Scuba Diving for Lost Electronics at BUSY River Exit (Owner Didn't Believe Me)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bdebigmike45 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey what's with you guys we're at the river today and I'm about to jump in with my buddy Mike we both have our metal detectors leave a comment down below guessing what we're gonna find today if you're close I'm gonna pin your comment to the top if I can find anything that can be returned back to the owner I'm gonna try to find them so make sure to watch to the very end of the video if you want to see that and let's get in the water see we can find guys here we go I'm gonna I'm gonna be looking for some empty wallets and money clips [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right Mike I'm gonna show you what I found real quick he's my best sunglasses I got three pairs of ray-bans nice this one's probably the best nice and hefty if you feel the weight in these this is a pretty notable pair client Colin's prom 2019 nice I'm gonna ply bleep out the name Klein Collins it's probably just a high school though right is it you saw I found this iPhone 7 yeah it's got this lip gloss and it's got a party card in the back iPhone 7 it looks like it's probably pretty dry so I'm gonna try to get that returned did not see when I found this Oh oh yeah that is a $20 bill how do you know and also because it's a twenty bucks okay and I'll shuffle guys stick around to the end I'm gonna go ahead and try to get these powered up getting back to the owners right now oh one last thing I found where are you gonna go my first harmonica oh I see this still works ready yeah turn it up let's see your best finds this is pretty cool nice knife I don't think it's ever been even use CRKT yeah no it's a good brand I like the brand give me the model number I'll look it up up with the price on the screen for you guys it's a fossil at chroma design thanks for watching we had a great time make sure to keep watching because I'm about to find the owner please phone but my ex I'll get going so - goodbye - Mike adios and we'll see you guys in the phone returns both of these phones about to plug him in see if they work and hopefully get him back to their owners let's crack this bad boy open I don't think there's any moisture inside give me the money boom 20 bucks guys looks pretty dry I don't see any moisture in the lens let's go ahead and plug it in and see if it works all right cross your fingers oh yes now the test is to see if it actually boots up I've seen lots of phones get to this point and then not work so let's see if it actually turns on oh do you see that oh yeah look at it I think it's cycling it's on the endless loop see that it just dies out and it starts up so I might not be able to turn this one on without the help of somebody else oh now it's your spine burning I don't know if I'm gonna be able to turn this one on I might try to give this to somebody that can fix phones we'll see all right phone number two let's cross our fingers so far we haven't had the best luck tonight but I'm really hopeful that this one's gonna work it looks pretty dry inside oh wow your smell at Sheridan yeah so it looks like we've got a little bit of some corrosion and some just water marks on the outside the inside could be completely dry let's go ahead and try to plug it in I'd be so bummed if this one didn't work either I cross your fingers moment of truth ah yes this thing must have been down there for a long time how long do you think it was down there okay let me know in the comments how long you think it's been down there I'm thinking like at least a year hopefully we can find the owner and ask her all right it's coming on let's see if it gets past the booting phase this thing boots up I should be able to find the owner oh no dang it it's doing the same thing the last phone did so get says wait no he just made a sound yes what's the password I'm just kidding Friday August 3rd did you see that I'll put up on the screen right here how many days that was under the water but that is insane that thing was under the water for what like eight months something like I had my 8 months and it still works that's crazy well I mean I'm really hoping be able to find the owner let's go ahead and pull out the SIM card put it in this old phone try to find the phone number and give them a call if you guys aren't enjoying yourself make sure to leave me a thumbs up down below I really do appreciate that and while you're at it go ahead and grab yourself a nice man Plus River t-shirt my wife designed these things check that out without further ado let's go ahead and try to find the owners number so what I'm doing right now is I'm pulling out the SIM card and sometimes it pulls up their phone number when I put it in here let's go here oh yes we got a phone number guys well the hard work is over I got a phone number among the hood and send her a text and let's see if she's still awake hey this is Dallas how are you doing I'm pretty good is this pretty weird trust me I get that a lot this thing must have been down there for a long time yes yeah in fact is your name Betsy oh it was right there it was yes do you have all the photos and everything or did you lose any photos so do you want do you want them back alright I'll figure at a time that works for us and I'll get back to you all right have a good night Thanks okay well we're gonna go meet Bobby in Dallas and get a get her phone back to her and get her friend's car back to her as well all right good me and is that look familiar yeah so that's your uh your friend that's my friends card yeah oh if words are working it works let's show the people on you do that crazy so I got sticks were young - an ice pack oh we just playing there next we're gonna meet you [Music]
Channel: Man + River
Views: 4,806,228
Rating: 4.8660355 out of 5
Keywords: man + river, man + river iphone, man + river 2020, river treasure, found iphone 11 underwater, found iphone underwater, found lost iphone in river, found iphone in river, found iphone underwater in river, found working iphone in river, underwater metal detecting, found iphone 7 plus in river, found iphone 7 plus, man plus river, man vs river, man river, dallas rowley, scuba diving, freediving, snorkeling, swimming, fishing, metal detecting, treasure hunting, unsunk, searching
Id: RfpYyTKgerw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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