Sculpting SCP-096 / SHY GUY from Polymer Clay - Timelapse Tutorial | Ace of Clay

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hey everyone asically here welcome back to my channel if you're new here I'm a sculptor and every week I make a new sculpture so be sure to hit that like button and comment below and subscribe of course so today if you read the title you can see that we are venturing into the world of scps and SCP is an individual entity location or object that violates natural law and it is documented by the fictional organization called the SCP foundation an SCP stands for search contain and protect so we're going to kick off this brand new series with scp-096 or shyguy scp-096 is a humanoid creature measuring over 2 meters in height it has very little muscle mass suggesting malnutrition the arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of its body with an approximate length of one and a half meters each he's basically this really tall creepy almost a zombie-like character with really long arms and legs he's got like white eyes and then a really big open screaming mouth so if you wanted to see me bring this creepy kind of life then let's get started after you follow me on instagram and twitter at ease of play alright let's go okay the first step is the armature which is the underlying structure for our sculpture I will be using this aluminum wire to get started and I'm just going to shape out the legs and torso and as always all of the materials and tools that I use in this video are listed in the description box below along with my affiliate links if you want to purchase anything and once I've got the legs and torso figured out I'm just gonna secure everything with some floral wire and then I decided to mount this to a base just so it's a little more stable so I cut off those feet that I made and added the wire into these holes that I drilled into my wooden plaque that are the same size as my wire now I'm taking another piece of wire and attaching it with some floral wire to the shoulders to create the arms and there we go now I'm going to go in with some super sculpey ultra light to bulk out the torso this step can also be done with aluminum foil I just like using ultra light because I think it's more secure and I have a little bit more control with it and once that shaped out we're going to bake it and once it's baked and completely cooled down it's nice and hard and we're ready to add our final layer of clay for this project that will be using super sculpey original and once I've got that torso covered in clay I'm going to go ahead and start the legs these are just snakes of clay that I'm attaching to my wire and if you ever have trouble with getting your clay to stick to your armature you can always wrap another smaller gauge wire around the main wire to act as a sort of anchor for the clay and it's less likely to slide around okay now let's start the feet believe it or not these are going to be the most human looking feet that I have ever made on this channel and I just took that sort of like foot shape and I'm cutting out the toes and I'm detailing everything with a couple different tools here and then instead of adding the toenails on I'm just using this tool here to push them in now I'm going to add some tendons to the top of the foot like so and then a little wrinkle for where the foot meets the lower leg and then we're gonna blend everything in and then start the other foot [Music] right now that his lower half is at a good point we're going to go ahead and define the lower ribcage that's gonna be sticking out again this is going to be a very emaciated creature so we gotta show all those bones so we're just heading the snake of clay right here and then blending the top edge in and the bottom edge in now in a lot of photos of this guy all of his jointed areas have this sort of gap in them kind of like a doll of some sort so we're gonna go ahead and I'm gonna use this detail and paralysing tool from sculpey to go ahead and create those indents in the pelvic area and we're gonna go ahead and bring that out a little bit more with a snake of clay [Music] now I'm gonna work my way down and add the knees like so now we're gonna give him a little bit of muscle tone just over here on the thighs another snake of clay and let's bring out his calves too [Music] and now before we go in and detail the upper torso area we just have to put his neck on really quick and then we're gonna start shaping out those pectoral muscles again this guy is very skinny I'm going to go in with a couple different ball stylus tools to create some definition in the collarbone and it make him look really skinny and malnourished all right now while I'm going in and adding those details let's talk a little bit more about scp-096 did you know that his jaw can open up to four times the norm of an average human other facial features remain similar to an average human with the exception of the eyes which are also devoid of pigmentation it is not yet known whether scp-096 is blind or not it shows no signs of any higher brain functions and is not considered to be sapient scp-096 is normally extremely docile with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the eastern wall however when someone views scp-096 is faced whether it be directly by a video recording or even a photograph it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress scp-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming crying and babbling incoherently approximately one to two minutes after the first viewing scp-096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face upon arriving at the person scp-096 will proceed to kill them and a hundred percent of the cases left no traces of the victims and then when scp-096 will then sit down for several minutes before regaining its composure and becoming docile once again it will then attempt to make its way back to its natural habitat so yeah this is definitely not a guy you want to run into okay now let's finish detailing those legs [Music] okay now I want to give him protruding vertebrae down his back so we're just gonna go ahead and hand these little balls of clay like so and blend them in to the rest of his back later on I decided these are a little too big so I used my color shaper to make him a little smaller but not before I add some shoulder blades with some more snakes of clay then once I'm happy with all the details I'm gonna brush the entire surface with clay softener to remove fingerprints and then get him ready for another Bank and once he's baked and completely cooled down looking pretty good now it's time to attach those arms but before I put the clay on I want to make sure that my armature wire is in the close to the final position it doesn't have to be the exact final position just close enough now we're just gonna go ahead and add some snakes of clay again make those arms and then of course use my nice little detail tool from sculpey to create the little gaps at the joint shoulder area [Music] and now we're just going to go ahead and put a bunch of detail on those arms and then finish off the forearms now I want to know what you think of scps do you like them better than creepypastas you not like either of them let me know in the comments and then if you do like SCPs which one should I make next I'm kind of new to the SCP world and I'd love to have your input all right now while I have you here and it's sort of the middle of the video I just want to let you know that something really big really awesome and really exciting is going to come at the end of the summer I am so excited for this thing it's not even funny and I can't say anything about it yet but I just want to let you know too please stay tuned stick around I cannot wait to share this with you and yeah that's really all I can say so stay tuned and then as you saw there I just made the hands like I normally do and I attach them to the wire and these hands are pretty creepy looking I made the fingers longer than they should be and they add to the overall exaggerated length of the arms [Music] and then once we've got the body at a good point it's time to start the head for the head I will be using super sculpey firm and I just covered a ball of aluminum foil with my clay and I'm sort of stretching the clay outward to create that long open mouth and the reason why I'm using super sculpey firm instead of super sculpey original is just because like the name suggests it is firmer to work with and it's great for seeing smaller details this head is on the smaller side of what I'm used to creating so using this clay I guess in a way gives me a little bit more control and helps me not smash it as easily with my fingers all right now after shaping out the crazy long jaw I'm going ahead and adding the upper teeth this is just a flattened snake of clay defining them with this color shaper and then using my spoon tool and a bunch of other tools to secure them and then we're going to move on to the eye sockets these aren't the final eye-sockets they're just there to see where I should put the nose for now and then for the nose I'm going to create a sort of skeletal looking nose where it's sort of you know half missing this is just that little nasal bone sort of sticking out up there then adding the nostrils and then we're going to go ahead and give him some pretty defined cheekbones [Music] now I'm just bringing out that brow bone and blending it with my medium ball stylus like so and let's go ahead and add some wrinkles up here to the forehead and brow area then we got the tongue and the lower teeth on going ahead and detailing those now adding a texture to the tongue and we're going to go ahead and drop in some eyeballs now I'm gonna go in with my explorer tool to add some more tiny little details and refine things a bit [Music] and now for the ear I'm not going to cut off any of this footage I'm going to speed it up just a little bit just so you can see the entire process and once the heads done we're gonna go ahead and brush the surface with clay softener to remove fingerprints and get him ready for his final bake after attaching the head of course and now it's time to paint him once he's picked and completely cooled down all of the paints that I used in this video are folk art brand matte acrylics first we're going in with this sort of primer coat it's a very very pale light pastel pink shade and then I'm just going to work that up until it's completely coated and then we're gonna go in once the first coat is completely dry with a reddish-brown wash a wash just means I mixed some water in with my acrylic paint brushing it onto the surface and I'm going to wipe the excess off with my paper towel and fingertips this will allow the paint to sink into all of the nooks and crannies and take it off of the surface so it really brings out those details [Music] and once my wash layer is completely dry I'm going to go ahead and lighten my pink color with some titanium white and then try brush that on the surface now I'm going to go in and color all of the joints with this nice reddish brown sort of dabbing it on getting a nice little texture with my paintbrush and now for the inside of the mouth we're going to go in with this dark red color and then darken the very back of the mouth with some pure black [Music] now I'm going to paint the teeth yellow and then add some darker details by darkening my yellow color with some pure black like so and using the same color I used on the joints I'm going to go ahead and darken the eye sockets a little bit and then follow that by painting the eyeballs pure titanium white now I'm going to take some glossy varnish to paint the inside of the mouth teeth and eyes and for the final step I'm going to paint his base black and stick him back on and he's done scp-096 or shy guy is complete let me know how you think I did in the comments and then if you use any of my tips and techniques in this video on your own projects share them to Instagram Facebook and Twitter and tag me EDIUS of clay or hash tag ace of clay so I can check them out [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's a wrap I hope you like how shy guy came out or scp-096 I think he looks pretty cool I'm really glad that I made him my biggest concern when I approached this project was I didn't want him to look exactly like the rake because they do have pretty similar characteristics so I really wanted him to have his own sort of walk but I still wanted to stay completely true to the original design and I think I think I pulled it off let me know how you think I did in the comments and of course thank you so much for watching and being here be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe and then follow me on Instagram Facebook and Twitter edits of clay I'm also on Tic Tacs so check me out there and we'll see you in the next video thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Ace of Clay
Views: 240,798
Rating: 4.9312239 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp096, scp-096 scream, scp-096, shy guy, creepypasta, siren head, polymer clay, how to sculpt, sculpting clay, sculpey, creepy art, monster, horror game, horror art
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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