Scrap Copper Knowledge

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alright hey there ladies and gentlemen so my name is hunter I am one of the owners of Bracken recycling here in San Antonio Texas and today my first video that I'm doing a scrap yard knowledge you know I watch a YouTube videos all the time it has people explaining how to make funny scrapping metal and things like that and the problem is I always see and people are just misinformed or whatever it might be you know so I figured if I made a videos it was from a scrapyard owners perspective it might actually help people a lot and I and I want to make more you know wait for see what the feedback is and see if I'll waste any of my time it's gotten wasting with them so today we're going to I'm just going to go over copper all my other videos are going to be just right right to the point and I hate watching videos and five minutes is somebody driving to a scrapyard nobody wants to watch you drive or scrap your for five minutes talking about yourself okay so we're on YouTube to find out hey how do I do this how do I do that so we're going to start with with copper today and I'm going to teach you a little bit about copper and if you have any questions write over the comments I will answer them and if I don't know the answer I'll find an answer for you but I've been around scrap my entire life so I know quite a bit about it so we're gonna start with bare bright copper and keep in mind is every scrap cars depending on where you're from what location just all kinds of things matter about people buy all scrap yards classify the metals differently they can there's a basis port but you know one scrap yard might say well that's number two copper and another scrap yard my sake that's number one so I've watched a lot of videos and people talking about olive oil you know I got screwed over because this guy bought it is number two and he'll buy it is number one the most important thing to do that I tell everybody at the end of the day is look at the bottom line what does it pay you per pound that's all they're really matter I don't care if you call my copper three five thousand copper whatever copper you want what are you going to pay me for panels for my material and that goes for all materials what are you doing painting four pounds I don't care what you call you can write it down on your little sheet and put it on your computer however you want that's what I would tell fire you know the inner inner in our view what are you paying me for pound okay so doesn't mean you're necessarily getting screwed over if someone doesn't pay you as much as another scrap yard okay there's a plenty of reasons why they might pay you less you know maybe they just don't want it as bad you know it's just like a you know why does one department store you know sell a dress or something like that for for less than another you know it's just all about how bad that scrapyard wanted maybe they don't have a good as good of an outlet for it as the scrap yard across the street maybe they buy a whole lot more so they get a better price so they can work out the volume there's a number of reasons now there's plenty of scrap yards out there that we are going to take advantage of you so just be aware you know and use your own common sense it's all I can really tell you this is a our scrap yard we classified this is favor by copper it pays the most out of all the coppers I'm going to try to get close up there you can see it pretty much bright shiny copper pretty self-explanatory they're bright copper and it takes the most here so one thing that is necessary obviously there's bright and shiny but also if you see each individual wire that spilled one back we complete each individual wire right there so the diameter of each individual wire needs to be at least the diameter of like an average paperclip you know it to be considered a product it's smaller than that you know even if it's bright and shiny it's not going to go on the bare bright and it becomes like hair wire looks like hair okay now the I know it's probably saying a lot of you are going to like well my favorite different signs in your favorite put I'm just trying to give you an idea okay so you know you use your own common sense for that so the dull with this and I'm done playing around with it hanging around my neck to try to what season anymore so get rid of it okay next up number one copper I can be anything so it could be anything that's you know doesn't have solder or paint or anything on there trying to get it a little close up it could be pipe liar whatever it's all going to be number one copper pretty much just clean numbers offer no other test nonmetallic so anything like that so then you have number two copper number two copper is going to be anything that solder pain or anything that just describes it are on number one copper so like this is hard to see but all these little places where it's joined together with the copper is solder some people don't know it solder is and they use that to put pipes together and things like that copper to using electrical things like that anyways this is a nonconformity when it comes to copper the reason that it's less funny it's because when they melt this down compared to melting something like this down they're going to get a better percentage of copper out of this one that's why it's worth more so you have stuff like this it has paint on it that's number two cups if it's silver coated it's number two copper this is a pipe is silver coated you've got chrome silver whatever you want to call it this is the same thing silver coat it doesn't this doesn't even look like number two copper and a lot of people think stuff like this is brass but all you have to do is take a file and scratch into it if you see the copper color looks likely it's probably copper throw it in with your copper stuff take it a scrap yard and they'll be able to tell you this thing things are solder here and the solder on the other side and just because it's not silver doesn't mean it's not there just look for it you'll be able to tell if it's on there this same thing silver-coated you can't really tell because can't get it close enough to the camera they don't have super long arms and I'm kind of like a stubby guy so anyway again how I was talking about the diameter of a paperclip so if you get a bunch of hair wire it looks kind of like thin it's really thin looks like your hair you know and each individual strand is smaller than the diameter of a the average paperclip that's going to be considered number two copper again some scrap yards might throw it in with their number one so logo might call it number three copper or I don't know people have all kinds of different categories of copper but here Bracken recycling number two copper same thing with answer it's just another form of hair wire that you can see in a second here I'll get a close-up of everything so that's all number two sitting here you can really see the solder that's as the solder looks like when you know it's freshly put on there it's still ER and they use it stick this in solder on there and it holds it together now as far as this and I get a little bit closer to the camera so you can see so as far as something like this now this is something if you brought this in you'd probably want to cut it you know I would not waste time cutting all this to make it number one and you know then have your number to cover but this for sure because this is plastic sometimes it's diecast this part of it right here it's going to be brass and this is iron right here this pipe is joining it together iron this is off the brass all those items are worth less than copper all right there you go you got a close up my beard so all those are worth less than copper so you definitely want to cut those off okay now just kind of break it down for you if you if that's something you'd like to do sit in your garage kick back have some beers and sit there and cut and clean copper then by all means do it you know if it's therapeutic for you then heck do it who cares you know it's taking up all your time right however the way I kind of look at it should I clean it should I cut it people asking what should I judicially to do that here's the thing you should do when you go to the scrap yard look around the scrap yard and I tell all my customers if you don't see us doing and hear that it's probably not worth your time if you see us doing it here then maybe it is worth your time because we've been around this for so long we've been there done that we've seen what works what doesn't work what cost a lot of money what does it what makes you more money so we know if you don't see as soon as there's in most likely it's not beneficial to you to sit there and do it so you know if you have a big pipe like this if you have big pipes like this and just the end right here solder by all means you should probably cut it because then you can upgrade the copper to a number more copper okay but pretty much here's what I would do if I were you maybe just one time you know you take a bunch of copper that you've collected okay and you know weigh it up on scale as well now you know keep in mind that scale at home you know you probably got it from Walmart or whatnot it's not going to be a hundred percent accurate but it's pretty dang close you know so put it on the scale weigh it up and then time yourself you know inside yourself like you would normally clean it don't tie yourself like all the speed racer' five ten now oh look I got nice hands you know it's not going to work so cut it up time yourself and then whatever yard you take it to call him and say what's the price for number one what's the price for number two okay do the math on your own and say okay what upgraded all this to number one and opened this is number two I would have sold it all for number two if I wouldn't have cleaned it right let's just do the math on it and be like well this is how much more I made because I cleaned it and you'd be really surprised because a lot of times people to realize that they clean all the nitty-gritty pieces and they realize it's totally making like five or six dollars an hour and so I always think of it like if I'm doing something that is off of work you know to make more money I would assume that I would want to make more than my normal job and if your normal job is to go out there and scraps and keep that in mind be like man I just wasted two hours and I made five dollars an hour upgrading all that stuff I could have been out there hustling more scraps you know so time management is really important I have five kids at home and a wife so time management is very important for me I probably got to get going soon so I hope you like this video I hope it was informative and if you have any questions like I said leave them in the comment section and I'll get to whatever questions you have about scrapyard anything you've ever wondered you're like oh I wonder this and what does that when it you know you just feel like you never got a straight answer I'll give them to you I give straight answers and like I said if I don't know the answer then I'll find it for you I don't know the answers to everything but when it comes to scraps is something I really genuinely love to do and so I would love it if I could help any of you and you know I'm sure there's going to be people that come out with all kinds of comments about or that kind of a review but you know whatever up there's always going to be haters haters gonna hate so anyways hope you like wonder you do
Channel: Bracken Recycling
Views: 219,862
Rating: 4.830986 out of 5
Keywords: copper recycling, bracken recycling, scrap, scrap metal, copper prices, metal recycling, copper, scrap yards, recycling copper, scrap recycling, scrap copper, copper scrap
Id: Z26ge2LvHOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2017
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