100 Tips and Tricks for Sea of Thieves (5k Special!)

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today i'm going to show you a hundred tips and tricks for cf these players old and new [Music] all right i'm going to try and keep the intro fairly short because this is already a long video but i just wanted to say thank you guys so much for 5 000 subscribers uh this is this is 5000 subscriber special video i know we hit it like a month ago or something but this video took a lot longer than i thought it would um but i tried to include stuff for pretty much everyone so i've got some stuff that would help newer players some stuff that would help older players tried to keep like bigger range as possible with the tips also everything is categorized kind of i make categories for everything early on but now that i'm looking back at the list afterwards i probably could have moved some other around and some of the categories didn't really matter that much so the categories are kind of loose framework there's chapters for each category but um if you want more exact time stamps i'm going to make a list of every tip and time stamps for all in the description assuming they all fit there really hoping they do and also if you have any questions or want clarification on any of the tips just ask in the comments i'm happy to help and we'll try to reply to your comments as soon as i can and um yeah without further ado here's a hundred tips and tricks for seo thieves alright so for the first one click escape settings and then go to keyboard or mouse or controller whatever you want then go down to movement and at the bottom movement you will find something called auto walk bind this to a key and then when you click this button you will just infinitely walk forward if you push the sprint button you'll just infinitely spread forward i have it bound to like my thumb button on my mouse so i can just push it whenever i'm like drinking something with the other hand i don't know it's great i really like it also from your menu you can go into hud and then go down to nameplates and make sure show nameplates above fish is on and then whenever you're fishing it'll tell you exactly what type of fish it is also from the same menu turn on crew status tags whenever you occur with people it'll show their name tag from pretty much across the entire map it's really far you can just see their name through walls and beside their name you'll see a little icon telling you what they're doing from the same menu you can also turn on replace gamertags this will replace everyone's names with a random one from a predetermined list like for instance in this footage my name is banana lorena but that is not actually my account's name this is really nice if you're like a streamer and you don't want people to stream snipe you so this is mainly for content creators but i thought i'd mention it because i like it now from here you can also go over to keyboard and mouse scroll down to item and quest radial and then change quest to anything other than space i use e now the reason i say to change this is because when you're like running around or something and you're in your equipment radial if this is bound to space you can't jump and i really like to be able to jump around and still move around when i'm in this radial so i changed quest to e which i would just recommend doing next go over to input and then go down to mouse or controller sensitivity don't worry about the top one but change the blunderbuss flintlock i have reached in trinum darktide's aim sensitivity all the way up to 10. what this means is if it's at 10 it is equal to your normal sensitivity so like this is it fairly low when i scope in everything slows down it's a lot harder to aim but at 10 it's the exact same and then i it's just way easier to aim like this shadows of fate are these guys right here they're effectively ray skeletons so they can only be damaged when you lift up a light now the thing is with these they can only be damaged if you lift up a light of the corresponding color they are so if it's a red shadow fit you need the red flame to stun them when doing a fort of the damned check the wells in the main building and you may notice these spectral hands underneath one of the wells that means that type of shadow of fate is active in the current wave this can save you a bunch of time from running back and forth if you're ever trying to swim a long distance and you got a shark problem try going over to the mermaid and just keeping the mermaid between you and the shark even if it's just a little bit if the shark charges it will either cancel the shark's charge or for some reason it won't damage you this works most of the time but isn't completely reliable if a shark is charging you and you don't have a mermaid nearby swim straight at it and then right before it does the bite animation swim down like duck under it this will basically just get rid of the damage i don't know why if you're trying to catch a snake or there's just a snake annoying you if you play music it'll stop spitting whenever you're doing a gold horror bolt and trying to figure out the combination always look at the final tumbler because the final tumbler is actually a combination of the other three so for instance i put in the first medallion and saw that it was a chest so i went to the final tumbler checked for all the ones with chests the first one with the chest had the other two symbols as the key facing up in a lock so i changed both the tumblers that hit enter didn't work i went back to the final tumbler and i found the other face with the chest which was a single chain going up and a key going down with a lock so i went to the other two tumblers change them to that hit enter it worked just always keep in mind the final tumbler is a combination of the other three tumblers if you see this type of seagulls it's like big flock here that means it's a shipwreck go check it out as there might be some cool treasure in there and the barrels can have fish and other goodies if you're ever solo slooping and you hear the dreaded skeleton ship spawning noise what you want to do is grab your cannonballs or whatever get on your cannon and then shoot directly under the cannon over and over and over for a bit this will both kill the cannon ear and knock the skeleton back trying to repair the hole over and over until they sink it's the easiest way to take one out solo if you're doing last shipments you're going to make sure you find the captain's key now the easiest way to find these is to like kind of get far away from the pile of loot because they have a different colored glint so if it's barrels in the water swim under them and look up if it's on the land try and get a little bit higher up so you can see it from above and just look for like this kind of like lighter blue glint that's the captain's key if you're fighting skeletons and they have guns use them as shields if you just keep a skeleton between you and the ones with guns you won't get hit most of the time skeleton tape fire if you're fighting skeletons you have firebombs thrown drum atom it'll basically this will destroy all the skeletons pretty much every single time it's very rare that a skeleton will have enough health to survive being set on fire and even if it does if they're in a big group they'll just continuously set each other on fire until they're all destroyed if you ever see a gunpowder skeleton and you only have like a sword and a blunderbus so no range or just out of ammo find some blunderbombs or firebombs and just hurl them at them they work really well as even if you miss they'll still explode most of the time as long as you don't miss too badly gunpowder skeletons always have the exact same spawn animation and unique sound so this is the animation with the sound so if you're fighting with skeletons and you hear that sound or you see the animation start you know there's a gunpowder skeleton you know to get back also the keg will have already spawned at this point so you can hurl blonde or firebomb and it will ignite it if you're trying to cook fish and you don't know if it's done just wait till the eyes go fully wiped that's that's done if you were attacked by a kraken krakens have one attack that can hit players directly where they basically try and eat you by pulling you off the ship if you see these like wind particles around you that means the kraken is trying to eat you go below deck so it doesn't get you if you find a megalodon and it goes in for an attack you can actually cancel this by hitting it with cannon balls it takes two on a sloop and i'm not sure about the other two ship types but just hit it a bunch while it's charging and it'll cancel its attack when you defeat a skeleton ship kraken or megalodon but you lost the loot look for the seagulls she goes like this we'll just circle over the loop but whenever you pick up any of the loot the seagulls will despawn if you ever hear this music [Music] that means it might go not about a spawn and if you hear this music that means there's a skeleton about to spawn um react accordingly if you ever try to board a skeleton ship but your crew isn't ready to shoot them or they don't have any holes yet just sit on the ladder and wait the skeletons can't do anything about it skeleton lords at least the main three that you'll find on forts all share a set of animations so this is their ground pound animation which means run this is their summon animation which means you get a big window to smack them and this is their teleport animation which means you have a second to smack them before they teleport somewhere else also pretty much every single skeleton lord shares this moveset they just have different animations if you're playing a skeleton lord if you shoot them with a blunderbuss it'll temporarily stun them and cancel or delay their attack this doesn't work when they're doing an ability but it can be nice when they're aiming to blend outside your face if you're in the roar and there's a volcano near you but you're not sure if you're in range look up if you see these little pieces of ash and like sparks falling you are arranging the volcano get out if you're ever in the roar and the island you're going to starts erupting remember volcano eruptions always last between five and ten minutes which means you have at least five minutes to kill so it's a good time to go get a snack or a drink or something take care of yourself if you ever find yourself needing supplies or you just want to start off the session with some good food head over to ac fort here's a list of all of them in their map coordinates once you get there take a storage grate run around and loot all the barrels and make sure to get the ones in these like spinny fish barrels here this is a great way to get tons of supplies and in particular food like for instance this is what i got from one seaford now every gun and two of these has a set reload time right now the actual reload animation this can actually be partially cancelled if you double tap x immediately after firing the gun it'll cancel the first part of the animation just skipping straight to the reloading this only saves a fraction of a second but sometimes in pvp a fraction of a second is all you need to win now we'll go from guns to swords now swords are one of the most versatile items in all cfts because there's so many different things you can do with them like for instance you can block with right click when you're in block you can block three attacks from box skeletons sirens players basically anything that's trying to stab you so that works against melee but you can also dodge projectiles if you hold down right click so a guard and then press space bar and hold either direction key you'll do a side jump this is a really weird movement to try and aim at so if you're fighting a player you can easily dodge bullets by doing this it's great now if you're fighting someone who's trying to guard either a skeleton or a player what you can do is when you're slashing at them jump and try and move around behind them this basically just dodges their guard and you can smack them regardless of if they're guarding you're not regardless now i'm sure you know you can do a lunge by holding down left click you just launch forward but if you hold right click and then left click you do what's called a guard launch doing this basically allows you to move way more freely when charging up your lunge and you can actually jump while you're doing this which leads to the next thing sword surfing if you do a guard lunge and then you press space bar you will fly forward if you land in the water while doing this you'll go flying so you can use this to get to islands way faster or what i like to use it for is boarding enemy ships as with enough practice you can get a lot of like good momentum and just you know go board enemy ships it's great now sword surfing can also be used for combat if you do a guard lunge and then you press space you'll go flying forward but you actually deal damage for most of this so you can sword surf into a big group of skeletons and hit most of them if you're using it on skeletons though try and aim for the edge of the group so you don't get stopped by the first couple and the last thing which is a little more situational is sword lunge cancelling if you do a sword lunge and don't hit anything you'll get fatigued for a second and stuck there you can actually cancel this fatigue by going to a cannon or harpoon and just hitting the interact key and getting off of it so if you happen to fatigue near a cannon interact with the cannon get off the cannon and then you can move around freely again this should work with most things that you can interact with that'll move your character model if you ever hear this sound effect that means there's a border if anyone tries to board your ship and you've got a blunderbuss instead of trying to shoot them while they're on the ladder wait until they get all the way up to the top and then start this animation where they actually start pulling themselves onto the ship once they get to this animation they physically cannot move and you can just basically want to have them if you ever sink a ship and you're worried about someone backspawning which is where they spawn where their ship was even their ship already sunk just look for a mermaid if a mermaid comes up there are still players there if a mermaid comes up and then goes down no players or if a mermaid just doesn't spawn also no players if you're on a sloop and you're just trying to get away from someone go down to the like map room and look out either of these windows and you can actually grab the outside ladder and just pull yourself through the window this can be super disorienting for the person chasing you and if you clap the ladder you're right by the anchor so you can drop it easily now all of the three ship types thrive in different circumstances if you're being chased or chasing someone it's important to know where you can win in that circumstance so generally speaking ships go faster the more wind in their sails but each ship has a different max speed so if all three ship types raced if the wind was directly against you like this slope would win if the wind was directly behind you galleon would win and brigantine wins in any other wind condition where it has the wind so it's just good thing to keep in mind say if you're on a sloop and a galley is chasing you to run away you'd want to go against the wind now sometimes you'll see an emissary in the distance but you won't be able to see the colors from that far away so you won't be able to tell what emissary that is but actually if you look at the back flag here every faction has a different flag shape so here are all of them on screen you can pause it and take a look at them check your map frequently uh this is just a good idea because sometimes you can see reapers and i don't do it enough and i've been snuck up on by reapers lots you should you should check your map also check your ship for tuckers because people like to hide on your ship so they can steal all your stuff um we'll mention some good talking spots later so yeah but check those a lot okay next is skill reading this is basically where you look at someone and then try and determine their skill based on what cosmetics they have this is something that takes practice but here's a few easy ones emporium set probably newer player if you see either of these sales run because you are about to be destroyed don't even try and fight them they're they're terrifying go run turn off your lights just just do it it makes it so much harder for ships to see you the only reason you should ever have these on is to look cool or if your brightness is too long you can't see anything then turn them up if you're in a fog bank or just are concerned that there's a ship around you and you can't see them and they're behind something just aiming straight up getting it cheer yourself out and just take a look around this is great for looking around if your crew isn't a fan of dropping the anchor very often try putting all of your supplies and treasure on top of the anchor this makes it so borders can't really drop it and it's just kind of annoying for the borders depending on how much loot you have you can get it eventually but like not if you're being shot at and stabbed at the same time now boarding is kind of a key part of pvp at least for most people so if you want to practice this skill sword surf off the bass part of your boat and then just try and catch the ladder on your way back and just do that over and over to stop missing if you have a reaper's chest or reaper's bounty and you don't want people to find you you can bury it and then the map marker will go away if you're planning on doing pvp i would recommend not taking kegs on your ship especially if you're newer to it because those can end a fight really fast and sometimes in your favor sometimes not kind of just and in my opinion it's not worth having them on your ship for because more likely than not they'll get blown up on the ship that brought them to the fight when you're boarding an enemy ship if there's a whole bunch of people on the top deck and they're all like shooting at you and stuff as soon as you get onto the top deck instead of like trying to reload your gun or just running around while you're running around start to eat something that way if they do hit you you'll heal back all the damage and won't get hit twice in a row and die instantly and if you start eating and realize you don't actually need to eat the food if you tap x it'll put it away and cancel the eating animation if your server's just kind of gotten stale and there isn't much to do go over to any outpost go to the cast space camp and vote for either a pirate's life or captains of the damned once the caspar is done talking this big portal will open you can sail your ship through it and then once you're in the sea of the damned cancel the telltale and it'll bring you here you have to wait and watch this cutscene for a little bit but after a bit you'll get teleported into a brand new server probably it doesn't always give you a new server but i think it does most of the time also a few things with this when you start this telltale you will lose any voyages or quests you have and when you go through the portal you will lose all of your treasure minus storage crates so the only thing that will come through with you to your new server is your emissary and your supplies if you're an outpost and you're out of ammo and you don't have a ship go to the weaponsmith and equip a new weapon skin this will reload your gun if you're fighting another ship near a fort or trying to defend a fort remember these towers can have kegs and cannons in them so if you want to just you know jump off your ship and take one of these you can pretty much just demolish a ship either with the kegs or with the cannons i've never personally used this one but if you have a pet dog or monkey you can fire them under your cannon and they kind of look like players and they make the same sound effect so if you want to freak out an enemy crew just fire some monkeys at them chips in general have darker silhouettes so if you're scanning the horizon for a ship look for the slightly darker shadow this works until they get near you and then they're the same color as everything else to differentiate a skeleton ship from a normal ship look for three things skeleton ships always have green and blue lanterns like this player ships normally don't have this skeleton ships have tattered sails that flow in the wind like this and they have added structures near the back of the ship it's on a galleon you can see the big structure on the back plus the masts are crooked and on a sloop you can see little spikes around the back so even if the sails and lights haven't loaded that's how you can tell if you've got fire on your ship and you need to put it out really quick because you're being murdered or something splash in between the fire like right here it'll put out two fires or three i think is also possible just hit the middle point between them all also if you're on fire you can turn around splash yourself and it'll put out the fire behind you as well whenever you're on a server just check the little tables around by all the factions if you see a little wooden ship on it that means there's an emissary of that kind on the server this is nice if you want to know if your server has lots of emissaries to destroy if you plan on tucking don't wear glowy things glowy things are pretty much a dead giveaway so mainly like the ghost stuff or the ash and curse or the action dragon stuff wouldn't recommend wearing those because they're glowy and that makes you way easier to see if you're gonna tuck don't take pets pets make it way too obvious where you are they just follow you around and sometimes they'll even get on a ship before you do so they'll know you're nearby anyway so really if you plan on talking don't take a pet so if you're trying to hide on a sloop the best spot i know of if you go to like the back like cloth roof thing here and then walk onto the rail lane and then as soon as your character model moves down turn around and walk back into the tarp your character will move down a little bit and if you do the hiding mode here you are really hard to see if you're trying to hide in a galleon one of the best spots is on this little shelf just off the side of the ship specifically the one on the back right and the reason i suggest this one in particular is because you can't see it from a lot of the ship including the helm and you can easily jump from here to the balcony and get away if you're trying to hide on a fort of the damned go up to the very top tower here and then sword surf over to this adjacent tower you can hide behind here and you're really really hard to see also skeletons won't attack or shoot at you while you're up here so bonus you may think the fastest way out of your crow's nest is to take the ladder it actually isn't you can jump off the top of your crow's nest and right before you hit the ground catch the ladder and slide the way down and take no damage you can even take this a step farther and jump from the crow's nest over to your wheel and if you time the interact button just right and catch the wheel you won't take any fall damage though this one is a little iffy if you're trying to deliver cargo to an outpost and you don't recognize the npc's name check the first letter the first letter of the npc's name always corresponds to their job so weaponsmiths always have a w at the start of their name tavern keeps always have a t at this side of the name clothing vendors always have a c and equipment vendors also have a t but that's because they were originally called trinket vendors if you ever see a robot regardless of what kind it is or if you're taking it check the supply crate they can have fish or other cooked meat or just food and cannonballs and just check them they can be really good if you're ever dealing with a bunch of loot in the water remember you have a harpoon on the front of your ship and you can just harpoon it take it off the harpoon drop it directly on your deck you can avoid sharks like this it's very nice if you've got a chest of rage and don't want to deal with its outbursts put it on the bottom deck and then throw like two or three buckets of water into your hall this will put enough water on the bottom deck that if the chest of fridge explodes it won't set anything on fire now i know for sure this works on galleons and soups but i've never tested on a brigantine so i think it works on all the ship types but i'm not 100 sure now if you're ever stuck on an x marks a spot map there's a few things to keep in mind now the radius of which you can dig up an x is pretty big so if you've looked around an area and you aren't finding it you're probably in the wrong spot another thing you can keep in mind is if you look at the map look for distinct features one of my favorites is like red bushes so if you see that your ex is near red bush but you're not near a redbush look for the red bush you can do this with pretty much anything it's just the more different the feature the easier it'll be to find if you're coming up to an island too fast or just want to park right next to it drop your anchor and right before it hits the ground catch it and just sit there and wait until you're near your ideal spot let go and it should stop almost immediately if you're on your ship try a bucket water and you're getting attacked or something you can't go up to the top deck for some reason you can bucket through this grate there's one on a galleon a sloop or brigantine just make sure you get it far enough over the railing so it doesn't land back on the ship if you're trying to sell the merchants and you want to do it quick before you get there put all your treasure up to the bow sprit and then once you get there raise your sails and harpoon the dock pull the ship over the dock drop everything off the bow sprint directly onto the dock and then just run it between the merchant this is the fastest way to also the merchants right now if you need to turn really quickly for whatever reason turn your wheel all the way that direction and then drop the anchor second the anchor hits the ground raise it again and you should have done about a 180. if you're trying to take a sharp turn around an island or rocks use the harpoon on that side hit it pull it a little bit with right click and then let go don't pull it too hard though or you might slam into the rock okay this one's a bit tricky if you take a piece of loot and drop it then hit the interact key and then the sprint key it'll be like you're sprinting and you'll pick up the item again even though it's technically behind you if you just spam drop interact sprint drop interact sprint you can basically run with the treasure item though this one takes a lot of practice and if you mess up even once it can cost you all the time it would have saved if every single player leaves an island at one time it resets all of the enemy spawn's locations this can be helpful if a skeleton gets stuck in a wall or if you run out of the animal you're looking for on that island just have every single player on the island go to the ferry of the dam at the same time once you respawn the enemies will have gone back to their original spawning locations and other animals would have respawned but keep in mind if your entire crew was on the ferry and they haven't reset that means there's another player on the island or near it if you're ever trying to get a chest of sorrow or a mega keg back to an outpost but you don't want to risk playing your ship if you've got a harpoon reboot put someone on the rowboat and someone on the ship get the person on the ship to drop sale and go get the person on the harpoon robot to harper in the back of the ship and just reel it in a little bit and make sure you don't fall behind and then you can effectively safely transport a keg without ever putting it on your ship if you've got a bunch of stuff and you're trying to sell quickly throw it all on a harpoon row boat and then use the harpoon to drag the rowboat onto the outpost and then you can either drop it all off the robot or throw blonder bombs at it until the robot breaks and it'll just cause all the loot to fall on the ground if you're always getting annoyed with mermaid spawns because they seem to be spawning randomly they're actually not random they'll spawn whichever direction you're looking when you're far enough away from your ship so if you swim off an island and just look straight ahead the mermaid will always spawn directly in front of you so if it's spawning on the opposite side of the island it might be because you're looking back at the island while you're swimming if you need more water in the water barrel instead of holding down all the way until the crank goes all the way down and lets all the water out just tap it until you see some of this like water particle come out of the faucet thing and then just do that three times then your water bucket will be full in no time if you're trying to sell at the reaper's hideout take your ship and go to the south side of the island then you want to turn it so you're facing this cliff and then raise sails and take the harpoon and pull it in this is the best spot by far to sell subs to the reapers and this does work with every ship type if you see this megalodon in general fight it regardless it doesn't matter where you're doing fight it if you ever see this thing you're stupid lucky there's like a one in a thousand chance of spawning fight it please whenever you die take your lantern raise it up to this thing and check if you can get a flame of fate these are pretty on your ship and they give a few commendations if you're doing reapers or tall tales or something that doesn't require voyage throw it in a voyage anyway it'll help you get a few cool titles it doesn't matter restraining company they all have a combination for this if you hear this sound effect that means an ancient skeleton this thing has spawned around you go in that direction find it immediately and kill it that thing will give you ancient coins they're stupid rare and once they spawn they'll just run around for a second and then bury themselves into the ground again and you'll never see them so if you hear the sound find it and kill it if you see an inspect button just just push it there's probably a commendation for it just read the thing especially this journal on the reaper side you should definitely read that if you hear this music that means you're near a mermaid statue but is the mermaid statue this all right now how these things work is basically they have a health pool once that health pool depletes they'll break and give you a mermaid gem now the thing is they heal stupid fast unless there's a player right beside it in which case that player will be taking constant damage now easiest way to take care of these is to get a sword and a blender bus go right up to it so you're taking damage blunder it five times and then just slash it with your sword over and over and over and over now these come in three different types sapphire emerald and ruby solo you can take out a sapphire easily most of the time you can take an emerald but you'll need a little bit of food and rubies are really hard to take out solo but you can do it you just need a lot of food like i think i went through a pineapple and three mangoes just to take this one out if you ever see a shipwreck chest like this with barnacles and moss on it sell that to the gold hoarders if you sell a bunch of them you can get hoarder barnacled gold which will let you buy a cool ship set you can find these washed up on beaches or in shipwrecks or on skeleton ships if you're ever looking for stretches plunder for that annoying hunter skull accommodation go to the shores of gold and go to this little pond it's here-ish on the map fish in here and fish will spawn but they can't bite your line because it's too shallow so just sit here and eventually treacherous ponder will show up in your line remember not to use bait though because then it won't spawn some sales have holes in them which make them super overpowered in particular the dark adventure sales that can be purchased from the pirate legend hideout here for like seven or eight million gold something like that these sales are good on a sloop but if you're playing on a brigantine or especially a galleon these can be game changers as you can see with the sails fully down next is the ancient spy glass this spyglass it can be gone from 100 percent in the stars of a thief's hospital now i would say this bypass is an advantage for two reasons one it's a square which means it has a wider field of view than the normal circular one and the edges of it aren't blurry so you get a clear picture of the whole thing it's just nice if you're concerned the storm is gonna hit you or go near you or you want the storm to just leave and you're wondering how long it's going to take follow the link in the description it'll be somewhere to merfolk's lullaby they have this awesome storm tracker map that literally shows you where the storm is and where it's going to be and because the storm is in the same place on every server this is 100 accurate means for a while it's it's great if you're stuck on a riddle try using the other link in the description for rare thief this is basically a big map of sea of thieves with a whole bunch of location markers you can go to the side here and go to riddle zoom in on the island you're stuck on and just click the things until you find the right riddle piece you need and tip number 100 subscribe to the channel i make awesome see if these guys like this every week and i tell you how to get a bunch of cool stuff including pretty much every time limited item every time one words around so subscribe if you want and i was serious about that but i i don't want that to be the last tip so um here's five more because i wanted to if you're trying to fish and you need more bait you can dig it up if you dig in grass you'll get earthworms if you dig in sand you'll get grubs and if you dig near the water you'll get leeches now gold rush is an event that happens two times every day for one hour during that one hour period everything you sell is worth 50 more gold now because the in-game menu is ridiculous and tells you what it is in a random time zone i'm just gonna tell you what the gold rush times are right now uh eastern time because i think that's where most of you guys are so gold rush times are from 1 pm to 2 p.m and 9 p.m to 10 p.m i'm pretty sure so during those times 50 more gold for anything you sell also daylight savings is annoying so it might change anyway later in the year if you're in a storm you're significantly more likely to get struck by lightning if you're holding a sword and you'll take significantly more damage if you do get struck by lightning so don't hold the sword in a storm if you don't want to get stuck behind him if you're fighting a skeleton ship in particular a galleon try throwing fire bombs or even just setting the cannon ears on fire setting fire to this part of the ship will basically mean they cannot shoot at you at all for a while if you're planning on fighting an ashen lord or a skeleton lord try and pick up as many of these triangles as you can as you can use these to basically shoot orbs of energy at things and if you use them on ash and lords depending on how many people you have you can defeat them stupid fast the fastest i've ever managed to be a national lord was under five minutes with four people all using trends and that was the final tip anyway uh yeah that's that's all 105. thank you so much for watching the entire video again if you have any questions or want clarification i am leave a comment i'm happy to clarify things oh hey also before i leave um there is a playlist on your screen right now for how to get obtainable items playlist that's my new cfts guides playlist it has every single guide that still works so if you're interested in trying to get some other cool cosmetics that aren't time limited all the guys in this playlist still work and will continue to work and i will keep updating that playlist anyway thank you for watching thank you again for 5 000 subscribers and i'll see you guys next week bye
Channel: TheWitherMaster
Views: 64,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Commendation, Sail, Sails, Eye of Reach, Blunderbuss, Grade, Grade V, Trading Company, Emissary, Set, Grade 5, Shop, Flintlock, Pistol, Sword, Swords, Chests of Rage, Pvp, Merfolk, Boarding, Practice, Reper's Chests, Pve, Sloop, Galleon, Fort of the Damned, Harpoon, Rowboat, Sell, Fast, Mermaid Statues, Music, Sound, Bait, Skeleton Lords, Ashen Lords, Gold Rush, Shipwreck, Chests, Gold, Sword Surf, Sea Forts, Ladder, Gunpowder Skeletons, Gunpowder, Solo, Captain's Keys, Mermaid, Shark, Vaults, Loot, Kraken, Megalodon
Id: RymF152Uh2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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