🔺 How to replace your SDR (Software Defined Radio) dongle Windows 10 driver, or it will not work!!!🔺

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hello YouTube I thought I'd do a quick video here I did get my SDR it's the exact one you see in this picture so I'm gonna do a video here on how to install the driver um a lot of people think it's Plug and Play they plug it in and it detects a driver and then they think okay that's it I'm all done and uh that driver that Windows detects is not the right driver and if you do that it will not work so I'm going to show you how to replace that driver now like I said the model I have is this picture you see in front of you there's a website you can go to to get this information I'm going to show you I'll put the links of course down in the description below but um I'm going to show you the steps we're going to walk through the steps on this computer I have not installed the driver so you're gonna see firsthand how this works the computer I'm using is a Windows 10. uh computer home version I believe it's got all the newest updates um it's a kind of an older computer so hopefully the software will run and what I mean by that is hopefully the software I want to use to monitor the frequencies will run okay on this slower computer um so guess we'll find out and like I said you are the uh you'll be seen as as I do it for the first time on this computer so this is the model I got like I said so there's there's the website that's what you look for if you want to buy one mine's version three mine's identical it's black watch out for clones I guess there's clone models out there so bewareful be mindful of that um but that's what that is now the first thing we got to do after you get your device is we got to go to airspy.com I will post a link like I said in description below we need to download let's get my fancy my fancy little pen here we need to download right here we need to download this right here which is going to be right here we got to click on okay so let's go ahead and click on that and we're going to download that this is this software that we're downloading has software you can use to monitor frequencies and also it also has a a bat file in there that you can run that will download the driver software that we need the software has two things in it so we're going to hit download and it's downloading and I'm going to assume you know how to unzip files I'm not going to get in detail on how to unzip files but uh I'm going to assume that you know how to do that if you don't know how to do that just look up win zip on the internet and then there's videos out there you can watch and how to unzip files we need to unzip this so what we're going to do is I'm going to put this to my desktop and I'm going to unzip it and then we're going to look inside I'm going to show you what's inside so I'm going to close this window here and as you can see let's move this and as you can see I have it right here this is that folder or that zip file unzipped um so we're going to open that up and after you unzip it you can unzip it and put it anywhere you want you can put it anywhere you want uh I just put it on my desktop so we're going to scroll down and what you're going to see is a file called let me get my fancy pen out here install install Dash rtlsdr.bat we're going to run that and you're going to see a window pop open and it's going to download some files from the internet so you do need internet connection when you do run this okay so let's go ahead and erase that let's get my pointer let's double click this and we're going to move this over see it's downloading like I said stoning from GitHub and pressing the key to continue and then voila that is it now if we did this right he didn't have any errors downloading you should see a file called let me get my little pen zag dig z a right here z a d i g dot e x e that's the driver software we're going to be running okay so what we're going to do next I'm going to clear this off and like I said I'll post the links to these directions um I'm going to go to we're gonna this is the word he downloaded it airspy right here and I showed you what what file to get so now we're going to go to the quick start guide okay and this quick start guide is again is tells you how to do it so if you don't want to follow along if you want to read it instead you can see it right here we did we're on step seven already do not plug your dongle in um but uh or do not install plug it down laying do not install any software so we're going to plug that in but um we we did the uh we extracted the files right here so now we're going to plug this in and you're going to see what happens here I'm hoping it'll pop up on the screen it may not let's plug this in we're going to plug this in plug we're plugging in the the SDR dongle right now we're plugging that in and then you can't see this but I'll try to claw this up okay there we go okay hopefully you can see that this is the wrong driver we're plugging in let window do its thing because we're going to replace the driver you don't want to do anything until this Windows is done first so right let's wait for it to set up um okay now it's ready which obviously this is wrong so we're going to close this because we do not care anymore so we did plug that in we did extract the folder like I said now we got to right click that and run as administrator so we got to go back to that folder we're going to highlight it right click it run as administrator like I said I'm running a older computer so it might be a little slow so now we got this window up okay now it wants us to go to options list all devices options list all devices make sure that the options checked using Windows 10 or 11 in some cases you need to you may need to uncheck uh ignore hubs so we're there now we're going to go down to here okay select bulk in interface zero make sure it says interface zero and not one okay so let's go back so we gotta change this we gotta change it to here okay that's what we're doing note that some PCS May so something like RT 2832 or a set of bulk interface this is also a valid Selection double check that the USB shows USB ID shows that number okay well mine does not mine shows zero one so we're going to make sure I got it oh interface zero Jesus oh that's the C this is what I mean you gotta really watch I had it said one now mine's mine does say the right number here in the ID so make sure you make sure it says zero like it says here zero not one if you select one see what happens we do one the ID that's how I caught it I had the wrong one the ID is wrong so we gotta make sure we select zero okay okay this is so make sure that USB ID right here shows and let's get my fancy pin out here right in here right here right here so we're looking at make sure it shows this and it does so um we're good there so that looks good it's okay let's go ahead let's go to the next thing do not select anything else do not click around randomly yeah because you don't want to overwrite your keyboard or your mouse so we don't want to do that yeah and number 10 we also need we need to install the USB driver to ensure that we select okay so the left screen box may show none okay or two okay so the none here it's okay may show none here or it may show uh RTL you know blah blah blah blah that's okay so it might show this number or it might show none we want to make sure it says when when USB so we want to double check all that ensure that is is selected okay so we're going to make sure that's selected that is there like I say you may show none here that's what it says automation a number like this example does click replace driver you may get a warning um okay to install driver oh anyways okay so now we're gonna hit let's move this so this it doesn't look confusing here so now we're going to hit install driver foreign like I said I'm running a slow PC so I got to be careful here I don't get click happy because it's very easy to do when you're running a slow computer you're like okay hurry up hurry up and you can see it's installing the driver and hopefully we will get a successful message so and it can take some time as it says in this window right here actually let's let's make this not confusing there we're installing the driver I clicked on install driver just like that page said you could take up to five minutes so while we wait for that I do have and lucky I got this done before it got really cold here I do have my homemade uh gmrs antenna mounted on my pole and it was installed successful that's always a good thing to see so we're gonna hit close we're gonna close this out now we're going to go back to the directions we didn't get this window which is fine now we've got to open up sharp and select so now we're going to go remember I said this software does two things it it lets you install a driver and it also has the program that you can use to monitor frequency so we're going to run this and let's see if this will run in this computer that could be the next problem this this I don't know if this needs a lot of processing power or not um I guess we're going to find out here and let's hope we're going to close out all this okay so this is here this is this is um air spies what we're what I have up here and now we got to go back let's see if I can make this smaller so I can have my oh there we go perfect so we're going to close we're going to minimize that window we're gonna have this now now we're going to go back up and it says open up the SDR sharp select source and select this right here so let's go find The Source right here we're going to select here oh wait oh okay so now we're going to go to here we're going to go to Source right here I accidentally closed the window now we're going to select here and we need to find right here right there let's make sure we did that right okay so if you don't see your Source window you can get it from up here right here see that so let's see if that's what that says select drop down RTL Dash SDR USB that's what we got so we're good so now if I did this right let's go ahead and grab our radio we're going to change the frequency up here we're going to go with oops six two five okay now to make this work we got to hit the little play button here let's see if this will work on this old computer oh it's looking good we got a noise floor they call it I'm not going to get into detail on how to run this software this video is about how to install the driver so I'm going to show you that it is working I'm going to key up a handheld and hopefully you can see okay oh I see it we're over here I got to okay let me figure this out we need to get there we are right there there's a spike right there see that okay so let's okay right there the spike so let's go ahead let's go put this back I moved it so I just want to show you that it is working um so I want to show you this put all this back to zero okay now I'm going to slide this over I know it's cutting off some of it but that's all right I just need to show you now watch in here when I key up you'll see a spike radio check you can see that Spike you can see it right here on the sides like an S uh meter reading but you can see the spike right there there is my uh frequency that I'm keying up on you can see that where are you audio audio audio so there you have it it looks like to be working now there's some more settings I got to play with but you get the idea you can see it on the look right in here I'm going to move my mouse when I key up look right in here radio radio radio and actually we can zoom in let's zoom in in there let's okay here we go let's zoom in let's zoom in there we go beautiful look at that so now we are working obviously um like I said there's more settings I got to play with but when you do the driver right this is what you should get this is the frequency I am tuned to right here and you can see the you can see all the Peaks and and the floor noise and um and all that good stuff all this can be adjusted but for now we got the driver working and everything is looking good so there you have it I hope this video is helpful and helps you get your SDR up and running um this particular this is called air spy as you can see there's different bands there's am band there's uh you know all kinds of upper sideband all kinds of stuff there's a squelch level that's a whole nother video but there's a lot of free software like this that you can get to run your SDR dongle you can monitor all kinds of frequencies if you have a you know a antenna external antenna outside up on a pole you'll get better reception I don't have the antenna hooked up just to let you know this um you know what let's let's see if I can hook it up oh boy let's see if I can screw this little adapter thing on here without making a mess oh yeah you can see right away when I hook my antenna up I'm going to have all kinds of you can see down here in the water I think they call it the waterfall you see how I hooked up my antenna down here I'm getting all kinds of stuff watch watch right here I want to unhook the external antenna the one that I made I'm gonna unhook it now I just hope I don't it's hard to do this so let's unhook it but any rate you kind of see here I unhooked it let's see if it makes a difference um but I don't know if I had it hooked up real well or not but any rate um but yeah if you hook up another antenna you can you know get better reception obviously external antenna is better so uh I highly recommend either you buy one make one Whatever You're Gonna Do Whatever frequency you want to listen to um but anyway I hope this video is helpful and if you have any questions or comments post them down below and please subscribe thank you and have a good day
Channel: GMRS _two_way_radio
Views: 5,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmrs, gmrs two way radios, retevis, baofeng, gmrs repeaters, two way repeaters, two way radio repeaters, ham repeaters, gmrs help, gmrs info, retevis repeater, midland two radio, midland gmrs, gmrs repeater, gmrs antenna, two way radio, two way radio repeater, gmrs base antenna, gmrs base station, gmrs repeater build, gmrs walkie talkie, gmrs mobile radio, gmrs handheld radio, gmrs install, gmrs antenna install, gmrs mobile antenna, gmrs distance, gmrs swr meter, murs
Id: 1tbKXFPQ56I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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