Sean Strickland Turns the NELK BOYS into NELK Men and Goes IN on Adesanya & Andrew Tate

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cool lesbians hate me man I look like the guy that they think I'm the guy that abused him I'm not the guy I know I got a shaved hair and I wear boots but I'm not the [ __ ] guy I'm not your dad I'm not whoever the you know I'm not the guy that hurts you but yeah man I support your lifestyle dude I hope you [ __ ] a lot of dudes and don't get AIDs that is true lesbian lesbians are the most sensitive they're way better well they're angry yeah but because gay guys probably want to [ __ ] you lesbians don't no bro I'll tell you what it is because it's two alpha girls two alpha girls is not gonna work you know what I mean when you're lesbians there's usually two alpha chicks right I mean I don't know if we call them Alphas they're usually just but you know like I mean I'm less calm for what they are they're angry lesbians man Angry lesbians like you know you watch you grow up watching two chicks go down on each other and all of a sudden you see you see you see it in the wild you see two girls in the wild and you're like man all my dreams are about to come true and like oh man you guys but anyways we got off Tangy man I support your lifestyle I hope you [ __ ] other dudes I'm sure at one point he's gonna be joining your party what the [ __ ] oh my God who told you how do you get that Vibe so let me tell you something about this guys I don't I don't really watch like pop culture [ __ ] yeah I just I stay away from it dude because it's like cancer on the mind but I did watch an interview with you and Dylan Dylan's that [ __ ] name I can't stand that guy I'm telling Dennis yeah and I realized bro you're like how old are you 29. you're like the how old are you same age you're like the mature reasonable guy that [ __ ] a little bit too tan but you're you're the mature reasonable guy and you're more like the Weasley [ __ ] beta male in the group but I think it's a good dichotomy it's a good thing it's going through a rebound Rebrand right now so I'm just letting you know it was your Rebrand like more gym focus more protecting like values type [ __ ] yeah you seem a little bit like morally Shady like I don't think I'd want like let me tell you if I want to win you're full of [ __ ] though if I went on if I went on vacation bro and I came home and you were like having lunch in my CH well I mean my chicken or [ __ ] you but if you were having lunch at my house I would be like oh this guy's trying to [ __ ] my chick you bro I think you're a little bit more trustworthy thank you you just have that this guy though what is there anything specific that gives you that kind of you know just here I'll tell you why because I don't watch or any way I could fix that maybe I don't watch podcasts I don't watch podcasts I don't I'm just not really into what you do especially like the pop culture [ __ ] bro it's cancer for the brain it's like yeah I think and you guys have made a lot of money off this so I [ __ ] respect you [ __ ] man you guys are [ __ ] crushing I feel you though social media is it's definitely [ __ ] toxic but like I was watching so I was like you know I'm gonna get to know these guys a little bit and get to know these guys so I watch you in the Dylan danis and you were more like the reasonable one like you were being a little beta you wanted to like you wanted to tell him what's up you wanted to say hey dude talking about that guy's [ __ ] wife you're a piece of [ __ ] you shouldn't [ __ ] do it and you're a [ __ ] scumbag but you you were a little bit more blindfolded yeah you're a little bit more you folded a little bit more yeah you were a little bit more like I'm gonna I'm gonna suck this guy off and be part of the club yeah but that's not part of the club because most people feel how you do about him and don't [ __ ] with him no but I'm saying but what I'm telling you though it's like it's harder to be this guy to say hey [ __ ] like it's harder to be this guy to say hey what you're doing is not right you know there was a point in our [ __ ] country where if you imply to man's wife was a [ __ ] he'd [ __ ] kill you and I still think [ __ ] that should be that way so what you do bro you have this kind of this old school mindset that like you know make fun of me whatever you want but there's lines not to cross and that's a harder that's a harder position to take than to kind of be a little bit more Weasley yeah yeah what's your name again but you need a balance of it's tiny oh it's kind of Weasley steinily you know it goes a little bit bro happen every time we're gonna Rebrand you it's just research I don't know but yeah no you guys you guys are [ __ ] Christ we [ __ ] appreciate you coming because you're a [ __ ] Legend and dude the UFC bro I don't know what the [ __ ] these guys did the UFC but they love these [ __ ] guys bro I like that [ __ ] well I've been bro I've been watching UFC since like I'm 29. come on bro you're gonna turn this guy on bro look his Dick's starting to get hard just had to leave the [ __ ] room just had to leave the [ __ ] room no I've been watching [ __ ] UFC since like I was like 2008 like back in the day so like I've been watching and then we were doing all these videos and [ __ ] and then we got in contact with Dana yeah so we just started going to fights and then we were doing content and like we have a pretty big audience I respected you guys another thing I respect you guys bringing Trump on I'm not I'm not a huge Trump or I'm a Libertarian but like you guys kind of like after like the whole world de-platformed him you guys like sacked the [ __ ] up and you gave him a platform and I respect you guys for that you know for sure well we try to just be true to to what we think you know like that's I think that's the name of the game in social media we try our best but I don't know I was gonna say like I appreciate you coming you're a [ __ ] Legend yeah legendary fighter you guys are doing you guys doing all the right [ __ ] besides besides you came home with the Dylan I was gonna just ask so what do you think about that him putting Logan's girl on blast so let me tell you when it comes to the Jake Paul Brothers I I stay away from it and but you're on Twitter a lot see you guys I'm on Twitter a lot and I rant a lot more than I should dude but it's like there is a problem in America and I I say this because I'm part of the problem because I grew up as like the modern day male and Jake Paul Dylan danis they're just they're [ __ ] cancer you guys and and it's like they're cancer on society and all they do is they hurt men they hurt the image of men they hurt the psyche of men and the more you could just [ __ ] stay away from it the better off you'll be the better relationships you'll have [ __ ] guys just toxic how so how do you like why do you think so [ __ ] man like how are they toxic just little things like we're talking about you know one of the greatest presidents Andrew Jackson I mean he [ __ ] he killed a man for implying his wife was a [ __ ] like we used to live in this world where respect and dignity mattered and and what you said matter but now we just live in this world where like hey look at my clickbait look what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do something outrageous and then once you get used to this I'm gonna do something more outrageous more outrageous and you know the fact that we're raising all these beta Mills they just buy into it as opposed to like a real man and again I'm gonna say watching your podcast you weren't forth but a real man would say hey first of all man no that's just not cool I'm not going to support you I'm not gonna watch your [ __ ] like I guess he leaked naked photos of her I don't think he leaked them I think they're already on but but you look did you look at him I did but but again me like that's kind of like part of the problem like whenever you see something like that the beta male weak aspect thing to do is to say no I'm gonna go look at this woman's titties that maybe she put out but like a real man would say you know what you're trash you're trash I'm not gonna look at her wife I'm not even though even I want to Google the photo but I'm not gonna do it because the moment I Google that photo and I go look at it I'm part of the problem what about on the flip side though they sold out I think they sold out their tickets but again you guys are in the world of you guys are in the world of smut peddling and there's nothing wrong with that you guys make a lot of [ __ ] money and you guys you guys are [ __ ] doing it right but you are in the world of smut peddling so and this is the really shitty thing about Society because you guys I grew up in the 1990s like I had no positive role models in my life I grew up on 1990s Hollywood but as a man as I grow up and I start making more money I look back at all these influences I had and how detrimental Matt lied I cheated on my girlfriend I've done so much bad [ __ ] brother as a man I have to look myself in the mirror and say I did this and why did this happen why did this happen it happened because I had no real positive male role models in my life I had nobody telling me not to be a piece of [ __ ] being a piece of [ __ ] was encouraged so I think the best thing you do if you're a man especially a young man is turn the [ __ ] off turn the [ __ ] off man it's only going to make your life harder yeah what what changed for you then in your personal experiences because you said you used to do the same [ __ ] and you changed your attitude getting a little bit of money so when I was poor man when I was poor I would struggle you know like you you become like vindictive you become like you just struggle bro you just struggle you see people money you you see people like the Instagram titties and you become like you just fall into the Trap of being like this toxic [ __ ] male and then the moment you start making money and the moment you start doing things more right and you start kind of being a man of your word you start living better again I still [ __ ] up I do a lot of [ __ ] up things dude but the moment you try dude your life becomes exponentially better and I'm sure you can agree with that yeah I'm sure you'd agree with that so I just turned off the smart it's and they're just [ __ ] smart dude it is tough like I feel like it's a lot harder to be a male now with like social media and like staying loyal to a girl too back in the day back in the day like my grandfather you know worked at a bar [ __ ] Avid cheater my mom has [ __ ] you know 20 30 siblings but dude that man had to try to cheat my grandfather he had to go like he had to go to bars but now you want to cheat we could get [ __ ] any kind of you want to give me 10 minutes on my phone and I could get some naked on this [ __ ] table so it's hard dude it's hard to be a [ __ ] male dude it's hard to be a male and like yeah man it's [ __ ] rough dude the moment you like the moment you open your eyes and you see what Society has done to men it is [ __ ] rough even like you want to talk about like wage you know I always say it would it would be an easier time to be a man in 1942 than it is a man in 2023 and you have people come and tell me Well Sean why is that you have to go storm the beaches of Normandy you gotta go we gotta go invade you know you got to go invade that sounds terrible it's not it's terrible you might die but you come back and you know 1946 or whatever World War II ended you could go be a mechanic you could get paid a living wage you get respected you can raise a family you'd probably have some God in you because that was before it got washed out and you have a good life and now let's fast forward to 2023. the you have this conspiracy theory of Corporations and government trying to turn people into these mindless smut consumers being a man in 2023 what is that like one more than likely both your parents weren't growing up yeah yeah both your parents were growing up so you have a kid he's going to be raised by a school system that indoctrinates him into utter [ __ ] trash and not only that public school so most of the kids that he's going to school with are [ __ ] trash so it's like you cannot filter out the damage from society so now you're an adult now you're you're 18 years old you have no moral backing you have no you have no real constitution of what right is wrong is all you want to do is you want to get you want to get laid you want you want all the money because that's what you see on the Instagram being a man in 2023 is impossible and then you know last thing before in this rant you want to talk about wages you can't be a man and have a they they took all self-respect from men you can't be a man and go be a mechanic and support a family the government robs you like uh the CEOs rob you it is we are in a [ __ ] awful awful place right now to be a man it's [ __ ] rough where do you where do you think that comes from though like is is that coming from some corporations like the tops trying to like change let me ask you something if you want if you were like a corporation and you want more money do you want do you want strong moral values with a man working and raising a family or do you want what we have now yeah that's like above corporations though that's like but it's not something [ __ ] though you know people always think corporations are evil they're not evil they have a purpose they're a machine make the most money and how do you do that you do that by having more consumers less people thinking more people looking at their phone uh I mean we could talk about uh [ __ ] Iraq Iraq Afghanistan furthermore we could look in we could look in hindsight or you know let's let's talk about Ukraine that's modern day we can look in Ukraine and we could see how much money has been mishandled how much money we've lost and and yet Hawaii burns down and no one gives a [ __ ] about it because all these Americans bro they are [ __ ] mindless consumers and they just stare at their [ __ ] phone and they vote the same people in I'm telling you there is a it's not a conspiracy but to be a man is hard in 2023 the only thing we can do don't go out and buy that new fifty thousand dollar TRD don't go out and buy that you know 100 sure my [ __ ] shirt ten bucks from Walmart I buy them in packs you know the best thing we could do man is we need to start taking power away from the dollar and what I mean by that the moment we start taking power away from the dollar and telling men that you are your value of a man is not by how much money you have in your pocket then it changes then men are like and then we start telling women and again that also goes we start telling women that the value of a man is not the value of one in his pocket the value of the man is what is inside him and the moment we start spreading that message to young women that the value of of the man your your future husband boyfriend comes from you know who he is as a person the world becomes better you think that message is is possible to spread to women though no I don't think there's no chance bro dude you just said I feel like women are naturally like train like we're animals at the end of the day I know we want to feel like women are naturally chaired or like trained to like want to be taken care of uh no I agree I agree but it's like and I feel like like success and money they're just like naturally attracted to but they are there is there's there are certain things we are natural we want to [ __ ] everything we I want to fight everybody like we there's all these Natural Instincts but when you raise a daughter when you raise a daughter on tick tock on you on Instagram when you're seeing you know fakeness when you're seeing people in Bugattis they people take pictures in front of private [ __ ] Jets people wear forty thousand dollar [ __ ] watches like it is it comes down to raising your daughter and your child with respect we're already [ __ ] bro we already [ __ ] they're gonna look at our podcast and you're gonna be like oh my these guys are [ __ ] losing my dad's a piece of [ __ ] yeah piece of [ __ ] with [ __ ] money though so you're not a piece of [ __ ] but if you were to have a kid would you would you instill good values in this child for sure yeah what do you think about the girls that like I've seen it a few times where the the family doesn't necessarily have money and then the girl blows up on whatever social media and then makes her family Rich that way and like she basically you're pimping out your kid yeah she's basically making you're bringing more money than her father and the guy here's thing I was poor and miserable and now I have money and I'm happy like life's life's different when you have money like like when I was poor and somebody asked me for a dollar I was like [ __ ] you every now and then I'll say GoFundMe and I'm like I'm gonna go donate having money once you lose the stress of like oh I'm poor I'm worthless but that's what this what it comes back down to you are taught like I always tell people I was watching um I was at my niece's house once and I was watching like a kids show with them and there's all these like adult commercials not like adult commercials but like you know it's like really you know it's like you know like maybe like fox or something and all of a sudden like a car commercial comes I'm like why the [ __ ] are they playing this for like kids hour like this is what all the little kid cartoons are on and but they do that because they're indoctrinating Generations by generations for instance how much you guys are not married right no when you go get married what do they say what's the role buying a girl's a wedding ring there's a rule to it oh it's a percent of your net worth I forget it's a percent of your net worth and you are indoctrinated from [ __ ] birth being brainwashed by the television that when you get married you go buy this when you get married you have this Audi or [ __ ] Mercedes it makes you better and the reason why they're able to indoctrinate kids is because they've they've made a environment to where you can't be involved with your kids now it's like both parents are working what are you gonna do I'm gonna give my kid my cell phone so he shuts the [ __ ] up and I can go to work and he just shuts I just worked eight hours a day last thing I want to do is [ __ ] deal my kid Hey kid so easy for them to just hand them [ __ ] phone look at this [ __ ] go get consumer go get indoctrine so when we're talking about the girl who goes and makes their [ __ ] family money dude huzzah I hope you're [ __ ] happy but to me you're pimping out your kid dude there's so much there's so much more to life than [ __ ] money and again it's easy for me to say that because I have money now and I could go to Starbucks and buy a [ __ ] latte for six bucks not even think about it but I'm telling you man it's just a weird concept for me to think like if you have a daughter and your daughter's The Breadwinner of your family it's just like what the [ __ ] but yeah man I I like you guys dude but you know you guys are in the business business of puddling peddling smut and you've made a lot of money and I applaud you guys but man it's a damn shame dude because again I'm like you guys are Canadian I'm Canadian I'm American I won't hold that against you by the way Jordan Peterson man they're really [ __ ] that guy dude yeah but they're really [ __ ] him they hear everybody lost that lawsuit over when they didn't yeah social media like in court man craziness that's crazy I won't hold that against you but like you know dude I'm a [ __ ] definition of a patriot like I I'm such a patriot that I'm borderline [ __ ] radical where like I mean I'm like I'm borderlining in the domestic terrorist situation I saw your Tweet recently you said if they try to lock down baby I'll be the first time like but again dude wait is that a thing that's happening uh Cove it's flaring up and you're just happy about it what do you think about that those kind of messages though because like you're right about I feel the same way about how we look at the Dana situation how that shit's [ __ ] up but some of the stuff you say might be interpreted by the people that go that's too far or yo he can't say that about just certain [ __ ] you said previously We Gotta Give me an example man well probably like women or mostly lesbians like lesbians watch your [ __ ] I think like that interview you did with I saw the one you recently did with Helen I found it I even hit it smells like a smoke you gotta tell your [ __ ] to cover her titties up dude she's walking to the gym bro and she's like wearing these tiny shorts and like titties like you're in a [ __ ] room filled with men that was hilarious we want to see that [ __ ] walking around like it makes us [ __ ] feel uncomfortable you know what I'm saying or I saw the Nina one you did and you're like let me let me tell you you're right yeah it's funny because everyone thinks it's so funny and maybe she is maybe she isn't but I'm like do you guys understand her boyfriend's with the 24 7 right like if Nina wants to cheat bro she's now to work her ass off because your boyfriend's with it 24 7. does he watch you do the interviews when you do them with her yeah no he's he's videotaping keep it no filter I mean I don't give them like but again and this is the thing you guys Sean's always I'm also in a I'm also in the business of peddling smut I'm just as much as it can I'm just as much as of an actor as Jake Paul but my underlying message is don't be me don't beat me don't act like me don't don't say the [ __ ] I say be a [ __ ] man do the right [ __ ] things don't be a Dylan don't be a jake do the [ __ ] right thing so question with the trash talk [ __ ] with Dylan is there any UFC fighters that take it too far like what about like McGregor some of the [ __ ] he said well I mean he said the towel thing but like my my thing is though that wasn't like that wasn't more of a dig on a religion and more of like a culture and I and I kind of like and I kind of respect that a little bit like I I I'm again I'm like but you like insulting like a religion no so those battles are always way more fun to see though you know what it is though like I've laid off Islam because I have a lot of Muslim friends you know I have a lot of Muslim friends and bro and they take it like I used to go in on them I would go hard on his life but again rightly [ __ ] so rightly so dude like it's there's a difference between American values and Islamic [ __ ] didn't you say that someone had a conversation with you that that changed everything yeah Gaia Albert so I would go hard on Islam bro I'm gonna post pictures of Muhammad like I would go hard well I guess put like post 911 it was a lot more like you know it was it was different I think right is that what it was I still here's the thing dude I steal like America's America and I don't give a [ __ ] about your country like you know China does horrendous things there's so many countries that who understands and I don't think Islam is compatible with equality and freedom and and so I I don't insult them I don't I don't dig like I used to dig but if you put a camera if Albert was in front of me I would tell you I do not think Islam is compatible with these American values with American value it is totally different it is totally different yeah and I'm not again I'm not trying to change your country you could go do the [ __ ] you want to do but when you indoctrinate women to wearing a burqa like oh it's their choice when you and docian women wearing a burqa you can't leave your house without an escort like this shit's [ __ ] wrong and it's your [ __ ] country I'm not changing you but in America bro keep that [ __ ] out of here I gotta thank you I really respect this because uh you don't you don't fear any backlash or just you just say whatever you want you don't give a [ __ ] by Tina what I say is true like for my from my opinion and the only reason I say that and not to cut you off but ottasani even said like the UFC is worried about putting you on the stage ought to sign a little [ __ ] Chinese [ __ ] yeah right but he says that you know you could be a threat to the brand as well hey man like maybe I'm autistic and I have no [ __ ] filter but dude it's hard for me like whenever [ __ ] I get a thought it just [ __ ] comes out dude but I but this is why people like me because you have LeBron James that little Chinese [ __ ] you know let's talk about Mr LeBron I mean that money has more that guy has more money than [ __ ] God himself but that man is a [ __ ] prostitute that man is a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know to China yeah like China to anybody that wants to give him just like Izzy he's jerking off president XI bro like let me ask you something let me know whatever is it yeah you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] he's you know that man that man won't even say Winnie the Pooh exists that's how much that's how deep he is in that [ __ ] China but let me ask you something bro how much would it cost for you right now dollar amount okay for you to raise a flag and say you know look at the color of my skin you know blah blah blah I am I am Chinese how much would that cost you to do give me a dollar amount how much would that cost you through 50 mil it has to be a lot I'm sure Izzy did it for like probably like 20K yeah and and then day Bros I say a lot of [ __ ] and I joke but like I mean [ __ ] dude like China's China's [ __ ] horrible look what they did with the lockdowns Bro Look Now China is a [ __ ] horrible [ __ ] place putting they mean they're putting Muslims in [ __ ] concentration camps locking people down and money again I love money I love money but you would have to give me a big stack of money I mean it would have to like I mean that table better be [ __ ] filled for me not to say that what you guys do is [ __ ] wrong and you got and but this is why people like me because you know people that don't have a voice and they don't have a platform all they see they see the LeBron James's they see the [ __ ] izzies any other Superstar they see him just put their head down and say give me my [ __ ] Nike deal give me that [ __ ] Nike money oh but then you have me that says no [ __ ] that China's [ __ ] wrong there's only two [ __ ] genders you guys are trying to ruin our [ __ ] kids you guys are infiltrating our [ __ ] school system corporations are out to [ __ ] get us the American government needs to be overthrown you guys are robbing our [ __ ] paycheck to pay [ __ ] Boeing to go bomb [ __ ] people that don't need to be bombed this is [ __ ] you guys it's kept me from making a lot of money but I'll still say it I think yeah that's what's scary about China is like I guess the average person doesn't know like do you think that they're literally just like indoctrinating our society yes bro look at look at it they must control our media look at their Tick Tock they have regular and I'm gonna libertarian you guys they have regulations on their Tick Tock because they understand how detrimental it is to their society to let filth be shot into the youth but what they do is they load it on us they recommend [ __ ] they recommend you know you could [ __ ] go right now and see like you'd be a little kid looking at titties right now on The Tick Tock they don't give a [ __ ] dude how do you convince someone that doesn't agree with gun control because like I think the average person like obviously with all the mass shootings America would be safer with no guns if right now you could I'm a big gun owner right now you could snap your fingers and remove every gun from America including illegal guns legal even even illegal guns legal legal guns leave illegal yeah whatever leave them it would probably be a safer Place eventually I'd get filtered out but being a man like our founding fathers like especially after coming from like a tyrannical government they they looked at all these freedoms that we thought we should have you know no warrantless searches they looked at guns do you have the right to protect yourself we have a dangerous Freedom no one wants to live in a [ __ ] cage and I would take a dangerous Freedom any day man any [ __ ] day so it's like I think the real thing is at the end of the day that go full circle we just got to bring we gotta make men men again and that's a hard [ __ ] thing to do I heard I I see a lot too that could be one reason like it could even be China like lobbying to to do more like gun laws because I think that's one of the reasons why no one wants to ever invade the US is because so I know there's so many citizens I know I don't I don't believe in this guy I don't believe I don't believe in that because I'll tell you what we have nuclear weapons like like what do you think Ukraine is you think Ukraine is uh Ukraine's not a war between Ukraine and Russia Ukraine is a war between America and Russia and the reason why you'll never see a boot on the ground in Russia because there'll be a nuclear war they will never ever be a World War Three because the moment we put a boot on the ground of any country it's all at War so you have these small little China or Vietnam proxy wars Afghanistan proxy wars we're all trying to buy for pieces and it's and all it does dude it's like the broken window fallacy all it does is it makes your dollar it makes you you I mean how I'm going deep on this [ __ ] but you have to work for months months to go pay for war that you don't even [ __ ] want we have lost all control of America and it is run by [ __ ] corporations I mean you look at Hunter Biden you Biden supporter no I mean nobody nobody should be a hunter Biden no it is factual it is [ __ ] factual I wouldn't mind partying with Hunter Biden maybe once or twice seems kind of dope but it is it is factual that Hunter Biden sold influence of our country to Ukraine and guess what happened [ __ ] a year later we're sending a hundred billion dollars to Ukraine why is it it's so ironic to me that you have Hunter Biden going to Ukraine on the board of oil companies now we've just spent 100 billion dollars like the [ __ ] that goes on in this country is means for a [ __ ] Revolution and it will never happen because they have stripped the nut sack from men we have no dignity we have no person still a lot of Americans that are I feel like Patriots no there are a lot of there are a lot of patreon if you go to older guys you go to like the South and like stuff like that no I feel like there's a lot the youth doesn't even know what's going on bro but they it's a race but they have erased American history you are taught you are taught that it is bad to be American you are taught that our founding fathers you want to quote them they're slave owners you can't quote them they're bad people tear down their [ __ ] statue like no these men were brilliant it's like 50 50 though I mean pretty much what happened in the last election like but again you understand we're at it we're at a cusp of a new generation yeah yeah like we're at we're we're not we don't count as the 18 year olds anymore we are we don't account anymore the new generation is fully indoctrinated to hate America and it's a lot of them did it actually fire you up then when natasania said The Tick Tock dance on Your Grave thing no I don't [ __ ] even watch UFC bro I I love UFC and I'd love training but like I again I stay away from that addisonia Izzy the Chinese [ __ ] maybe he knocks me out maybe he doesn't but the end of the day dude the whole world knows that you're a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] and and everything I'm talking about you further the agenda of trash and when you look in the mirror you lack all dignity and self-respect but you know and this is the issue we again you're not an American so but you watch politics yeah they are breeding a generation to hate America like look at Disney look at Disney we have like great Disney movies like you know you take Snow White now you have even Disney is breeding people to hate I don't want to say the white Mill because because I I think black people give an example so you take this uh they took the the prince out of Snow White right yeah they're just not gonna kiss me he's not gonna save me I'm My Own woman they are breeding everything that made America great they are breeding out of people and they are making people hate this country and man this country we did a lot of wrong [ __ ] but it was it was founded by [ __ ] brilliant great [ __ ] men and it's a damn shame that we're demonizing them because if we all look back and took inspiration have you ever read the writings of our founding fathers the writings yeah writings like I haven't read them but I I mean I know some of the Constitution stuff so there's one of my favorite generals he's actually a confederate general but he was avidly against slavery but he was a general for the Confederacy because he felt duty to to his to his country or state Stonewall Jackson you know Thomas Jackson and you you hear these men right you go look at love letters they send to their wives and do they they talk with with such a higher level of learning such a level of intellect that you read it and you're like man we're [ __ ] dumb but what they do is they they make us look at these men who should be pillars of masculinity who should be pillars of people we strive to be and we say nah they're [ __ ] trash they they didn't want women to work they didn't want women to vote like no these men would have died for their wife and died for their country so they're slowly just eroding everything that is the American male and it's a damn shame I saw you say we should go back to when women couldn't Vote or work so you know I I joke about that I joke about that but I also don't but they do say women the reason they like corporations are like you said they wanted women to work was just to get them out of the household right 100 man you could say 19. you could say after World War II you know we really native women to working but look at the effect it's had and you know correlation isn't always affected uh was the causation isn't always reflected to correlation they you know that is factual and there is there is that but if you just go look at every metrics of wealth of individual Freedom it is going down the moment women have become fully indoctrinated in the workforce and I think women should work but we're going to a place in America where we're going to look back and it's just going to be the Dignity of the Dignity of men of children is going to be absolutely ruined I think I saw it too I don't know if it's like Ben Shapiro Joe Rogan but they said it's kind of true like women are actually getting shamed sometimes for like wanting to just be a stay-at-home mom and take care of their kids because they're like you should have a career you should have a career but actually it's like a study that what makes a woman most happy is like just having a child and like staying home and taking care of her child like that's what makes a woman truly happy but they're shamed like yeah oh you're a stay-at-home mom like you let your husband make all the money and like you don't have a career yeah they work and they get depressed it is a it's I don't want to say conspiracy it is a it is a scheme from corporations to make people more Mindless and consumer in in and Lee in line with the government women if you would tell a woman as a young hey you know what you know you're you're a young woman I want to get married to you and I want to go work a job and you're going to have a good life and you can raise a kid they would probably love that but that's not the case you can't what's the average you mean fight I don't even [ __ ] know this dude what is the average income for a uh a family I don't know I thought I saw something low like 50 or something no 55 55 000. really something crazy so you take the rent let's say what is rent now he's 25 2500 you know 25 California even more California do you want to buy a you're looking at 32 3500 just to rent how the [ __ ] are you supposed to raise a family and have a woman raise your kids on 55 000 and paying [ __ ] rent and this is where the conspiracy even goes worse and I don't know the solution but if you look at the pay from top down let's just say top CEOs workers this is backed up it's gone like this the wage gaps are getting way way worse and man it's just it's a [ __ ] shame dude and I don't know how we fix it I don't know what we do maybe we gotta go burn down some [ __ ] corporations and or maybe demand gotta go to shits before it gets [ __ ] yeah the scary thing what about you do you do you have a girlfriend or you just did around I have a girlfriend okay I do I'd say wait guys when I don't have a girl in my life I turn into how [ __ ] psycho yeah yeah we all do like like and this is I always struggle with this and I tell her this time there's times where I'm like man I want to be like you go on Instagram and you see all these big titty Instagram models like liking your [ __ ] and it gets your head a little bit gets your head like oh man I kind of want that and this is the problem being a man but and it's it's hard to say no it's hard to say no but I know what if I were to break up my girlfriend chase you would leave me and I would go back to single and I'm start [ __ ] all these top tens models there's a moment where like I'm gonna feel so shitty not shitty about myself but like so empty inside where like I just become angry you know you go have sex with the with the top 10 whatever the [ __ ] you want like and I sit in my apartment alone and I'm just thinking I must [ __ ] piss off I'm angry I'm just living for myself why because it's just like empty I'm just living for yourself man you're just you're just living to be a sin I'm not religious but you're living to indulge you're you're not living for anything bigger than yourself yeah the only thing you're living for is in money and as you get older you start realizing man it's like it's bad for the soul and the more you live for it the more depressed you are and the more and instead of looking at your instead of look at yourself in the mirror and saying hey I'm gonna fix this I'm gonna live for something bigger you [ __ ] double down and then you're gonna find yourself being 56 years old being a miserable [ __ ] depressed drinking yourself to sleep every night you gotta you gotta meet the right girl though too right like you can't just settle down how long have you been with your girlfriend ah do you have going on like two years now that's a pretty long relationship but you know you know what another thing on my girl is she accepts me and I'm a crazy [ __ ] you guys like I don't beat women I'm actually like I'm actually I like to cuddle I'm a soft guy you don't watch any TV uh dude she's in the cooking show so like lately I'll like sit down and just zone out with her but even bacon cupcakes and [ __ ] oh yeah I've watched Top Chef bro barbecue bro Master Chef's great too yeah Master Chefs anything with Gordon Ramsay's fire yeah he's kind of a but you know he's a big UFC guy is he a big you she got me he's angry he's just angry guy he seems like a nice guy but sometimes he talks to people in a way where I'm like if you talk tonight I'm probably gonna pull my gun and shoot you yeah but uh have you have you had an issue with that where someone's tried to press you in like at a bar in public and you yeah I don't really go out nothing good nothing good when you come we want to talk about you know I got arrested when I was 19. for what just hit two guys at a party you know they [ __ ] they deserved it but you know broke their faces and next thing you know I [ __ ] fighting two felony charges in court nothing good happens when you go out man you've never been arrested yeah what'd you get rest for well we do a lot of pranks I don't know if you've seen any of our prank shows no but I heard I heard it was good I did uh [ __ ] what was the first time the first one's too long the second one was in Texas this we did uh we we got big off doing fake employee pranks okay so we'll go into work and like put on the vest yeah and then like [ __ ] with the customers and the employees so we did fake Mall Cop oh [ __ ] like with the Paul Blart [ __ ] yeah but it's a it's illegal to impersonate a security guard in the state of Texas okay so you you actually saying you haven't like you haven't been like you've been a day you had a lawyer yeah yeah but dude let me tell you guys nothing good happens when you go out and party and you get I mean again you think it happens after midnight that's what I was yeah you're gonna go get [ __ ] up you're gonna go put your dick in somebody and regret doing like nothing good happens man and we we raise kids we raise kids on the Instagram world where it says hey you want to go get [ __ ] up you want to go [ __ ] the you want to go have a hangover night go watch a movie Hangover that's the epitome of a good time when did you stop that lifestyle though I never did it never did it at all I mean I'm I'm in a different ballpark than you guys that's [ __ ] nuts you guys I mean I would like you know I'd go I would be like 16 17 years old going for a jog at midnight through a bad area just hoping I could somebody you know we definitely grew up a little different no I was I mean my parents like shout out to them they're I don't know I was very lucky they're they're dope ass parents they always supported me and [ __ ] supported me with what I wanted to do so yeah my dad just he was like between jobs he just like where he works at like Walmart head office just does like I don't know so he's like a blue-collar guy yeah yeah bomb I was just like my mom would did like customer service for like a couple so he's he's more blue car than this soft [ __ ] yeah yeah I wasn't rich or poor just like my air is like 25 minutes outside Toronto just like why is that such a bad thing off we come from different backgrounds like that you know it become because you are the modern day male sir I look at you but why should I why should Mike near him be punished for something no I don't punish you I think he's more morally in line with me than your Moreland sure but sir you are the modern day [ __ ] Doughboy cupcake man my my friend and there's nothing wrong with that you're a nice guy I'm not saying this to insult you somebody could [ __ ] your wife in front of you and you'd probably let him [ __ ] do it absolutely not yeah that would not going down like that ever you doing I'm gonna let me take off my twenty thousand dollars no that's that's when I pull up the [ __ ] yeah you guys are snitch guy man but like there is one thing though like dealing with this I call you guys civilians dealing with people who don't fantasize about murder sometimes it's like I look at like like I look at you guys and I'm like oh man like like man you guys are some soft [ __ ] you know like I think everybody has in a sick way of Fantasy Life you fantasize about murder for sure of course everybody does so I was on Joe Rogan's podcast and he goes he goes Sean Duro really nice guy I like Joe Rogan I've never thought about killing somebody I I would like to go my entire life without killing you're a [ __ ] liar you [ __ ] I've seen your [ __ ] gun collection you know you [ __ ] sit there uh who's who's singing who's considering who how often do you think about like murder oh 24 7. somebody but the thing about it is you have someone specific let me tell you when you get raised in the level of violence that I got raised in your brain can't shut it off like even you bro I look at you and there's an urge in me to like do a horrible act to you I'm not gonna do this me specifically or you feel just you bro I look at you and again you're a nice guy bro and this is just this is why this is my own I just want to let you know I don't have that same urge towards you bro like I'd love to get a beer with you or something like that no no I can't no desire I can't turn off like like the corner of that desk I keep looking at it I could just [ __ ] picture just slamming a temple on it but you know these are my own demons that I struggle with because I grew up in such a violent household yeah that I I I I saw that you told the story on Rogan that someone put a gun deer a shotgun to your head guys out of some party I mean he was just he was I was younger dumb but you know he didn't he didn't try to kill me I mean he didn't want to kill me if you would have killed me I'd have been dead what was that moment like was there like a pause for you where you're like well I was dude that was like 1920 so like I didn't really value my life at the time you grew up in OC though right Inland Empire that happened like Elsinore but yeah man dude like when I look at you guys and a lot of people and I look at you guys and I'm just like man you guys are just like you soft [ __ ] dude and there's nothing wrong with that dude I envy you if I had a kid I wouldn't be raised up soft and like you guys what's like three steps that we could do to become like like harder more like do you guys train at all work out do you spar I'll spar though I'll try it so I mean you take uh Teddy Roosevelt Teddy Roosevelt another great man I mean they used to encourage boxing Teddy Roosevelt was an average boss like you know like I'm saying a lot of the great men in their past they valued strong masculinity Andrew Jackson you know did some [ __ ] up things but I love Andrew Jackson he dulled a man because he implied his wife was a [ __ ] implied said hey I think you're your wife you're my well your wife might be a [ __ ] let's go fight to the death you know what I'm saying so great man so there's just little things you put out sparring sparring it'll be a little bit more violent I just but let me ask you something would you expect people that do it like in this start they're gonna murder more Maria just a little bit more just a little bit more dude what's one more thing yeah you give us one more I'm not gonna jerk you guys off here you know I'm gonna I'm gonna save that for your buddy [Laughter] but just carry yourself like okay for instance like again this this doesn't matter but the way you dress you dress like a 12 year old skinny jeans like you know it's like you don't like you just you dress like a little kid that's fine yeah you dress like a little kid and there's nothing wrong with that but you you could Rock the blue collar like sauce like you think we could rock that I don't think I could pull that off like the boots and [ __ ] well I mean like you can rock it though but these are but again these are all just it's it's guys you guys have the greatest gig you make a lot of money you [ __ ] all the [ __ ] you go to all the pool parties like you guys have a great gig but if you were my son which you know I would be probably still because I'd be [ __ ] loaded and pimp you guys out but I would look at you and be like oh man I raised I raised a couple of uh beta beta males who where [ __ ] Nike socks basketball shorts and a 40 000 watch like you know what I'm saying like and there's nothing wrong with that and because again my dad my dad's pretty [ __ ] guys in hell but it'd be nice I'm sure but I don't know how masculine your dad is but imagine if you guys are a little bit more just a little bit more masculine a little bit more you know it'd be nice sure I think though the two your expectation with people like in this industry I don't think you know what you're getting bro yeah you guys I said smart Peddlers yeah and again I'd guys I applaud you mother oh yeah yeah you guys could guess but what I would say is just start carrying yourself in a different way for instance like when someone insults you there should be not like not like gang culture not white trash culture like I'm gonna go stabbing the parking lot but if somebody like for instance if right now if right now again my girlfriend's amazing if you were to insult my girlfriend I would get up and I'd cave your [ __ ] and I'm just saying I would have to as a man if I would if if you were to insult my girlfriend I would get up and I would have to as a man try to take your life so there's this little things you do you demand respect and just the way it you see the way I'm talking to you I'm talking this way because I don't respect you but how can I respect you it's not because you're small I don't respect you because look at what you're [ __ ] wearing look at your job I don't respect you because you don't live in a way that [ __ ] demands respect if say you know Mara marab he's a MMA fighter even though I would [ __ ] Rob up but he lives in a way that demands respect so what I would tell you guys is just living away as pranksters which again you know you started off kind of hard just living a way that demands respect and when somebody doesn't give you that respect accept the fact that you might get a couple assault charges spend five grand but you'll get out of it so besides you if it's not like you if someone talked like this to us we gotta [ __ ] them up but you're teaching us so we don't gotta yeah exactly so like it's just after this situation then next time we'll like step up yeah I mean but it's it's kind of hard because with me you know what you're getting into you know I'm gonna insult you guys and make fun of you guys but like I'm not saying it could become violent dude but [ __ ] demand respect if I'm out in the world and a fan comes up to me and again all my fans are amazing guys I've never had a bad bad reaction and you insult me and I will get an assault charge I will go to jail I will [ __ ] cave your face in like and it's a damn shame because there was a moment in history where you imply the man's wife was a [ __ ] and he had a right to kill you yeah that was and that's how it should be Sean I think that you despite what you're saying you do have some sort of respect for us I respect the first thing you said was having Trump on too right yeah no I respect for what you guys have done you guys are all solid guys but as far as like your presence of a man okay it doesn't command respect you know what I'm saying yeah there's nothing wrong with that yeah but if you had a kid and I'm telling would you had a kid and your son walks in the room would you I might say you guys are amazing and I hope you guys you make some money but would you want your kid to be a little bit more of like oh [ __ ] you know Little Billy walk in the room people respect him yeah yeah but again you know it's hard man we we make a world we make a world where like we don't give people respect because respect's not a virtue anymore when being a man in your word doesn't matter there was a there was a virtuous men where when you walked in the uh with what you said mattered now we live in a world where it's we live in a world where like pushy envelope get the likes I get the attention I feel like if being a man of your word is the most important thing a trait you could have if that's what you're saying like if someone gives me my word their word that they're gonna be somewhere and they don't show up I have zero respect for you 100 you see you have your you'll have your level but it's it's also just it's an overall arcing message of just being a [ __ ] man and you know what a [ __ ] man is you know every time you've done something [ __ ] stupid every time you're at a pool party and you do something stupid to get some [ __ ] and you have to look yourself in the mirror and even after you [ __ ] that perfect 10 maybe with their friend and you look in the mirror the next day and you say man like I compromised me as a man I compromise my [ __ ] dignity just to get that you gotta look yourself in the mirror and and it chips away it chips away a little bit at you we've all [ __ ] done it yeah you know for sure I'm also like you know take somebody like Andrew Tate you [ __ ] with Taylor that's what I wanted to ask you but you got you you seem to share a lot of similar values with them we share a lot of values but Andrew Tate here's the thing about Andrew Tate man is and as young men I could see why you guys look up to him because you are moralist men you have no values you have no positive male role models so you latch onto a piece of [ __ ] like Tate who has money who has women you say no I want to be like all my problems in the world they're because they're because women are [ __ ] me they're because this is [ __ ] me no that's that's that's not it so Andrew Tay is a con artist did you ever watch that interview you ever watched that interview where um talk about this yeah have you ever watched an interview where he goes on in detail about how he pretended to be a cam girl and used to Rob people's savings I was probably on our seats yeah I think that might have been on maybe yeah he had the girls do the webcams and then he was taking 100 of the earnings he also said he also said that he would go on there and pretend to be men and have them send them 100K no he'd go on there and pretend to be the girl yeah yeah I pretend to be girl in Heaven's sin so this guy who is a utter con artist and he shows No Remorse that's what every only fans I think every only fans has some assistant guy that's you know yeah I know I every girl I know only fans you guys they don't even run their only fans so it's the same just so you know all the top earners of only fans when you're on there talking to them you're not talking to them you're talking to a male assistant yeah but to see the way he talked with no remorse it wasn't it wasn't you know what man I I did something so morally wrong I took advantage of of men uh I I took money from man it was like nah [ __ ] them [ __ ] them I'm a con artist I'm a piece of [ __ ] so Andrew Tate you guys if you want to look up to a guy look up to a guy like Jordan Peterson he understands masculinity honesty how to be a [ __ ] man but I'm telling you Andrew Tate he's not your Messiah he would turn you out for a dollar he's a [ __ ] pimp he's a [ __ ] do you think anything he does I'm just good and positive and everyone but he's good and bad but he's a con artist what I'm saying is like for instance Practice What You Preach Practice What You Preach Andrew Tate found a con and he's running with it and he's making a lot of [ __ ] money and don't don't be like him don't don't don't want to drive a [ __ ] Bugatti and like don't Andrew Tate you guys there's so many better male role models to have and he is a definition of trash all right let's see let's let's no I want to see the the the first one bro about the two types of fat people let's talk about I'll just read it for you oh my gosh bro let's talk about all the crazy [ __ ] I've said this one you said I've realized there are two kinds of fat people one I hate the other I like I'm fat and beautiful I hate them absolutely hate them and the other one is I'm so fat I don't even like to play with myself because no one wants to [ __ ] a fat person because well let me tell you why there is a sense of like lying that we have that we're being fed and anytime I I meet a fat person who's like listen dude I love to [ __ ] eat I'm [ __ ] fat like I don't even want to [ __ ] jerk off I can't even see my dick I gotta lift up my roll I love those people because they're admitting they have a problem yeah and then it's like hey and then I'll be the first one to say hey man well why don't you come to the gym why don't we train you want some eat eat less burn more but then what you have you have corporations in line with government making everybody PC saying Hey fat person you [ __ ] pig I love how much McDonald's you buy I love all this [ __ ] go buy more McDonald's you're not [ __ ] fat go get a go get a heart go have a heart attack and get a heart trans hey [ __ ] we'll pay for it and pass a new spending bill so I what I'm saying is the reality of the situation if you are fat you have a problem you have a mental disorder you are unhealthy you are not fat you are not beautiful you are not a beacon of something to look up to you have an issue and you need to seek help immediately and by us putting them on a pedestal all we are doing is furthering and shorting in their life and propagating this lifestyle I actually agree with that because it's like the like a plus model how did that even become a thing why did it become a thing because what have we been talking about since the entire time we want consumers to shut the [ __ ] up and buy [ __ ] we're almost you're promoting being unhealthy and it's like we buy a lot of fat people too so it's it's probably a smart advertising tactics if I own a business in this woke world and I and I could say Hey listen I don't really want to make clothes for fat people because it's bad for them or I could say hey transgenders and [ __ ] fatties come buy my [ __ ] you guys we [ __ ] love you lizzo lizzo king of the like the fat fat chicks she got [ __ ] recently didn't you the big girl energy was a thing I guess wasn't she like touching like no you hear about that I mean what's surprising bro she was asking him to do something that just was not cool I can't remember what it was what was it show me what she has to do I'm just making them like eat bananas that were like inches was she making guys or girls do this girls oh man that's rough it was a guy say [ __ ] him dude if you're a guy I don't really have that much if you're a guy I have less Sympathy For Men because you should be better you ever sat next to a guy on a plane that had to do the the double seat belt oh I [ __ ] hated everyone change your entire every time there's a fat person I even start tweeting about and I don't even hide it I just I show them so I can show how much I hate sitting by Fats you ever have these in-person confrontations or do you try and no I just I have no issue telling you you're fat and disgusting but again I'm not I'm not a cruel man I'm not a cruel man if you're fat and disgusting I'll be the first one to come to the gym I'll [ __ ] Spar you yeah any other any other highlights you'd like to uh yeah I want to talk about how like you've brought people off the [ __ ] street that talk [ __ ] to you and you just Spar them right on the spot well I think there's that famous video obviously that like probably everyone's no that actually was a really cool guy man and I how did that I haven't hooked him up on a couple months of his gym membership how did that even sound I was just walking and he showed up he was a big I was just walking by my house he was like Uber driver he showed up and he really nice [ __ ] guy and you know you can tell this guy's [ __ ] up like you can tell that he's probably doing a lot of things of murder and [ __ ] well not only that bro you mean he's a Uber driver he's older covered in tattoos you can you can tell this man probably has a lot of personal problems his life's probably not where he wants it and you know I invite him to the gym and you know I sparred him and yeah he came out of the car doing like karate so after that after that I you know I told my size I brought a lot of reasons why we train it's because we're all [ __ ] up and you have a Brotherhood here like I mean you guys don't know PTSD is but it's [ __ ] real like yeah like I used to it's funny I used to always say like veterans are kind of [ __ ] I was like PTSD like give me a [ __ ] gun I'll [ __ ] [ __ ] plug a kid right now I'll show you like what are you what's wrong with you guys but then I realized because I have a lot of [ __ ] PTSD and I grew up with it so when I see certain people struggling vets even if you weren't a vet and I start understanding now that oh [ __ ] man I grew up with this and I found fighting I learned how to cope with it but you guys are just trying to make it through with these [ __ ] up thoughts and you're medicating yourself and so I invite these people vets anybody else like there is a Brotherhood in the gym and a lot of us suffered sexual violence violence a lot of us have suffered this so when you come to this Brotherhood it's a place of like-minded people that want to be better and so when I invited after we sparred when I talked to him I was like bro this would be this would be very good for you mentally if you join I thought that was heated because you were like talking [ __ ] to him during the [ __ ] like when you guys were sparring was it extreme I think so you're like is this what you wanted [ __ ] and [ __ ] oh no you're talking about a box yeah a boxer a pretty much a boxer issue challenge that said nobody could stay with me he was an arrogant [ __ ] and I sent him a message saying hey you know I'm just being I'm joking like or I showed up and he didn't have a mouthpiece I'm like hey we don't even do this bro like I don't want to hit you like you're a professional boxer high level boxer oh and he was like he's like don't worry you ain't gonna hit me I don't need to spar with a mouthpiece and I was like all right well you arrogant [ __ ] you're gonna find out you [ __ ] and you hit him all right Bob kill that [ __ ] man didn't you didn't you spar with Francis yeah I love Francis he's a solid guy I mean for us to have wars when did you how long ago did you guys far oh anytime he's in the gym I'm trying to fight because he scares the [ __ ] out of me because there's a there's a little kid in me who has been abused and I look at Francis this big [ __ ] scary African and he scares me and so I feel compelled to fight this man and if he knocks me out well guess what you knocked me out who's your favorite musical artist oh [ __ ] man off top of the head dude it's hard dude okay give me just someone you really like you're like off top of my head man I mean if he was like yo can I tap my band's name on you would you let him do it none of the [ __ ] I'm a [ __ ] grown if if somebody if someone even applied that to me I might [ __ ] smack them I don't think I don't the I don't hear all worship people and the people I look up to they're not artists they're not musicians they are [ __ ] great men the people I look up to are great men they've done great thing they live great lives there are great men we are not them Jordan Peterson is a great man and that's what I'm trying to tell you there's so many great men of the past that we disc that we don't even acknowledge are there any other guys like Jordan like do you like David Goggins I'm I kind of have like uh I think David Goggins is a little bit too like he kind of like just kind of sucks himself off a little bit too much yeah like he's kind of like you know and I've heard a lot of things like I don't want to name names or anything but I've like in the seal Community who have like kind of said that he was just a glorified P teams like yeah when guy's Doing Hard [ __ ] he was running miles so it's like nothing wrong with him I wish him the best but I think he's more of like he's just more of a character uh the other tweets are just we can go through them I don't know give me do you have any good ones man give me make me feel bad about myself let me look in the mirror later and hate myself for this well the problem is some of them we probably can't could go too deep into it would just be a waste I mean one of my favorite Clips ever is on when you're having the interview about the lady that's trying to teach you how to speak Japanese oh yeah and you're talking about the uh how can I tell my kid to make my shirt fast or whatever oh [ __ ] it's so absurd bro but we I mean again everything we're wearing was probably made by children and underpaid and but at the end of the day you guys keep buying those [ __ ] shirts those those hundred dollars 150 how much Nike how much do they have a fair night I don't wear Nikes [ __ ] 90 bucks I had these boots were [ __ ] expensive these are like 220 bucks but I'll wear them for the next [ __ ] 10 years or until they break you know they usually last about five years you had a funny one about uh how you can't stand liberal women oh God Liberals are dude liberal women specifically have you ever met a woman like you're talking about like a Karen no no not so I'm talking about any time you meet a woman who is a liberal and you meet their husband the soul of their husband is diminished anytime you meet a woman who is a raging liberal generally generally what happens is the woman has all the power and they're [ __ ] angry and the man they're with is just going through life waiting to die generally when I meet liberal women I meet their husbands I'm like oh man your your life is miserable you're just waiting to die huzzah have a beer you know I'm sorry this happened to you I'm sorry that was that good bro I'm sorry generally you let me tell you men young men young men you will be way better off and way happier with a more conservative woman I agree she might she might not want you to you know [ __ ] her in the ass and give her a facial afterwards I don't know but maybe he don't know but but generally she will she will support you she will support your masculinity she will support your success and you'll be more you'll be happier with a uh conservative woman yeah with us when we meet chicks since because we've had Trump on the Pod twice and we've like done a lot of [ __ ] with them so the new age Republican isn't conservative no I'm saying liberal chicks though oh yeah like some girls when they find out like they're like oh like I was hanging with this girl once and she's like oh my friends are like oh you're hanging with those Trump supporters oh yeah dude the moment I post anything on Trump I lose like a thousand followers right when I post really oh 100 I don't give a [ __ ] but I don't mean conservative just because you say like I like I support Trump's not a conservative Trump's he's all over the place yeah Trump is a very he's a liberal guy I mean conservative I mean values okay conservative values yes I don't mean just because you vote for Trump when you wear a [ __ ] hell am I conservative like politically yeah meet a woman who walks the walk talks a talk she will support your masculinity she'll support your cause it'll be good for you but yeah man I say a lot of crazy [ __ ] yeah we could go through a bunch give me a good one you guys every time a man says tummy his testosterone drops and you say tummy all the time you're like my tummy hurts yeah yeah bro I say a lot of crazy [ __ ] though but everything I say you guys again I am I am a comedian but this is what I'm telling you guys I am not you've been going super like speaking of tick tock I know you hate like but it's um I know people are making money off my you've been going crazy on Tick Tock yeah I gotta make a tick tock start making some of that [ __ ] Chinese money you should just post the [ __ ] rant of the day on Tick Tock or some [ __ ] but you know what or Instagram everything look at this [ __ ] guy he has like like he has he commands a little respect even though I know he's a little bigger than you I told you six three I mean he's six three but but even if he was a little smaller and he still kind of works out the man commands a little bit of respect like do you dress like that is that your uniform or is it just like 100 years like all the time Chris I mean he might on no answer yeah yeah when you're working he was pretty plain like that but that's what I'm saying but Chris Chris loves some Nike ball shorts don't like it but again you know I mean you're a little ethnic so you gotta have a little bit of ethnic in you but like you walk in a room bro and there's a little bit of I will beat the [ __ ] out of this man but there's respect I respect you I don't even want to find out because I respect you and that's what I'm talking about even if you guys like if you just carried yourself a little bit again it might take some you know we're gonna we gotta Spar then yeah no I'll get you go we'll get you guys hooked up we'll get some boots and jeans I just want to ask you do you kind of give uh like Dana and the UFC's praise him a little bit for being like having this league and giving you the ability to just speak freely let me tell you about the youth because if you're an NBA player you don't [ __ ] [ __ ] 3.5 million dollars let me tell you about the UFC you guys I think they need to pay us more money you know I'm making more money than I should have made but the UFC is the last Beacon the UFC is American the U of C is more American than football the UFC's [ __ ] more American than [ __ ] apple pie like like yeah the UFC man it does not get praised enough for how much they Foster freedom and thought and the UFC says you don't need to toe the line be yourself be yourself you don't need to tell a lie man in the UFC bro I don't think the American people appreciate I appreciate that the UFC is the last Beacon for someone and again this is why people like me because there's a camera in front of my face and I'm just the conversation we're having I'm having in front of the camera I'm not LeBron James I'm not [ __ ] Izzy I'm not trying to suck somebody off for a [ __ ] Nike deal [ __ ] Nike dude like Nike's a [ __ ] [ __ ] company I remember when uh I know you got a lot of Nike you affiliate Nike no no you're good go ahead I remember when uh what else Adidas yeah I mean I [ __ ] Adidas is kind of gay I just buy I just go Walmart bro buy whatever's cheap these [ __ ] Walmart jeans Walmart shirt Boot Barn boots but they last for a long time a Walmart belt but uh so I remember Nike bro Nike another [ __ ] Shield there I got a lot of heat for this tweet there was a uh a girl who I think she had a fencer she was a fencer I think something like that anyway she wore a hijab a hijab that's what they call him a burco and the [ __ ] you want to call him and Nike went balls deep Mikey went balls deep Nike's like we're gonna make a whole line of key jobs cover up your woman cover up your woman let's go anyways I tweeted like hey Nike [ __ ] you guys like you shouldn't support this you know I know it's a religion you're trying to Pander too and I know you're a company you're trying to make money for but you should you should support women not being raised in oppressive religions you should support women's having Freedom you support women not having to wear a hijab everyone's like [ __ ] you Sean you're islamophobic like you're a piece of [ __ ] she wants to wear a hijab in the moment she won what does she do she defected to America and I was like [ __ ] you Nike and [ __ ] you guys the moment she won she defected to America and this is why these corporations man they'll [ __ ] sell their soul they would they don't give a [ __ ] about you America or freedom and the you but again look at UFC yeah you know they went a little bit hard on the pride month but did they they went a little hard on the shirts I told him I don't wear that [ __ ] but I mean I support the gays man I like [ __ ] you know who doesn't like some lesbian porn right but do you think that changes if Dana ever leaves oh 100 at some point that's gonna be a scary time at some point the UFC has become another corporate Shield like the NBA I don't think the UFC exists without Dana bro yeah I mean it'll exist but it'll just change a bit because I just from knowing personally I just think that he's bro you know like like when he's got shield in between like the liberal BS and he's just always like no no no you know what I was surprising can be canceled and even as I was taking the video dude I was even like I shouldn't say this I just couldn't say this but it was the um that young girl that died really pretty girl and she left a note to Dana it was a diary that pretty much said Dana like one day you'll know my name I never saw that oh it was great dude you're like Dan and this is like something I applaud Dana for but one day she was like and this is like one thing where I was like oh [ __ ] this is gonna be canceled but I have no filter so I gotta bring it up I gotta talk about it this girl died in a car accident but she was like an okay fighter she was like an oh so so fighter she was yeah whatever probably never been signed to you see but she's kind of hot so maybe she could have got signed that way but she wrote a diary that Dana White will know my name and Dana White read it or got past him and Dana White she went Dana White's like man I know your name posted a picture of her like it was actually like a pretty beautiful moment but me who just talks about hypocrisy I can't help myself I I see stupidity in the world and I can't help myself a week after or before around that time a Brazilian fighter died and I was like in the moment he got hit by a bus in Brazil and the moment I heard about it the first thing I said was [ __ ] you know can't Dodge a bus can't Dodge a punch you know I've been hit by a bus it's okay join the club but I'm an [ __ ] and I'm a comedian I say a lot of [ __ ] up things but people don't realize the reason why I said that and brought that up because I wanted to show the hypocrisy of the world this was a cute young American white woman who died who was an okay fighter so-so but you have this Brazilian who died who probably left a family who left a wife who left somebody and because they weren't click they they weren't pretty they didn't have a picture laying on the bed with their ass showing they were not in the news you had to go deep to find it you had to go deep to find it and this is like the world we live in man where we just have like what what is going to get me the most views what is going to get me the most likes and we all sell our souls and we all have to look ourselves in the mirror and be piece of [ __ ] and we [ __ ] ourselves out for likes so you're saying that was an example where you kind of gave into that no I think Dana was an amazing guy I think that's I think Dan has stepped up I said I think that's an example of where you gave into that well no I I think it's it's an example of one why I was using that because that was that was a line Crosser what I said dude that was like that crossed a lot of lines and the UFC was like we're gonna let this one slide even though what I'm saying is factual is what I'm saying wrong and you had all these Fighters these [ __ ] Joaquin buckleys of the world oh look this girl's trending I'm gonna go post a picture of her and get likes and I'm like you guys are all bunch of [ __ ] sell-out [ __ ] look at you [ __ ] losers you backbone little [ __ ] horse and then you have this guy die who's you know not American not attractive no one gives a [ __ ] about him and it's hard dude I just I can't take my glasses off like I don't know how you guys all do it but like I can't take my [ __ ] glasses off every time I see these posts every time I see these marketing campaigns I can't take them off like I want to take them off and I want to be like you guys and I want to be like yeah pretty pretty white girl clap with the seal but I can't take them off because there's so much hypocrisy it's hard for me it's working for you bro I I think what Dana did was awesome this is an insult on the other people who followed Sue and clap like a seal I know what you mean yeah you know yeah I can't do I just can't I can't turn it off when I go when I see you what you guys wear when I see when you walk outside and you see Mercedes I can't turn it off because I see like the intelligence of America eroding it's very difficult I feel you yeah man let's finish it off talk about that finish it off talk about the fight a little bit oh yeah I guess I'm a fighter huh yeah bro [ __ ] this is [ __ ] really enjoyed this sometimes don't forget I'm a fighter but yeah I guess I'm gonna go fight for the bite um are you are you excited for this fight like yeah it's a hard fight man I mean here's a thing Izzy sucks as a person but he's an amazing fighter and you know with with Izzy's height it's not an easy fight and what I mean by that if you take if Izzy was six one I start cheesy all day long I walk through him but whenever you take someone that tall that long there's a lot of [ __ ] you got to get through to get to him the only way the only way through this fight is I'm gonna have to give a little bit to the gods I'm at the pool of Galvin Gaston I'm at the short of my life a little bit and I'm gonna have to give a little bit to the gods and I'm ready for that I saw you said he should have his black card revoked oh of course dude why do you think he's Chinese who's [ __ ] Chinese uh I mean we got a black guy in here what's your name boss can I ask you a question Evan were you blocking me a black guy obviously where are you from it all right Evan let me ask you something China comes you right now they say hey we're gonna put you on all over the world and I want you to say I want you to say this my name's Evan look at the color of my skin you might think that I'm American or African but I am Chinese all over the world your boys and everybody knows what's your price there's a price you gotta you gotta say there's a flag you got a whole you got it like you got to go full in you got to start speaking Chinese You Gotta Go full in bro limit to a point to your boys never unless you live it down he said that though oh yeah there's there's a clip of him saying look at the color of my skin I am Chinese like yeah was he joking no he's they trying and then he just did that for small bags so late yeah first like 100 so later on later on somebody called him out on it he's like I did it for [ __ ] money and that's why like Izzy's not the Chinese champ is he's the Chinese [ __ ] is he's the Chinese [ __ ] so what I'm saying how much money for you to be that Chinese [ __ ] well I ever do it I would do it what would you do it for oh [ __ ] man it would it would be like you wouldn't do it Sean it'd be like let me say it would be a dollar amount they would never offer me you [ __ ] hate China but as I'm saying it would be in the it would be like in a dollar I don't even know bro it would like maybe if you stacked up like 10 million on that table and I'm looking at it I might consider it but it would be for a lot of [ __ ] money even then I might not but what's your dollar amount like 40 50 minutes everybody has a dollar amount yeah but is he just a [ __ ] [ __ ] bro like he's just like you'd never forgive yourself though if you did it that's what I'm saying every day I'd manage a sweatshop for 50 mil it would have to be such an amount of money when I look in the mirror and I see that like I'm a [ __ ] that I'm okay with that yeah it'd be a lot of money yeah but yeah man so anyways it's always nice when you ask a black guy because when you ask anytime you ask a white guy about black matters I have no I have no I carry no weight yeah but this guy's gonna go to the barber shop bro and every day your boy's like hey what's up China man you know they would too they gonna be asking me to pay for that haircut you know they would so what you're saying is Izzy trying to like is he what was he saying is he trying to get you to tone it down or the UFC's trying to give you the time he said his words were basically like he really pushed for this fight the UFC didn't want you because you're not as brand friendly as stuff surprised me yeah of course man all the [ __ ] it was hard for me to get to Australia I will say why my criminal record uh but he did he showed you a lot of Praise he's like yeah so again Izzy again you guys Izzy this is this fight you see all my other fights I don't get hit that's not this fight I'm getting [ __ ] up this fight I'm gonna be leaving this fight bloodied broken nose [ __ ] black eye maybe some broken bones like this isn't the fight where I could go most top 10 guys I could stick I could jab I can move Izzy's not the fight it's gonna suck yeah isn't it crazy like at this point in your career you're such a legend you're like you're fighting for the [ __ ] belt again too yeah no it's it's it's let me tell you guys if you were to tell if you were to go like tell the young kid me that I'd be here I'd like what like yeah it's it's to a pointy where I can't I wake up some days I'm like man I guess I'm fighting for a UFC World kind of like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] dude yeah it's a trip dude it's a [ __ ] trip but as far as Izzy he's a world class he's one of the best fighters in the world for sure but he has lived a life that you should not emulate you should not look up to you should not want to be he is not a hero he is not a great man he's a great kickboxer that is it there you have it are you scared at all to go to Australia it's kind of communist it's like the Aussies are gonna love you bro so it's it's actually funny man I I love Australian people and they're really good people but they're [ __ ] nuts but their government is very much in line with our government and even more in line with China you know their government is well their kova [ __ ] was nuts now why are they like killing dogs and [ __ ] they were like they were arresting pregnant people over Facebook posts like you know it it's a damn shame dude because the Australian people they love freedom Australia they love they love [ __ ] guns they had like they had a very deep sense of freedom and national pride and now it's like there there are a lot of them are ashamed of their government so I need to press like Canada too post post covered Canada is way different than before Canada I mean a freedom of speech right no I know they they just passed that new law where like you literally hate speech it's a hate speeches thing it's [ __ ] nuts to me they can like censor it when they receive the bank accounts of those truck drivers yeah [ __ ] it's crazy and then Jordan Peterson with the they so sure you guys don't know a lot of you guys know Jordan Peterson the his licensing was revoked by the psychologist so he brought to court to fight it and the judge sided with the licensing board and said that he needs to go do social media training to become more sensitive so [ __ ] insane yeah Canada's so far gone now it's sad yeah man it's a damn shame bro America's Fallen suit dude don't worry we'll be there you think freedom of speech like like hate speech is they're trying to make it they're slowly trying to make hate speech not a thing man here's the thing if you're a racist I want you to tell me I will read I don't want hate speech illegal if you're a racist if you're a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] tell me man wear your [ __ ] Flag I don't want you to hide it and be a [ __ ] snake in the grass [ __ ] rock on man society weeds out Society weeds out the [ __ ] bags and we should let Society do that we shouldn't make laws to do it for sure but yeah man you guys are [ __ ] awesome man yeah dude I really you guys got a lot of diversity in your [ __ ] uh in your in your crew we've got everything bro bro you look like a [ __ ] actor God what is it like dude he looks [ __ ] Harry Potter Harry [ __ ] Potter I've never heard that before no the [ __ ] the guy with the big ears bro the goofy one anyway someone will take no no no the the dorky one that [ __ ] kills a snake at the end I think I don't [ __ ] know anyways guys I saw you you someone will side by side you'll see what I'm saying bro yeah all right bro we appreciate you want to take too much of your time yeah no I appreciate you there you guys you're awesome bro like [ __ ] I'm proud of you guys good success bro I I want to fracture this we're gonna go Spar yeah I'll be great I thought you had to Walmart hey how much how much money are you guys gonna pay me for this podcast game what was it what was negotiated deal how much money out of those we got a China side bag if you want to do a little okay man as a 40 000 [ __ ] wife but you better [ __ ] give me something better than a happy Dad box of Seltzer all right man you guys thank you thank you bro that was awesome wait so are you not gay no he's gay okay that's good bro you got the full diversity was that your diversity high are you like dude we gotta get a black guy you got the gauge you got all the things going what do you value with Armenian oh [ __ ] foolish bro don't trust that [ __ ] what a pod Boys Sean Strickland he's a funny ass guy you had to sparring or Walmart Straight Up gotta reevaluate my whole life now stop [ __ ] rocking those boots straight up foreign
Views: 3,033,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, Sean Strickland Turns the NELK BOYS into NELK Men and Goes IN on Adesanya & Andrew Tate, sean strickland, ufc 2023, ufc 293, sean strickland podcast, sean strickland interview, israel adesanya, ufc podcast, ufc highlights, ufc interview, sean strickland vs israel adesanya, jared goff qb room, one night with steiny, salim the dream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 34sec (4894 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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