Bank Holiday Scratchcards

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hi guys it's RAV here from scratch card winners and welcome to an episode of scratch cards on a Monday so I have got ยฃ0 worth of scratch cards this week let's see what have we got what have we got um started opting more for the5 ones recently uh I don't know why I just getting bored the 2 ones but I have got five of the 250,000 orangey which I don't mind cuz you can always find aing in them uh Mega multiplier I got two of them black pearl I have got two of them 5 years for you the5 one I have got two and 500 loaded I have got four of them so obviously we're going to start off with the 2 ones and we will see what today brings so let's get into it we have a win straight away oh nice that's three any more looking for a 12 we have a 12 oh nice so 10 win at least yep 2 4 six eight and 10 very nice start looking for for 21 and no 21 necklace oh got a win we have got the fingers it's a 2 win but we will take it looking for 13 L 13 and I think this is the last one for the two ones 29 and no so not bad not bad right now it's time for the5 cards let's move all this R this on to one side okay winning symbols we're looking for sandal and a bolt we've got the sandal any matching oh so one lot of sandals four nice ยฃ10 helicopter and a sun hat NOP nothing on the second one get you over there and winning numbers for the Black Pearl 23 18 22 2 and 29 nope nope next one we've got a 2018 so that's a win four 5 it is better than nothing all right 16 nope 12 two 34 nope no no no okay nothing on the second one Mega multiplier is let's see what you can do okay we got 35 45 48 we've also got a 33 a 37 a 39 and a 42 nothing yet 46 no 31 no no 44 no 17 and no number one all right you got a loser 58 14 43 we got a 7 33 8 and a 42 well you can always find a star or one of them wallet thingy migs to win so you never know 54 52 nope not 39 49 and 56 27 24 nope nope nope nope no three no six and last one is a 21 did with nothing on them ones right it's all down to the 500 loaded now let's see what you can do need at least 120 that will be nice not asking for too much cuz you know you can't really well the prizes are there it's just luck isn't it okay first one is a loser on to number two we got four of these nothing yet nope so it's two done two to go on there it is right at the end we got a double double double is going to give us A10 win at least we got one right still got one card never KN could be a back to back [Music] nope so 60 in don't know what we got back let's have a look all right so that was a 10 that was a five 15 25 that was 35 37 not bad not the greatest but at least we got a few wins uh so there you go guys scratch cards on a Monday video hopefully you enjoyed it if you did why not hit the like I will see you maybe next week or the end of the week with another video Until Then guys enjoy your bank holiday uh weather's getting better so hopefully in the garden enjoying enjoy the rest of the week and as usual I'll see you soon
Channel: Scratchcard Winners
Views: 4,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: national lottery, scratch card winners, winning scratchcards, scratchcard, scratch cards, big win scratchcards, jackpot win, full pack scratchcards, google, youtube, facebook, uk scratchcards, scratchers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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