Scuba Diver Helps Police By Finding Remains Of A Human Grave & Gut Wrenching Evidence!!

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so you didn't find a grave site it was just a great marker [Applause] what's going on everybody welcome back to another brand new video of depths of history today i actually made it back to atlanta with my buddy adam and we're going to be diving some bridges today in hopes of finding anything from guns relics basically anything that we can find i know that this bridge is over 100 years old and we have the chance to find some really cool stuff here but before i did this intro let me just tell you the pain and suffering that adam and i actually went through when we got here do you see all that behind us all the tire tracks if we look muddy there's a there's a good reason for that i was a little too confident in my two-wheel drive truck um and we may have gotten stuck in the mud i got a little excited but we got it out after like what hour oh my gosh probably like an hour hour and a half you guys check this out adam and i actually grabbed trash from that section of the bridge right over there and literally came back and brought all the stuff look we brought tires to put underneath the tires we brought fence to put underneath the tires like we were just trying to get it out at that point even if like he would have had a flat tire i told him i would have paid for it if you guys are enjoying these scuba diving videos don't forget to press that thumbs up button check out what that was a pogo stick that we found in another episode um but we're gonna walk down here man it just looks so good there's so much graffiti under the bridge there's actually um two homeless people living underneath the bridge i actually talked to them for a little bit but with that said guys we're gonna get geared up get in the water it's gonna be a great day i'm just so pumped that we got his truck out i'm gonna be using my scuba gear today it's gonna allow me to stay underwater for hopefully an hour and a half if not more and uh what gear are you using today yeah i got my tank my fins kind of got to go through all my junk in the truck to find it but uh i think it'll be fun you can already see right there there's a ton of shopping carts on the side of the road so people were definitely dumping stuff here i've never dove this bridge before yeah and every bridge in atlanta has had a gun on it every brick yep so every single bridge so if we don't find a gun today it's because we are cursed in the worst way possible i think our good luck is coming back but we got the truck out of the mud yeah which is good luck so i think that'll carry on with us to the river hopefully so man let's gear up and get in the water oh oh [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] oh yeah dude that's world war ii all day long you're not gonna like what i dude i found a gravestone that's not good dude i found that dude it's marked with a serial number you could yeah i could totally return that back dude that would be so cool maybe should we give it to the police probably they probably couldn't deal with it what oh my gosh hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm so i don't know where adam is but the sun's sitting right now and i want to be sure that we give the police a call all right everybody so we're going to give the police a call i got their phone number right here for their non-emergency um we're calling because of that um tombstone thing that i found and then also that pistol i found a pistol in the river as well so we're gonna give them a call and see if they like to come out here and retrieve it cobb county police and fire hi there my name is britton lockhart i wanted to stress that this is not an emergency my buddies and i were diving in the chattahoochee river i came across a pistol and a tombstone i guess it's like like a grave marker and i wanted to hand that to you guys i didn't know if it's something you guys would want all right have a good one bye-bye all right so they picked up they answered and they mentioned that they are going to make their way out here so we're just going to wait for them right now i think that's the best thing for us to do all right so we've got it right there for them and we're going to wait for them to come how's it going sir i got one other gun and a grave marker so you didn't find a grave site it was just a great marker just marker yeah okay is that the same cop from that other time looks like i swear it's the same one thank you officer [Applause] this incident sheet is just the same instructions as last time as far as okay were you the one that came last time okay okay they got you in the system now man yeah right sheesh i'm glad i got a case number though that's pretty cool that's why that's why he didn't need my id i was wondering why he didn't ask don't forget yeah no i won't all right everybody so as you can see the cops are leaving right now um they just it's funny because literally a couple of days ago was when we found that other gun yep and then we come out today and the same police officer that came out for the alaska came out for this gun so pretty crazy man it was a great day of diving i had so much fun with adam brown if you'd like to check out his channel i will have a link in the description below be sure to tell them that britain sent you um but man we plan on going back to these bridges very soon probably within the next couple weeks because they've i mean it's just been ridiculous it's like every new bridge down here has new criminal evidence and we're never going to stop searching for that criminal evidence or anything that we can really find so with that said you guys hit that like button hit the subscribe button hit the notification bell as well if you're a boss we'll see you guys on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Depths of History
Views: 97,146
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Keywords: Scuba Diver Helps Police By Finding Remains Of A Human Grave & Gut Wrenching Evidence, scuba diver helps police by finding remains of a human grave & gut wrenching evidence, human grave & gut wrenching evidence, true crime, scuba diver helps police by finding remains, gut wrenching evidence depths of history, scuba diver helps police depths of history, scuba diving, magnet fishing, scuba diving videos, diver, remains, remains game, remains gameplay, wrenching, human
Id: _X-Dm0M3_yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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