Sean & Catherine Lowe - Liberty University Convocation

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>> SEAN LOWE: Thank you! >> DAVID NASSER: Man, we loved it when you were with us the first time, but it is good to have you here. And this time you brought your beautiful bride with you. >> SEAN: I brought the star of the show. [CHEERS] >> NASSER: So you were talking about not knowing what the future holds. Three years later, give us a little bit of an update, both of you. How has life been treating you in the last three years? >> SEAN: Uh, life has been incredible. I mean, I- Catherine and I are living a dream. We’ve been married now for just over four years, we had our son Samuel about a year and a half ago. [CHEERS] >> SEAN: I told David backstage everyone will be disappointed that we did not bring him because he is the star of the show. Um, but you know we- we’re just living this extremely blessed life where we- we both work from home, we’re together all the time. I know a lot of couples can’t manage that but we manage it very well. And we’re- we’re best friends, and way back when, when we were on The Bachelor, uh, you know I said I was looking for my best friend and I absolutely found that in Catherine. And-and I told her on the show, I said, “I can’t picture myself not being with you,” and that was five years ago. Five years later I still feel the same way. >> NASSER: That’s pretty exciting. >> SEAN: That’s also cheesy, but it’s true. >> NASSER: Speaking of Sam, I want to show this little video off your Instagram feed where you announced that you’re having another baby. So, let’s watch this, and I want to ask you, Catherine, about being a Mom. >> SEAN: Hey, Samuel. >> CATHERINE LOWE: Hey, Jack, Jack. >> SEAN: Can you say “baby”? >> SAMUEL LOWE: Baba. >> SEAN: Baby? Baby! >> CATHERINE: Baby. >> NASSER: That’s incredible. So, there’s baby one, and the second one is coming? >> CATHERINE: Yeah, we um, Sean and I actually this morning when we were getting ready I was like, one, “Can you believe we’re married?” Um, and two, “We have a baby and another baby on the way?” Like, it’s not lost on us how blessed we are, and, um, we take parenting not seriously. We take it very, um, in a beautiful way. We have so much fun together as parents. Again, we forget all the time that we’re parents, that I’m pregnant. We like to be present in the moment, and I think that Samuel has this wonderful light about him that we have instilled and hopefully he’ll continue to just feed off of our energy. And we just, if you can tell, all the videos that we post of Samuel are of him giggling or being happy, and that’s really who he is and that’s what we hope to continue to cultivate in him. >> NASSER: Speaking of living in the moment, you guys didn’t find out the gender of the baby until God gave you Sam, and you’re not going to do that with this one as well? >> SEAN: Yeah, I think it’s more exciting that way because one, I get to see the sex before she does, but two- >> CATHERINE: Boo. >> SEAN: Your friends and family show up to the hospital, everyone’s real excited to find out, you know, what it is and what are you going to name it, and uh you know we enjoyed it so much the first time we’re going to do it the second time. >> NASSER: Tell me about Sam’s personality. I mean, just following you guys on Instagram, he seems, like you said, very lively and just a fun-loving kid, but uh- >> CATHERINE: Yeah, he’s very loving. Um, you know, I think we taught- maybe I taught him too much that I need kisses all the time. And so he’ll go up to anybody and go kiss them on the mouth. But he’s just full of love, um, and that makes me so happy as a parent. We’re just- again, say parent- but um, you know I think that he’s loving, and I think he’s sweet. He shares. I mean that’s really not that normal for a one-and-a-half-year-old, so it’s nice to see. >> SEAN: Eventually kissing strangers on the mouth will get him in trouble. So we're going to- >> CATHERINE: Eventually. >> SEAN: We’re going to have to cut that off. >> NASSER: It-it worked for you on the show. >> CATHERINE: True. [CHEERS] >> CATHERINE: That’s a good one. That was awesome. >> NASSER: But uh- come on back man. You teed that one up so well I had to. >> CATHERINE: That was great. I liked that. >> NASSER: Speaking of the show, let’s watch this about first impressions real quick. [VIDEO] >> SEAN: “Hi.” >> CATHERINE: “Hi, nice to meet.” >> SEAN: “It’s so nice to meet you too.” The spark between me and Catherine was undeniable. >> CATHERINE: “I’m really glad it’s you. You’re such a hunk.” >> SEAN: She’s very funny, very intelligent. It’s impossible for me not to have a good time with Catherine. We also have the same sense of humor, which is a little out there, and it’s a little weird. >> CATHERINE: “You make me so giddy.” >> SEAN: “I think we complement each other very well.” >> CATHERINE: M-hm. >> SEAN: “Because I’m myself around you. We can both be weird together. Right?” >> CATHERINE: “Yes.” (END) [CHEERS] >> NASSER: Yeah, I made them stop the video right there because it was a two-minute video, and we watched like, 50 seconds, and then from that moment on, you literally kissed 11 times. >> SEAN: But, you know the weird thing is five years later she still can’t keep her hands off me. That’s- [CHEERS] >> CATHERINE: He’s just trying to get you back. >> NASSER: I feel so uncomfortable right now. So, Catherine- Catherine take us back to the show, getting to meet Sean for the first time. I know that his reputation kind of preceded him, and you knew a lot about his faith and his walk with the Lord. We’d love to hear just some of your initial first impression thoughts. >> CATHERINE: So before all those clips of me being super awkward, and it continues, but, um, before you saw me come out of the limo and meet Sean, I knew somewhat about him. I mean, he was on The Bachelorette before, and my friend had put me on the show. I didn’t sign up, but once I was watching the show before, I was kind of seeing, ok was there anybody I’d be interested in, and Sean was the only guy that I would say that I would go on a show for. Um, he obviously had this brilliant light about him, that he didn’t have to preach, he didn’t have to say anything. He was a good guy. I wasn’t a Christian before I met Sean, so when I saw that light I didn’t know what it was. I knew that he was Christian, but I didn’t really know the extent of his faith, I didn’t know how um, you know that light that I saw that I was super drawn to, I didn’t know that that was Christ. But I knew that I wanted to be around him, I knew that I wanted to know more about him, and so I was like, I’m only going to go on the show if it’s Sean, because I don’t have any business trying to vie for somebody that I’m not remotely attracted to, or don’t see a good partnership in. So, when I found out he was Christian, I was like, okay he’s not going to pick me so I’m just going to have fun. And, had a lot of fun and I became a Christian. >> NASSER: That’s amazing. So you-you literally were such a witness just by your testimony and the way that you lived your life, and then you eventually got to lead Catherine to the Lord. And, um, that’s a pretty powerful statement about just the way that you-your personal convictions lived out very publicly in the life of people. Take us back a little more, and uh how did you get on this show? For those who were here three years ago to hear that story. >> SEAN: Yeah, well my sister signed me up and I had no idea that she did so until a casting director called me, and I thought it was a joke when she said, “I’m from The Bachelor, we want to talk to you.” And, uh I politely said, “Yeah, I’m not interested.” Because in my mind, like, the show is kind of trashy, the type of- the type of guys- [CHEERS] >> SEAN: It is. And I-I in my head I thought, you know, the type of guy that would do the show like, that is uh- I got to watch where I am- but he’s kind of like, d-bag-ish, if I can say that. [LAUGHTER and CHEERS] >> SEAN: So I-I-I said, “No, thank you.” And then before she got off the phone she said, “Well, just think about it because it could be a free vacation, and you could travel all over the world.” And at the time I was doing this job that I didn’t really care for, and I thought, you know what- the next day I was like, sitting at my desk wearing my khakis, doing something I hated- I thought, a free vacation sounds pretty awesome. So I called her back and I went through the routine of sending in an audition tape, and all that stuff, and I got on the show. Going into the show, my mom was concerned because she too thought The Bachelor was kind of trashy, and my dad, who is usually the voice of reason, he said, “You know what,” he said, “Christ lives in you. People are going to see it. And it doesn’t matter, your surroundings, your circumstance, as long as you are you, people are going to see that and you’re going to affect people, and this can be an awesome opportunity.” And so with that kind of once-in-a-lifetime mentality, you know, when else am I going to get to travel the world for free? I agreed to do the show. And this is how it turned out. >> NASSER: Yeah, and so you set these boundaries for yourself as a believer on what you would and what you wouldn’t do. Obviously, uh, even when you weren’t a believer Catherine, you both had set boundaries about abstinence in your life, and, uh, as much as that is an attractive thing to some people, it certainly was for you something that you admired about him. The world hasn’t always been that way about your convictions. Uh, I’ve seen-I’ve seen clips in preparing for this where people are just kind of coming at you because you had made decision to stay a virgin until your wedding night. And talk about that. Talk about just being believers in-in-in the world that doesn’t always celebrate your faith. >> SEAN: Yeah, well I mean for me it’s all about obedience, right? Uh, I believe you need to be obedient in several different ways, uh abstinence being one of them. And there’s such a-a roadblock put in your way between you and God when you’re not obedient, and especially with that sexual sin. It-it- I felt life personally when I- when I would get caught up doing things that I know I shouldn’t be doing, and thinking things I shouldn’t thinking, like, it just-it really wrecked my relationship, that personal relationship with Christ where, you know, I want to wake up every morning feeling like, “Okay God, how are we going to attack the day together?” And-and have that constant communication with God, but when you allow that into your lives and when you’re disobedient, it just- it’s-it’s almost- it feels like, God’s way over there. And I know it’s not him, it’s me. And I invited that sin into my life, and so that was just a choice I made. And I know for being a Christian for so long, I know if I’m obedient I’m going to live in God’s blessing, and wonderful things are going to happen, and He’s going to open up doors for me. Not to say that life is all great, because you’re certainly going to encounter your- your share of struggles too. But I know it’s all going to work out in the end. And so that was a decision I made in my 20s somewhere along the line like, I’m- I got to just stop living for me, I need to live for Christ. And so going into the show I had that mentality, and uh that-that carried me through. >> NASSER: Catherine, talk to us about the wedding. Speaking of just the world watching you live out your convictions, and then honestly just hearing the gospel. Almost 7 million people watched your wedding. That-that’s insane. And then, um, tell us about that experience. >> CATHERINE: Well, I knew that um, you know thinking about my wedding and my marriage, I didn’t ever think about the actual ceremony, I thought about the husband that I was going to marry. And I think that when you put that first, um, that lets everything else kind of fall by the wayside and you really think about the longevity. Like, our relationship is built on these beautiful values that we have, and not about the things that we’re blessed that we get to have. But, um, our wedding being shared with all those people was a beautiful testimony to our love for each other, the vows that we took, um, very seriously, and also Sean’s dad was such a huge part of that and- go ahead. >> SEAN: Yeah, well I was telling David backstage, my dad married us. And because it was a live T.V. show, he had to submit his script word-for-word to ABC so they could approve it and get the timing down and account for commercial breaks and all that stuff. Well, we thought- he-he had just filled it with the gospel, uh and the saving nature of Jesus Christ. And we thought, ABC is not going to go for this. I mean they’re just going to red-line all of this and-and they’re going to take it out because this isn’t what ABC is about. This is primetime TV. And they didn’t red-line a word, and my dad got to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with almost 7 million people, which was pretty incredible. [APPLAUSE] >> NASSER: We, uh we actually have a clip of how amazing that your father would get to do this ceremony. And uh let’s watch this clip from the wedding. [VIDEO]: >> PASTOR LOWE: Your love and loyalty have now been sealed by these rings, by your vows, but most importantly by the power and grace of God. The most important thing I could tell both of you is this, to remember the best of your life. Love God the most, and you will love each other more. Are you ready? This is about to happen. [LAUGHTER] By the power invested in me, as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the laws of California, I now pronounce you man and wife. [CHEERS] You may kiss your bride. (END] [APPLAUSE] >> NASSER: So you were a Seattle girl, and you get married in California. And now you live in Dallas. And so what’s that been like? >> CATHERINE: It’s been a very weird life that I’ve lived in the last five years. Um, so I came from Seattle, and I was very close with my family, and I had wonderful friends. And I met Sean in California, obviously, in the limo, that’s the- or the mansion that’s in California. And We lived some life in-in California, and now I’m in Texas, and it’s a very weird thing to- I-I actually- bad, but I had my license expired like, six months before I wanted to go to the Texas DMV and say I want to be a Texas resident, um, because it’s such a stark difference. So Texas, or I guess Dallas and Seattle are 180, and I wasn’t used to the culture, I wasn’t used to the people, I wasn’t used to all the things that come with moving. And I just knew that if I surrounded myself with the right people, which I was blessed to have Sean’s- Sean had a lot of friends that were girls, I’m not going to say girlfriends, friends that were girls who were Christ-followers that I really just got to go and be friends with. And so they were immediate friends and I think that that has helped me not only with the transition but with growing with my life. And growing and challenging me to, um, become the Christian womon that I want to be because of the women that are surrounding me now. So I think that community has played such a huge role in my life in Texas that I’ve found that at least, you know the people that we associate ourselves with are kind and loyal, and, um, just these beautiful people that I am- I get to be friends with. >> NASSER: Well one of the most, uh I think, admirable and hopefully worthy of imitation for some of our younger students that are looking at you as a married couple, and the things that I admire is your commitment to community. You guys are members at Fellowship Church there in the Dallas area. And, um, when you say community, you’re talking about your church community. Tell us about the importance of that, like, not just moving from, you know, Seattle there, but just being- belonging to someone who is holding you accountable for not just the mountaintop moments but the valleys as well. >> SEAN: Yeah, I mean, you-you-you said it right there. Accountability is huge, and-and you need to surround yourself with people who base their thoughts and their opinions in the Word, in God’s Word. And so I think a lot of times when you have problems- every marriage is going to run into problems, and Catherine and I have definitely had our fair share of issue where, you know, you feel like you’re on an island where nobody else realizes what I’m going through, or no one else has felt this, or said this, or- you need that community because you can share that with these Christian men, and you know they’re not going to judge you, you know they’re not going to tell other people what you’re sharing with them. And they say, “No, listen, Sean, that’s completely normal. Like, I’ve gone through the same thing as well and this is how I overcame it. And you know we’re going to pray for you, we’re going to lift you up and encourage you. And I want you to know that you and Catherine have a beautiful life ahead of you. So don’t let this- let this get you down.” And so, you know, it’s so important because I can’t imagine going through life on that island thinking, you know, I’m all alone, what am I going to do now? And I think so many people start to feeling- feel those feelings of despair and often time decide, well this marriage hasn’t worked out so I’m just going to leave, and I’m going to find happiness somewhere else. And-and uh that’s just one example but there’s, you know, it’s so vital to surround yourself with Christ-believers who can speak truth into your life. >> CATHERINE: Yeah, and again I- it’s not like I had- you know I’m from Seattle and not all my friends were Christian, and I could- I love them, but it’s definitely a different dynamic between me and my girlfriends here through the church. I mean, the church put us together with these women that I would have never met without the church, and now they’re my best friends. And I get to speak into their life, they speak into my life. They’re continuing to pray for me. And I’ve never had that. Um, when I moved to Dallas, uh I felt alone just because I didn’t have a job, I was living Sean’s life pretty much. I had come off a show that no one could really relate to, so I felt really alone. And there was this one girl who really inspired me in my walk, and her name is Cat, and she texted me weekly, “I’m praying for you. What can I be praying for you about?” And it was like, what? Someone is thinking about me like this? And it was such a beautiful eye-opener that that’s what the Christian community is about. It’s about helping each other, and praying for each other, and doing it together. And so that really gave me, um, just a grounding in what my faith- what I wanted it to look like, that I wanted to mature to become somebody that was reaching out to other people saying, “Hey, what can I be praying for you about?” I mean, it doesn’t take mature- like, too much maturity, it just takes actually doing it and actually praying for somebody. But I just saw that as an outsider, and I wanted to be in that. >> NASSER: So, now as a parent, that only amps up more. You’re going to get to not just, uh raise your child, but you get to raise your child in a community of believers, and uh it becomes even much more vital. Um, speak to us about raising Sam, and a new legacy. Uh, in one sense Sam just becomes one more person in a lineage of your grandfather, your father, you know. But then for you, you’re the first believer in your family. I’d love to hear a little bit more about just legacy in faith. >> CATHERINE: So when I was on the show, there was two of us left, and we were in Thailand. And, um, I had walked in to meet his family, and I didn’t really know what to expect. You never know what to expect on that show. But you walk in, and I say, um, his family sitting outside in Thailand on this like, patio. And not just because it was really right outside, because Thailand is really hot, but I saw this light, and I saw this just brilliant light, and I didn’t know what it was. Again, I wasn’t a believer, I was- obviously God was speaking to me. But, I saw this family and I was like, I want whatever that is. Whatever that family is, I want that family. Even if it’s not this particular family, I want whatever they’re doing. And I think that once that had hit me, I was obviously- there’s seeds planting and seeds planting- and that’s something that I get to a part of. Now we get to be witnesses to other people that want whatever we have, and I think that that’s such a great challenge for us to continue to show our life,, um, how we’re living it out, making sure that we’re doing our due diligence um, you know, as Christians to be able to witness without having to even say a word. I think that that’s just as powerful as-as speaking words to somebody that doesn’t understand Christianity. So that’s why I was even on the show, it’s because I saw him and then it continued with seeing his family and knowing that that’s what I wanted in my life. And again, people are watching you, no matter if it’s on a show or whatever. People are always going to be looking at you, and um, you know, I talk to Sean all the time, and I’m still somewhat of a new believer, and I-I asked him like, well why do you feel so strongly about somebody swearing in public, or whatever. And he was like, because it hurts your witness. And so, he’s constantly thinking about these small things that, you know, maybe are embedded in us, but it’s-it’s huge when it comes to what the purpose of our lives are. >> SEAN: Yeah, and it- [APPLAUSE] >> SEAN: I apologize for saying “d-bags” earlier, now that she mentions that. Uh, you-you mention legacy. My, uh you saw a clip of my dad marrying us up there. And we took- we dropped Samuel off at my parent house before going to the airport, and because we have the car seat we just swapped cars with them. And we jumped in my dad’s car to take them to the airport, and there was a stack of notecards about that thick, they all had Bible verses on them. He just runs through the everyday, memorizing these Bible verses. In the back seat was a box of Bibles, which he gives out, and I think he replenishes that box often. I mean, the man just constantly witnesses. And my grandfather, who’s 92, fought on Okinawa during World War two, which was the bloodiest battle in the South Pacific. He- [APPLAUSE] >> SEAN: So my-my grandfather, uh he got saved after the war, and then he became a pastor. At 92 years old, he still goes door-to-door sharing his faith. And he goes- [CHEERS] >> SEAN: He calls it, “going to the old folks home”. So he goes retirement home, he’s probably 20-30 years older than everyone there. [LAUGHTER] >> SEAN: And he preaches at the old folks home at 92, so I-I-I know where I come from. >> NASSER: Yeah. >> SEAN: And my grandfather created these big shoes to fill. I think my dad has filled them, and now I feel this pressure, this good pressure, to live up to those high standards. And I know if I do it’s going to impact the kingdom of heaven, and that’s what I’m here for. So, I think it’s great to set that legacy. >> CATHERINE: And I- [APPLAUSE] >> CATHERINE: Um, again, when I went on the show, when I was like, “Well, he’s Christian, he’s not going to pick me,” um, I think that at the end, if he didn’t see the potential that I had as a Christian woman, or he didn’t see the steps that I was taking um, to be someone who would challenge him in his faith, and that would center our family on God, if he hadn’t chosen that life for me, I wouldn’t- probably wouldn’t be a Christian. Because if he had chosen or didn’t choose me just because of that fact, and he didn’t see that light that I-I-I had potential to carry, I mean I wouldn’t get to be part of this legacy, I wouldn’t get to be part of the family that I saw that day, and that I wanted to have. And now I get to have that, and I get my son who gets to be part of that legacy. So I’m inspiring you guys to be, um, you know lights for your friends so that they can start a legacy of their own. And I feel so blessed to get to be a part of that. I mean, I just got to be in this family, and it’s um, it’s just a beautiful thing, so. [APPLAUSE] >> NASSER: Man, you’re really just are such a joy to be around, and just um, I’ve gotten to know you the last few years, and man you’re such a strong witness. The way you always stand up for Christ, and honestly just the-the-the fruit of the spirit, you know. The joy, the peace, the kindness that you just show. Uh, I see a lot of people coming up on you guys a lot of time who very- it’s very easy to be critical of the show, or be critical of how the Lord gave you this platform. Um, can you just talk just a second about that? I think I’d love to hear your heart on friendly fire. You know, it’s one thing when the world’s coming at you, it’s another thing when brothers and sisters in Christ don’t want to really understand what you’re going through, and they just take shots at you, and um, they’re not really looking to be accurate a lot of the times. Because where you are doing the best you can, you’re not saying you’re perfect. But talk to us about how we as believers can um, be more gracious, and um, more patient when we see people elevated in something like, even The Bachelor. >> SEAN: Yeah I mean, I think it’s real easy to be a cynic. I think it’s uh, it almost makes us feel good sometimes when we’re critical of others, you know. You know, I know you’re doing this over here, but I need to take you down a notch or two because it kind of makes me feel good on the inside when I do so, when in fact you’re only- you’re harming yourself, you’re harming your witness, and ultimately you’re harming Christianity when you’re attacking other believers. Uh, and I’ve certainly- I’ve had my fair share of that. You know, going on a very secular show like, The Bachelor uh I’ve had many believers tell me, you know, “You can’t possibly be a real Christian if you’re signing up for that,” and, “You’re not-” You know, it’s- it- here’s what I would say to that. I would say, you can live your faith out wherever you are. In the midst of anything, you can shine God’s light. And it doesn’t mean you need to take part in everything but you cannot cover up God’s light, and his truth is magnetic, and people are going to see that and feel that. And so I would tell everyone, like, let’s stop being critical of one another, let’s- let’s lift each other up because right now we live in such a divisive world, and especially the, you know, the political rifts that we have in this country. Let’s- let’s love one another, you know what I mean? And that sounds kind of cliché, and that sounds- [APPLAUSE] >> SEAN: But that’s what Christ wants. We shouldn’t be tearing one another down, we should be lifting each other up. And if you legitimately have an issue with something that one of your friends is doing who is a believer, take him aside, have a one-on-one conversation. Let’s not blast him on Twitter or Instagram you know, let’s- let’s talk about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it and- [APPLAUSE] >> SEAN: Here’s what I’m seeing, and maybe you should think about adjusting that, and have a- have a conversation. But, you know, let’s- let’s stop just being critical of one another. >> NASSER: I think a lot of times people don’t realize when they, that when they do trial by Twitter that attached to this individual that they see as just easy fodder is a wife, is a child, is family. And-and um, we as believers, I think are- should be held to a higher standard of uh of again loving one another, and giving each other the benefit of the doubt, and certainly there’s accountability. But is Twitter the right, you know, platform for that kind of accountability when you’re really in community that’s holding you accountable to the way that you live your life, not just on the camera but off of it as well? >> SEAN: Yeah, I mean I-I avoid all of that on Twitter. My-my twitter consists of dumb dad jokes that probably only make me laugh. [CHEERS] >> SEAN: Uh, uh but you’re right. I mean, it-it needs to be centered on your community, people that you’re close with, people that you can speak loving truth into. And uh, like I said the world is divisive enough and-and let me give an example. So I’m, of course being a believer I know that we were created in God’s image, we knew- we know that God loved us when we were in our mothers’ wombs, so I’m very pro-life. But I’m not going to get on- [CHEERS] >> SEAN: I’m not going to get a Planned Parenthood twitter and say, “You guys are going to hell, you’re kill-” You’re not changing their minds by doing that, but if I come across someone who says- [APPLAUSE] >> SEAN: “You know I-I- I’m thinking about aborting a child” or, you know I want to have a loving conversation with them. I want to say, like, this is what I believe and why I believe it, and I know that God has a plan for that sweet little baby that’s growing inside of you. Not, “You’re going to hell,” because that’s not doing anybody any good. It’s just creating rift even wider. [APPLAUSE] >> NASSER: Yeah. It’s great to hear that from you since you have been given this big platform with a lot of followers, and just you becoming a steward of that uh is really important for our students. Um, talk to us about just um, your day jobs now. Like, you got a stationary line, and then uh you just started a furniture line with Wayfair as well, is that right? >> SEAN: Yeah. >> CATHERINE: Well, I mean we-we obviously are very, very blessed to be able to home with our son as often as possible, and we have a very balanced life. I was a graphic designer um, before I met Sean. Um, I worked at Amazon and I had this uh you know a great resume, and I felt like, after the show I needed to continue that passion for design and for, um, creating something, not just babies, but creating um- which I have done also. Um, by yeah, I have a company called Low Eco., which is a- it’s a whimsical chic collection of cards that were actually inspired by how I courted Sean. So in the show, I gave him little notes that were like, “I’m vegan, but I love the beef,” and now that’s like, “Your toosh is the only one I want to squish.” [LAUGHTER] >> CATHERINE: So they’re just-they’re just funny cards, but they’re really- they’re very beautifully made and it makes me very fulfilled in my somewhat career. >> NASSER: Usually-usually after our guests are done, uh we sell some of their stuff on the side table. That-that won’t be- that won’t be the case, but I’m sure they can get it on the Internet. >> CATHERINE: We have other ones, but those were just- >> NASSER: And then you’ve got the furniture line. How did it get started? I think we got a picture of how it all got started. >> SEAN: Uh, yeah- >> NASSER: Can we show this picture of this couch? >> SEAN: The genesis of it started with that couch. >> CATHERINE: The Pit. >> SEAN: My, uh my best man in our wedding, my best friend, his dad’s in the furniture business and we kind of created that together and he gave it to us as a wedding gift. And Catherine and I took a couple pictures of us just hanging out on the couch. And uh- >> CATHERINE: Life. >> SEAN: People went nuts over it, and so then the three of us, Catherine and myself and my best friend, were like, what if we just kind of created our own little line? And we launched last April, and it has- it has taken off and it’s been a blast. It’s been fun learning that business. >> NASSER: You borrowed a bu- ton of money, and you just really believed in your vision right? >> SEAN: We- yeah, I mean for the entrepreneurs out there, we-we did. We started with 100,000 dollars, and we invested most of that money into initial inventory, and so if you don’t sell it you’re screwed basically. And, uh we’ve-we've been very, very blessed because people have loved our pieces and they’ve sold really, really well, and uh you know, now we’re creating a nice little business out of it. >> NASSER: Wow, we’re showing all your furniture line right here. How- >> CATHERINE: Sexy. >> NASSER: None of that looks- >> SEAN: Ooh- >> NASSER: None of that looks baby-proof. None of that looks like, just- >> CATHERINE: No, it’s good for the family. >> NASSER: Is it ok with spit-up and everything, your stuff? Like, that looks like, for single people. >> CATHERINE: Well the babies don’t get to be on the couches. >> NASSER: Okay. >> SEAN: Yeah we-we keep him outside. >> CATHERINE: No-no pets or babies on the couches. No, we’re kidding. They’re fine for the babies. >> NASSER: Uh, I want to ask you- I just want to ask you a question. Um, when we announced that uh three years ago was the case where we announced that Sean was going to be with us, or even this last time that you both were going to be with us, instantly, instantly, um, from-from the just a-a big group of our young ladies- [CHEERS] >> NASSER: Lose their mind. And um, they scream and make posters, and they e-mail me weird reasons why the Holy Spirit told them they have to touch his hair. And it’s just weird. So, can you navigate- help us- how does it feel to be married to someone who just gets screamed at all the time? >> CATHERINE: I mean I’m a- I’m a very proud wife. I think that Sean um, again has been genuine from the start. It draw- it drew me, obviously it wasn’t- I wasn’t the only person drawn to be um, you know, with him. And that- it was hard at first. I’m not going to lie, it was really hard to um, compete for him on a show, and then wait for him a little bit longer, and then continue to have a lot of girl fan base. But I think that since Sean and I have really made a very obvious effort and point that our marriage is very important to us, girls are very, very supportive of that. And I think that especially the Christian community, um, that screams at him or whatever is because of his faith, and because of the light that he shown that has inspired maybe their boyfriends to be better. Maybe looking at, you know, moms get to see his- what I say? What did I say? [LAUGHTER] >> CATHERINE: But yeah, no, moms come to us and say thank you for, um, being a good example. And I-I-I just feel really blessed to have a husband who is as great as he is. I mean he’s been an inspiration from day one for me in not only my faith, but he’s such a good guy and I think I get-I get- I’m lucky to be able to have him on my arm. But it’s also very encouraging because the most of the girls that get excited to see him hopefully are also excited for us, and what we have. [CHEERS] >> CATHERINE: So, thank you. And obviously, he’s a stud, but he’s more than that. So that’s why I feel blessed to be married and have these girls that support us, and support him, and I think it’s a great- I think it’s great. >> SEAN: She knows the real me though. She knows I’m normally wearing like, sweatpants with stains on them and stuff. [CHEERS] >> CATHERINE: That doesn’t sound good. >> SEAN: I think most days- most days her mentality is, “If you want him, you can have him.” But she puts up with me. >> NASSER: So how- uh how can we pray for you guys? We really do want to just pray for you. We really- >> CATHERINE: After that! >> NASSER: That’s-that’s the question we always ask our guests, our final question. Um, honestly three years ago my prayer for you was, Sean, that you would just become um, more and more invested in-in-in deeper in your faith, and that you would become more and more invested as a husband and as a future father. For three years you’ve been faithful, brother. Um, I love that about your heart, but how can we be praying for you for the next three- thirty, you know, year to come. >> SEAN: Oh man, that’s a- That’s a deep question. I-I-I would say just continue to pray that-that we chase after God before we chase after anything else, and that, uh you know I think if we continue to do that, then the rest kind of take care of itself. And people would see that and that would only increase our testimony, and um, build up our platform even more. But, um, you know I just- I’m at the point now where I-I feel like an old married man, right? I’m not the guy on the bachelor, I’m just a married due who posts pictures of my cute kid on Instagram, and I like to make fun of him and roast him any chance I get. Uh, but somehow that’s had an effect on people, and so I just- I-I-I really do pray that we just continue to reach people who don’t know Christ through our stupid Instagram-Twitter posts, and-and uh you know just continue to hopefully expand the kingdom. >> NASSER: That’s awesome. >> CATHERINE: Yeah, and also just, you know we are so blessed that we get- I mean I cry every worship, I was crying during worship today because I feel so blessed- that we just get to be part of this community, that we get another baby on the way. I mean, so many people have- want a baby, they don’t get a bay, and we know that we’re very blessed to have even a second child. But with that will come more challenges. Obviously, once it’s born I need to test my patience more, and um, just again always remember that God- like, my witness, even in my house, like, my children are now people that are going to see how I act when something is wrong. And so that something that, again just continuing to chase after God before anything else, even my own potential anger or potential impatience, all that stuff. So, that’s another prayer that I would request. >> NASSER: Absolutely. Let’s- let’s do that. Let’s pray for our brother and our sister. Um, so thankful for you. (PRAYING) Father, thank you for this precious couple. Thank you, Lord for their life on display, and even as Catherine said about seven or eight different times in this interview, the light. We know that light is you, King Jesus. You’re the light of the world, and that just as you are the light you called us to be just bearers of that light, reflectors of that light. And so thank you that they have shined for you, and I pray that um, lost people who maybe loved the show and then because of that pay attention to their life would see the witness, would see their testimony, would be drawn to them. I pray for protection over them, Lord, pray for provision over them. I pray even in this season as they’re about to have another baby that, um, that God things would go smoothly. And uh, as Sean said, more than anything else I pray that they would just continue to grow deeper and deeper in love with you, and as they get closer with you they become closer and closer to one another. I thank you God for um, the lessons, the life lesson we take from a day like this where we stewardship of platform. And I pray that we’re teachable. And um, again thanks that they’ve come our way. I pray that they would sense that we’re for them, we’re with them. We pray this in your name. Amen. Hey, can we put our hands together for this incredible-?
Channel: Liberty University
Views: 105,965
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Keywords: Liberty University, LibertyU, Liberty, Jerry Falwell, Convocation, liberty university convocation, sean and katherine lowe, sean lowe, katherine lowe, the bachelor, the bachelorette
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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