Sea Monsters Scarier Than Megalodon...

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like and subscribe right now or you're going to have terrible luck for the next week if you watched the movie meg you'd probably think that the megalodon is the scariest sea monster in the world and it's easy to see why you may think that the megalodon is an insanely big prehistoric monster and could grow as long as 50 feet besides that we're almost certain that the megalodon has the strongest bite of all its peers however the megalodon isn't the scariest sea monster in fact there are 10 sea monsters far scarier and on this video we're going to be running through them all this is it here are the 10 sea monsters definitely scarier than the megalodon number 10. cephacanthus when it comes to size this strange shark is certainly not outstanding i mean most other sharks on this list are way larger than it however one trait of the stethoconthus made sure it could make this list and what's that trait the shark has an extremely unique dorsal fin that scientists haven't been able to fully explain or understand yet and yes this dorsal fin would have been extremely scary to human beings thankfully this animal died out about 200 million years ago so he didn't even have to be scared to death of it the unusual dorsal fin of this shark resembles an anchor or an ironing board and the small spikes covered this crest to make it even scarier scientists believe that this unusually shaped fin was mostly used for mating rituals and this belief is better reinforced when you consider that only males had this weird thing jutting out of their heads number nine blue whale the blue whale is the only animal on this list to not be extinct and i know what you're thinking how is the blue whale even scarier than the megalodon well did you know that the blue whale is literally the largest sea animal to ever exist yep bigger than even the meg and a lot of dinosaurs there has never been a sea monster larger than the blue whale and that's just a fact do you still think the blue whale's not scary imagine if you were a diver and you suddenly came into contact with a large shark that was bigger than a three-story building wouldn't you be scared out of your mind that's exactly the kind of animal the blue whale is it can grow up to an intense and frankly outrageous length of 98 feet and weighs about 190 tons thankfully these whales aren't a fan of human meat or meat generally the diet of blue whales is largely confined to krills which are small fishes that are usually found together in large groups that's probably the only reason why he doesn't higher up on the list despite the fact that a blue whale may not want to eat a tasty human being you would certainly be scared if you see this gigantic animal swimming towards you number eight palestiosaurus look when i think of scary i think of large teeth a jaw that can grind a small plane and huge menacing eyes i generally don't think of a lumbering long-necked turtle-like creature that looks like it could smother just about anything to death regardless of this fear is the overwhelming emotion people feel when they see the plutheasaurus this animal lived over 130 million years ago and looks like something from the imagination of a disturbed child if you think that the plessiosaurus looks like the loch ness monster you may not be wrong in fact this animal served as the inspiration of the loch ness monster and its unique anatomy means that it's the subject of a lot of controversy in the scientific community when mary anning a renowned paleontologist first discovered the bones of this prehistoric sea creature people said that she had forged it why they simply could not believe that such an animal could exist but she was right and other fossils proved it number seven mosasaurus have you watched jurassic world if you have you know that one of the scariest dinosaurs is the mosasaurus an actual real-life monster that roamed the seas millions and billions of years ago these simply gigantic reptiles could swallow their prey whole but they usually preferred to slice their prey into small bite-sized morsels with their extremely sharp backward vending teeth the reptile had a mass of about 14 000 kilograms and could reach a length of about 18 meters so why did these animals go extinct what was this huge thing that made them leave the face of the earth never to be seen again well scientists don't exactly know however they know the mosasaurus aren't in existence today for the same reasons that we no longer see dinosaurs walking about north america number six leviathan melvilli this shark was named after hermann melville the author of movie dick why you ask well the shark is so large that it could only be the kind of shark that herman miller wrote about in his books the creature lived about 12 million years ago and it was insanely huge it had teeth that were a foot long and this tells us that this shark had tasted some pretty gigantic sharks in fact the leviathan melavilli is known in some circles as the shark killer this is because we're pretty certain that a bulk of its diet consists of very large sharks in terms of size the leviathan can only be compared to the largest sperm whales the sperm whales of today hunt by using suction basically they suck prey into their giant mouths the leviathan doesn't use such kind methods to hunt though instead it bites and grinds its meat number five chronosaurus today the chronosaurus is extinct but this wasn't always so with an estimated length of about 35 feet this sea monster was a scary beast it's one of the hugest reptiles to ever exist and it has an elongated neck a short body and stiff body that is propelled by four flippers it also has a relatively short tail as you would expect this animal was carnivorous and had sharp conical teeth the first three teeth were enlarged to be fangs and were used to deliver the killing blow to prey the teeth of the monster could grow to be as long as 12 inches and were basically daggers the chronosaurus usually relied on pace to hunt because of its remarkable speed it was basically the cheetah of the ocean number four dunkliostus the dunkliostis existed about 350 million years ago and boy we're glad that it doesn't exist anymore i mean look at that simply horrifying face scientists believe that this fish had the strongest bite of any fish discovered with a face like that it's quite difficult to argue that that's not the case after crunching the numbers scientists have discovered that this animal could have had a bite force of 8 000 pounds per square inch that's just insane there's no other word for it but insanity this animal was the apex predator of its time and it basically preyed on anything it could find to make matters even worse for the prey of this prehistoric monster it was pretty large too and could measure up to 33 feet it was also covered in armor-like plating which made it extremely difficult for any other animal to try and prey on it i mean why would you even try number three baleosaurus baleosaurus simply means king lizard and it was a king lizard indeed this animal lived about 15 million years ago and is the first ariokite and prehistoric whale known to man the whale measured about 40 feet and has one of the biggest bodies of any known prehistoric animal as expected it was the top predator of its environment and it preyed on sharks large fish and other kinds of marine animals unlike modern crustaceans the baleosaurus was able to chew its food whole without swallowing it but despite being so large and scary this animal is extinct today what happened what made the baleosaurus disappear off the face of the earth well scientists say that the extinction of the baleosaurus coincides with the eosine oligocene extinction event this meant all the big animals of that period just went boom at the same time most scientists believe that this event was caused by volcanic activity meteor impacts or even sudden change in temperature but seeing how gigantic this animal is shouldn't we be glad that it's extinct i mean now it's time for today's best pick [Music] our best picture for today was sent in by a subscriber if you ever come across a strange picture on the internet and want to know more about it you can send it in to us who knows our next video just might have your picture [Music] number two helicopter look it's one thing to be scary and it's another thing to look like an actual alien from some movie i mean look at the mouth on this thing yes we know that nature often does a lot of weird things come on is mother nature ever this twisted yes it appears she is and the helicorpian is an actual animal thank god it's extinct today in fact it's been extinct for about 250 million years the shark spots by far the most terrifying teeth in the known history of sea monsters in fact we don't think it's even possible to discover a shark with a more terrifying mouth than this one this shark has given scientists something to debate about because they simply cannot understand how such a mouth would work but they can't chalk it up as an anomaly as all fossils discovered of the shark has the same spiraled teeth some scientists believe that instead of the shark just replacing its teeth it decided to grow new ones and its jaw just continued to grow with it and it turned into a spiral in any case this is one shark you certainly don't want to meet on a cruise before we move on i've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you'll get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works [Music] number one leo pluradin in its day the leo plu roden was the mightiest aquatic predator well when was it stay about 155 million years ago which was called the jurassic era during the age of this gigantic sea monster man hadn't even begun to walk on two feet or walk at all our great great great great ancestors didn't even exist yet this gigantic sea animal was about 25 meters long and looked somewhat like a crocodile it had long rows of needle sharp teeth and it used those teeth to be ridiculously good at hunting in fact the leo pleurodon was such a good hunter that other large fish like the leachate this and the itch thesaurus were scared of it despite the fact that leo parodin needed to breathe air it spent most of its life at sea and was unable to leave the water the question now is if this animal was such a good hunter why did it go extinct well the answer is most likely simple it was simply too good at being alive when an animal is too good at being a predator it kills off all its prey and when it does that it starves and goes extinct that's just the way of the jungle that's all for today guys make sure you click on the like and subscribe button if you enjoyed the video see you on the next one
Channel: 100M
Views: 5,471,187
Rating: 4.8789616 out of 5
Keywords: top, education, 100m, Helicoprion shark, Leviathan, Killer whale, Livyatan melvillei, sea monster, big-fin squid, Liopleurodon shark, pliosaur, sea creatures, scary monster, biggest fish, whale, prehistoric, animals, dinosaur, jurassic park, scary animal, extinct, biggest sea monsters, sea monsters, deep sea monsters, mysterious creatures, scariest animals, animals in the world, creepy, scary, scariest, giant, mysterious things, Sea Monsters, scary creatures, MEGALADON, megaladon shark
Id: K7vMcQ9vdqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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