Making a PUMPKIN REAPER! Mixed Media Sculpture from Polymer Clay Time-lapse | Ace of Clay

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[Music] this video is sponsored by squarespace from websites and online stores to marketing tools and analytics build your online presence with squarespace hey everyone aces clay here welcome back to my channel and welcome to another sculpting video if you're new here i'm a sculptor and every week i make a new sculpture so be sure to hit that like button and subscribe so that you don't miss any future videos today i'll be sculpting a pumpkin reaper [Music] so i was actually inspired by one of these gemmy blow up guys this is actually called a pumpkin reaper i saw this guy at home depot the other day and i thought he was pretty cool and i thought let's make a video where i turned this somewhat simple design into something a little more detailed and intricate i really like how this thing turns out in the end and i really hope you do too i actually turn this into a somewhat mixed media piece by incorporating fabric and you'll see how i do it later on in the video but all in all he comes out really cool and he is absolutely perfect for spooky season so if all that sounds good then hit like hit subscribe check me out on facebook instagram and twitter if you have not already i am at ace of clay i would love to see you there if you want more content for me then that's where to find me during the week now let's get started all right for the first step i drilled a hole the size of my aluminum wire into this wooden plaque and i'm going to start shaping up the armature this guy is not going to have legs he's not going to have a normal rope he's going to sort of have a tail kind of like a ghost so we're going ahead and shaping that out from my aluminum wire and then attaching the arms with another separate piece of wire and as always all of the materials and tools that i use in this video are listed in the description box below along with my affiliate links if you want to purchase anything [Music] and now that we've got our wire situation figured out we're going to go ahead and bulk this out with some super sculpey ultra light [Music] now i'm just going to poke in a skewer for the neck and we're going to get this thing ready to bake [Music] and once it's baked and completely cooled down our ultralight is nice and hardened and it's time to start covering this entire thing in our final layer of clay for this project i'm using super sculpey original and to get these nice even sheets of clay i rolled it through my pasta maker on the thickest setting and once the entire thing is covered and relatively smooth we're going to go ahead and start adding some details now this guy is going to have a robot it's just not going to be a normal shaped robe it's going to be around his tail that he has so we're just going to create some folds and wrinkles that are sort of swirling around him and to create these of course i'm using some snakes of clay and blending the edges in with everything else [Music] [Music] now that i'm satisfied with how that looks we're going to brush the entire thing with clay softener to remove fingerprints and get this thing ready for another bake and once it's baked and completely cooled down it's time to start working on the arms and as you can see i baked the body just so it is nice and hardened and i don't have to worry about smashing it as i create the arms and other details so we're just going ahead and adding some snakes of clay to the upper arm here and then we're going to start working on the sleeves i'm not going to give this guy obnoxiously long sleeves we're just gonna keep on average length for now and then later on when i go in with my fabric it won't really matter how long these are we're going to embellish everything in that step now i'm going to go ahead and create some little wrinkles here and there at where the joints are on this guy's arms and i'm just making little snakes of clay and blending those in adding some to the inner arm here and then we're not going to go too crazy with the wrinkles on the sleeves just because i really don't think it's necessary sometimes you really can overdo the folds and wrinkles if you if you add too many so we're just going to take it easy on this guy now i'm using the pointed end of my bamboo skewer and i'm sort of creating light wrinkles here and there by rolling it on the surface [Music] now before i go any further i'm going to make the hands i created this sort of palm shaped piece of clay right here and i'm poking the fingers into it these fingers are made from 12-gauge aluminum wire i just cut them to size and i'm poking them into the clay i'm then going to pre-bake this so that it's easy to add my clay to the fingers later on [Music] all right the hands are ready to bake now it's time to start his pumpkin head and as you can see i'm covering a piece of aluminum foil in clay i just balled up the foil to the shape that i like and we're putting a decent sized layer of clay over that and then of course inserting a skewer so the head is easy to attach to the neck once i'm done sculpting it i can also hold on to this while i'm sculpting so we're just smoothing out the surface here and then we're going to start the eye sockets with my large ball stylus and i'm going to be heavily inspired by the face on the original jimmy blow up so we're just going to try to copy this as close as possible but still sort of give it my own spin [Music] and once we're done with the eyes we're going to go ahead and bring out the brow bone a little bit give them a nice angry grin [Music] and we're going to blend those brows in with my rubber shaper tool [Music] and then go in with my spoon tool to blend everything else in [Music] now with my explorer tool i'm going to go ahead and define the frown lines right there and using my excel pen tool i'm going to go ahead and figure out how i want the mouth to be shaped again i want this to look pretty similar to the original so we're just going to sort of follow that as a guide now i'm just pressing it in further with my explorer tool and then we're going to continue shaping things out with my spoon tool [Music] and once the face is looking pretty good we're going to go ahead and add the stem [Music] now we're going to finish off the details with my wedge rubber shaper tool [Music] there we go not bad now we're going to go ahead and finish off the hands once those are baked and completely cooled down i'm just going to stick them on really quick see if they fit right so far so good now we're going to bend the fingers into their final position and then start covering them in clay for the fingers i just roll out snakes of clay that taper and we just sort of push them onto the armature wire like so and in the end i want these to look like tree bark like they are part of maybe the pumpkins vine or something like that so they're going to be very organic and natural looking [Music] so [Music] so [Music] and once we're done with all the details on the hand we're going to attach them with some bacon bond and we're going to do the same thing for the other hand once that's done [Music] now it's time to attach the head the same way as the hands we're just going to add some bacon bond and stick it on the skewer now we're going to go ahead and get this guy into his final position i want the arms to be a little closer together i like the way they look better like that and we're just gonna go ahead and touch up some things brush them with clay softener to remove fingerprints and get him ready for his final bake and once he's baked and completely cooled down he didn't break in the oven and that's awesome we're gonna go ahead and start painting him all the paints that i use in this video are folk art brand matte acrylics we're gonna start with his clothing and we're going in with this dark purple color that i created by mixing pure black red violet and brown after a couple coats of that we're going to go in with a black wash which is just watered down black paint into all of the nooks and crannies and in between the folds on his robe then we're going to lighten the purple color a little bit and dry brush it onto the surface so that we hit all of the raised areas on this guy and give him a little bit more dimension [Music] and now let's paint those hands dark brown and then we're also going to dry brush some lighter brown on the surface of these to bring out those details as well [Music] now it's time for his head to create this nice brown color i mixed brown and the color glazed carrots we're just gonna give this a nice even base coat and then go from there [Music] once our brown base coat is completely dry we're going to go in with a dark purple wash and we're going to go into the eye sockets and all of the deep lines in his face like his mouth and then those pumpkin lines that he's got and then after lightening up my brownish-orange color we're just going to dab that on the surface and bring his face to a nice dull pumpkin orange color and of course you guys know i love my desaturated tones and all of my sculptures so this one is no exception i don't want him to look like you can buy him at rite aid i want him to look like a creepy sort of nightmare before christmasy collectible and of course nothing against the stuff you can buy at rite aid it's just not the look i'm going for now i'm going to go in and paint the eyes this nice sort of neon green color and the coverage on this paint was absolutely incredible especially for a yellow tone like this this is also folk art paint it is the color citrus green but it is from the multi-surface paint line and it is in satin so it's not matte like i normally use it is the satin kind but i mean for the eyes totally fine the coverage is amazing i'll show you the bottle in a second yeah here it is absolutely amazing take note now we've got to paint the base black and then of course his little stem that i almost forgot [Music] and his paint job's done we're gonna let him try and now it's time to start adding the fabric this is cheesecloth that i dyed black with black fabric dye that writ stuff it came out more purple than black because it's only one time through totally fine it matches the color of this guy perfectly so i'm just to start cutting this into thin strips and then make you know a few of them set them aside and then we'll go from there [Music] now instead of just gluing the fabric to this guy as is we're going to go ahead and harden the fabric with some mod podge this is mod podge hard coat we're going to go ahead and open this stir it up a little bit don't ever shake it add it to our disposable cup and then mix in a little bit of water and then we are going to dip our strips of fabric into this and then place them on our sculpture i really like the look that this created for the fabric instead of just sticking it on dry it looked so much better i had way more control with it and it dried rock solid like this stuff is not going anywhere it is completely glued to the sculpture and it looks great and i have way more control and like i said so much better than just leaving it dry [Music] and once the last piece has been attached we're going to go ahead and let this thing dry for 24 hours and he's done the pumpkin reaper is complete let me know what you think of this guy in the comments and then if you use any of my tips and techniques in this video on your own projects share them to facebook instagram and twitter and tag me at ace of clay or hashtag east of clay so i can check them [Music] out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that's a wrap i really hope you like how the pumpkin reaper turned out i'm not gonna lie i was really skeptical when i was making this guy i thought he was boring i thought like what can i do to make him more interesting and honestly that creepy cloth was the ticket it's not completely dry yet so i don't want to touch it too much but i really think that it added that extra something that he desperately needed so let me know what you think in the comments and then before we close out let's talk a little bit about our sponsor squarespace whether you're just getting started or you're an established brand the squarespace commerce platform supports the way you do business whether you're looking to sell products directly or even fill for your services they've got you covered for me personally i love squarespace for their portfolios i am constantly updating my website with new photos of my work and i love how customizable the galleries are and i also want to mention their amazing email support team that is available 24 hours a day seven days a week they're an actual team in an office and they will typically respond to your questions within an hour so if all of this sounds good to you and you're ready to take the leap and make a website then head on over to squarespace.comclay to save 10 on your first purchase because who doesn't love saving money especially on a really cool website and as always thank you so much for watching and being here be sure to like comment and subscribe and then follow me on instagram facebook and twitter at ace of clay and i will see you in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: undefined
Views: 136,330
Rating: 4.9689155 out of 5
Keywords: polymer clay, sculpture, pumpkin, halloween, spooky season, decorations, mod podge, how to sculpt, sculpting for beginners, pumpkin reaper, ace of clay, customizing, custom art, 5 minute crafts, how to model clay, how to make armature, how to paint a sculpture, clay tutorial, how to, diy
Id: Rjwf6ThsAhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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