Season 9 FINALE of Arena Kings | May 4, 2022

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why so many elite players don't play  chelsea that seems like a very good   payday for even elite players well  i mean first of all title tuesday is   one thing but arena kings you have to be a  streamer most top players are not streamers   so okay um oh let's play our  sicilian again as as always i'm gonna let him do it again  i'm gonna let him do it okay   he's not okay so let's go here castle play like it's queenie two it's kind of strange i'm gonna  go here and i'm actually gonna i think grab a pawn i'm i don't believe him i'm gonna grab this this  might be bad but i don't believe him somehow it's kind of dangerous to play like  this in the first game though i have   to say like it's a little bit a little bit  questionable by me to play like this plays d5   yeah like this probably is good for me but i  mean again it's the first game to play like   this is a little bit a little bit questionable  because like it's it's better like getting   off to a good start like not starting poorly  probably matters more than anything else and so   a little bit questionable doing this i should  probably take him with a knight too but okay   let's just go here and bishop e5 just queen d8  i mean i'm up two pawns so either white has to   do something right away that's like winning  or i'm probably just gonna win this game i suspect that it's gonna be very  hard for white to find something here   my instinct says i'm probably already just  winning it's just my instinct but we'll see   it does go there so i'll go here yeah rook c1 but i mean can't  i just go knight g4 am i crazy   and now i can trade and go knight c5 even which base 7 i just take now this isn't good i  mean white can maybe still draw the game with some   good precise play but any chance of winning  here is kind of out the window i would say i mean i think this is a safe pre-move can't think of any any moves that  really make a whole lot of sense for him   and i go here of course i mean he has  bishop d6 even but then rook d8 or e7 i mean   yeah i mean he should be able to draw us with  some precise play that that's what i would say   um i go here he that i thought  was wrong so i can go here yeah i mean born it can still draw the game  with perfect play but he's down a minute and   he's technically worse here it's  going to be a bit of a struggle i should have played rook b first probably yeah i guess there i'll go a5 of course   main problem is he's just got no time  that's the main problem here for bortnick i guess i'll play maybe just h5 i don't  know if h5 is right but it's a move at least it's just got no time and it's  just not how you want to start   off in arena kings i'll go here and trade i guess i'll go here yeah okay now i think i just  go here and i just won the game   yeah ggs very very good start very good start  thinking about rivet dirt for the four months okay everything is good here let's go here why did i do that actually i was a  little bit careless let's go here   a breakfast machine just subscribed here oh that was a blunder or almost a  blunder not quite almost i just take   okay good win let's keep going one up one down   it's so much a breakfast machine  for the 18 months thank you so much   no everyone everyone who's not streaming they  have to be i think they have to be in zoom through   the second camera something weird i don't know  exactly how it works okay let's play in english let's play grand prix reversed d4 is this a marathi or whomever is this the   marathi guy who beat raunak  the other day it is right i forgot his name exactly but  it's like maraudly or something i don't know what h4 is intended to do exactly it yeah it's it's murali the guy who won like a  bunch of games at the very at the very end of a   of arena or not arena kings he wanted he won like  five in a row against raonic right at the end or   something around on full tilt as i recall okay  it's already a very very good position for me   let's go queen eight i mean i'm already much  much better in this game i can also just go   queen e7 i guess but i think queen eight is  simplest just to force the trade of the queens   and queen b5 by bishop d7 i also have h6  and it's just very very ugly for white yay thank you so much for the 20 months thank  you so much appreciate it thank you so much   good thing is there gonna be a lot of high  rated players playing today so i'm i'm   feeling pretty good about this  let's just take bishop e6 of course and i mean again just very very unpleasant to  play for white what is that i just have c4 dude now resigns let's keep going we play  around i can round three let's keep going   good news is since this is the final if i  play well i can actually gain a lot of points   today if i play well i could probably get to  like 32.50 not not that i will but i could around i've thing for a long time  i don't really understand it i'm   gonna go queen b1 this is not what  i would normally play by the way but   try to do something a little bit  unusual maybe just castle here i mean i have e4 at some point he also has e5 but  i just take i think i guess we'll see what he does so far so good off to a good start thank  you so much to moose25 for the prime the   anonymity for the 10 months thank  you so much appreciate it it plays   rookie which does give me 95 it does  give me e4 i think i'm gonna go e4 it   looks like the right play a rookie one  was also okay but let's just go for it because the e5 i have rookie one and i've  got like oh i thought i had rookie one here   wait a second i also rookie one i'm gonna take enough eight okay i think i'm gonna   go queen g4 here to hit the  knight oh he's got a fi uh it was knight c5 logical move i'll just go  bishop c3 just to dodge anything weird here place f6 which i don't particularly like as a  move because now my knight starts to run a little bit although yeah i don't know if i'm playing  i feel like i'm playing this a little bit too   loosely here i should have just traded and gone  i should have traded and just got knight of five   he starts to twitch more man i think  it's a golden horn call thank you so much   there's no actual threat right so there's  okay but now i go here i feel like ronnie   got a little bit careless here i think he had a  chance to be much better there for like one move and rookie six reasonable try i mean i can play  ah he wants knight e4 which makes a lot of sense i'm gonna go here it's king h8 okay so let's go h4 now here uh bishop d4 i should have gone back  to uh b2 this wasn't the right square um let's go here i'm willing to trade actually  i'm way up on the clock okay it goes back to e4   do i have a tactic here or not knight g7 is no  good rookie one's no good rook d8 is no good   knight d4 is no good i feel like i should be able  to do something i guess i'll go here i'm gonna try   to get really tricky of course that's a blunder  obviously or is it wait no i have tricks wait yeah i missed this just made a blunder still   not trivial though because i  still have rick d8 actually i guess i take i might still win this game  because this is actually very scary but he's got queen g6 spots if i wait if i check wait i feel like i should  have something here once again let's see um rook the ache king h7 there's no tricks there   oh it feels like there should be tricks here  um but i don't see them and i'm getting too   low on time but again if i i should  use the time because i'm wrong on time why did i actually why did i do  that that made no sense at all ah very unfortunate start i mean i won the first two games so i shouldn't  actually be too upset but yeah very um let's go   here the thing is i'm just trying to hang  on until he gets too low on time basically five i mean if i can hang on till he  gets too long time maybe i can win it's thinking too long you think we're out saying way too long twitch mormon just subscribed tmg underscore nice underscore  guy just resubbed for three months oh why did i do this oh so i should have just  flagged him why did why did i not why did i   take the knight king f1 i would have won on time  why did i not why did i take the knight if i go   king f1 i flag him uh okay thank you tmg for  the three twitch i can't be mad yeah why did   i play rook f2 if i just go king f1 i flag him  no i'm just annoyed because that was just poor   technique i mean if i go king f1 i win that like  90 95 of the time i don't know why i did that   although to be fair i should have lost  the game earlier so i can't really be   mad i mean i was so completely lost but  i mean it also feels like it's not a yeah i i mean if i was being really greedy  i shouldn't have done that i should i should   win for the fair play award for not flagging the  game yeah i mean i i don't know why i did that i   shouldn't have done that i mean if i don't take  it i just win but anyway whatever okay let's uh   focus on the game i also don't know why i did  this either but okay it's got double isos here this castle here and play rookie i mean that's the thing though i was  so completely busted there that he   uh that that like i got very  lucky to get to that point anyway now exactly 17 is mathematically  impossible oh okay don't underestimate the 14 1400s  yeah yeah fall good all good okay why is he thinking he's so long here jeez i mean this dude is thinking forever so  i go here i've got 92 now as well to hit   the bishop i've got b6 i mean i should have  gone king c7 first of course but whatever and take a knight t2 i mean it's pretty ugly he  plays f5 not the move i would have played i guess   i'll just go here why not because now it takes  i always have b6 i still have b6 later anyway plays rookie 2 i guess i'll play rook d2 to trade this should be winning for me objectively it  goes bishop h5 i mean i can i mean everything   kind of wins so i'm going to trade and  bring the king back and then play rook d1 and playwright d1 here but i  think i'm just going to go here and now i just start to expand on the queen  side and eventually this is going to be winning i mean i'm so up on time here that i'm not  really all that worried uh let's just go here he's defending well but i mean it's just not  gonna it's not enough here with the time situation i've got to be careful not to  make a threefold by the way i mean it's just got no way to play this i mean  i can just basically slowly slowly wind it up shock and take yeah it's got no time here i'm connected right yes he's flagging really  really in an arena he's flagging that's pretty   poor i mean that's just bad tech that's just  bad math bad technique from the flag no point i mean because if he's trying to  qualify like every second matters i didn't flag i resigned yeah okay yeah this  is actually isn't a great setup by the way   what i'm doing but i'll do it anyway because  i'm playing the caro con for whatever reason   a d4 is a good move uh i'm  gonna go here and trade i guess go here maybe queen f6 i'll just  go here in castles long probably i'm gonna go a6 to stop some funky  knight b5s and probably just king b8 i'm gonna play b5 it's probably  a bad move but i don't care   i mean f5 is also an interesting  choice to play but let's just go here okay but this gives me knight g4 now i feel like i should be better somehow let's go here oh he's gonna  go f3 which i forgot about i'm definitely better well better is too  strong board to use but i'm definitely   on the right side of this position i can  play e5 to smash the center again i mean   i think i'm just gonna go  here keep it very very slow maybe c5 maybe e5 depends which one i  want i'm gonna go for e5 i don't know   if it's the right one but it makes a lot  of sense i think it makes sense although   although it's actually maybe not no it's not right still okay kind of but yeah this is not what  i should have done it's a little bit sketchy here he goes there which is interesting  cause now i can just trade and go off five i go c5 c4 i mean white's still  completely fine but it's like i   think he i think he had something where  he should have been winning there maybe wait why did i just see there was just  ridiculous by me i don't know why i played that i think i'm playing a little bit too loose  at the moment a little bit too fast and loose   still completely fine but  it's not playing this great again i can make a draw here if i  want to do i want to make the draw   my instinct is that i should not  make the draw that's just my instinct just my instinct is that i shouldn't  make the draw here but we'll see thank you so much to sprint check for the five  gift it's appreciated thanks for sprint check   um problem is how do i rotate though  i'll go here it takes i take the bishop it was rick d3 which is a actually ver  and now knight e5 is a repetition again   95 is a repetition lovely shoot but if i don't do 95  i could actually lose here i'm gonna do this against my better judgment  this is definitely not a good call but i'm   gonna go for it i'm down 10 seconds i'm trying  to play on instead of making the draw of 95.   not a smart decision but i might get away  with it almost certainly not a smart decision he does that so i go here i think that he has to burn  a ton of time though here cuz   i'm threatening like rookie two tricks  even i think i'm gonna get away with it i mean okay so he takes okay so now i  should just win if i'm smart about this um can i take a3 or not or do  i check and play queen e5 this is kind of dangerous what i'm doing i have king e3 and king c3 why not i've gotta move what am i doing yeah i'm gonna win now there we go took all the time but we got the win yeah what's the bet on okay i finally got an  easy pairing so i want to win this game quickly   oh he tried to choose him some g5 nonsense rocket 21 yeah but benjamin hasn't  played the top guys yet and besides   that's a long event let's go out for night f3 i mean i'm guessing benjamin hasn't  played anybody super high yet six   oh wait he's got six out of  seven which is interesting wait i've become so much stronger late  game versus early game probably true   i don't even know what i'm doing  this game i mean the heck is this i'm actually playing this very  very badly i just need to like   get i just need to get out of the opening  and play you know luka sanka for the prime let's go here i don't like h5 i think  it's not the best move i'm still worse oh here force a trade this is not it okay finally plays a move that's  not good it's not but i think it's sir cat   she catch for the gifted sub i think i go here  because now the problem is too many pawns hanging   uh or this and he loses the game very  nice very nice quick win let's go again i get benjamin soon i don't get benjamin what is the bet you guys how how quickly do i have to win  this game do i have four minutes i have 17 i know so okay so i need  to win this game basically okay okay so i have to go fast to win  this game that's all there is to it thing is my knights are just uh  he didn't play f5 so this whole   93 idea doesn't even make sense here but so be it don't actually think this is correct though um i think i go here in knight d3   the knights look really good on first  glance i'm slowly gonna push them back okay so it does play e5 so i take i can obviously  trade if i want to i should trade and go here what he does i mean i've gotta i've gotta win this game quickly that's great he saw this stupid  idea with knight b5 very annoying it's actually very annoying um i have to play an  end game i'm gonna have to cheese them there's   a good chance i'm not gonna win this very  good chance that we're gonna lose this bat it's bad let's go i'm have to flag him basically that's  the only way i'm going to win this game   or not win this game but win the bat i go rook b1 and b5 i should have played b5 right away  probably but whatever let's just go now did i just blunder again shoot let's go here i did blunder didn't i maybe not wait both my rooks  get in here or not no they don't   i mean i can play rook b7 and draw but ah  okay whatever i just gotta go for the flag what's that i think i'm winning here no i'm winning yeah yeah i'm winning he just why did he  do this why did he do this so bad he's going to resign believers are going  to be saved believers are going to be saved let's go again yeah all right let's play knight f3 castle here this will take ah that's normally  what i do but i'll do it anyway let's play a3 here it'll drop back i still b4 i still knight c4 looks like a b4 queen b3 i love  the on-demand nature of knowing   what's gonna happen like 98 of the time yeah looking pretty good what's the yeah that  was actually really close really close   um oh a5 actually a5 is a very good move um i somehow sack material because i have to take this is not what i want i  guess i'll go knight c4 anyway maybe a4 f6 is also good yeah it's a  little bit ugly i'll go here not happy with the position at all there's a force goes wrong i'll go here a4 feels like a slight weakness in  the end game but maybe it's nothing i can play knight c4 here i can also go like   no i just don't i don't want to  spend too much time so let's go here um just take i guess i've  got queen g4 i think mg4 g6   i really don't want to trade knights  let's go here and play the game   again i'm up on time so it's not ideal but maybe i  can do something it takes interesting now i think   i'm just gonna i'm gonna have to flag him but  i think i will be able to successfully flag him   i think it's so much a magic mitch for  the prime um go e4 here i'll pre-move this actually why did i do that that  doesn't oh wait have queenie   21 or something maybe it's so much  of gc eats the people for the five   gifted things so much jesse eats people  13 37 oh that's a blunder i just go here maybe not a huge blunder but it's a blunder i nonetheless here and i go rook c1 and that's  gg also thank you so much that red shark for   the eleven months i think i switched to red  shark game over okay another win pretty good we're really crushing it so far this is good stuff   benjamin lost the game so  i win i will overtake him i think at some point you're supposed to play f5 i   don't know if it's f5 right here  or not but i'm gonna do it anyway place king h2 oh i'm actually wait no i can't do that um   i guess i'll go here try to  put more pressure on the center probably oh wait um we need someone's a very  bad move i mean i guess i have to go here   i want to go rook a8 but then he has e5  and i'm kind of unhappy so let's go here go here probably 98 next move let's go here i'm just gonna i'm really gonna put more  pressure i want him to go e5 and close the center still refuses to do it so if he refuses to  do it then fine i'm just gonna i'm gonna i'm   gonna go here in e5 and that's just life go here close the center of the board oh  and that's a blunder a big blunder by me   he misses bishop g4 is just winning  for white by the way let's go here just subscribe i'll go c5 knight c6 here now i always have c4 somewhere but i think  i just keep keep playing like uh queen e7   it might be a bad move i might have just given him  some f5 nonsense but i think i can still take and   take and i should be okay it does it i'll scoot  out of the way go g5 close the king side now at   h4 i go bishop six i'm way up on the clock  though so i should be fine here there's so much   of jesse eats people for the tier one thank  you so much or thank you again for tier one now at some point i'm gonna go a6 b5 like  really start to play on the queen side here   i guess i'll go to g8 i don't know  which rook is right but who cares um i'm gonna go here in b5 next  one cuz now i guard the pawn b5 c4 very hard for white to play here um i guess i'll go here i still don't see what  he's doing i mean i'm just going to go b5 and   just open this up immediately okay now i go b5 and  i have c4 next move and it's starting to look kind   of unpleasant for white you hope i will play  the sicilian column once in a tournament maybe   now i go c4 i mean eventually this  is going to start to collapse i think probably i go d3 as well at some  point just a question of when   uh i guess i'll go here so that i can route to  d8 plays h4 i mean the thing is i can get very   aggressive here with like d3 trades the  move knight c5 is a move i mean if i take   his knight i'm just gonna go d3 i'm just going  to basically call calls bluff and move all in although maybe what i did wasn't  quite right isn't this a pawn   i mean it's actually an important  punk it's one square from queening um is there an actual threat i  don't see it so i'll just take go here guard the rook i have knight d4 queen d3  okay now my knight gets in though and c3 or cb3   financing the c3 i think associate jesse  eats people for the five gifted thank   you so much appreciate it thanks so much  jesse eats people um let's just go here take and take yeah this pawn is too powerful on c3 i guess i go here i also have nights  uh now i go c2 and now i just lose this another win looking good hopefully i get benjamin   yeah i get benjamin a chance  to beat him and break a streak i guess i'll take and go here and d4 it's  all pretty standard bishop b5 is the other   way to play this line by the way for anybody who's  wondering bishop b5 is probably better objectively um i can go here and take or am i crazy   9496 takes takes i think i can do this i don't  know if i can but i'm going to assume i can oh he can also just have to take this way   oh maybe this is okay though this is  actually okay side b4 so i just take knife b4 now this bishop d3 just castles very  very pleasant here at b4 rook fc1 and play a4b4 maybe it's a question of what do i want to do here  actually i also b4 and one go i'm gonna play   a3 b4 although i gave him queen c7 not smart  at all it's almost a puzzle rush but i go here yeah i almost walked into a puzzle rush by bishop  one and i have queen d2 and i'm completely fine   benjamin has a beard interesting really wait really i mean i'm not going  to turn on a stream but really that's a bit much he does wow okay just trade okay  i mean i guess i go here anyway i could have played h3 first  maybe that was a little bit safer oh it goes for okay so wait ah there is a trick here that i missed  he's got this trick does it actually work if yeah it actually does work i had a feeling   there was something wrong with  this but i just wasn't sure what yeah i had a feeling there was something wrong  so it makes sense that this is what it is   although wait if i play a4 wait a second there might be something  i can do man i can play h3 check takes   i i mean i don't really want to make a draw here okay whatever just make the draw i guess okay  let's go for it i'm gonna try to win this   this is obviously not winning but i'm gonna try why did i do this actually  i'm really kind of confused i'm actually really confused why i do  this there's a good chance i'm gonna   lose this game because i did this unless i  can push the a pawn somehow let's go here oh i could have checked and gone a4 oh i'm an  idiot if i check and go a4 it's completely fine   very stupid very stupid i could have just  played a4 but now if i do it i'm gonna go for it maybe this doesn't work chat kingy one oh he's got this too which of  course i miss it's check and take i shouldn't really lose though  unless i'm really careless here go here a five okay i mean  i um i guess i push this one now he blundered now i have queen a7 and i'm  probably gonna be able to cheese him on the clock   although maybe he has some draw ah he's got a miracle draw and if i go to g3 i lose let's go this way   yeah uh he's got a miracle draw to be fair though  i kind of really misplayed this in the first place   yeah i misplayed in the first place so it's  not a big deal i should have played h3 right   away okay now now we begin the serious part  of the game so let's go here um let's play d5   why actually yeah let's play e6 yeah i should  have played h3 first and i go king h2 i also   should have just honestly made the draw there  instead of wasting a minute playing playing the   other line but i mean whatever that's life  i i should have made the draw immediately   that's what i should have done i should have  just made that draw and then stopped instead   of wasting a minute but whatever goes trade let's  go here in c5 all very normal take on take on c5   ben went easy on me yeah i mean i went  easy on him i should have played h3 though   if i play h3 instead of just  swapping down it's completely fine   there's so much jesse it's people computer  were saying wait g4 was good for me   oh because i have a oh because i have a4 at the  end i saw g4 but i didn't realize oh there's a4   it's still it probably oh that's so stupid  of me okay but i gotta focus i'm actually   playing a game right now um i gotta focus um uh  yeah i can't i can't just only be like oh yeah   it's all yeah i mean it's like you said and i'm  gonna lose like 30 seconds here because i'm like   my mind's gonna be like oh man why did i not  play g4 so let's go here yeah let's take i mean   again this is also very drawish i don't know  if i should make a draw here quickly or play on i guess i mean i i don't know i guess  i'll go here and take my instinct is   that i should offer a draw here this is my  instinct but i don't know what we'll see um we're sure don't know thank you so much jesse  these people for the one thousand one   thousand bits thanks so much jesse appreciate it no street draws are not expensive yeah  i guess with no streak of draw is fine   but i it feels weird i mean i should be in  the top 16 pretty easily so why should why   i mean why do i not just play on here  jesse eats people you guys yeah okay f3 now that feels like a mistake doesn't feel right um let me go g5 here of course that's a terrible move terrible move i just give  him an instant draw with 97. okay i mean i'm not going to waste  time there's not the right spot just   not the right spot g5 was a terrible move  i could have kept the game going yeah now   i have to make the draw instantly because because  otherwise i'm going to lose two more minutes and   we're both going to end up in the same spot so  next game let's go let's go let's go by the way   some serious players like twenty two thousand  and nineteen hundreds are in the top 16. josh   yeah i mean it's what it is it's not not a big  deal but i can't really make the um i i i can't   waste two minutes mid late is too good and we're  both gonna it's gonna hurt both of our chances   for qualifying there's just no good there's no  good reason we're gonna play this line again let's go here i'm gonna change  the order just slightly a3 all right oh but now i have 91 actually yeah  now i have 91 and it's different cuz i can take uh i'm gonna in this one there are not  many players they're only 51 players   we're going to be playing each  other a lot in this this arena i guess i go here because i can still take okay i go b5 i mean this looks  actually very questionable wait this doesn't look right at all   i just take i feel like i'm better here i don't  know how much better i am but i think i'm better   i mean i have queen a6 at some point  this looks questionable at best for black why only 51 people because only 51 people  qualified for this event that's why um rick   v6 looks like a great move but i think i don't  actually think it's best rick v6 or maybe it is   ricky six or eight rook b1 i think i'm just gonna  go here though and try to reroute maybe like rook   b6 and knight knight before at some point it goes  there now it gives me 95 here it shuts the pawn   which of course i conveniently missed knight  c3 although i knight before maybe or this oh another bad blunder by me so bad ah ridiculous oh very careless game's also headed for a draw probably not a good result it goes  knight a7 which i think is   kind of wrong but i have to prove  it so now i'm going to queen a6 i think 97 was a fairly serious mistake you  know i just take and now i'm completely fine   now it's even material and can't really end  up in trouble anymore stop being so bad at   chess i know it's it's hard or yeah i mean now  i'm going to win the game most likely because   he's under pressure on the board and the clock  because he hung the a pawn and now his knight   on a7 is not really very good because it's no  longer an outpost i can go a4 to take the square   it was d4 which i saw i don't actually know that's  probably a good move oh i guess i take takes   and i still feel like i should be winning  somehow but okay whatever let's just   relax take a deep breath play  queen v3 and just play chass a4 i know again i don't know why i didn't  just play h3 to take space like i should have   like again i decided to give him something  that i shouldn't have given him at all here here i don't think there's a checkmate i don't  think there's a back rank me but i'd be   very very careful just like in the benjamin game  instead of playing the lufthansa move with the h3   i basically just start playing all the other moves  but now i go h3 now at least i'm probably okay let's go here oh my god i just hung  the pawn geez what is queenie one i'm still way up on the clock but jeez go here i have rook c4 maybe just take the pawn i'm gonna go here oh let's go wait rooks before he's  got rook d1 i have to be careful i'm gonna go here i'm gonna try  to get really tricky with my rooks i also have knights okay now i go here knight  c4 and that's gg because the e6 also falls another win pretty good okay back to 31 okay so we're pretty close i mean  i should get top 16 pretty easily now so hard to   be that unhappy problem for the players who are  down is that in this arena unlike the regular ones   the players who are way down like joshua or um  or joe bava they aren't guaranteed to get easy   pairings like they could end up running into me  like three or four times in the last hour so no   guarantees that's actually the problem if you  don't get off to a good start in this one you're   not really getting easy pairings the same way  you normally do i don't think so it can be very dicey let's just take a d4 oh is it is there a bet on the line 36 by one hour   there is right um i guess i'll take with the pawn  and play rookie one i don't know this is right   but i'm an easy pairing yeah i mean  that is it's my move right let's go c4 takes i play d5 but i think i'll just keep it simple   i'm gonna go for something  a little bit aggressive here i'm gonna try to rip open the center here  and just attack attack attack and attack   well bishop a5 what is that oh let's just go here oh bishop  a5 seems like a maybe not   wait this doesn't look right at all i mean  i can obviously just sack the house i guess just go here though keep it simple i'm definitely sacking on e5 b7 is weak b8 i mean i should be winning here  okay whatever let's just go for it   who cares just attack top 16  qualify who cares i'm just attacking um i think that's just g yes gg  so we're gonna get another win okay let's go again we got  min lay here on 34 he's on 28. oh right he's gonna do i'm gonna play queen c2 i'm  gonna do something a little bit different i wanna   see what his pl what his plan is against this  line this isn't a line that he normally plays i think 95 is still correct  castles is still correct   all right so we're going to get  this one right and now this one i'm trying to remember what the move was here   i'm gonna play this i know it's not the right  way to play it but i'm gonna do it anyway now i think in this one there's  some b4 as i recall and rook b1   although again it's probably not right okay does that so i go here interesting that he took on b4 because i  don't think it's supposed to be correct just there so i mean of course i  can take i guess i i have to kind of   it has c5 which is of course a good move i take i'm moving a little bit too quickly  here because i need to use the restroom   but hey how's it going to capture take with a  pawn take with the knight take with the queen   all captures are illegal probably he takes  with the queen uh probably takes the pawn   or the queen though is my guess because  this does give me knight c4 and knight a5   but we'll see yeah he's from vietnam you guys  i'm definitely moving way too fast here though   tough match will be playing against the world  champion yeah exactly um what's it gonna do   i think for a long time so he takes with  the pawn which is kind of what i i thought   that was the best move so it's not too  shocking um thing is what do i do here i play bishop b5 i mean i can play like knight  f3 i guess i guess i'll just go here oh but this   doesn't feel right but maybe maybe it's okay  yeah men lay is basically gm strength he doesn't   have the title because he hasn't played the  tournaments but he'll be a gm once once he plays gives me an ip597 but i don't  think that's right um let's go here   of course i gave him rook ca which i  shouldn't have given him either but whatever yeah of course he finds it i guess i go here   oh i should have gone to d2  also but whatever okay let's go can i i probably can get  um can i get away with that i really don't know if i can but block block takes takes  checking is sucking age seven i'm thinking too long i'm  just gonna take the safe route come on draw oh you guys oh you guys  want me to draw or lose because of the   format okay well that's pretty cheesy um okay you  have to be careful still though so let's go here yeah they're definitely some doubters i guess i guess i'll play here yeah if i win i'm if i win this  game i'm getting to 36 though right   i don't know i don't understand 92 at all oh he wants knight c4 or something i could have played e4 too maybe we have yeah he finds queen bee which is a phenomenally  good move by the way i mean this is why like   when you watch these games like when i  say he's going to be a gem he's going   to be a gm because i think every  other move there was close to lost trying to be a little bit tricky here because now  i can go here oops and there we go we got the win okay doubters lose again right doubters lose again darn it yeah don't be a doubter you guys don't be a doubter i mean he should not have lost that  game he should not have lost that game   so yeah i feel bad for the doubters  they're so sure that he would   draw and he should have but yeah so much  for the restroom bladder explodes yeah   i'm gonna go after this game i just i i had  to see if i could win the bet for you guys there's b5 okay so he's trying to chop the center  immediately i'll just go here i think rook c1 and   d1 has got to be the right placement okay i don't  understand that at all now i have d5 i thought i think i can just take and take and play rook b1  i think my opponent's a little bit on tilt here yeah i can play with a c1 actually i don't know why i  did this this actually isn't   going to be easy to win now that i look at this it goes there which is a bad move  because now now i get the knife on   f5 and now they're actual threats  now black's in trouble for sure whoa um i have rick defi uh no i guess i i think i  just take probably go back i mean this is   still i mean black's kind of okay here the only  problem is this king is very iffy and i have a   knife on a knife on f5 and of course i played  queen of four which was terrible because he is i guess i'm just gonna have to outskill him in  an end game i'm not happy about this but i can   of course i should have taken with the knight let's go here time to outskill him like a l  magnus carlson would let's go here with d1 i'll just go here consolidate okay now it gives me g5 so this is step  one in the wrong going the wrong way   there's knight h5 which i think is  also maybe very wrong like trade trade i'm gonna go g3 here i'm gonna  try to be really tricky with this now i just take and now i'm just up a pawn let's go i guess let's go i'm gonna go here i think i'll go here i could have  played rook a7 shock too maybe um how do i do this this actually is not easy tracks i go here i guess i go here check i think i'm just going to reroute everything  just plays very very slow i think so much of   jesse eats people for the 1100 bits saying so much  jesse eats people now this gets very scary though oh but of course i misplayed this  inevitably inevitably go here i'm gonna try to go rook h6 or something i still  am going to win this game because of the time but the dude 10 just resubbed for three uh i think that's just a blunder okay i just  lost the game all right we got another win   takes thank you so much to dab  the dude for the three months   go over one more i think one more and  then i'm probably gonna take a break actually you know what no you know  what i'm gonna go for the break   right now i'll be right back you  guys all right let's go next game oh is he really gonna play this out this is going to resign right there we go next game all right he's trying to cheese me trying  to get the quick win with bishop h6 okay very happy with my position  here very very nice position still processing the moves yeah yeah i wasn't  meant to be for my friend that's a big jug yeah   it's from oktoberfest you guys just go i don't  know ricky c8 or knight c5 i guess i'll go here let's go here i'm much much better already i can   obviously just take and i think i just  will because i can just take a knight c3 i mean this maybe isn't the smartest way to play  it by the way but it's still more than more than   enough oh i meant to go queen g6 oh i meant to  go queen of six oh my god i meant to go queen f6   oh jeez oh my gosh i meant to go queen f6 let's go here oh that's so annoying let's see how good his technique is oh here i'm trying to do something i mean at least it didn't lose  instantly but yeah it's kind of annoying   yeah kind of annoying because g4 which i'm  kind of surprised by let's go here i mean   it's starting to misplay this just a little  bit it's not like i'm i'm okay i'm not but   this oh bishop e4 doesn't work either  of course let's go here i guess   i mean he's low on time so i mean if i can get  the a pawn rolling some kind of weird trick   trying to go a3 to get some uh let's take i mean  here's rick c3 though i can probably draw this i think i can still draw  this oh okay it goes for that or no i can't draw this i'm just losing yeah ridiculous and try to trick him with knight d4 i should have also gone to d6 like the  reroute i mean oh well i can't i can't   be too upset i mean i just made a mouse  slip it happens or he can blunder the pawn what is he doing oh my gosh this is still a  draw i think but what the heck is he doing oh i did i have some way i don't think i did no yeah he found it it's just a draw palino  underscore just subscribed i was off for the   draw to save time he almost threw that yeah almost  through it he's very lucky very lucky but okay i   mean i was completely lost i can't be too mad  um yeah maybe i had a way to win though king c7   knight c3 no i don't think i had a way to win  i think it's just a draw okay i played benjamin   chance to return the favor okay let's go c65  i should have flagged my kunta flag because   basically the king of the pawn are too fast i mean  he was lucky i was like we were all lucky yeah i   mean he was he was he was he was lucky at the end  not to be losing with the pawns but i was also   incredibly lucky that when i played f6 i didn't  just lose um but yeah i mean yeah he probably   got very nervous he must have gotten very very  nervous um must have gotten very nervous there because suddenly he realizes like he's  about to get this like huge win as like   i can understand how you'd be  feeling really really on edge   by the way i'm playing benjamin  so why am i playing a bad opening let's go here yeah i'm just  playing a terrible opening   here's someone should pally know for the tier one he goes a3 let's go a5 to stop d4 yeah it's a very poor opening by me i don't know what bishop e3 does exactly again i don't know if a4 is ripe i'm gonna  play and then go like king h7 i guess thanks now i finished my castling i castle  by hand uh it doesn't mean this is   particularly good for me still but maybe  there's something he plays h4 logical i mean the question is is this  really a threat if i go f5   says on poisson it's not very  good so let's just go here he plays queen c2 again uh i guess i'll go king here maybe oh god benjamin okay fine i'll play h5  benjamin you want to draw that badly fine   i'll play h5 we can play chassis maybe he'll win  he literally just wants to make a draw go here okay it does this which i don't  actually like that much um   i'm actually almost okay now i think do a  knight of five and take a knight of eight what do you what do you do except thank  you doc christopher two what do i do yeah   i mean i'm throwing you're right i'm 300 points  higher rated so i guess a draw is fine for him   it's just frustrating because he is better  in this he was better in this position   now it's not so clear i mean i have knight  f8 i've got knight e6 i've got f6 also um wait a second because i have to go here i think i had something better than this  wait i had something better than this i think   i think i made a mistake here i can still  go queen b5 maybe oh no he's he's still oh   he still wants a draw oh my gosh  you cannot be serious benjamin i mean fine i'll play on i shouldn't do this  against my better judgment but i'll do it i mean i'll probably lose the game but wait let's go here target queen yeah it's just so annoying and i just   i i don't even know why i did this it's  like literally begging to lose the game yeah of course they're just losing i mean why  did i do this i mean he's begging for a draw   and i just for whatever reason  i decided i'm gonna try to win so stupid by me i don't know what do i do check i guess just so stupid by me to do this yeah they're so stupid ridiculous i don't know   why i didn't just take the draw i  was so desperate to make the draw right here uh happens i mean he's just  begging for a draw the whole game   i mean instead of trying to play for a win  but no whatever oh let's castle play queen d3 thanks smiley face a 4 5 next move the knight of three g4 people always do that against me not really  usually most time people don't do that actually   um i know i played knight f3 this isn't best what am i actually doing here let's go rookie one  i just i mean as long as i don't tilt as long as i   play a couple of good good games here it'll be  fine but yeah i'm a little bit annoyed by that go hear me rook g1 maybe h3 he did an instant draw right afterwards   against who who did he draw against right  afterwards so there's actually a rule against that   you're not allowed to do that um let's just take  the pawn he took an instant draw against bortnick and meanwhile i've actually got myself  into another very very bad position what am i doing because e4 which isn't best play queen three  one no they actually made a rule against that   you're basically not allowed to do that  you're not allowed to make quick draws uh okay i'm gonna go f6 here play knight f5 or queen h6 should be winning you play for drawstreet when others people  do is begging for a draw uh i don't play   i don't play for instant draws but okay you wanna  you wanna get banned fine i don't make repetitions   randomly in middle positions except in the  major events which are quite different obviously   now like what the what the [ __ ] is your problem  dude um play queen h6 next and go from there it's always great when someone says  something stupid like that for no reason let's go here in knight h5 next move let's take let's go here okay at  least i have 96 and take on g7   yeah stupid common indeed i mean he's literally  trying to draw in a position where he's off by   it's like plus one or better and he's trying  to make a repetition and you're gonna try to   compare that with a tournament with far  more money on the line where players are   playing for positioning and you're gonna  try to compare the two like seriously all right so this is going to be winning in a  second don't sweat the trolls yeah i mean go   check and i guess just take and make a queen  let's go next game i do want to play benjamin   again though thank you so much to scrappy do for  the two months appreciate it yeah stop crying all   right you know what okay there we go i don't have  time to ban everybody so there you go congrats   please c6 and d5 congrats stop crying about about  it yeah i mean crying about one i'll probably play   him in the knockout and i'll get paid back and you  want to tell me that i'm crying about it please   seriously play d4 and play queen b6 let's go here um i actually have not played this very  precisely uh let's go here maybe 97 next move   that bail 8392 just took five  dollars out of bezos pocket thanks 995 i'm tim next move not particularly special let's take let's just castle play rookie 8 king  on e2 very open very much under attack here king f3 okay let's go f5 f4 i guess 95. i'll go a four um i guess i go shaq wait there's got to be a force check made here no what the heck i don't see  a checkmate wait a second ah oh no it's not oh and this is made okay he had bishop  e7 though wait he had bishop e7 there okay i'm gonna play something  more stable i guess let's go here let's take and go here it's 97 oh i queen a5 queen d8 maybe let's go here oh let's go here oh wait can i take e4 maybe wait h6h4 i guess i was i mean i wasted 20  seconds on that move not smart at all let's go here bishop b7 and rookie 8 i guess i feel like i'm about to blunder something  i don't know it's bishop e7 or something i think i go here so i have c5 and then he has d5  and i feel like an idiot again i just gone to d8 i also give knight g5 i mean this looks terrible i mean it's got night oh my gosh so mine  also wants to make a draw okay i'm this i'm   definitely going to play on here uh first of  all i have c5 i also have queen d8 in h6 yeah   but this one's not as bad because this is not  a position where he's like winning on the spot   benjamin was like completely winning so it's  kind of different this one midlane is better   but he's not winning so it's completely  within the realm of what i would expect   uh i can play rook d8 here i can also play h6 i'm low on time though so i kind of have to  yeah actually i just have to kind of go here let's see five gotta open up the dyax yeah  i mean this isn't benjamin was actually   like more than better he was like just flat  out winning almost i think let's go here i blunder this two okay let's go e5 i  don't know if this is best but it's wine could have played queen d6 first  but i think f5 is important or i can just blunder this too um maybe it's not so bad i guess i have wait i guess i have rica 5. go here to force a trade i should be able to hold this now i think it's not great but i think it's playable uh i think rook c1 was a slip i think he  meant to go rook b1 right okay so midlane   makes a slip which kind of makes which kind of  makes uh makes up for i guess the one against   benji because rick's he meant to go rook b1 i'm  sure of it and then he just slipped with rook c1 and now i go here oh here in rook c7 oh i had  b5 there too which i missed let's go beef should be okay i mean little b3 don't  go b2 but the problem is actually i've   misplayed this too like we're both like taking  turns messing this up i'm gonna go f3 here okay but i thought this gave  me queen e2 this is my whole   idea but of course i played the wrong  order naturally oh he takes okay so wait but this is this is actually a draw or not wait  a second i might be up a pawn here okay but now i'm just gonna be up  a pawn on this end game i think   yeah i should actually win  this now i go here and i b2 go here i'm up a pawn my king's just running in i  think i'm just winning here   that's a good move i'm gonna go  here to consolidate everything still tricky to play though king  king um king of one's a very good   move it's not but now check i go here if  takes i just take with the rook i guess i should be winning i just  blocked the rook okay there we go   all right next game i need so much a combat map  for the prime thing center boy oh for the um   for the five months appreciate it thanks so much wait here okay we're gonna get another quick win oh let's go bishop b5 maybe d3  believers win uh okay let's go here um wait he just blundered  i'll take this one and then   now oh he's got queen a5 wait  he misses it okay let's take very strange very strange okay it's playing this one i'm gonna go f5 here i'm knight of five of 97 um  let's go here target pawn actually that wasn't very smart of me i guess i'll just trade i guess  i'll i don't really want to trade   but i think i should just castle  here take with the rook d4 is weak probably just clean up seven try to play something  solid maybe maybe g5 maybe e5 maybe just king b8   um knight f6 is also maybe a move my bishop is  kind of not where i want it to be so let's go here because queen g3 which is very very very logical  i think i'm going to play rook g8 and try to   reroute my bishop maybe like d6 if i can yeah  i'm gonna try to reroute the bishop and once   i reroute the bishop here it's on a much better  diagonal so this should be pretty good definitely   not worse anymore i don't know if i'm better  but i can't really be worse with this great um   whatever you what you'll call it go  here no pawn push because of the pin leaderboard is all legit players what's  happening this is the season finale   top prize is three thousand five hundred  dollars so that's why everybody's playing there are some there are some soft players in the  top seem like halvard for example still holding   um you've got like fritzy shock i mean you have  some players who are kind of in in it to win it   um now queen that's a very tricky move queen  um queen e3 very very tricky move i think i'm   gonna go here they still can't push because  it takes he still can't takes of the pin   queen e3 is a very tricky move um i guess i'll go i guess i'll go here i don't know if i have six  or fights better money explains everything yeah   yeah first prize is more for this than it  is yeah basically the prize money in this   if you win is the same as if you finish in  the finals of the rapid chess championship but yeah so far i mean it's looking pretty  normal who's in everybody's in the top 16   pretty much right everybody is streaming too  so this is actually legitimately the top 16.   like the players you see in here are  gonna be in the top 16 without a doubt okay now i guess i can take if i want i mean  even rook f8 looks pretty reasonable here i did not get lik lichtenstein or however you  pronounce it um i didn't get that right now   very unfortunate not everyone is streaming know  everybody who's playing this is streaming you're   this is not uh i've ricky seven oh maybe  rick f7 was a little bit better i don't know i'll just scoot out of the way it's  still actually not so happy times for me   still i mean i should win but it's some issues  i guess i'll reroute the night or try to   he's got a really good night blocking the  pawn it's not easy for me to play this   i just go back cut him off so he has no  entries it's a good move i guess i'll go here just there which i don't like because  now i put pressure on everything yeah now now i'm going to win the game let's check i just trade and go queen c8 but now g4 g3 start rolling his pawns up the board a5 i don't know if it's even  necessary but it makes sense now f3 and f2 and that's ggs okay another win up to 64 points going okay let's go c6 here  playing ohanian chess is on 49. big cat belly just took five dollars out  of bezos's pocket thanks thank you so much   a big cat belly for the 21 20 months thank  you so much a big cat belly let's go e6 here   i guess i'll go here to target the  pawn i mean this is not a good move but no more casino maybe well some casino i don't know what he does it will auto resign  in 10 seconds is he disconnected will auto resign does that mean  it's disconnected or what's going on how's it going it's going decently could be going  better but it could also be going a lot worse too   let's go here create our our pawn grips  this will go here knight c4 95 at some point go here hit the bishop i guess i can fion  cheeto but i think bishop d6 is right   let's go hear me with queen c7 maybe a5 a4 just keep rolling the pawns up the board peepee inner pampers thanks so much  to phil or manic uh pampers for the   tier one thank you so much please queen two one i can play a3 if i want   to i'm just gonna go queen c7  for now keep a3 alive for later bishop g5 i can play f6 and go king  f7 i think what i'm gonna do at least can i make a pawn cube for you i  can try um what's it gonna do here so i'm definitely i'm definitely guaranteed well  not definitely guaranteed that's actually not in   proper english but i'm more or less guaranteed  to finish i think top two after this win   so the only thing i'm gonna be watching at  the end assuming that marco keeps winning his   games is whether i want to finish uh  one or two like if i see number 15 as   someone weaker than number 16 i might  want to finish 16. um just go here i guess   i'm gonna start rolling i'm gonna start  pushing the pawns a little bit more that's really the only question here it goes f3 which i don't particularly love  i'm gonna go f4 i'm just gonna keep expanding   um actually that was not very smart  i mean uh like really not very smart   i'm gonna go e5 and create a new pawn cube  which may or may not be good let's take not very happy not very thrilled by this but it  should be okay i mean i have queen of five of f5   oh my god i don't know queen of  five he's got rookie seven geez   wake up wake up wake up wake up  wake up wake up wake up wake up mr let's go here i guess i go here i still have f5 tricks  maybe remove this it's safe pre-move   i'm awake yeah let's go here oh great did i just make a blunder i might  i did make a blunder but he's got no time okay we're going to see two  try to trade some knights of course why did i allow this absolutely  insane oh he trapped his own queen oh my   gosh he just trapped this queen for no  reason thank you so much to mr lupin   for the 21 thank you to gerb thank you so much  to severan for the tier one thank you so much all right gain another point my goal really  is try to finish for a second get six to gain   five more points that's the only goal that  i have left so we'll see how it goes okay   we're going to play mikael tower reborn want to win this game quickly uh numbers mikhail  tal is actually still qualifying by the way uh who's in the top 16 who doesn't  really halvard is in the top 16 still   jack is in the top 16 still i don't see  anybody else however jack 16 okay let's take okay next game okay let's go it resigns keep going okay so we're up to 72 as  i said the only question is do i want to finish   one or two i think right now it's funny at  the moment boarding is in fif 16th place   i almost want to finish in um in  second place or not in first place   how come i'm never playing bortnick that's a good  question i played him the very first game but   i haven't played him since yeah my gosh i played  this guy like six times already in this arena geez um this is just insane i mean i'm getting a little bit tired of  playing this guy over and over every single   time beat him better this time yeah  i think there's so much flurry for   the tier one thanks for the flurry i  appreciate thank you here subscribed i don't know let's just take i  guess and i like hear something uh i guess i'll go here maybe just e4 i'm gonna have bishop f4 or something okay so he  can take with a knight i guess i'll play rook c1   i don't know why i did that let's go f4 here oh i guess i go bishop g two maybe target tonight traeger rook c6 need a reacher for the five  goodness thank you so much jackreacher47 for   the five gifted subs thank you so much i also  have bishop a5 somewhere in here too i think   like maybe i should have  done it right away but anyway i guess i go here somehow they should be winning i don't quite  know how but i feel like this should be winning i think i'll make a check to kick the king out go here basically i'm trying to put  the king on the edge so he can't come   towards the center maybe launch over some  king some king walk i'm at bishop b4 now um i mean anything wins here so  i'm just going to play moves here bishop c5 of course i think this just wins i've rick h8 shaq oh my gosh should i just make a  blunt i just made a huge blunder oh what am i doing ridiculous i'm still probably winning but  that was so ridiculous behind me   either king c1 is just winning on the spot i'll  still win but it's gonna take me much longer now uh i think i'll just go here and  take this probably is winning i've rooked these six and  okay this is winning hello uh so here here here here here here he  loses by tempo i mean he lose by one tempo now i go here i take or i make a make a queen and  that's game over okay when again i think two more   points maybe something like that in one point  for that win not very good but it's what it is   all right let's see so we have 70 minutes left  we're back in first place who's in 16th right now   i just want to see what the standings are 16th is  renato at the moment so i kind of want to finish   in 15th place or second place at the moment  second or third to get the easy first pairing yeah i'm just looking at the  standings right now where 15th is all right i guess i'll play  rook c1 maybe 95 next move i guess i'll just take and play like knight g5 or   queen c7 i don't know what i'm  doing exactly but i'll do it but he checked me with the rook no i  taken my work captures the pawn that's why also avoid exotic princess around two all  matches are but all matches are best of   five somebody said the first eight i thought it  was top 16 is it top eight for this final one let's go here is it top eight for the final  i thought it was top 16. i can ask in slack um i just asked let me see about four here it's top eight okay oh it says top eight so it's actually  really tricky let me see in slack   i just asked is it top eight or top 16.  no reply okay let's go e4 oh it's 16 okay okay 16 according to the  article fair fair spare stuff okay i mean obviously i'm much  better let's go queenie too basically trying to attack here as much  as i can just go go for a quick win   i mean ronaldo is in 16 i mean 16th spot  is very unclear at the moment i guess   it looks like renato kind of has a grip  on 16th but it's not clear cut whatsoever   um knight f7 is the move that i desperately  want to play uh but i don't think it works i'm   just going to take this one oh because  i have knight of 796 that's why yeah thank you so much uh tag for  the tier one thanks a tag wait players are reseeded for the  according to their blitz rating what   wait so players are reset according to their  blitz rating then why am i even playing like actually why am i why am i playing if they  just received then i should have stopped like   20 minutes ago when i'm in the top 16.  what's even the point of playing anymore i mean it just it makes no sense i  should i should just i should just like   stop playing 20 minutes ago that's not true every   arena kings no they don't reseat according  to ratings for arena kings i don't think no i mean i mean i've been in the top  16 for the last like 30 minutes for sure   they received according to  ratings okay fair enough okay so yeah i'll i'll play this  one in maybe one more i guess   okay all righty kings are  reseeded okay fair enough so then it really doesn't matter it just i  mean it's just get top 16 nothing else matters   don't know the rules apparently yeah go here it's castle your king h8 rook g8 uh i mean i don't even know what  knight a4 is it's a bad move but b5 i guess i don't even know why i took the roof of course   reckless wiener 93 just five  dollars out of bezos's pocket   thanks this guy is also kind of dangerous which  really doesn't make sense i'm playing like this and there's even knight h4  okay so he does go for this oh here and take i guess he's 7  or 58 or something i don't know 48 it was worth d3 which doesn't particularly  do anything i guess i just trade   assuming i didn't blunder something  obvious let's take so here target the queen oh wait i've got to be careful  f7 is hanging to it so i have   to go here to guard guard everything of course is queen c7 i mean i do have bishop d6 maybe let's take because if he takes i go check and mate yeah i think it's just checkmate  anyway just getting made here thank   you so much for reckless uh swiner  for the two months thank you so much i guard all the checks i mean very  important that i guard the shack   i hit this i have bishop g3  everything is really good here yeah it's a nice tactic that  i spotted um so another win oh wait is there not a maid huh there's no actual checkmate here what the heck huh huh no i'm sorry it's not like xc wait a  second there's no um i guess i take and check i go here and i just play like queen h3 and  checkmate or something or bishop d bishop   d6 was better actually i'm trying two mates here  right or two oh wait no f4 is not checkmate is it yeah chat this is bs yeah i guess i just go check and take  the rook simplest way to win if you're gonna play roundik this is a game to get   me to 3200 so this is the last  game i'm gonna play either way i guess i'll go for this again i thought i  got a good position against ronald last game   there's e5 i mean i thought i got an  advantage last time we played this   maybe i didn't but i thought i thought  this was supposed to be pleasant for me it goes there i guess i go it's a bishop  d4 i don't i think i played knight h4 which   was no i think it was bishop d force  i don't actually remember what it was or maybe it wasn't maybe i'm just  bad at chess and i played something   different yeah i think i just forgot  it was something different let's go h5 plays knight c5 to trade brooks   of course he's he's happy with the draw because  all he wants is top 16. where is rounding in the   standings i don't think i'm gonna give him a  draw though i think he's where is he he's on   65 oh no round is actually easily in two  so it's kind of wait isn't this a free pawn i think it is yeah knight d3 now i can  trade on e8 if i want play like rook f1   i also just go rook f1 i can also work d1 but trying to go work out for anarchy  that actually looks pretty safe over here because all his pawns are super weak here  his pawns on b7 v6 and a7 are very weak   you can search marquise titans for the  tier one they're so much more cutest titan yeah it looks pretty standard i mean everyone's  in everyone's gonna make it in pretty much i think   who's who's not making it in is there anyone  not making it inks oh i don't see bortnick   wait where's where's bortnick oh there's warning  number nine okay subornik isn't unfortunately um now if i trade okay let's see so if i trade i  can check and place end game up on 27 takes check   check i'm trying to figure out the zigzag i also  do knight h2 i guess i mean or knight h4 what's try anything about how this end game would  how's that game worse that trade trade i'm gonna go oh i meant to  ah i meant to go to h4 not   h2 i just put the knight on the wrong square again wake up yeah i meant to go to h4 because that  then then i guard g2 and now i don't guard g2   so now it's tricky yeah like  heroes of knight f5 even insane he plays rookie six i'll go here i'm going to try to  get tricky with like 93 or something oh i also had queen d5 rod all about don't have knight g4 am i stupid don't i think i think he thought rook just looks  knight to queen f3 but rook g6 knight g4 and i'm   gonna wait a second what's going on here maybe   he's right maybe i'm wrong somebody's  right somebody's wrong but we'll see   so he takes so i should be winning here if i play  this correctly i just have to be oh wait if i go   ricky when he is rookie three and he still makes a  draw so i think rookie one must be the right move   or is it or yeah the rookie one he's  got queen h3 still i mean this is very tricky rook d1 seems like  the safe way to play it i guess although wait rookie three oh i have king no it's i think i missed a win though i think rookie  one was winning actually as i think about it because rick have six go here i'm kind of holding but it's still tricky yeah i know it's just winning tricky game there we go checkmate all right you guys  we got the win we got our rating back to   somewhere near respectability at 3 200. and  with that i am going to take a break i'll come   back in a few minutes and we'll get ready  for the rainy kings knockout so give me oh   night 4 was 0.9 of course of course it was so  give me a few minutes and we'll be right back you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 44,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, chess speedruns, hikaru arena kings, hikaru nakamura arena kings
Id: EnrZWp7ro1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 16sec (6916 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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