Sean Lennon Interview On The Sharon Osbourne Show

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when John Lennon for a dad and Yoko Ono for a mum Sean Lennon was always destined for a music career but to his great credit he's very much a talent in his own right please give a warm welcome to Sean Lennon really good to see you oh yes darling come on so I haven't seen you for about I think it was three three or four years ago at the Rio yeah that long ago since I've seen you yeah well I used to yeah I used to hang out with your kids in those days cuz I was living in LA yeah are you fat living in New York yeah well I've pretty much always lived that I was just living there at the time they kind of make my record and their stuff but i I've always been based in New York kind of born and bred and because if you're you know your background do you spend much time here or Japan well I actually went to kindergarten in Japan which was strange because you have to eat things like whale and stuff for lunch sharks pee yeah well no that's more Chinese but the whale it's not good and I don't see why we eat it but we do so that was that and then uh do you speak Japanese a little bit but uh no I don't really I mean I can order that across three because the word coffees just call he you know it's kind of easy so I can order coffee and dessert and that kind of thing so okay your new album give us the title of your album friendly fire and we're a long time yeah well I think there was a while in my 20s when I just wasn't sure I wanted to deal with the kind of the public part of making music you know I was playing music during my 20s but I just didn't I think I get a little like turned off by the first time I released my record I I did all this press and you know I got really like kind of scrutinized and it just kind of made me a bit uncomfortable and I just wasn't sure if I wanted to do that you know with my life but then you know I'm a musician and I write all these songs and it just felt kind of unfulfilled not to release them you know but there's just something uncomfortable about everyone examining you I'm you know what it's like like right now they could take you and they look at you mean is not just names and pay you yeah and it's just kind of boring - they always make the same thing like he looks like his dad it's like yeah who doesn't you know it's not normal for a child to be you know always compared and you know critiqued well it's not as good as this or it's better than that and you know unfortunately that's one of the things that you have delivered my goal is to get good at writing songs and that's what I spend my time thinking like what chord is the best chord you know that's like my obsession you are being famous doesn't seem that interesting it seems almost like it might be a difficult thing to be that famous I mean I can't imagine you know like being a Justin Timberlake or something I don't know what tell view like no it's hard it's got to be so hard especially when you you know he's young pectoral muscles in shape you know your six-pack old-time in the tack Jack is like really in shape now isn't he tell me about it he's like right but he's like it he's like a lethal weapon don't make him mad I'd like he give this girl a pressure point and you just kind of paddle a paralytic yeah that's amazing how did he do that just wanted to change his life around and he just you know it was very hard for him because unlike you he wasn't born with what his dad had he can't sing is not interested in you know being in a band or you know a soloist and he also beat people up people of its own wanted to find his own thing where he wasn't compared with anybody else no he looks great I did I saw him and I was like wow he should be my trainers he will he would love to now do you know something we have something in common we share the same birthdays we do today and and my dad and your dad I know I know spelled out October on something what's going on oh no spooky we all have the same birthday oh I made you a cake myself nicest things anyone's ever done to me thank you so much um so does anyone want to eat a like we cut it up you you have to actually sing too it's a fifty beautiful here is Sharon and Sean okay Sharon there was someone else who couldn't be here today on your birthday has sent us a video message for you hi Shawna I'm so sorry I can't be there for your birthday but I'm out here making another record well you know that anyway you know I can't believe that we were still together there's only one woman in this world for me and and it's you you know that I love you so much have a wonderful wonderful birthday I don't know I'm so sorry I can't be there I love you Oh mommy are you started to weep like Sean now one of the thing that was sent for you and I think we should bring that on now which is a token of love from a very special person in your the Prince of Darkness Shawn you've got a dog over there now and perform for us come on I'm trying to cheer you
Channel: ryzgee
Views: 1,954,132
Rating: 4.7019219 out of 5
Keywords: Sean, Lennon, Sharon, Osbourne
Id: RYk60DCmddY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2010
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