Screened Porch Build Part 3: Framing the Roof

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hey guys welcome back so thanks for checking out the other videos if you if you're just catching in on this one doing sort of a build series on the screen porch build we built a screened-in porch on the back of our house did a little bit of an addition per se we are you did have an existing deck in place I just extended the deck and then I built a roof over top of it I'm actually sitting out here now on the screen porch today's video we're gonna kind of start out with setting our posts to carry the roof beam that carries the rafters so we'll set the we'll set the posts in place then we'll set the triple 2x8 beam it's a 2 by 8 with two by sixes stacked on top worked similar the way that like a top plate how you would frame the wall where they sort of overlap one another and it sort of ties everything in place so it's a triple 2x8 I do have a piece of a half inch OSB sandwiched in between to get the proper spacing out to space it the width of the two by six and and then our two by six or our side beams really are just sort of to like hold it against the house a little bit of an explanation a lot of times when you're putting the side beams in you would actually pocket those beams into the side of the house I actually chose not to do that because I didn't want to tear up all the drywall on the inside and those beams aren't actually carrying any load really at all other than the studs that are on top of them are basically holding the sheathing up but those particular side beams aren't carrying any load all the load from the rafters is taught as carried on the house on the ledger and out on the outer beam because this is a shed roof but I did make those the same dimensions as the exterior beam I just took a two by eight two two by eights and I basically built a box beam so it's two by six two by six on top and two by eights vertically basically built a box beam and then I hung a ledger basically behind this trim piece right here that ledger that you see I'm kind of whatever so there's a that's actually sits behind that trim there and I hung it with some joist hangers on the side of the house and then we fastened that ledger into the house with those four inch ledger lock structural 3/8 and structural screws and those are tied lagged into the studs in the walls on the exterior walls so that's how we built it the video kind of conclude up with putting the sheathing on I don't have a ton of videos about the sheathing it's more of Oaks all of a sudden we have sheathing on I was obviously up on top of the roof and couldn't really set a camera up there and whatnot so I didn't get any video of that but thanks for checking out the video feel free to subscribe I'm gonna try to start doing more of these videos I've recorded some other videos of some recent projects I've done I'm gonna try to start putting some projects out there I do enjoy doing projects and I'll do a lot of them around the house we're kind of getting this house ready to put up for sale because of the whole kovat thing we decided not to put the house on the market this summer waiting to see what happens with the economy here in the next couple months again I'm in real estate I'm a real estate investor I'm trying to see what happens with this it's still mixed feelings mixed emotions as to what's gonna happen no one really knows I'm gonna wait it out about 60 90 days see what happens and by then I've kind of missed the window it's better to list your house in the springtime so we're doing a lot of projects around here getting it ready to put it up for sale and then we'll be selling this house probably rent a house for a short period of time while we build a custom home a very close nearby here we're working on a deal on a piece of land although it's kind of put on hold right now but negotiating a deal with some land owners to buy up a larger parcel of property subdivided up into pieces build some spec homes on some of the other pieces and then me and my wife will keep a piece of it and build our own custom home on that piece so that's what we're looking to do and I hope you enjoy this video keep keep subscribing I keep releasing them over the next few days I've been kind of spending time editing these here over the past few days and editing them and uploading them out there I've got all the footage sort of stored away and doing all the edits right now so thanks again guys have a great day you all right so here's the progress from yesterday trying to do a little work this morning and try to flip some houses today and trying to make some money who knows what's gonna happen with this crazy coronavirus so got this frame up yesterday so we put these side beams in the way we did these is it's actually two two by eights that are just spaced apart so this is just hollow in the middle this isn't really a supporting it's not carrying any weight like this one is this one's carrying half the load of the rafters so all the rafters are gonna sit on top of this and then we're gonna hang another ledger up here that the rafters will hang and that will carry the other half of the load this particular beam is really just to span it out here and then we'll put some studs in between to kind of frame out the triangle part of the roof so how we hung this is we put this up here I've got some some of these ledger locks here so these are basically like lag screws these things are awesome they're timber locks structural wood screws I've got four inch ones and the way I hung it here is I actually put I've got three into a stud right there off the end and then we've got a hidden hanger if you've never seen a hidden hanger before this is what they look like but when you're on an end wall you kind of have to use one of these because that flange hangs out so you you shoot all these little holes in here so we've got one of those hangers on the inside edge and then I've just got a normal hanger here next to it and then we've got those fastened into the wall so that's holding that beam into place and then I put a top plate in that comes back and then it's shot down in there and this one's shot that way that top plate actually overlaps to the outside edge there and that's all tied together so we did the same on both sides and then what we're gonna do today so the first rafter is hung my math was correct so that's exciting we first test fitted it over here like right in the middle and it was overhanging a little bit but I think what we discovered is this is just kind of bowing in just a little bit so we're gonna have to kick it out just a little bit when we nail it off and this in this measurement here to here compared to here to here this one's about an eighth of an inch shorter so it's pretty close so today we got the we hung this ledger up here for the ceiling joists to hang off of the ceiling joists are gonna hang off of that ledger and then this will get covered up like this lower one will get like a little trim piece over it and then we hung the upper ledger today - that's what will hang all of the rafters off of and then the rafters will sit up there on the top plate and then there's a little bit of an overhang there we'll put a 2x4 sub fascia on that and then a a 1 by 6 fiber cement fascia board on on that to over hang it so that's the plan looking good you so if you're nailing off hangers like this little tip on these guys is called a palm nailer they're really really cheap this is a Harbor Freight one I think it costs like fifteen dollars or something these are super helpful for nailing off nailing off these things so what you do is you keep got my nails here anytime you're using hangers you need to make sure you use approved fasteners for the hangers you can't just shoot framing nails into the hangers so these are their hanger approved fasteners it has a little magnetic tip in it you just stick the nail on the tip right there kind of get it started in the hole and push it it alright so we've got a storm rolling in here soon just trying to clean up a little bit I made myself a little tint there to cover that overhang up so no water gets down in there and the exposed stuff on the house it should be okay because you have the overhang on the house here but I got all the rafters hung today and I got all the joists up today and then I got about halfway through with my pressure blocking here normally when you do rafters you would actually tie them all together and I had went ahead and hung all these hangers early and I wasn't thinking and I hung them there so it's not a big deal but the the pressure blocking is wedged in between the joists to keep them straight up and down cut at 14 and a half inches wide and then the the joists are I'm sorry the the fresh logon goes between the rafters and then the joists are nailed off through the backside of that fastens it all down I'll come in tomorrow and put all my hurricane ties hurricane clips in put all those in I got to finish up my pressure blocking tomorrow in between all these we've got to build some studs here on the sides for the sheathing to attach to on either side we've got studs there and then I need to you can see I've put this board right there too that ties all of the rafters together ties them all exactly 16 inches on center I'll do the same on all the joists here and then I'll put some blocks of wood in between the two of them to tie them together so that all kind of solidifies the whole thing I also have to build my overhangs tomorrow I've purposely left that gutter sitting there for now I'll build my overhangs tomorrow with some two by fours for the rakes and then once I do that I can I'm hoping to get this thing sheath by Sunday and get the sheathing on it and then once I do that then I can get started on the metal roof I've got a road over to my buddy's house and pick up the metal roofing from him because he has it at his house my buddy's a roofer and he had about 700 square feet left over from a commercial job he did and he said he'd just give it to me so I do have to order some trim the rake trims from him I'll have to custom order those and we'll have to get what's called some closure strips but she can pick up a closure group pretty much anywhere so that's that this is a 2 and 12 pitch is what this pitch is I was gonna do a two and a half and twelve but it ended up where it was going to be too close to that the bottom edge of that window and I wouldn't have enough room to flash everything properly so I went down to a 2 and 12 pitch which is fine so that's that so video update today got all the overhangs framed in there I got to build the little they call them bird boxes here on the corners basically just like you see on the side of my neighbor's house right up there see that I have to build those little bird boxes on the corners here to basically just frame out flat you frame like a little section in right there and then the the soffit material goes down hits that and it goes down and then goes straight out and then it goes flat along the eave and then does the same on the other side so today we framed up all the overhang call them ladders there and got that done and then we put all I put a bunch of blocking in here just these are just scrap pieces I had kind of every other joist Bay just a tie but to both the rafters and the joist together and then I went ahead and put up a temporary railing here this is not the permanent railing I'm gonna add another post here in the middle probably a four by four I think and then we're gonna do six by six here in the middle and a six by six there on that side that's the plan we got the this was a fun overhang here because I had to kind of hang out climbed up there I tied up a rope around the between my son's window and put my fall harness on and I climbed out here on top of this Hill had nail off that extension and all that stuff so that was quite fun wasn't too bad because I could put my feet right here and just kind of sit up on that joist it really wasn't that bad the weird one was disconnecting this gutter right here that was kind of awkward so we did that one first cuz that was the hard one and then we came back and finished this one finished this one up over here a little trick I did out here to make this a little bit easier is if you just clamp a block to the bottom of these rafters and kind of let it overhang you can use that to rest your board on too and then I just kind of hung over the edge here and shot the nailer back into the nailed it into the face there so that's kind of how I nailed that one off we had a seam right there in the middle unfortunately this is 16-foot well this whole thing would have an 18 feet I could have gotten an 18 foot 2x4 maybe but we just we just seemed it right in the middle and I just put a block in the seam so no big deal but so yeah tomorrow I'm going to put all of the studs in right here along the sides will sheath the side of that will she's the whole roof off and once we sheet the whole roof off I'm gonna go run over to my buddy's house and pick up the metal roofing probably tomorrow and he's got a couple rolls of peel-and-stick membrane so we're gonna do a peel and stick membrane on this then when I do that I'll do all the flashing here up on the up on the top there on the quote-unquote ridge and once we get it sheath off that'll be kind of nice so that's a plan for tomorrow thanks guys you all right so today's update I did the bird boxes on the end I did the sheathing there on the sides I put the step flashing up the sides there finished a little bit of the wiring in there wiring the cans my electrician friend just wired to one spot and then I kind of had to daisy-chain to the rest of them for the four can lights when got my neighbors stepladder today this side over here doing the sheathing by myself was super sketch because it's so high up and so scary but like what I did is I put so that's an 8-foot sheet I just screwed a ledger like a block of wood there and there and then I got on the stepladder and I lifted it up over my head and the the gutter would keep it from tipping out this way and then I slid it up set it up on top of the blocks and then grab my nail gun pushed it up against the little rafter tail things there and then nailed it off and then nailed it off and then just kind of held on to the inside of this railing and stood on this railing super sketch but do what you got to do and then nailed everything off and then cut this piece and did the same and then zip taped it we had to do a little makeshift gutter improv improvisation for the pouring rain because I had that gutter off and it's just dumping rain on this roof here and so I went I'd that's temporary what I'm actually gonna do is once I get the metal roofing on which I'm gonna do tomorrow we'll dump that gutter out onto this roof deck and it'll slide down and then go into a gutter here so this post over a bit I'm gonna put another post here so that's what's next but tomorrow we're gonna do the roofing I'm gonna put the membrane down and do the metal roofing tomorrow so let's talk about step flashing if you don't know what it is when you're up against a wall like this you want to actually do step flashing and what step flashing is is these little individual pieces of flashing and what they do is they tuck up underneath the shingle you start at the bottom just like with any shingle and you go up in each course you tuck it up under the shingles you can see that one I nailed that one off actually I didn't nail these off I just nailed them to the sidewall here I did nailed this one off because I needed to this is called a kick-out flashing I'll tuck my siding I'll redo this when I do my siding and I'll cut my siding in around this and get this hole fixed when I do my siding but that's how you do a step flashing so you step up each time so it's an individual piece you slide it up under the shingle see some of them couldn't go as far because there was a nail in the way but that's okay as long as it overlaps underneath the whole premise is that if any driving rain comes in up underneath here it'll hit that step flashing and it won't get behind or underneath the shingles it'll just run down on top of the next shingle on top of the next one on top of the next one and work its way all the way down to the bottom and then your bottom course is called a kick-out flashing and you're kicking it out this way so that the water is not running up against the house it's actually kicking out away from the house this particular area right here is really not going to see much water at all because it's underneath this overhang here but it didn't want to kind of show you guys what what step flashing is and it's important up against a wall so that water doesn't get underneath and then what I did is I just added a piece of zip tape on top of this and covered up my nails so I nailed each one kind of in the middle you only need like basically a nail just to hold it in place I nailed each one as I went up and then I taped over top of the nails in this case because I'm using zip zip tape so I'm doing the zip sheeting right now on the side of this wall and I'll come back here once I'm finished with this wall and I'll take these joints that's the benefit of the zip is that is that actually the tape that keeps that keeps it watertight and then we'll we'll kind of piece the tape and I'll probably pull this flashing away just a little bit tape behind this and then work my way down I've got to put another piece in underneath here so working on the the flashing today got all the roof decking on I'm letting it dry it's been raining obviously for the last two days I'm letting all this decking dry out here till tomorrow and then I'm going to put all my roofing on tomorrow
Channel: Brad_Woodall_REI
Views: 835
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mUh_Uo6McG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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