Sean Hayes Sasses Ellen (Season 7)

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Hi, Sean. Am I still the number two? Oh. How are you? I'm good. How are you? It's good to see you. On the way here, to the NBC studio-- No. Because I didn't look at my sheet. I was like, I know where my I'm going. And the guy's like, she left about two years ago, Uh-huh. I was like, I've been out of it for a while. Oh, no! You went to the wrong studio? I did. That's a shame. Is this the right one? This is-- yes. Oh, OK. Yes. Now you are at the right one. OK. How are you? I miss you. And you haven't been on the show in four years. I know. How come? I have been preparing for this interview. Oh. I love people who prepare. For four years. That's good. It better be good. I know. My god. [LAUGHTER] [APPLAUSE] It gets applause. Thank you. I won't go there. The last time I saw you, we were at a restaurant. And god, you're hilarious. [LAUGHS] OK, so this is what happened. We were in a restaurant. And if you can picture-- oh, actually this is perfect. I was sitting with a group of friends, and you and Portia walked in. And there's this big glass, piece of glass right here, like this. And I'm sitting there talking. Well, we'll do it this way because I was-- No, you were facing me. Right. Right. All right. Then we'll do it that way. [LAUGHTER] So we're sitting there. I'm talking to my friend. You walk in. You sit down. So Portia's sitting right next to me. But we're facing each other. [BABBLING] I'm like, oh! And we both go, oh, my god! But we can't really hear each other. So we're talking through the glass. So of course, 10 minutes of bits. I'm like, I'm in jail. And you're like, [MAKES RASPBERRY] on the window. And we're making each other laugh. And then it goes on and on. And then the awkwardness after you're done with that because we weren't sitting together. Right. So then it's like, OK. [LAUGHS AWKWARDLY] Yeah. Wasn't that wonderful and awkward? Yeah. It was-- it's a great restaurant. But there's an outside that we were-- Oh, evidently I didn't explain it well enough. [LAUGHTER] Keep going. This isn't what the four years prepared me for, but. Let's talk about you. We got a lot. Yeah. Let's talk about you. We got a lot to cover. OK. Tell me about the musical Promises, Promises. Yeah, Promises, Promises is based on the movie The Apartment, which won Best Picture in the '60s with-- see, now I'm nervous-- with Shirley MacLaine and Jack Lemmon. And I'm playing the Shirley MacLaine part. No. I'm playing the Jack Lemmon part. And Kristin Chenoweth is playing the Shirley MacLaine part. It's about a guy kind of making his way up in the corporate world and balancing his desire for this girl that he loves and this corporation that he's trying to climb up. And you sing a lot. I'm not a singer. But I try to carry a tune. So, yeah. No, so then I'm moving to New York. And I have to bring up the show Hoarders really fast. Yes. I'm obsessed with the show Hoarders. Anybody? Yes. [APPLAUSE] I don't know. Yeah, especially on TV, that and Intervention. But Hoarders-- so while I was packing to move to New York, I had three piles-- LA, New York, and charity. So you're moving to New York. I moved to New York, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do the Broadway show. Right. It's there. I could do it in my yard. Yeah. But Broadway is there. Right. So I kind of have to go there. Yes. You've gotten sarcastic over four years. Anyway. [LAUGHTER] So you're separating the piles. So I'm separating-- [LAUGHS] you're so good at this. I'm separating the piles. And I have a fear of becoming a hoarder now because of the show. It's like-- and so I'm throwing-- I'm putting stuff in piles. And I go, oh, this is really cute. My mom gave me this two years ago. Throw it away! Throw it away. I feel like-- are you like that? No. I do get rid of-- Because of the show? We watched a Hoarders last night, as a matter of fact. And on Portia's side in the bathroom, she opened the drawer. And I was like, oh, my god, you're a hoarder of lotions. She has lotions and makeup. And it is just-- it's crazy. And I was like, throw that away. There's only that much left. She goes, no, that's going to be good for a while. All right. Then what we'll do is we'll go to break. Well, that's what happens. We'll take a commercial break. OK. I know. You haven't been on for a while. Go on. That's a pointer. Oh, it's a pointer. And then we'll talk about if there's going to be a Will and Grace spinoff or a movie or a continuation or something like that. That's a tease. We'll be right back. We're back with Sean Hayes. And what is going on with Will and Grace? Will there be a movie or another spinoff or what? No. [LAUGHTER] It was a great run. But time to do other things. Right. It was a great show-- really, really great show. [APPLAUSE, CHEERING] You know what I've always wondered about you is, do you enjoy-- like when you're home alone, are you able to just focus on a hobby and just kind of do things to quiet your mind? No. No. Why, because I talk really fast? No. Oh. No. I play piano. You do play piano? Yeah, I studied piano as a kid. I try to do that. And I try to-- oh, what's this one? I didn't know what we were doing. We were just talking. Yeah. No, we're totally talking. Yeah. Do you play cards? I do play cards. I like poker. I like-- That's not important what cards you play. OK. Do you-- [LAUGHTER] You have dogs, not cats, right? I have two dogs. One's Maddy. One's Buzz, Australian shepherds. Yeah, it's good because cats, I find, sometimes if you set something up on a table, if you have a hobby and you're doing something, a cat'll jump up and ruin everything. But dogs don't jump on tables. So do you ever-- They hop. Yeah. They hop. You ever have something going on on a table that you don't want to get messed up like you're working on? Not like a ship in a bottle, but like something-- what would you do on a table that you're-- Like, a puzzle? What kind, though? A jigsaw puzzle. [CHEERING, APPLAUSE] You’re all getting a Boombox. [CHEERING, APPLAUSE] Thanks to our guest, Sean.
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 19,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show
Id: hi2dnEgyLyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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