Scratchcards on a Tuesday

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hi guys it's RAV here from scratch card winners and welcome to an episode of scratch cards on a Tuesday so I have got £49 worth of scratch cards today let's see what have we got we have got the 250,000 orange I will call them we've also got well there £10 of them then we've got three luxury lines we've got two of the Black Pearl because I still have not won anything decent on them and then we've got the new snack Stacks yeah so we got four of them and we've got 49 in total so yes we are going to start off with the 2 ones and work our way up so here we go let's see what is in store today if anything that is looking for nine we've got a win it's not going to be bust Off the Mark with a two win nice looking for two and eight 28 nope nothing for the 28 how about 13 nope not a 13 either 22 we have not got and the last one can we have another win please and it is no we can't all right so we just got one win of 2 that is terrible on to luxury lines let's see what you can do what's that we starting off with the snowboard we've got a limo a vault deck chair Diamond got a ring got a bag just the one a yacht cockies so holidays there two of them got a passport what one plane tub VIP some coins and finally a bracelet so no win by the looks of it no no no I have to double check these because of these white ones you tend to miss but no it's not looking like a WI on to the losing pile starting off with some coins got a gem red carpet there's that tub again got the car keys television Lio to go with the keys got a bracelet and perfume sure there was two of them yes there is a bag come on we need that safe now don't we yacht yacht yacht where did I see you there you are GI box got a ring and finally a snowboard and again I think that is a loser no no good all right last one eight bag there it is playe and what rubbish cards didn't even get a win on that one shocking absolutely shocking so yep you can also go on the losing pile right onto the black pears still to find a decent win on one of these I think the most I've won is £25 that's when I first bought them and I got that Pearl symbol right 36 no 21 nope no 34 no 28 and no 30 no no no 26 no one oh no seven and nothing 21 24 15 20 as about a matching symbol nope come on we do not want to walk away we're just 2 pound today so come on do something for us nope wow it is B nothing nothing there and nothing there all right black pill rubbish so just about squeeze this in if you can see at the top yeah okay with 32 seven nine 18 10 six 30 20 I don't know why I'm reading the numbers out just in case you can't see them that was eight and we've got a 35 four 21 19 got a few chances 16 last time these cards came out all they did is just literally tease more or less every single one was down to one and it still wouldn't give you the win right now that's what it's still doing guess they haven't changed the tactics may have changed the color of the card but that's about it and that is nothing a big hole nothing okay so we start off with 17 got a four six 18 30 16 10 1 55 9 and 29 uh three 24 23 and eight 25 haven't got any on that one yet got 12 getting some cheese cheese will be 20 if we can get it 34 33 pizza will be 10 19 and they probably don't give us any of them 28 did that do anything no it didn't all right so that's two cards down and still no win we've got one win and I think if it wasn't for that one 2 card this video might have been a bust I'm not given up we still got two cards to go you never know just one card all it takes to turn things around 36 11 33 35 4 32 31 19 26 10 two three and 21 wow I actually thought it was going to give us that 34 I mean that would have only been a f but5 would have been better than nothing at this rate I mean that's the last card now guys last one we've literally I know it's a little bit blurry on the top but that's why I'm reading the numbers out because it's just aware that the card is a little bit too big so that is a 35 got a six [Music] 21 19 16 Come On You' got to do some don't want to walk away with just twoo quid today that will be absolutely shocking and I think it's going to do that to me just have that feeling no we've got a win we've got a five worth of soup finally 36 20 12 24 13 I don't think it can give us much more and 27 no so we got a fiver back yes shocking very shocking today guys £49 spent and look at that walking away with 7 quid not the best but that's the way it goes sometimes that's the way it is so guys hopefully you enjoyed that video if you did why not give it a big thumbs up and I will be back with another video soon as quick as I can uh until then guys as usual enjoy the rest of the week and I'll see you soon
Channel: Scratchcard Winners
Views: 4,021
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Keywords: national lottery, scratch card winners, winning scratchcards, scratchcard, scratch cards, big win scratchcards, jackpot win, full pack scratchcards, google, youtube, facebook, uk scratchcards, scratchers
Id: zeVrnZus87A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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