as we know it does go back 6,000 years now I'm going to give you some points of his theory okay point number one the Earth's magnetic field I'm at the bottom of page five the Earth's magnetic field 10,000 years ago would have been so powerful that the sales needed for living systems could not hold together and I don't have time to talk about the theory and how many points per cell and how much magnetic pressure there was but he does prove this very accurately if we go back fifteen thousand years the magnetic fields would have been so strong human cells human cells could not have existed 15 thousand years ago with the magnetic fields in the condition they were 15 thousand years ago now he's done a great fesus on proving this by evidence which means how could we say that that over fifteen thousand years ago there was a pre-adamic world if the people if the magnetic fields would have killed everybody and the cells would not have held together that's point number one now some of the evidence and and I didn't have time I would have got permission from him to show the pictures if we could have had a way of doing that but I just did not have the time to contact him to for pictures or things of this nature and many times when a man does work like this they exclusively want those pictures for their work and believe me I can understand that when you spend years of your life researching something but I will tell you about it here's some of the evidence that they have found and iron hammer was discovered encrusted in rock and they have a picture of this at the creation Science Museum max Han and his wife were fishing near London Texas and found a rock with wood protruding out of it tests were conducted at the botella laboratory revealing the unusual metal content the hammer consisted of 96% iron 2.6 chlorine 0.7 four percent sulfur and was found in an area said to be a hundred and forty million years of age now what he shows you by the test that they did on the the the amount of iron and chlorine and sulfur that was found is he said if the conditions that they're saying existed in that area you would have never you would have never felt I'm not this gets very detailed you'd have never found it in that condition it would have been totally completely impossible and he talks about the level of iron with the atmospheric pressure and the level of iron with the molecules and he says how can you go back 140 million years and teach that that this area is that old when the Bible says tubal-cain invented iron tubal-cain Genesis 42 is the father and the inventor of those that use iron and that my friend is about five thousand eight hundred or five yeah five thousand eight hundred years ago so in other words we have a contradiction between what evolutionists are saying from physical evidence that's been discovered and tested number two now this was the killer right here he said because everybody he ever talked to that believes in evolution said if you can ever find a dinosaur footprint and a human footprint together you will destroy the theory of evolution because evolution is believed that dinosaurs existed long before man died an ice age hello ice age wiped him out and then man evolved out of the premie ville slime after the Ice Age now that's the theory that's it here's what they were found Stan Taylor excavated the Paluxy River at the Taylor Train from 1969 to 1975 oh there are pictures of this is not something we're just talking about dinosaur prints were discovered alongside of human hand finger and foot prints one human print was eleven point five inches in length discovered under six feet of clay and limestone the human print was among a hundred and thirty-four dinosaur prints this was proof and they even found a finger where somebody was running and their finger apparently had gone into some kind of mud or something and it something clerical is make happened and covered it up and here they aren't excavating and that level was hardened I mean y'all you see see this evidence is incredible but anyway they've proven that humans and dinosaurs were together in fact they said that whoever was they were running it's like everybody it's like the dinosaurs and humans were running from something something was happening and they were running at full speed and this handprint was found where somebody had fallen and apparently got up and you can it said all the evidence is being found in that Paluxy River area now listen six feet now do you know when they excavate in Israel and they're excavating a site that if you go down if you take any site then you gotta remember there's a lot more dust there there's a lot more dirt there's an inch that collects a year in Israel in some areas on an average and then that dust storms blow it away and then you had so you've got to dig down let's say if we're digging down to find Jericho the walls of Jericho which they have done you've got to dig down a distance of at least from where this ceiling is right here right down through here just to find Jericho which is a very dusty area or further so when you go down six feet here's what they did they went down six feet through clay and limestone to find this level of where this was we're talking about at least check this out four to five thousand years ago when that happened hello not 140 million years ago the scientists are telling you and humans and dinosaurs together this one was bizarre I saw the original pictures of this and this one absolutely shocked me in 1923 Frank Concord was working in Oklahoma he broke a large chunk of coal and in the middle of the coal was a small cup made of iron the coal came from the will Burton coal mines which are said to be 295 million years old how was this man-made article found in coal which was that old now the argument is this that because the dinosaurs lived 150 million years ago 140 many years ago 200 many years ago whatever they say depends when you talk to because they live to be that old coal it takes millions of years for coal deform that's I've heard that all my life anybody from the coal fields of West Virginia Kentucky knows about cold big time I meant hundreds of millions of years to form this coal now question biblically we know tubal-cain according to Bible invented iron meaning whoever made that Cup was a descendant of his that's fifty eight hundred years ago how did he get stuck in a coal mine in the middle I don't mean they found it in a mined they found it in a chunk of coal the guy had a chunk of coal hit it with a hammer it splits open and there's the Cup in the middle of coke because they recently made coal in a machine in one day's time I've done it they took all the elements that it takes to make coal all of the tier you know the leaves and all the junk that it takes to make hope and they compress them in a chamber and formed it in a very I'm talking about within a day they came out with a little lump of coal a little piece of coal and what they're doing can I tell you really what these guys are now doing they are making absolute fools of people who believe in evolution that's what they're doing so they're what they're doing is number one to say that dinosaurs lived 200 million years ago and then man came after that they've disproven that theory by the discovery to say it takes 200 million years to for coal to form they've blown away that discovery to say that the coal formed long before there was ever men they'd blown away that discovery so what they're doing is they're showing by the evidence which they are working on that the earth as we know it could possibly actually be six thousand years of age now sedimentary deposits if you know anything about this they will say well you got to dig here and this is a million years and you go from here to here and this is another million years and you go from here to here that's another million years and all of this my friend listen to me all of this deposits that they're discovering can be explained by one thing it's called the flood of Noah because when the waters during those 150 days were shifting it would lay a sedimentary deposit here and then here comes another deposit because here here comes another deposit here here comes another deposit here and they've even proven and tested by using water and sand and dirt that just by water washing you can build over a period of just a few weeks literal levels of sedimentary deposit and you know put little bones and go in the water put little things Lou leaves whatever and you'll have a layer here you'll have a layer there and you have another layer another level so that doesn't even hold water anymore now what is interesting and let's let's go back and try to tie this together about Genesis 1:1 Genesis one two and I'll try to tell you where I'm at with this it does not believe it does not appear let me say that that you can prove geologically or scientifically a pre-adamic race of people before the flood of Noah it does appear biblically that you can prove a race of angels existed and we're ruling possibly somewhere between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 let us assume that one part of mr. dykes theory is correct let us assume the part that there was a recreated process which happened that in Genesis 1 and 1 there was Sun there was moon there was stars there was a planet and everything was perfect and then suddenly there is something that happens that causes the Sun to be darkened and the moon to hide and the stars to cease from shining and the fall of Lucifer has created a universe now of total complete darkness remember when Jesus died on the cross was sin the whole place became what dark there's something about sin that darkens them let us assume that's possible let's assume that's possible darkness is upon the and then God begins a recreated process what would have made the earth filled with water just what I told you that darkness would have at that time frozen everything and then the UH thawing process would have taken place and God could have created recreated his universe again I know you're wondering what this board is doing up here about to tell you I know the people in the back are not going to be able to see this I'll ask the guys on the video to get as close as they can try to keep me in the picture now there is something that is very intriguing there was a book written called Old Testament Old Testament catastrophism in which a Christian man spent years researching what was called the Mars flyby now people who are into UFO conspiracies which I am NOT ok I happen to personally believe that most UFOs are military secrets that are being tested in all different parts of the world because I have a very thick book with the with the copies of the pictures of the drawings of Hitler and the Nazis who were working on UFOs then they weren't UFOs they were called flying disc machines and they actually had a man which stand up that would would would operate it and Hitler was right the German scientists were very brilliant back in that day he had some of the greatest scientists in the world back in his time in fact Germany did I should say and so I personally believe that a lot of it is that but for people who believe in what we call the UFO conspiracy theories they're very intrigued by something NASA is finding on the planet Mars and again I have the I do have pictures of this in fact you probably could go on the internet and find the actual pictures that are being released there's something very strange that was discovered on the planet Mars there was a sphinx face and it's clear it's not something that you got to imagine but taken with a NASA satellite they were very shocked to find what looks like the exact face that is on the Sphinx in Egypt is on a mound in Mars and not far from there are three perfect pyramids on the planet Mars I just heard about three weeks ago that they have made another discovery that they're really turd about that there seems to be an underground pipeline there's underground pipes that are running under the planet Mars now what some people would say is oh that proves that there was life on other planets at one point so the evolutionists may end up taking this to say well you know there was life on other planets which proves our evolutionary theory that a billion years ago life was on Mars and perhaps something happened look again to this theory well I would tell you there was life out there but it was angels but no look at me funny it's in your Bible before it says where were you when the sons of God sang together and the morning star shouted for joy when God stretched out the foundation of the earth they laid the cornerstone thereof angels were present at creation but here is what's weird about the planet Mars not only do you have a facial structure that looks like the Sphinx not only do you have pyramids and they're discovering some very strange things but one side of Mars has craters the other side does not there's one side that looks like something hit it and just just I mean splattered debris all over one side now if you will study which I have Roman and Greek history you will discover that they were fascinated with one planet and that was the planet Mars they Greeks and Romans feared it the Greeks and Romans believed that you did wars you made war according to the position of the planet Mars at different times in fact there was in Sumeria Iraq they found a they called it a bias relief that means it's carved on something this happened to be carved on a stone and it was the god Mars and he was 18 feet tall but based on the size of the other people that were around him this this was found in ancient Sumeria that air territory it's fifty five hundred years of age at least why were the ancient people fascinated by the planet Mars did they know something about that planet we didn't know here's what the author of old tests catastrophism points out there used to be the planet earth is here there used to be and they it ended in the seventh century BC what was called the Mars flyby the planet Mars you know him of you know the planets circle you know I'm talking about the planets circle the Sun and so on and so forth the planet Mars used to come every 108 years there was two flybys they would usually occur in the oddly enough around the same time that the fall and spring feast of Israel would occur and they would come very close to Planet Earth right here they would come very close to Planet Earth and but in fact Mars came so close to Planet Earth that when the flybys took place it looked like a huge red disc in the sky and that's one reason that the ancients began to worship Mars and began to have such a fear about now he documents in the book that when Mars came close to this planet you have a lot of the catastrophic events of the Old Testament taking place so he talks about the flood of Noah and here's where it gets interesting older historians that are thousands of years old talk about that at one time the planet Mars had two moons that were basically ice moons just like we have a moon that we see in the night there were two you won't call them planets you call him moons in the flood of Noah and he dates this in the book and the flood of Noah Mars came so close to planet Earth that it pulled the ice moon toward our gravity gravitational pull pulled it in this is so heavy and exploded it and part of the explosion hit one side of Mars that's why you have the crater the other side of the explosion watch this now blew apart the firmament that was in the heavens because it had never rained on the earth before the flood of no remember where'd the water comforta to god just make it rain the firmament in the heavens exploded and the Fountains of the deep were open and that's why you have so much water in 40 days that it is 15 feet above the highest mountain according to Genesis and that's Mount Everest where do you get that much water from I will tell you something if it rain non-stop for 40 days just raining you're not going to get enough water to go the top of Mount Everest when this ice Moon exploded the firmament that scientists say existed they know it was destroyed in Noah's Flood they just don't know how it was destroyed so the ice moon came in and exploded that side of the planet the firm it was completely broken up and destroyed of course it was supernatural that The Fountains of the deep were open and suddenly you have this enormous amount of water the and then because of what happened because of the catastrophism of the explosion of the firmament it literally and I know this is getting deep for a lot of anybody you know if I had to teach this book it would take me an hour and half just to teach from the book it tilted the earth slightly and it through the course of Mars off and now we don't experience those flybys the way that we used to and all of this goes back the real there was a real majors change according to historians in the 7th century BC and guess what happened in 7th century that's when the calendars start changing from 360 days a year that was Universal all over the world to 365 because the shifting took place the whole planet shifted everything shifted and that's when the calendar changed was somewhere in the 7th century am I making this too heavy all right let me go back to Mars and I do not like to i don't like to preach just theories I want you to understand I don't like this talk about a theory because I like to be able to prove but how many know this is something's very difficult anyway you look at it you can send under another guy that will come down here and he'll talk about how one day is a thousand years that took God seven thousand years another guy will come here and he'll give you evidence for this I'm trying to throw this out here actually help us to understand a little bit more is it possible that the planet Mars in our universe not the earth because God used the earth to put Adam on could that have been I'm only saying could it have been the planet that Lucifer ruled from could that have been where the throne was could that have been where everything existed where he said I'm exhausted my throne is that why there are pyramid structures is that's why there's a swing space is that why they're finding now through some method these pipes that are running underground it's like there's a tear there was an irrigation system of some kind is it possible the answer I don't know I do know that that red planet is mentioned all through history I do know that planet was feared I do know there were ancients that worshiped that planet and that planet has always been connected to war and fighting check out your Roman history Mars mark the Romans would fight based on what Mars was doing my question is this what did the ancient people realize or know about that planet you do understand that was a day when the sons of God Bennett oh don't get me on this I'm going to preach this since in on television in September and I can't wait to get the response from this there was a day when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and bear the Giants which were mighty men as oh you're you're Hebrew your Bible in Hebrew but now Elohim sons of God number two Josephus the Jewish historian number three the early church fathers up to the third century everybody used to teach that the sons of God were angels who took upon himself flesh when they took upon them fish sell flesh they were tempted and could function physically just like this did not Jesus come from heaven take upon himself lish and was tempted in all points as you and I why could not an angel take upon himself flesh and these angels these angels came to earth cohabitating with the daughters of men and produced a race of giants that were destructive towards the things of God according to writings history historical writings it was the Giants who taught men how to be evil it was the Giants who taught them astrology it was the Giants who taught them these mysteries of the heavens fallen angels that's why the Bible said the fallen angels that kept not their first estate God has bound in chains of darkness underneath the earth you've never heard this I mean this is another two-hour teaching that you can't get into in five minutes oddly enough oddly enough fallen angels that come down are connected to that planet hello somebody so the whole thing is is is all it's almost like it's almost like there's something mistress connected to this whole thing now I'm gonna try to sum up what I believe and I you're gonna have to decide on your own look at it all looking at me that's not what I came here for we want an answer we want to all right let me send this out because this this the flyby did happen but this about Mars would only be in theory and I want to make that clear I'm not propagating that or saying that so because no one knows at this point maybe they'll maybe they'll find evidence but see it wouldn't it would not bother me if they found if they found some kind of evidence on Mars because I would simply say angels and habit of this universe before man did see I've got an answer for it it's not gonna freak me out and make me think oh you know there's all kinds of oh yeah we're millions of years old oh god it destroyed the Bible it's like some scientists said oh let me go home day when we get in the Hubble telescope and we can prove evolution I said what you gonna do when you get out there and hear somebody say let there be what are you gonna do then so I've got my answer they've got theirs all right let's try to sum it up and put it together Genesis 1:1 God creates the heavens in the earth number 1 it does not tell us although we assume it was created a perfect condition it doesn't tell us that we assume that based on the word bara which is created doesn't tell us how long go that was doesn't tell us that was six thousand years ago we assume the original creation of heavens and earth is that long doesn't tell us that we do know the creation of man is about six thousand years of age we can assume that based on what the Scripture teaches point number two there is a gap without a doubt between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 we do know and can assume from putting scripture with scripture that the fall of Lucifer happened during that gap time that the fall of Lucifer did something to this entire universe and set it into a chaotic void dark state we do know at that point that God came down by the Holy Spirit and brought light and separated light from darkness through the Word of God and we do know that whether it be an original creation or a recreated process that the creative process took six literal days because evening the morning yom or the first day on this day in hebrew young and it means day predominantly throughout the scriptures number four evidence indicates this is important that dinosaurs and man coexisted and they were all destroyed during the flood of Noah now mr. dake would indicate that they were destroyed between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 and he would base that on the age of the earth etc as scientists are saying but Carl Baugh found evidence in Latin South America of carvings in ancient tombs and on rocks and different things what he did he found a dinosaur skin still intact and he noticed that there was a beautiful design like a little almost like a lotus flower I think it was a lotus flower on the dinosaur skin he was intrigued by the fact and this is genuine authentic petrified skin of a dinosaur okay and then when they went to Latin America they had a picture of people in Latin America which was thousands of years old riding a dinosaur that had that same flower design of the skin on it now the fact that in Genesis I'm sorry and joke 41 is a creature named Leviathan and if you study Genesis 41 it's a type of Satan but there was a creature on earth that literally Genesis 2 uh keep saying Genesis joke 41 Leviathan the dragon is nothing else but a dinosaur if you look at read it you don't have to use your imagination it's right there scientists are burying that out in other words there was a reptile race and what dr. Baugh talks about is this that under the pre-flood conditions from Adam to Noah the percentage of the oxygen the water from the deep that these creatures were not flesh eaters they were vegetation eaters God needed them on earth to eat up all the vegetation because it was growing so fast the whole world would've been overcome with this vegetation in plant life so God had these creatures before the flood to take care of that when the deep was broken and the firmament was broken these creatures had they existed at many were destroyed during the flood but had they existed and I'll tell remind me of the curse if I forget it they were destroyed during the flood many of them were but the reason that God did not need them after the flood is because all the changes that took place on the earth the and he proves this just by in theory that these dinosaurs literally could not exist any longer because they needed a certain amount of oxygen for their size and when the oxygen level was changed after the flood of Noah they physically could not exist because these are huge animals that need a certain amount of oxygen for their brain and for their ability to death the deities and they literally start dying off even if they would have existed after the flood now question did not know it then did not know a take two of every kind and then other animals into the ark the answer is yes why then would he have left Tyrannosaurus Rex out you ready because the reptile kingdom was cursed in the garden and these were the largest reptiles on earth remember the serpent was cursed to its belly to go on the ground and I believe that part of the dinosaur race being destroyed at that time is that God would have said God would have known for example they're not going to let they're not going to be able to survive in the conditions of after the flood anyway and many of them are simply destroyed during the time of the flood and the ones that even would have been should they have been on the ark many of them and that's why then they then then after the flood whatever no would have put on the flood with this group of creatures they would have been become flesh eaters and their whole body and whole system was not made to eat flesh and again I'm giving you stuff I've been studying and I know you're looking at me scratching your head you have to get these other guys books to figure it out you understand I think give you everything I'm I'm just oh that's out here to help you get understanding so in other words that the dinosaurs would not have to be millions of years of age because they're finding man's footprints with them but something happened where they're running why why did they find dinosaurs with food still in the stomach because Noah's Flood was sudden catastrophic and when all this started happening at one time literally when it all started happening one time I mean it was a sudden complete cutoff of everything and you know how fossils were formed anyway they're formed by a sudden layer coming up on another layer and if that creature is laying there or that handprint is there of that body is there it eventually how many know things eventually deteriorate and that's why you don't find Giants bones now Josephus says that Giants bones were on display and have grown in his day these long men why don't we find them now how many know after three thousand years bones will deteriorate unless they're a Pharaoh sitting in a or laying in a tomb that's been embalmed or something of that nature so in short the reason that there's a destruction of the dinosaurs according to many scientists who were Christians is because the condition of the firmament the condition of the water which was energized coming out of the earth would have brought such plant life that was necessary for them to be roaming the earth to keep the plant life clean the flood of Noah not Lucifer's flood of Genesis 1 and 2 but the flood of Noah would destroyed them but evidence indicates and there's evidence for this evidence indicates dinosaurs and man at one time co-existed something took him out and it would have been the flood of Noah that would have taken him out and and so going back to the world that was the pre-adamic world although for years I would have taught that there may have been a world before after talking to many different individuals or specialists in different fields there's no tangible evidence of a world that was in the sense of man or Cities from a pre-adamic world because what would happen if there were evidence of this you'd be able to go down in Israel for example and dig beyond a certain level and find more cities you don't do that you can dig in Israel through a certain level anywhere in fact anywhere in the world you can only go to a certain level and find pottery from this level coins from that level glass from that level iron weapons from that level and when you get are you with me I said are you with me then when you get to a certain level it stops anywhere you go in the world you get to a certain level it stops and sometimes they dig down like at Jericho and double all the way down to bedrock you can't go lower than bedrock you know in Zion and so in other words when they dig they only find I'm talking about legitimately a certain level and then they say then they go find a dinosaur bone in the middle of a desert somewhere I'll tell you what I believe I believe it's two billion five hundred thousand three hundred and sixty two years of age and your figure said where do I get that number from here they found a tooth or a wild bag this is years ago they found the tooth and they dated it a certain man well they were so excited and they found out years later it was a tooth of a pig from 1800s Oh Piltdown man they found the top of a cranium I tell you we have found evidence of the oldest man you know they found it it was an ape that died 400 years before I'm serious oh the little charts I used to have in school you know for that you have the monkey and the monkey and the monkey than the man and they had all the dates of what they found date puts it in his Bible every one of those were proven wrong every one that were proven wrong one guy wanted to fool a bunch of scientists and he took I don't know what it was it was a boat or something and he put it in a microwave and he crusted it and dried it out and put all kinds of dirt on and everything and they they buried it where the guy was excavating and they I mean not not far away and they find this bone then they get the date and that thing you know and boy that 550 million years of age but I think we found something here what me anyway sounds like something I would do just for the fun of it don't but how many of you can see that this is still a mystery but God is giving information and revelation to his men to tell the atheist and the agnostic you've been telling our kids at public school one thing but we got another theory based on God's Word and we've got the evidence to show that the Bible when it says God made it God made it when it said he did it in a certain period he did it in a certain period and so the Bible still comes out on top of it all somebody to give the Lord a hand would you please give the praise hallelujah yeah I'm glad that's over I can preach now I'm gonna preach these prophecy messages someone to preach what'd you say I told him what the curse was you weren't listening you missed it Alex come have you heard about the reptile curse the reptiles were curse them alright now let me let me say in concluding from if in one man let me wrap this up and conclude and say I do realize that there will be people sitting out there who study different things and and sometimes people want to send me a twenty page letter I don't have time to read a twenty page letter I wish I did but I don't so everybody kind of has to just in this theory you have to sort of believe what you believe collect the evidence I just want to publicly say the Word of God is true period and any any contradiction that appears to be there is not a contradiction all you do is do research and collect other evidence and you understand more why it's there or why it's written that way and I believe that we ought to have confidence in the word of the Lord and I think that as time goes along we're going to discover that man is 6,000 years of age and the dinosaurs were killed during the flood of no and I that evidence is gonna become more prominent as we go along well who man put your hands up but let's thank God for just just giving us information that can help us understand father I just I just want to say that we believe your word we believe what you said in your word we believe father in Jesus name that you created the heavens in the earth Lord we believe that we're creating the image and likeness of God and I'm asking you in Jesus name father to let what we've heard today just let us be able to amuse it over and think about it because it helps us to understand more of the deeper things of your creation the deeper things of God and I thank you for the people that are here lord I just pray for them that that as we continue to progress every day into something deeper every day to another level everyday everynight service to another move of the Spirit that we'll just have a wonderful time in the Lord and a wonderful time in the Holy Spirit and just thank you God in Jesus name for all the people and I ask you to bless them and bless their families and bless their children and Lord bless it was blessed with people being saved in our families that's the most important thing and I just thank you for that in Jesus name everybody said amen okay enjoy the trip of a lifetime join Perry stone as you journey to the land of the Bible for information on how you can join Perry's upcoming is real tour called for two three four seven eight three four five six and request your free is real tour brochure each year voice of evangelism Ministries conduct several camp meetings drawing thousands from across North America join host Perry stone in the beautiful Smoky Mountains of Tennessee and be part of these powerful meetings write or call to request information about these upcoming events if you would like more information on other videos ebooks or audio cassette teachings by perry stone write or call the address and phone number on the screen for a free resource catalog [Music] you
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Keywords: perry stone, manna fest, creation, creationism, how old is the earth, age of the earth, genesis, genesis 1, genesis 2, book of genesis, dinosaurs, t rex, noah, noah's flood, flood of noah, global flood, judgment, satan, fall of satan, fall of lucifer, lucifer, angels, fallen angels, tartarus, nephilim, saturn, planet saturn, jupiter, mars, planet mars, solar system, pre-adamic age, pre-flood world, gap theory, gap
Id: FfTuPjzgcoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 55sec (5335 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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