Season 2 I love Lucy Favourite Lines part One
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Channel: Christina
Views: 1,037,073
Rating: 4.8298001 out of 5
Keywords: Lucille, Ball, Vivian, Vance, Desi, Arnaz, William, Frawley, love, Lucy, Season, Two
Id: AjlxQ1Y5iZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2010
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I love this show! I grew up watching it with my mother and, to this day, I still laugh hysterically whenever I watch the Vita-Meeta-Vegimin episode, the chocolate factory episode or the grape-stomping episode. I was really fascinated by our class discussion in week 4, when Prof. Levine talked about how all comedians are influenced by other comedians, and then showed the clip of Lucy and Ethel in the chocolate factory episode followed by the clip of Charlie Chaplin in a similar situation, having difficulty keeping up with the conveyor belt in the factory he was working in. Since "I Love Lucy" influenced so many more modern sitcoms, it never really occurred to me that Lucy herself could have been influenced by anyone, or that the show's many hilarious moments would bear any similarity to the famous bits of comedy that preceded it. It's interesting to consider how the most talented people in their field all take their inspiration from somewhere. Thanks for posting!