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hello I'm yashi and I'm Stan and tonight the happy salute the new W [Music] music [Music] n [Music] [Applause] that the course was the Michael Jackson hit Billy Jean and if you want you can hear that song on our new album new Wavey a very new here it is right here good that's your there that's myself and that's the name n me and how about these new clothes that we're wearing huh aren't they something complete with boots and everything you know all the young people today are dressed like this and that's what this whole show is about New Wave you know the New Wave Music Industry is a billion doll industry and Stan and I would like to get a little piece of that God baby and the video they go with the music helps to make the sales even bigger let's not forget the video oh no don't you wish that we had the video when we were youngsters yes oh can you imagine SP seeing all P music on video give me a break that's I know what you mean oh yeah but you know the new W music scene a changed that much since we were kids no you know they we had P chicken stom and Tom chicken oh the music of SMY Roberts in our bru Spring Field how about those beetles oh The Beetles nice hand for those guys we can't forget the be boy that was some popular band I tell you oh yeah but even the New Wave Music up today ain't bad oh no there's some good [Music] people are the T Jammer you two and or Elvis C should be prly I think yeah that's a typle yes but whatever it's what you enjoy that counts yeah Ain tell funny the name of your band is it's how good the music is you know and the video to go with the music oh that helps be sales and what better way to introduce the new hit single from new aangi than with the Happ wers first music video entitled power to the P people which you'll be able to witness soon on the MTV we hope fa they accept [Music] it when we were young we couldn't have other kids we have to stay in and [Music] practice be someone here that don't where we were so we bu away and we woke up one day and we started to CH the power to Def the power to Def the [Music] power [Music] the power to the people the power to the people the power [Music] wasn't that fun huh that was fun you know that video was produced for Yash and myself by our good friend Y valon and what a talent he is too and quite the bowler too I tell you that he's a good bowler Mr spare they call him Mr so anyway how did you enjoy the video I enjoyed it very much oh how good and how are the cabbage rolls very good a yes thanks then so after you saw the video would you go out and buy the record I think so you would huh you know seriously that's what we're trying to do to get the young kids to spend all their allowance money on our record we hope we're successful how are the Cabbage Ren C oh delicious good good for you stand and we'll be right back after the commercials so can we put you down for a couple the ultimate choice this [Music] isv hey let's funky [Music] dance [Music] a you never all to do the New Ping no that of course was from the flock of the seag girls and we hope you enjoyed dancing to as much as we enjoyed hearing the name speaking of names you know we got into this new wave thing and Stan wanted to change the name of the band tell much oh no you want to call us a bunch of cucumbers cucumbers you must had cucumbers on the brain when you [Music] that well that's the end of the show and we'd like and hope that you had as funky good time as we did so let's have a big hand for the happy Wonder's B aren't they nice okay that's enough and how about for Mrs V y cabbage R and coffee weren't they good are they good every week every week and for you youngsters out there don't forget to buy the new Aang album and you can play the part is and have as funky good time as we had on the show yeah so well let's play out to our new video [Music] y y
Channel: larrythefatcat
Views: 344,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8SbJIlEd6jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2010
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