SDR-UNO , RTL - Dongle _ Full Install

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so let's get our RTL SDR dongle working with SDR play which works great all you do is go to software downloads scroll down it says here click click here not the stock go click here and then just download here window I'm doing Windows you if you've got Mac Linux all that that's the top one but I just want to do windows scroll down click download SDR Uno click download and then literally just follow it through because if I do it again now it's going to it's going to um tell me you I've already got it just click that and follow the instructions through I'll go as far as I can keep uh keep continue to download see if it does it SDR Uno installer like so says if it's the first time you're going to need to restart and that's it you literally just go next next next next next eventually you will get uh all the files installed now what you need to do is as they're installing remember where it puts your SDR play for example mine if I go to the left here if I go to local dis then go to program files 86 is where it it by default put mine but you need to look see where it puts yours and then scroll down and look you'll see somewhere here we've got SDR play unless it's moved it all of a sudden l m o pqr SD not showing up now but mine showed up there and SDR play you just need to know where it's been put and then follow the rest of the video now at the bottom you have a yellow file click it go on the left here you've got this new window click local dis C here now we're going to locate where the file was now remember we saw that it put the program in program files 86 here so click that double click it scroll around and look for SDR play there you are SDR play is here double click double click again and you can see we've got this list of files one of them is called SDR Uno doio this one here so now right click it and we're going to send it to our desktop so if it doesn't come up here with a send to option go to the bottom and say it says show more options now we're going to go up to send to create desktop click that now we need to go to a link to download the D the link is here and I shall put the link in the description click this folder here extio RTL SDR so you can see me circling around it so we're going to click it and it's I'm on Windows 11 it's created a file we'll click the file on the top right here we just want to put it somewhere where we can use it so if I minimize find the file again and see I've created a file here called exro and I'm just going to grab it and drag it and drop it into that file and then when you you double click it the file's there okay so now we'll right click and we'll just extract it where it is so show more options we're going to put where is it so you may not have winr so I thought I'd better show you that open a new window and go to winr winr w i n r a r click download and just download the one at the top I'm in the UK 64 bit just download it and run it okay just to make sure you've got winr it's a free program quite useful okay and then you've got that so that's worth having so back to this folder right click go down to wimr and click extract Here and Now inside that folder you've got these two d d l file they call them at the top you've got the ex t o DL and the rtsd dll now we need to just select both so just do one at a dime we'll just go actually we'll just drag them so we're going to drag them into my document so go back to the yellow file at the bottom here right click and click file explo explorer and then look for documents here so on the left here we've got documents click that we're in the documents file and all we're going to do is click on one of these at a time and drag and drop there's one two hopefully they there you've got the two dll files now in your documents so just close them for now so now go to your shortcut now on your screen you've got SDR Uno that's the one we want ex shortcut keep that one the other one if you haven't got the RS play items just for now delete it delete it because we don't want to get confused now we're going to and make sure that you've got your RTL dongle installed and you would have installed this in the past with a different software hopefully you've got the drivers the drivers for your RTL St if not send me a message and I'll send you the link to the video to install those drivers so for now double click SDR shortcut here you get this window here and with a bit of luck we should be able to start using SDR Uno so what happened with me is I've only got one window here so what you do is Select these SP Windows here so if you look here it says sp1 so I just click that watch and this one appeared it's the main the main one so we just going to put that here SP2 that's the auxiliary window so we'll just put that here for now receive window let's put that here let's click them all receive SP sp1 we've got some optional items here as well record panel that can go here where's our memory panel so as we go through we will discover the different panels that we can have what's that one that's settings and if anyone else has done this and there and they know how to make all the windows just appear the first time let me know but this is okay for now it depends I think on uh on which operating system you're running if we just press play up here look on the [Music] left can hear some activity there or we can hear got our bandwidth there HF antenna we need to select now the antenna is [Applause] connected managed to find our memory panel we can store memories the only thing I'm thinking is yeah we are receiving something but I can't see that we're receiving H chaf if there's further settings to do we can choose different Windows here it seems very quiet there I'm not really getting anything so do I have to select somewhere else let's click some more windows I think that's enough for now we've got it working send me some messages if there's anything anything else I can do so that I can actually receive the frequencies correct maybe I just typed in the frequency wrong I did T type 40 m here 20 maybe it's just quiet couple of signals there then we got another little settings window here play around with the Spectrum [Applause] Etc in this ex control window that's our noise blanker Etc AGC I think I'm close all I'm not getting I don't I feel like it's should be more activity ity it could just be quiet let's just see if we can find uh to we find my local 70 CM node if you've got the version for RTO SDR instead of using the previous file use this file here click it extract and you'll see that there's a different ex o r TL d l pop that one in instead of the other one and hopefully that will make your version 4 work I'll do a separate video doing that as well but for now the one that did work for me was the version three thanks for watching my channel again 73
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Id: zbNr5SJ20SM
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Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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