Quick & Easy Way to Strip Copper Wire By Hand For $1

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foreign [Music] guys I just thought I'll make a quick video on how to easily and basically to do it for free how to strip insulated wire now um if you're into Street scrapping or just started maybe like myself I haven't been doing it for long I don't really take it seriously I'm just uh decide to give it a go see what uh amount of copper I can get before I take it down to the scrap yard copper is going up in price in the last year um yeah you can pick it up from Curbside collection building sites and that sort of thing uh obviously stuff that is getting tossed away in the bin yeah anything that's on curbside maybe you might have just started Street scrapping I just thought I'll show you a very quick and easy way on how to strip this wire now can get tedious especially wire this gauge now this was taken off a extension lead uh here's the end of the extension lead chord so it had the thick insulated wire with the three uh gauge wire of this uh by 1.5 mil two mil uh in diameter and um I just basically use Simple uh tools like this uh potato peeler or vegetable peeler this one I primarily use to strip off the larger gauge wire here the outside insulation so what I do is I use this plr just have it basically flat on the ground outside here not on the bench because this was a 20 meter length uh extension wire and then I'll just feed it through I'll just feed it through like that and peel it off and this one works well for the thicker gauge wire but for the uh standard you know a small gauge wire like this I just use a normal vegetable peeler in the vice so I'll show you how to do it guys and these basically are a dollar each guys so a couple of bucks you can start stripping away wire for basically next to nothing now I went on eBay when I first started uh stripping copper wire to see if I could find a you know wire stripper machine now the cheapest ones that I could find were around 40 50 bucks um and then you have to do it manually still I'll put up a picture of um what I found today uh there's one there for 72 bucks but really with shipping it's you know an extra 20 bucks around 90 bucks and then you've got that other one which is fully electronic I think you said 750 watts for over 500 bucks now if you're new to doing this you don't want to be spending money like that just a strip wire because you haven't made any money to start off with I can understand if you're a professional Scrapper yeah you might want to opt for that 500 odd dollar machine but not when you just start it out so this is the simplest way to do it okay what I do I use the leading this the Leading Edge of the blade okay now I've got the wire sitting down there okay and then just hold your hand out straight so you can feed it through and then as simple as that guys just keep feeding it through keep it straight as you can see it's going straight into the bin off the Vise here it's really quick and easy okay now if it cuts off like that just backtrack a little bit where are we just here and get it going again okay so just um keep it nice and level with the blade as you can see here I've come to the end and there we go as you can see here is nicely cut all you have to do then is just twist it a bit and you can get the wire out simple as that look at that guys all right comes off I'll just do this one as you can see it comes off nice and easy all right and what I like to actually do is before I strip The Wire okay I like to leave a bunch of them sitting in the sun and they want the insulation warms up and gets softer it's much easier to strip uh you know why that's been sitting in the sun rather than cold insulated why because this tends to break off a lot easier and in many many different pieces okay it's not as easy to cut so do you have it okay go back to the bench so you can see it just quickly wind it up you get a fair bit of copper out of each winding now this is I've cut this down to smaller bits because this is like a 20 meter extension cord so rather than you know have 20 meter lengths I've cut them down to you know three or four meters each and uh you do a bunch of them now as you see here I've got a whole bunch laid out same deal okay they're ready to uh strip what I do I just go and cut them all and then peel them off at the end okay that's what I tend to do see and same deal just uh peel this off rather easy you might get a bit that breaks off here and there where you haven't cut it but you just continue to process it like that all right guys so there you go that's the simplest way that I do it um I just use a couple of one dollar peelers and um you can get through quite a bit in a short amount of time it's even better if you've actually got someone to help you you know you go and cut it and then have someone peel it off you get it done twice as fast and doing it yourself so anyway guys cheers for watching just thought I'll make a quick video on how I strip wire as you can see it's done quite a bit there if you've got a vise and a bench like this just have it set up like that you know that way all the insulated wire goes straight into the bin you don't have to sweep up nothing and uh you're good to go so have a good one guys hope this uh is somewhat informative especially to people that are new to stripping copper wire and um yeah go scrap that metal and take it down and see what you can get for it alright guys thanks very much for watching I'll catch you on the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: BUDGETech Gadget Reviews
Views: 51,459
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Keywords: copper scrap, copper salvage, easy way to scrap copper, Quick & Easy Way to Strip Copper Wire By Hand For $1, Easy Way to Strip Copper Wire By Hand, easiest way to strip copper wire, copper wire stripping easy, wire stripping the easy way, best way to strip copper wite without a wire stripping machine, best way to strip copper wire, copper wire recycling, cash for copper wire, cash for copper, simplest way to strip copper wire, copper for scrap, scrap copper wire, strip copper
Id: OrnpNo2R-qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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