Season 6 BEST Moments! Part 2 | Teen Titans Go! | @dckids

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[Music] this is a mistake Direction this is the cheeriest place on the planet noodles they're there it's okay the creepy space cat's gone now told you guys we can't let my brothers get upset [Music] on second thought I don't think I want to go on this ride don't check it out now looks like none of us are going Chuck lion okay it's okay I have an idea how about we go on a nice fun baby ride instead happy birthday [Music] repetitive music are causing the creepy feelings to enter me noodles [Music] [Music] control freak what are you up to you dumb dumbs haven't figured it out yet I have brought you all here to find out who is the best superhero team in all the universe how do you suggest we do that the Family Feud oh yeah I love the view okay teams let's play the pew didn't we already do this yes we did and the network loved it so when when 100 superheroes were surveyed top answers are on the board what is the very best superpower the power of wisdom show me smarts number one answer talk about a garbage superpower and the superhero girls take control that girl my dear coolest superhero power cool gadgets complainer cooler a Green Lantern ring [Music] really on a roll one last answer on the board for this week uh B powers okay show me B powers ooh no B Powers okay Titans it's your chance to steal I would say the laser eyeballs oh yeah okay we got this time's up Titans best superpower well actually say the laser eyes laser eyes bro you don't need super powers just a combination of hard work and dedication show me blah blah blah the correct answer was [Music] [Music] The Aquatic mammalian weapon is very impressive what crime would ever require a whale launcher you never know now let's test this bad boy out Titan robot assemble [Music] hey power off right arm power off left arm power on come on what's the matter ah that's my leg I think I broke it try putting all your weight on it [Music] doesn't hurt which store leads to the Lost Spirits room you know what I can't remember they all look the same they should put like special markings on these doors fan out the Halloween spirit has got to be around here somewhere maybe these people can help us well you don't want anything to do with those Deadbeats oh hey Dad whoa I have that kind of money weird what is that thing yell sand worms I hate them Ray Ray your pops he'll be fine I have found the room we are looking for it appears to be locked relax babe all we have to do is scare the pants off that janitor and steal his keys but we ain't good at scaring people are you forgetting you're dead now which means you can make yourself look as scary as you want sorry for hitting you by the way we about to put the boo in boo yeah how do we look not bad not bad my turn no no need your face is gross enough as it is Robin is super ugly now go get that key [Music] more excuse me sir may we please borrow your keys [Music] [Applause] nice work Robin that's right yo ain't no face uglier than yours whatever I like this yo warping garbage I just want to go back home to my girl get her together our thumbs could be anywhere waiting to strike what was that I think there's trying to sneak up on us bro [Music] all right [Music] I think we lost them [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign you can negotiate you got no leverage I can give you what you want you are the dolphins of the hand but you can just be the dolphins with none of the hand you mean we can be for and and live our lives as Scholars of the sea yes but you must first cease the fire and sign the Treaty of the peace very well [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sure glad we found time to get together between work and raising my Army of the spring save busy exactly you know why these outings are so great because no one understands villains like other villains do looks like we're our own special breed and a very misunderstood breed at that so what are you guys up for tacos Pizza well for an occasion like this I say we start with dessert I'm gonna get me two scoops of chocolate minty Mark Hamill I'm more of a cookie Jared Lego man myself Phoenix in a waffle cone thank you very much gelato here we go [Music] oh man would you look at this it's the middle of the day there shouldn't be this much traffic let me see what the trouble is no not the Titans Cyborg hit it [Music] thank you [Music] having a giant robot dance party in rush hour traffic are the desert typical of them those fools have caused more chaos and destruction than we ever have and yet we're considered the bad guys the Titans are a bunch of jokes I know right you know who I find the most annoying Beast Boy yeah yeah yeah that's what's up bro my name is stupid cause that's what's like this great impression blood it was like Beast Boy was right here in the van with us [Music] oh [Music] I hate technology I can never find any of my emails on this stupid thing they write down the screen Grandma all right right right [Music] Emily did anyone save me a pancake you can have this one hmm it fell in the garbage so star how's the 10th grade I am in the 11th grade father soon when since the beginning of the school year son how's class going for you my teacher wants me to give a report on what my father does for a living that should be easy cause your father don't do nothing I wouldn't say nothing I've got a few irons in the fire good one if your father spent half as much time getting a job as he does on the toilet we could finally afford to move out of this dump you know Raven it's too bad you didn't marry your old flame Aqualad you could have been undersea royalty instead of being stuck with this deadbeat I'm not a deadbeat oh really then why haven't you done the dishes I don't need to do the dishes there's still a tiny bit of counter space what about helping the kids with their homework they don't need my help they're getting straight D's well you could at least take out the trash I tried to honey but your mother refuses to leave morning come on Robin you have to start pulling your weight around here okay okay will you get off my back and where do you think you're going outside to talk to Thompson I don't trust that man one bit the way he hides his face all the time I bet he's a monster you think everyone's a monster of course I do I'm old oh what a cool house suburbs time for the birthday girl to put on her party dress seriously dad you know that I hate pink oops okay okay purple it is easy mama you looks dub now don't stress it I don't know what got into me hello hello Look Who's home it's the birthday girl this is Raven's grandmother oh my Badness you have grown so much my little Rachel thanks Nana try gonth all of you did you pick up my Epsom salts no mother I I forgot oh you can enslave an entire Dimension but you can't pick up your mother's Epsom salt you know I got the granny legs feet getting all swole it's Brothers hello may I join you on the foot little ones and over here we have Uncle Grimm very nice to meet you Mr grandma now you cut that out Graham this is a party you leave your work at home what happened where am I okay everyone it is now time for the daddy-daughter dance no way I am not dancing with you but I've brushed up on all the latest dance crazies I can do the catalog the Funky Chicken and the stanky leg dad you're embarrassing me friend Raven you must do the relaxing your father may have the moves of the lameness but he is just trying to show you that he cares whatever home to listen to putting up with annoyances another way for you to achieve ultimate patience is through parenting since there are no children around I shall play the role of the baby look at the cute little Robin oh who's a cute little Robin yes you are oh yes you are [Music] do not cry little Robin [Music] don't take don't take it I ain't got time for this I got better things to do you take them I can't take it anymore ah that is so much better the alarm is set for tomorrow don't want to miss the plane so you want to tell revealing personal stories I just want to go to bed dude you're right we should get some good sleep we we bonding ahead of us did you be quiet I'm trying to sleep sorry sorry retainer late night snack sorry humidifier [Music] I'll be honest with you I slept pretty good especially considering how hard these pillows are those aren't pillows why are you burn so hard daily squats and scratches keeps it all die nice I'm still mad at you for being a great travel buddy you're a horrible travel buddy you get me on a sticky plane you snore you got too many stimmies oh there's no such thing as too many skitties yo we can't let them take our music Dave Sonic Blast you're going down fool 45 45 the law and all you're Kelvin Mercer AKA pasta news AKA plugger AKA plug AKA I'm being attacked right now see this must in front of me are you crazy and you're Dave's only cute aka the job AKA AKA plug two Flash and you're Vince and Mason hey AKA mace AKA plus three true true no doubt oh my goodness where are our manners we didn't even introduce ourselves please be the Teen Titans yo we are the superheroes y'all have nothing to worry about we're here to save your music well now would be a good time to start doing that right Titans [Music] this is home to some of the world's greatest masterpieces like Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh this painting can teach you a lot about composition star oh but so much about the composition first you gather the trash then you gather the manure finally you add the adorable little earthworms and after a few months you will have the composition that's composting composition is a term used to describe the visual elements inside a painting and if done successfully good composition will grab the viewer and hold on to them notice how Van Gogh uses swirling clouds and shining stars to really pull you in oh the van Gogh must have lived the happy colorful painting not exactly Van Gogh had a lot of inner demons [Music] it's called the Mona Lisa painted by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci some say it's the greatest painting of all time but why is the Mona Lisa missing of the eyebrows because real raises important questions like what's up with that huge forehead or that pale green skin well I heard that da Vinci painted her this way as part of some secret code holds up the missing eyebrows the big forehead the green skin I think Mona Lisas was an alien yo I think you're on to something Beastie those mountains look like they're from another planet and she probably landed her spaceship behind that bridge and if you take the words the Mona Lisa and move the letters around they spell am alien hoes [Music] DaVinci was trying to warn us about an alien invasion yo but but for I am the aliens my weakness on the other hand is stubbing my toe that ain't your only weakness bruh my man's got weaknesses for days paper cut runny noses Tommy Yates anything too high it's too cold anything over five pounds bees fuzzy Foods charlie horses mosquito bites athlete's foot rug Burns I did it I have lots of weaknesses but I'm okay with that what's important is that I know what my weaknesses are knowing your weakness makes you a better superhero all of you know your weaknesses be one of them doggy cones [Music] my only weakness is packing peanuts [Music] my only weakness is Steel Magnolias oh no somebody stole all my Steel Magnolias just thinking about that movie makes me want to break down here come the Waterworks oh [Music] you mama what's your Kryptonite I cannot fly I can shoot the lasers I can run the faster than the light it is as if I only have the strengths oh this is awful if I do not know my weakness I am lacking as the superhero don't worry Mama star who's gonna help you figure out what your weakness be maybe she's got one of those dumb and obscure superhero weaknesses Oh you mean like green lantern that dude's only weaknesses the color yellow I do not mind the yellow oh my eyes it burns how can yellow be one of your weaknesses you got yellow in your costume that don't even make sense superhero weekend weaknesses don't have to make sense look at the flash he can run super fast and his only weakness is running super fast [Music] what happened to my hair you look at me I'm a bag and I am the kitten and I'm book just don't judge me by my warm friendly cover but where is the Beast Boy bro that's a different show what else he's gonna be thanking me when I find some of them good Clues up in here get your stinky clue that it dudes off of me now the green and the loom have no idea that we've teamed up with Freakazoid which gives us the advantage so we need to make sure to keep it a secret don't worry bruh it's gonna say nothing to nobodies yeah objections and I won't say anything either well who who said that guys I'd like you to meet Joe Leahy he's my announcer hello what we'll need an announcer everybody needs an announcer indeed they do Freakazoid isn't he awesome fine but he better not interfere don't mind me I'll be slightly off camera the entire time good that way lady rabbit [Laughter] and it's very funny but the joke's on you I can see your lips moving oh really watch this [Music] [Applause] really you find that entertaining of course we do and how come you never laugh when I talk out of my hands well because when you do it it's just sad and depressing it's true [Music] if the Legends are true dingbird should be hiding somewhere in the center of the island Sweet let's go careful this is the island of garbage fonts the horrors you are about to experience here will haunt you for the rest of your days uh it doesn't really seem that bad bro [Music] Comic Sans crap nasty helmetic Hills gross oh brush strip bushes place is the worst who's this show yourself [Music] huh stop right there it's speaking in zimdings where's your leader you tasteless heathena said where is your name wait a second cyborg I think he's trying to help us see cyborg you're font snubbery almost cost us a lead the shame on you what's your village little dude foreign I might be delicious but you can't eat me I'm a sentient Bean [Music] um Mr breakfast quick question is the Earth really a giant pancake Yes siree as surely as my lips are made from crispy bacon strips [Music] this is big easy I said I'm alive you dumb dumb as I was saying the Earth is a giant pancake [Music] the Earth is a pancake a sweet delicious pancake quite a few isn't it it sure is but Mr breakfast if the Earth is just a giant pancake then what's holding it up it's held up by a turtle a turtle yeah a giant space turtle I thought everyone knew that well I suspected it climbing a mountain is the best way to start your bucket list I'm so very miserable don't forget dangerous then are we doing because the experience will be worth it when you're old that most people's hasn't done let's move Titans [Music] go if we do we won't be able to cross this off your bucket list oh I do you want friends or experiences that will make you feel Superior to your peers [Music] congratulations Starfire you are now one step closer to a meaningful life Joy dog just stay cool relax you got this elevator going up [Music] it's just one floor uh it's so you can enjoy The View ah get me out of here fancy mom friend Robin would you like to try the free sample ah no thank you oh yeah I think I'm allergic stress stress [Music] [Music] all right huh let's see [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] one five minute demo per person oh I need it again you can't take it away from me
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 4,431,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Kids, DC Comics, Cartoons, Kids cartoons, Super hero cartoons, Superheroes, YouTube Kids, Watch online, Watch free, Full episodes, villains, Teen Titans Go!, teen titans go, teen titans go vs teen titans, teen titans go food, teen titans go season 6, beetlejuice, teen titans go beetlejuice, trigon, trigon vs darkseid, raven, beast boy, robin, cyborg, blackfire, gizmo, hive five, starfure, funny, funniest, best, best bits, best of, season 7, season 8, new season, new episodes, cute
Id: obIS4iZOMhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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