Season 4 BEST Moments! Part 2 | Teen Titans Go! | @dckids

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[Music] Titans prepare yourselves it's story time story time I love stories yo tell that ones about The Three Billy Goats I loves that part where they wreck that troll I wish to hear the tale of the tiny fairy princess who rides a cat as though it were a horse meow meow I have an even better story to tell it's an origin story oh snap I love Origins so juicy and fill with that vitamin C's not exactly but this is indeed a juicy pulpy tail it begins many years ago on a night like any other at that time I was a young circus acrobat part of the famous H up did you say circus he is again telling the depressing tale of his childhood it's not a depressing tale it's my origin story uh-uh we want to hear about fruit bro come on I didn't even get to the good part yet there are no good parts all of the parts are the sad that's what makes origin story so great the heart-wrenching tragedy if you want a tragic origin story you should hear mine oh yeah tells it Mama I loves this one no I'm in the middle of telling my poignant origin story all right it starts way back when I was just a normal kid living with some old people oh no I need to get to the science lab I got to go old people raising me before you go remember if you ever get superpowers you should probably use it to do some good instead of not doing some good quiet old man you don't know anything about my life I don't know why they hired a teenage photographer to take pictures of all these secret lab experiments but I sure am grateful for the work oh man the dang Raven just bit me I hope it wasn't one of those radioactive ones oh great now I'm going to get radiation poisoning and wa wait I'm feeling stronger what awesome I got superpowers from that radioactive bird bite [Music] that's pretty [Music] funny we got H oh my goodness help those people look like they they could use my help but I'm too busy having fun with my superpowers before you go remember if you ever get superpowers you should probably use it to do some good instead of not doing some good maybe the old man raising me with his old wife was [Music] right so I saved a bunch of people with my sweet new superpowers and thought to myself hey I should do this more often radioactive bird bite classic yeah I was pretty cool oh and that old man passed away at the age of 95 from natural [Music] causes it's that wow that story is not true and it is not tragic [Music] ice cream oh why must we eat this vanilla bean slurry it's so cold and gross well if you don't finish your ice cream then there will be no vegetables for any of you what no vegetables you cannot do that vegetables are only for people who eat their ice cream a do I have to eat the Cherry yes and the whipped cream and the chocolate syrup and the nuts too young lady every last bit I see what you're doing pushing that ice cream around so it looks like you ate something it's not going to work no fair I don't want any more dessert I want vegetables right now no vegetables until your balls are empty simple as that fine [Music] okay let's see those bowls very good I hope you saved room for vegetables vegetables sweet delicious vegetables broccoli cabbage coll green sweet potato llama beans cauliflower water crust spinach C asparagus vegetables vegetables sweet delicious vegetables oh that was so good the colored greens were the exquis is it and those sweet sweet potatoes M I do love me some good vegetables Titans it's time for bed bed time's not for an hour dude have you all forgotten tonight is Daylight Saving Time who is the dastardly villain from whom daylight must save the time no star daylight saving time is the completely pointless practice of adjusting our clocks 1 hour forward during the summer months so that the Sun stays up an hour longer in the evening then in the fall we set our clocks back an hour hence the terms spring forward and fall back oh man one less hour to sleep tonight daylight savings time is the worst it's actually daylight saving time that's what I said no you said daylight savings time it's daylight saving time I don't hear the difference listen closely daylight saving time exactly as FR cyborg said it no daylight saving time saving yeah daylight savings time that's what I said we just keep saying the same thing you are saying savings it's not saving it's singular saving it's daylight saving time oh you means Daylight Saving Times my concern remains with the lost time that must be saved by the daylight it's not really lost the clock just leaps forward between 2: a.m. and 3:00 a.m. the hour must go the somewhere Robin the hour doesn't go anywhere it's an hour yo you know what I bet a farmer took it oh yeah Farmers wasn't daylight savings time their idea that's a common misconception Farmers have nothing to do with daylight saving time oh yeah they do those dirty Farmers you know what they probably just want to steal our time and ruin our sleeps cuz we eat up all the vegetables they grows on their Farms of course that must be why the daylight must save the time because of the farmers prepare yourselves Titans and remember together we are unstoppable hey Titans now well a kid flash I haven't seen you since I beat you in that foot race fair and square you mean when you cheated what is what is that what are you doing um sorry excuse me I'm just uh enjoying these sour grapes you brought what you got there sour grapes you got a grip of sour grapes o them sour grapes you brought them sour grapes sour grapes sour grapes you got them sour grapes oh sour grapes you brought a grip of sour grapes I'll B W woo he got them sour gra sour Grace sour Grace he got them sour Grace oh yes you do you got them sour grap sourp sourp a grip of sour [Music] GP so what are you doing here competing I'm going to win crime season this year but you don't have a team don't need one super speed remember I can do it all myself boom just stop 10 crimes okay that doesn't count 10 more that makes 20 as I said that does not count 46 you can't do that 52 I win wow that was it was really just easy this is crime season stop fighting crime you need to be on a team to compete and you do not belong to any team okay no problem I'll just start my own team and stop 52 more good luck with that all the good heroes are already on teams even I could barely find anyone one these guys were the bottom of the barrel hey what's that supposed to mean oh it is the highest of the compliments only the good things are found at the bottoms of barrels because of the gravity bottom of the barrel baby there must be some solo Heroes out there looking to join a team doubt it now if you'll excuse us we have to go win crime season again Titans Go [Music] oh [Music] wow great job out there Titans we're one crime away from that pizza party you guys have to pay [Music] for so many crimes ah you finish one and then you think you can rest but no oh boom you have to fight another crime well I'm done with catching bad guys want to catch some z's Titans come on keep it together look we're at 51 crimes one more and we win crime season the streak stays alive and you can all take two weeks off resting or spending time with the wife and kids or whatever wake up oh man every time we wake up he's still there I've already thrown out my back fighting all this crime why are we killing ourselves to win this competition Robin the streak don't you care about the streak no all right star starry starry you ready to blow out them candles oh my I will extinguish the Flames as my ancestors extinguish the Bloodlines of their enemies that's what's up hit yo and 1 2 3 4 happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear St happy birthday to you whoa whoa whoa whoa back it up yo what what is it you didn't let my man cyborg finish yo he knows how I like to end that birthday song special like light them candles up again and take it from the top and 1 2 3 4 happy birthday to youth happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Beast Boy Starfire happy birthday to you and many more classic hey we supposed to go together apologies it is my first time it's cool again an A 1 2 3 4 happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear boy star happy birthday to you and many more oh man she blew out more candles than me let's do it again just eat your cake Yeah [Music] Boy yo why is my presence in her pile remember you have to share your presents that's that's fine sharing is great I love it tofu cool thanks Robin you're welcome I know how much you like those disgusting wet blocks of protein oh the lovely drawing yeah I drew it for beasy but I think it still works it really captures the essence of a lifelong friendship I'll just open my next one that one is from the me more tofu how thoughtful from Raven oh two of the movie tickets ooh we should see the one about the guys with the mom's named Martha can't take it first you blows out my candles then you gets my super cool drawing now you gets to go to the movies with Mama Raven you're stealing all my stuff in ruining my birthday whoa dude chill yeah this was your idea why do you even let me have an idea you know I ain't a dude of ideas give me my stuff but the gifts were given to me so what my name was on the box I did the tearing of the wrapping paper sealing the Covenant of the gift giving I a even know what that means jimy take it down a notch you two fine the Huff if you want to keep fighting I will wrap this party up right now or you can agree to be nice and we'll do the Pata I really wants to hit that I too wish to see the Candi guts all right all right I'll be cool I shall also be the low temperature but if you take even one piece of my candy I will end you girl I will wear your face as the pants if you ruin my Pata times who's ready to have some fun we [Music] are who look where did it come from it is the sign we are meant to drink of the tea uh I don't know guys this is kind of suspicous supicious what if Robin was right oh come on when has we ever been warned about doing a thing and then that thing ended up being bad and getting us in trouble come to think of it I can't think of think of a single time I got nothing so let's drink this tea yo [Music] yeah yeah there's really not a lot of flavor in this H it may taste like nothing's but a shell makes me feel like a dude International situations true and the Soggy Leaf bag is quite the special treat careful some more oh why [Music] not good morning Titans hello Robin did you forget the H and hello join us we are watching the Telly telly who calls the TV a tell you no cyborg what are you making for breakfast bacon eggs toast hash browns good good good good good good an all- American way to start the day and over here you got your black pudding baked beans mushrooms and a half a tomato that's a full English breakfast you drank the tea of course we drank the tea but I threw it in the ocean like any good American Wood well we got some more oh oh my worst nightmare is coming true you're becoming anglophiles angang style anglophiles people who love Great Britain what's not to love everything there's nothing great about Great Britain the tea has warp your minds we are Americans and I am going to make you remember for the good of the nation America America awesome America we got T tops and pick up trucks George Washington on the buck freedom and apple pie brings a tear to American eyes we're talking Full House and Earnest Goes to Camp Samuel Jackson on the stamp board walking at the Jersey Shore we got that Mountain Rush more campfires and making s'mores the bald eagle we all adore America America awesome America power tools barbecues am Top Gun [Music] [Applause] [Music] football America [Music] ah the streak is over and I spent my last dollar on this pedestal my huus knows no bounds I finally understand why Icarus was such a piece of trash yo yo yo you ready to meet the new teammates can't wait I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised bro these guys are bottom of the [Music] barrel PE boy you did it and I thought you were worthless did you really manage to recruit the three best members of the Justice League no these are my bed sheets I was just trying to use them to cover the new guys to build suspense yell say hello to the new Team Titans Santa Claus the tooth fairy and sticky Joe honey I was right you are worthless these are not superheroes not a superhero do you know anyone else who can carry all the toys in the world while dealing with a nagging wife and ate frisky reindeer and I am quite the sneak da my little fingers were burrowing under your pillow in search of smile bones just last Night P this will never work they're not real superheroes I wasn't a real superhero neither bro not till you gave me a chance and made me a Teen Titan you just got to give them a chance too bro so you all want to join the Teen Titans any excuse to get away from Mrs Claus uh she can be a real lump of call if you catch my drift I will do it for teeth I will do anything for teeth da da da da da there are no teeth involved da da da da D we'll see da da da da da very well I officially declare you all to be members of the team Titans our current mission is to win crime season as you can see Kid Flash is right behind us but we just need to stop one more Prime to win and that's our chance to do it Titans [Music] Go all right rookies let's see what you got there's only one way to handle naughty children please tell me you can do better than that [Music] Titans get your head to the game hey how's it going buddy I dig the new team those are bold choices will you excuse me for a moment what and that makes 51 oh wait did I just tie the score yeah you did couldn't do it without you guys glad we could help indeed the refill please guys please come back I need you you know how important this streak is to me it would not be right to leave the Kid Flash at the end of the crime season that's what you did to me yeah but you made us do work we don't like work look in your hearts you're still Teen Titans and you always hey who wants Pizza I'm buying what you are the paying for the pizza he paid for the pizza this is the greatest day of my life enjoy your free food I'm still going to get to 52 first with that team of [Music] weirdos good luck but wait there's more call within the next 4 seconds and get a second that army knife absolutely free Crime Alert a Breakin at The Jump City Warehouse anyone seen Robin not since he left to get more of the avocados then you'll have to catch up Titans [Music] booah an avocado Warehouse oh no oh yes [Music] why are you stealing all these A's fool I'm merely borrowing them with the strength they give me I will soon make this superfood the only food [Laughter] ah My Little Seedling it's funny the beginning of its life is the end of yours what are you doing Robin the man you once knew as Robin is no more I am the god of avocados the avocado what's happening I will replace every crop in the country with this superfood avocado in Idaho avocado in Florida avocado everywhere you sir have gone mad there is no place for you sir in my new avocado Kingdom you can't do us like this goodbye you pathetic [Music] ores hello my magnificent superfood yo Titans that's right you going down avado Titans the pl oh [Music] the dude is Unstoppable how can we beat him how about a little C de Mayo celebration [Music] yo no my precious a what have you done just made some delicious guacamole guacamole huh I watch SE it mostly avocados I like avocados okay not bad soon like my froat a little itchy soon [Music] you what's in this you know avocados onions the salt and the pepper and a dash of hot sauce avocado's ruined too much spice too much spice you are defeated like the colonizes oh man school you don't want to do this yeah we specifically avoid going to school it is the boring tough you are all in dire need of the critical life skills that can only be learned in a classroom environment we don't have to stay here let's go fine leave I'll just have to give you all check marks a check mark you would not yes I would in fact every time you misbehave you will earn a check mark next to your name and those check marks will go on your permanent record yo my cousin got four check marks on his permanent record and now he lives in a dumpster the dumpster I don't want to live in a dumpster we'd better stay can't believe you pulled out a check mark give me a check I had no choice as you can see teaching is the hardest job in the entire world surely it is not harder than the professional shark fighter yeah teaching is just standing up and wearing sweaters that ain't hard oh if you think teaching is so easy I'd like to see you get up and try all right bro I was about to get my teach on I didn't mean that literally now sit down before I give you a check mark uh-uh H I'm the teacher now so I got the chalk and you guess the checks no no no no no no okay I'll do whatever you say then sit down sir cuz yall's about to get schooled science style what up my students I'm Mr B welcome to science's class science what you are going to teach us science you can't even tie your shoes that's right cuz Mr B don't got laces now stop this rest to my class or you get us a check [Music] mark I don't believe this sounds that's better now what do you kitty kiss want to learn about Sciences today why are buildings so tall how many pancakes can I eat oh why is the sky blue good one star that's today's lesson oh come on everybody knows the sky is blue because the sun reflects the blue ocean nah son nah then why don't you tell us I'm not going to tell you I'm going to show [Music] you everybody in a magical learning van yo a magic van there's no magic in science hey settle down you want a check mark no then get your butt in the magic fan [Music] um I'll be back something's wrong with my mouth mama the song Words was all wrong you dirty mouth how could you do me like this don't give me that lip hey leave your mouth alone it's the song I cursed it what why you don't even know come on Mama you got to uncurse it only you have that power what's that mean I ain't a dude of magic then maybe next time you'll think twice before you fill with things well you guys want a drama between Beast Boy and me you got it guys guys oh no guys I do not like the you anymore oh you of them word I hate you more than seven layer cake I wanted to ruin the song not the world I got to get back to Jump City yo uh can you give me a ride [Applause] home what's Raven so mad about I wrote her a song that was good then we was together and happy and that was good too then I fiddled with things got famous and ignored my sweet Ray while getting love from all the fans that was good but I guess not for her huh maybe I shouldn't have fiddled with it I'm going home to J City I'm going home to my B I'm on my way back to Jump City yeeha I'm on my way back to my R I know I Did You Wrong went ahead and shared your song it's something I regret to this day I got me Fame and money but I lost my sweet sweet honey and that's a heavy prize to pay so you bet I learned my lesson that you can't just go a messing with the love that was meant to it a bro don't f with it no if it ain't dog broke don't f with it uh if it ain't [Music] it it Beast Boy you're breaking the curse wao with magic no by learning your lesson oh you talking about how I fiddle with things but shouldn't have done that yes keep playing it a br don't fiddle with it if it ain't do broke don't f with it uh if it ain't broke don't fle with it nope if it ain't dog on broke don't fle with it no way look at that Mama we did it together [Music] are you serious you're still in the dogghouse Buddy oh man the drama continues so very juicy
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 1,745,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Kids, DC Comics, Cartoons, Kids cartoons, Superhero cartoons, Superheroes, YouTube Kids, Watch online, Watch free, Full episodes, villains, Teen Titans Go!, teen titans go, team titans go, teen titans, team titans, robin, starfire, raven, cyborg, beast boy, blackfire, batman, jump city, hive five, funny, funniest, best, cute, funny moments, season 4, series 4, song, sour grapes, kid flash, speedy, beast boy song, america, ice cream, tea, avogodo, don't fiddle with it, avocado, origin
Id: AChv9nWbBDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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