Making a PLAGUE DOCTOR! Sculpting Subscribers Requests No. 9 - Sculpture Process with Polymer Clay

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This is my favorite artist Ace of Clay. He makes a spooky monster every Friday. We had been requesting a plague doctor for a while and he finally made one! Definitely check out his other videos. He's a great artist.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xturkishx 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by audible hi everyone ace of play here and welcome to another video if you are new here I'm a sculptor and every week I make a new sculpture in today's video we're kicking off October with a plague doctor not gonna lie I had no idea what a plague doctor was before you guys started suggesting one left and right but I'm really glad you did because he's gonna make an awesome sculpt the creepy mask the robes the whole thing it's right up my alley if you're not familiar with plague doctors they were medical physicians who treated victims of the bubonic plague and they wore the creepy costume to protect themselves from infection so with all that said if you want to see me sculpt one of these guys then let's get started all right first step armature and as always all of the materials and tools that I use in this video are listed in the description box below along with my affiliate links if you want to purchase anything and as you saw there I used some 12 gauge aluminum wire to shape out these shoulders and torso area twisted it together at the bottom and now I'm covering that with some aluminum foil to bulk out the bottom of this guy's robes and I secured everything with some masking tape and now I'm measuring out the arms and attaching those with masking tape as well now we're just gonna bulk out his torso and it's time to start adding the clay we're using super sculpey original [Music] and then as I'm adding the clay I'm just working the clay a little bit to smooth it out to get it ready for details I always like adding details to a nice smooth surface even if I'm adding more clay on top of it I don't know maybe it's like an OCD thing but that's how I work and now it's time for a process that everybody that watches this channel should be familiar with by now we are going to add some folds and wrinkles to the robes these are snakes of clay the taper at one end I am attaching them to the robes and blending the edges in with everything else I'm not going to show you the entire process because it's just the same thing over and over again but that's what we're doing we've done this for many figurines up until this point and then like I've mentioned in previous videos I'm not just throwing random snakes of play everywhere to make these folds and wrinkles I'm thinking about how gravity would pull the fabric on a robe and I'm just sort of using that as my like mental reference in my head if you have trouble with making your fabric look believable just throw a sheet over a chair and use that as your reference it's it'll help you more than you'd think alright the bottom of the front is almost done let's get some more clay sculpey I really don't like your new boxes forget this come on now I can't even put the leftovers back in the box now anyway let's continue those folds and wrinkles [Music] there we go that's looking pretty good check it out all right for the next step I just want to add another piece of fabric in the front just to add another level of dimension but this doesn't end up working because I don't like how it looks it's just a little too random for me and yeah so we're just going to get rid of that and we're just get some more folds and wrinkles to the torso area [Music] [Music] all right now that that's at a good point we're just gonna poke Anna skewer for the neck and then this is just going to sort of be like my point of reference for where the head will be as I finish the rest of the body so now we're just gonna add a nice little belt like so this is a snake of clay that I put vertically through my pasta maker to get this nice belt shape and now we're just gonna put a little buckle on there with a tiny snake of clay like so not bad and then finish it off that little piece right there and then we're gonna go in with our Explorer tool to add some stitching now for another detail we're going to give this guy a nice little bag over his shoulder this is where you can put his like herbs and medicine or whatnot and then we're just shaping out this teardrop shape for the bag making the opening and blending that in with the bottom of the bag let's see how that looks I really don't like that strap so we're just gonna take that off and then put some more wrinkles on because my a dee dee decided to take over and now we're gonna make the strap I decided to make it look like rope I thought the texture of the Rope would look nice up against everything else and this is just a very thin snake of clay that I'm rolling together to make the Rope texture it's super easy and super effective alright that's looking pretty good now we're just gonna add some rope to that bag and then roll the textured edge of my sculpting tool on that to create a fabric texture add some bacon bond stick it on and then fix that fabric texture that I just ruined by pressing it on and then add a fabric texture to the rest of the robes because why not and now he's ready for his first bake and once he's baked and completely cooled down it's time to start the arms so I'm just going to bend the wire into the position I want them to be in like that and then we're just gonna add some snakes of clay like so [Music] now we're just going to trim off some excess because we're gonna add some nice long gloves but before we make the gloves we're gonna make this guy a staff so I'm just straightening out this scrap piece of wire here and then rolling out a snake of clay pressing the wire into the snake of clay and then bringing up the clay around the wire and then gently rolling it to make sure everything is nice and smooth and then we're gonna top off the cane with a nice old fashioned medical symbol and basically the symbol is going to be a little cylinder on top and then I'm going to make some wings to poke into the sides of it just can ofcourse attach that with some bacon bond now I'm just cutting out the wings like that making sure they're the right size and then using my Explorer tool to add some details [Music] all right not bad that works now I'm just going to pre-bake the wings so that when they're hardened I can just poke them right into the clay now it's time to start the head I'm just creating the core with some aluminum foil and then I'm covering that in clay now I'm just poking in some wire to support that nice long point in the front and I'm covering that in clay alright let's see how that looks it's a little too long so let's trim off the end a little bit that's it that's much better now we're just going to bring out the front of the face a little bit more with some more clay now at this point I was trying to decide whether or not I wanted him to have a hard mask or a fabric leather one and I decided on the leather one just because I thought the extra texture on his face would look really cool so I'm glad I chose that for just adding some snakes of clay here to create the texture I was just talking about [Music] [Music] now once that mask is at a good point it's time to create the goggles in it I will be painting the domed side of these 12 millimeter Kappa shines black so that I can press them into the clay and the surface of the glass on the goggles will be flat not domed this was super easy and super effective then once the Kappa shines are completely dry we're gonna press them in and you see how the back of the cabochons is flat that's what I wanted [Music] now before we go any further on the goggles I'm just gonna take my Explorer tool to create some seams in the mask and some nice stitching that's looking pretty good alright now I'm going to detail the goggles I'm just adding this very thin snake of clay around the edges of it and then I'm going to add some details to make it look like metal and how many times have I said snake of clay in this video [Music] all right now back to the cane really quick I'm adding some bacon bond to these sides like that and then pressing in the freshly cured wings let's see how that's gonna look not bad just gonna add a couple more details to the cane and then a nice little design on the front then once it's done we're just going to pre-bake this with the head and then once they're baked and completely cooled down I'm going to attach the head with a little bit of bacon bond like that and then bulk out the neck with some aluminum foil I'm just gonna grab some more claim well that's not very satisfying now we're gonna cover that foil I'm just gonna take another piece of clay with a nice rounded edge position it closer to the front of his face and this is going to create a sort of hood piece and I'm not adding this to the top because he's gonna have a hat and I don't want it to push the head out that he will have eventually now we're just gonna add some folds and wrinkles to that new fabric that we just added [Music] and now it's time to add his staff just gonna trim the wire and that's a little too short so we're gonna stick it in his other hand instead now at the end of the world now I'm just using my needlenose pliers to wrap the wire around the cane and then attach his hand on top of that and all of the footage I have of sculpting this hand is out of frame so I'll show you how I do the other one instead now we're just finishing off the gloves here with this little sheet of clay measuring it making sure it's the right size blending everything together [Music] and then to add some more detail to the glove we're just going to add some snakes of clay and add that nice fabric texture not bad time for the other hand [Music] [Music] [Music] then once the gloves hands wrinkles and all that are looking pretty good it's time to give them a nice little shoulder cape so I just cut this out of a sheet of clay and it some seams I'm just attaching it like that and I'm just sort of frankensteining all of these scrap pieces of clay together to finish it off and this worked a lot better than I thought it was going to our just refining everything adding some seams and stitching to a couple different places now we're just gonna add some little holes to thread some string through this is going to be the sort of clasp on the front of his cape that came out really nice a little more stitching here and there now it's time to make his hat just shaping this out this was a ball of clay that I flattened at my fingertips cutting out a Center for his head trimming it to size and then attaching it out of frame now we're going to make the top of the hat shaping that out as well rolling it on the side and then sticking it on and the Hat came out a lot better than I thought it was going to hats always give me anxiety I don't know why but this one was pretty easy I'm just gonna brush the entire surface with clay softener all of the uncured areas to remove fingerprints then he's ready for his final bake then once he's baked and completely cooled down it's time for the easiest paint job I think I've ever done now throughout the entire process of me making this guy I pictured him being completely black but I just wanted to see what a brown mask would look like instead of a pure black one so we're just painting it brown first now we're just going to go in and paint every other inch of him completely black and then all of the paints that I use for this guy are folk art brand matte acrylics then the further I get the more I don't like the brown mask so I'm just sort of shading it really quick to see if I like it anymore and I don't so we're just gonna paint all of it black and seriously I loved him just like this but we've got a couple more details to paint so here I'm just dry brushing some dark grey over the surface to bring out some of those details now we're gonna paint the metal around the lenses pewter and we're gonna use that color for the top of the cane as well and the little detail at the bottom and then the belt buckle now I'm just adding some dark brown to the rope and bag brightening up the staff a little bit with some silver and then just for another level of dimension I am adding some matte varnish to the mask gloves and belts just to make them look a little bit more like leather and differentiate them from the rest of the black areas now I'm just taking a toothpick to scrape off the paint from the cabochons and he's done the plague doctor is complete let me know what you think of him in the comments and thank you so much again for suggesting him and then if you use any of the tips and techniques that I use in this video on your own projects share them to Instagram Facebook or Twitter tag me EDIUS of clay or hash tag anus of clay so I can check them out [Music] [Music] and that's a wrap I really hope you like the plague doctor thank you so much for suggesting him let me know how you think I did in the comments and then before we close out let's talk about our sponsor audible Thank You audible for sponsoring this video audible content includes an unmatched selection of audio books original audio shows news and comedy listen to audible on the go while you're shopping while you're cooking going to the gym traveling the world you can listen anytime anywhere and on any device on your phone Alexa Bluetooth anything right now I'm actually in the middle of listening to a couple different audiobooks I love listening before I go to bed on my phone it just makes me forget the world and the stuff that I have to do the next day I also like to listen what I'm sculpting of course I'm a sucker for business topics and like personal growth so it comes as no surprise that I'm listening to crushing it by Gary Vee for the second time I also love their collection of audiobooks on social media marketing personal branding and then if I'm in the mood for something a little more fun maybe I'll check out the fiction section and listen to something by talking so if you like what you hear and you want to try audible for yourself go to slash Ace of Clay text ace of Clay to 500 500 and start listening with an exclusive 30-day free trial one free audio book of your choice and two audible originals absolutely free and as always thank you so much for watching and being here be sure to like comment and subscribe and then follow me on Instagram Facebook and Twitter for more content at ace of play and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Ace of Clay
Views: 547,028
Rating: 4.9501276 out of 5
Keywords: tim burton, halloween, ghost, ghost stories, creepy art, stop motion, plague doctor, how to sculpt, sculpting for beginners, sculpey clay, polymer clay, how to model clay, nerdecrafter, lorechirik, clay claim, 5 minute crafts, troom troom, art hacks, character design, timelapse tutorial, art challenge, skeleton, corpse bride, crafting ideas, sculpture inspiration, interesting video, dragon, fimo, diy, maquette, movie prop, grim reaper, ace of clay, satisfying, speed art, clay
Id: uCcoOnj17UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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