Sea of Thieves: Clothing Stereotypes

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hey all you wonderful Pirates it's bones McGee again and today I'm back with another stereotype video you guys really like the last one on ship Cosmetics so today I'll be doing one on pirate Cosmetics as a clarification I'll be doing a mix of cosmetic sets and costumes even though the S Community seems to be pretty divided on costumes but I've included a few Oddball cosmetic pieces in here since I considered them notable or because I had a funny bit for him also this is the first time you'll be seeing my pirate without the Skelly kers on which I'm sure is either super exciting or a huge disappointment once again these are just stereotypes and if you don't apply to any of these that's awesome and you can wear anything you like anyways without further Ado enjoy the [Music] video I'm just going to get this one out of the way quickly we all know this guy is new this outfit I'm pretty sure is an SCP at this point because nearly every new player buys this hell even I wasn't immune to the draw of the ocean crawler clothes when I was new because I own them for God's sake not only are these guys new they are needlessly aggressive probably because they got a cool set of clothes and they think they're badass it's a single brain cell that every crab Lord shares and I'm sorry to break it to you but just because you got a clothing set that I admit is pretty good except for the beard nobody wears the beard doesn't make you a God I'm sorry three types of players wear this actual new players people who are meing and tricking you and hackers who are Banting on a fresh account they made 2 hours ago as for the hackers they only wear sailor about half the time from my experiences because the other half they're butt naked this guy is always a child or a grown man prone to racial slurs but expect them to be semi-competent at most and have a below room temperature IQ at the least if they're the Helm of their crew fully expect them to sit behind the ship's wheel like Ryan goling behind the wheel of a car is they Ram your ship the type of guy wearing this is dependent on the the version of the set he's wearing for some reason new players like the grand Admiral stuff probably because it's black and gold and probably the most pirate Captain esque clothing you can get for cheap the other variants are usually Merchant role players save for the red coat executive Admiral his just role playing is a well a red coat red coats are aggressive for the sake of RP and trying to run the Seas of piracy in a game about Pirates I do have a soft spot for the normal executive Admiral set because my crewmate I used to S with wore the jacket from the set it's part of a banger Captain Crunch cosplay shout outs to Captain Crunch you are dearly missed my boy these guys make me laugh my ass off these guys are ninjas those annoying little bastards who tuck in your Crow's Nest or that funny spot in the back of the Sloop to try and get the jump on you and steal whatever valuables you've got in the past it was a chest of Legends but nowadays the usual is a chest of Fortune the part that makes me laugh my ass off though is that these guys always equip the the darkest clothing but then throw on something like the Ashen curse and make themselves a literal glow stick what the hell is the point of the dark clothes when you literally glow in the dark sometimes they Rock the order of souls curse to that extra little bit of black on their character maybe about 5% of the guys wearing this are actually good hand to hand the rest range from average to dog water but expect slurs regardless of skill [Music] level another interesting specimen who has a high opinion of themselves since this set is a lot harder to get because you have to get TOS to unlock it these guys think they're some kind of expert at the game and tend to be a little toxic sometimes news flash you killed a bunch of emergent Ashen Guardians to get the set that's PVE not PVP these guys aren't new anymore though so don't underestimate them they will attack you and betray alliances if they have a suspicion that you have something they want just don't overestimate them if you know what I'm saying just be aware if you're streaming these guys are actually a threat to you because I've had slurs thrown at me by the these guys quite possibly more than any other stereotype I believe we can all agree with the general consensus that nobody who sails a party booat ship wears this I mean come on the shipet is awesome but the clothing is just nasty not even build rat SE hobo nasty just nasty period not to mention the pistol from the same set is literally unusable the one exception though is the shirt because the shirt is funny those that Dawn the party boat shirt don't take the game seriously but still manag to kick ass despite the fact that they look goofy as hell they're always chill too never toxic even if they lose these guys are just good people who like to have fun if it's gold or silver these guys are basically the same they're new players on a Duo Sloop with their one friend from middle school that basically take the role of main Cannon however they have a bit of a mixup in the brain where when the ship takes a lot of damage they run down to repair instead of keeping pressure on the enemy while the helm repairs the helm will settle them away from broadside and run away while main Cannon repairs which we all agree is really annoying their strategy immediately fails though as soon as their mask gets chained now they're screwed these guys are usually fishermen from my experience but back in the day this was the definitive SE hobo set that's really all I can say though before I sound like I'm copying other people it's just some really ratty clothes a couple of people commented on the previous video saying I missed the fates of Fortune ship set which made me realize that yeah I did in fact not talk about it this was because in my experience it's about the same stereotype as the dark adventurers set you're sailing the full thing you're either a PVP Chad or an alliance server peasant but it was a bit wrong of me to not at least mention it in the previous video so I apologize for that as for the clothing set it's actually a very different stereotype because I've never actually seen anybody wearing this and probably for good reason one it's incomplete because there's no jacket we gloves loves and two it's not nearly as cool as the ship set in fact look at the Hat this thing is an Abomination what the hell is this I get that it's supposed to kind of look like a dragon's claw but this thing FS me with the urge to defecate it's an anomaly I can't tell if it's supposed to be some sort of play on a born or a takeout box everything else in the clothing set is decent but the hat is disgusting and irredeemable I'm sorry you want to say you own expensive clothing as a status symbol but you're still too poor to afford this there's a reason you never see people wearing the ghost jacket and that's because you don't want to look like an emo clown nobody wants to look like an emo clown like seriously have you ever seen an Athena sweat Lord wearing the jacket no of course not they want to shoot out their legendary or gold curs anybody who wears this set seriously isn't wearing the jacket why would they want to look like a goth emo clown anyway these guys love deck shots they are like the hunter zombie from Left 4 Dead in Pirate form if you see this guy launching at you prepare yourself and if he misses dedicate someone to watch ladders cuz you don't want this guy on your ship because you're getting racial slurs regardless of either he wins or loses say hello to Cannonball a man who dreams of opening a resort for you think you be upset about that most people I see wearing this set usually only have the jacket sometimes you get the occasional ninja who wears the shirt because they want to have a cool status symbol and still be stealthy at the same time if they only have a few pieces expect people who are decent at the game but are still full of themselves to the nth degree if they have the full set though it's basically the same as the ship set you're either a PVP Lord who fought tooth and nail to get the gold to purchase this legit or you're an alliance server Gremlin who spent all day on Community Day getting the gold just to buy this to make people think you're cool [Music] ah sud's jacket such a great jacket that looks great on pretty much all Pirates unfortunately though the only people I see rocking this frequently are completionist sweats you're wearing the jacket but a kind old Stargazer while butchering other people I'm all for brutal PVP it is a pirate game after all but not while wearing this [Music] please well there's two things that solve every problem money and explosion I've got an idea funnily enough of all the people I've seen wearing this none of them have actually tried to keg my ship I think that's really ironic for someone literally wearing the broken pieces of a gunpowder keg as a fashion statement SCP 049 SCP 049 funny Birdman SPC SCP this guy is another kid who attends the same school as the Kraken but he's the edgy kid who's really in the horror like SCP in the back rooms and maybe poppy play time I don't know man he doesn't play with the Kraken though or anyone else really because that honor usually befalls the crab Lord on the other hand these guys are just chill middle-aged dudes on a Sloop or a fun to chat with about the game you know good [Music] people there are two types of dark B smiths in this world the kind who are newer players who saw that the Skelly curse exists but know they aren't going to be good enough to earn it for a long while and more experienced PVE people who wear this because they wanted the Skelly curvs for years but are salty that it's locked behind hourglass so they wear this as copium honestly a pretty damn cool costume in my opinion unfortunately its status as a token of maxing out Athena has been lost to the legendary Herold costume now that the company level's got to rework anybody nowadays wearing this is someone who just got to Athena post rework and thinks it's cool and is wearing it because because of that or somebody who got to Athena pre-rework and is desperately clinging to it as the trophy at runs was knowing Dam well they've got 70 more levels before they can have an outfit that holds the same trophy status again also not many people have the matching weapons cuz as much as a MAA Weedle is a cool weapon to have in a pirate game I ain't doing 100 legend of the veils for the commodity of owning one I'm sorry also the ship set you earn as progress to this outfit I didn't include in the ship set stereotypes because there actually isn't one unlike order Cosmetics where I joked that no one used them this is a special case where nobody actually uses it I'm dead serious I've not encountered a single ship with the whole thing on or any of the parts really looks like somebody's ready for nap time cuz they got their chammies on another outfit with a good design besieged by new players flocking to it cuz it's easy to get and looks cool just like crabs these guys all share a single brain cell they are the orange cats of the Sea of Thieves this set just pisses me off come on it's literally the same as the ghost set colored a shade of baby green which in a dark room looks exactly the same this set exists for when you've got your ghost curse and you really wanted to look like an emo clown who got covered in baby it's so absurd because the ghost curse with both variations of the ghost set look exactly the same too there is no difference [Music] why you really want a ice region to reiterate Pirates were tropical as in the Caribbean and areas of similar climate in geography you probably think your pirates's name is Olaf and he's actually a viking whoa dude ain't no way the Norse people made it through the Shroud no way Nessie does king of hourglass ah theb you glorious bastard you for ever changed this outfit in the eyes of the public you dirty liar you've never killed the shrouded ghost if you did you wouldn't be wearing that you'd have the title equipped for the rest of the time so you can wear more important things surprisingly a lot of fishermen I meet don't own this which is funny you think a lot of them would have it to honor their Patron deity but they don't I usually see this on a blonde or blackhaired dude dude who usually have the sunken sorrow curse for some reason ever since skull of siren song dropped we finally have something to pair the damn hat with most people wearing briggsy's clothes don't have the mask on because they can't be bothered to complete a bunch of skull of siren song voyages to get it so this divides the briggy fit users into two casts ones without the mask did the voyage once uncontested because nobody really does it anymore and ones with the mask are scary who will screw you up but still aren't as scary as the next stereotype I'm going to talk about to tie off the briggy set with a nice little bow they are the S equivalent of a swords machine want to be copies of the true original with less [Music] Health hello I'm Dr Pig with a word about bullying bullying is a misdirected attempt at attention rooted in anger and frustration I imagine you were not expecting a Skelly curse cosmetic combo to show up here but I think this one needs to be talked about just like Dr pig in the clip says these guys are like the bullies of the Skelly curse especially in the earlier days of hourglass these guys just earned their curse and threw on arguably the easiest three Cosmetics you can earn for the curse that make a decent combo okay Crimson bones my friend just earned my curse with me I'll just play the song with him anything but default is good check okay board a Skelly ship and a fleet for an easy pair of pants yeah they've got gold on that makes him cool check okay kill a ghost curse player well I need at least something that credits my abilities in hand to hand it's I'll just Q for hourglass go for a crazy board pray I don't get blundered off and just kill a ghost curse player on board assuming there is one check yay time to go bully casual players outside hourglass I'm serious this was the most common skele curse combo back in season 8 that I remember outside of hourglass these guys will call you trash tell you to keep yourself safe Etc Etc maybe even throw a slur if they're feeling adventurous but they usually don't now that their account has something really cool and hard to get on it these guys thought they were the Chads of of the Seas but in reality the true skeleton Chads have sunken bones with bucket head and either the barrel chested upper body or Lobster potw upper body equipped no I said sunken and not golden bones because golden bones is far past the point of chatlin they are either twitch streamers or the type of person who has in reality become the physical embodiment of the South Park World of Warcraft gamer guy and plays this game way more than is healthy and is achieved neural pathway rewriting that normally only fortnite children can accomplish in order to become the most Godly pvper on the Seas without using a cheat engine this guy either just got pirate Legend and is celebrating or is a really basic come on man you've got a million different cosmetic choices pick anything other than this guys that aren't wearing this to celebrate usually aren't too smart they've been playing a while but a good chunk of the lessons the road the pirate Legend taught them when in one year and out the other a great cosmetic set in my opinion but it's always open crew kids with bad mics that wear this so expect tears and screaming that hurts your eard drums from how bitc crushed it is also they tend to be terrible at cannons would somehow hit your mask with a randomly aimed chain shot once in the fight and never again they never go for boards even when they have the upper hand where a board would win them the fight every Peter has his retap Inky Kraken is like the evil version of the Kraken still a kid and still bad at the game they're just more aggressive and more likely to throw out naughty words they shouldn't be saying at their age wash your mouth out with soap and that's about everything I can think of at the moment I hope you enjoyed the video I had the real rack my brain for a lot of these and this video took a good bit longer to make than on average so if you like the video be sure to leave a like And subscribe for more content like this it helps me out a lot and I greatly appreciate it and if you think I missed any clothing stereotypes feel free to comment your suggestion and if I get enough I'll probably make a part two once again thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Bones Mcgee
Views: 21,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BR8WNxnojBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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