Free Copper - It's Everywhere! Trash Day TV's, Microwaves, Computers

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free copper it seems to be a popular subject on YouTube going by a couple of my videos they're probably the most viewed videos that I have and the most controversial videos I have I seem to get a lot of you know comments and especially negative comments about getting free copper as simply because well firstly I guess the way I pronounce copper but mostly because where I get my copper from is from electronics and and yeah in my opinion it's free but a lot of people will say well it's not free if you've got to go and pick it up and you've got a scrap out electronics to get it and and you know how free is that when you've got a you know spend time and spend fuel in driving around picking it up well you can't get any more free than picking a piece of electronics up off of the street that's going to be thrown into rubbish and just going into landfill that's about as free as you can get I mean the option is to go and buy copper wire from a hardware store and go and see just how much it costs but as far as just scrap copper for any other projects or you know just you know if you just want to UM get the money value or you want to melt copper down and and that's another thing I've I've melted I like to melt my copper down into copper ingots and I seem to get a you know people are seem to be confused that you need to you know melt your copper into an ingot for it to be of any value well you know I've mentioned that in every video but people just don't seem to listen so you know you don't have to melt copper into a bar that's just my hobby it's just something I like to do other people might melt it into a bar and then that machining the copper into pieces that they want for other projects but you know so basically when I say free copper II it's it's just a to get the copper like that if you want to just sell your copper as scrap then just like this you take it to the scrapyard and you'll get full value for your copper that's that that's as far as you need to go one what you do what I do I with the copper after that that's got nothing to do with the videos that I've made about you know make a getting free copper off the streets or wherever so I don't know I just seem to get a lot of negative comments and I even a lot of abuse about videos you know the couple of videos that I've made about where I get free copper from and and yeah so but that's fine that's just water off a duck's back you don't hurt you know I'm not saying you have to go ahead and get it if you want to get copper you can you can go and buy it you know but if you're a resourceful kind of person and looking for if you really want copper well there are ways to get it for free I mean nothing is really for free in this world if someone said I'll come to our store and we'll give you a free hot dog for every person that walks into our store well it's you know I can argue well that's not free because I had to drive to that store and get that hot dog and then drive back home so the fuel cost me X amount of dollars so it's a ridiculous argument to say that picking up electronics to get the copper out for free is not free it's you know and they'll say oh you know what about you know the time you put into it and all that well the it's it's again it's not the point this isn't a business this is you know what you do as a hobby if that's what you're into if you're not into copper as a as a hobby or have any real use talk for it then and you're not even interested you don't believe that you know selling it is worthwhile I mean what's it worth copper is worth about $3 a pound or six as a kilo so yeah it's it's not like it's not gold but it is copper and yeah so a lot of you know I guess a lot of kids in that you know don't understand and you know the how things in life work but anyway so I just wanted to revisit those videos and just yeah just go over on how I'm getting free copper and there's basically three three kinds of electronics that I I focus on to get my copper and first one is the microwave ovens okay so we all know old microwave ovens that are broken people from out in the trash all the time every trash day they'll be microwaves out in the street and you know some people say I I never see a microwave well you just haven't been around because I see hundreds of them and so as you know we get copper transformers from microwaves and we can get some nice good heavy copper we get at least usually at least a kilo of copper or about two and a half pounds of copper from a microwave so you know check out on eBay and see how much it costs you to buy two pounds of scrap copper it's not you can't get it for free no one's going to give it to you and yeah as I said if you just want to look at the value of it and you want to take it to the scrapyard that's how you take it to the scrapyard and it's good enough you can sell that for the value of copper but if you have other you know reasons for getting copper then you know this is an excellent source microwave ovens to get that copper the second type of electronics that I get my copper from our computers and servers so mostly mostly in the heat sinks so in a in a server tower you get a lot of times you can get these nice copper heat sinks so it's it's just pure copper solid copper copper fins and they're very heavy they weigh about a pound each almost Oh probably a half a pound but yeah so as your nose servers like this one most likely we'll have two heat sinks and a lot of cases if they're good service they'll be copper ones so that's another free source of copper also in PCs we get the heat sinks with the fans you know on top of the CPUs again and they also have what I call copper stickers okay so this copper here as far as some it's probably one of the best types of copper that I can find because they're in little rods for some people that like to machine copper this is ready to go it's beautiful and as far as melting copper this is clean and pure it's about the best copper it's much better than copper wire when you're melting because there's really no impurities in it so it's a really good copper say yeah that's from PCs and service so that's my second Avenue and the the big one which probably the most controversial televisions and a lot of people seem to be saying I don't see any of these old TVs out in the street anymore went well that's not true because I see hundreds of them and sure they're not as common as they used to be but you know as you'll see in this video I'm I'm picking them up left right and center in hard rubbish and you know every time just about I Drive out in the street there's always one hanging around somewhere and so there's two ways to get the copper from these it's either you take it the copper out straight out on the street and just leave the television there for the garbage truck to pick it up and send it away to landfill um it's only going to landfill or bring the TVs back with you and kill two birds with one stone by recycling the TVs at the end and then you know obviously I'm going to get comments well it costs money to take them away to a recycling center well if that's an issue for you I mean I usually build them up to I get about twenty and I'll take 20 at a time to the recycler yeah so if it's an issue then don't don't do it and you know but at the same time don't abuse me for what I do and for what other people like to do so this is probably still my main source of copper coming from TVs and we get the degaussing cable which is a really heavy gauge copper wire inside and we also got the copper yokes where we get nice about four nice pieces of copper like that and again this is ready to go you can just solve these copper to scrapyard and they'll pay you full price for whatever grade they grade it this is usually goes as number two copper and so yeah whatever it is that's that's all you need to do but for me I like to melt these down and turn them into something else for my own hobby so yeah this is what I've collected over over well this year about a month ago hard rubbish finished in the area so yeah these were from all the TV's that I scrapped out on the street or brought them back and here we go again just all copy oaks okay so you know there's you know this you know this didn't happen by magic this is just you know televisions that are out on the street and I've picked them up so for those people that are saying others there's none of these TVs left out on the street there's millions of them so anyway I just wanted to you know clarify a few things because as I said my copper videos that I've put up from the microwave or from a television I seem to be quite popular but also seem to be the most controversial and I get the most abuse from and really some people are just unbelievable I mean but anyway it's all fun at the end of the day and so recently I just finished off the hard rubbish in my area so I've got a few little Clips here I'll show you on how I'm getting copper yeah you just judge for yourself whether it's worth it for you but you know if if you don't believe that it's worth picking up televisions or picking up computers or picking up microwave ovens for free copper then move on and go about life and hey you know I get comments I you're you make more money working at McDonald's or something like that well maybe but this is not about working it's all making money this is just something I do when I need copper oh there's a lot of people that are machinists and engineers that that want to make copper bars to machine well what's the option you see some videos on YouTube of people melting copper and you ask well where did you get the copper oh I bought this you know at the hardware store or or you know I bought copper pipe to melt down to see you know what it's like to make a bar but you know you're paying probably five or six times these the scrap value in that case you just go and try go and try buying our a reel of nice copper wire like that you got to pay a fortune for it so you know it's really hard to explain and I really it's probably not worth trying to explain to people that are you know almost ignorant on the whole idea of why we get copper for our own projects you know but you know people that understand and understand that yeah if you want copper you're going to have to either pay for it through the nose or you um you go get it yourself for free and okay like I said I reckon there's still a couple of years of these TVs out there a lot of people just put them in their garage and you know only decide once in a blue moon to get rid of them and so they're certainly out there and you'll see in this video that there's deer out there everywhere computers well not all computers will have the copper stackers in in the heat sinks and not all servers will have solid copper heat sinks but they're in there and I get quite a lot microwaves some people say I haven't seen copper in a microwave for ages they all seem to be aluminium heat sinks sorry aluminium transformants well that's not the case for me and I was just looking at the department store at the cheapest microwave I could find which is about $40 and it was heavy yes and that's going to have copper the only thing with some of the modern microwaves is not all of them are the old star they're the new style is the inverter microwaves like that one there see inverter so they don't have transformers like that but they still have copper winding but just not as much but you know they're not really they're about 20% of microwaves out there most of them do have the Transformers and you know I find most of my transformers are the copper ones I don't know yeah not sure about the people that you know claim that everyone that they've found is aluminium they've probably only scrapped out two or three microwaves in their life but if you get a lot of them you find that there's heaps of copper and you've seen my other video on free copper from microwave yeah there's a good amount of copper and well worth it if if that's what you want just a copper and I'm not going to talk about the Transformers and what uses they have other than that well yeah once you get 5 or 10 transformers to keep to use for other electrical projects whatever you do from generate power or whatever you want to do eventually you're going to get a stockpile where you can actually start going full of copper and just keep the best samples and hear the rest for coppers well there's another CRT free copper on the streets on garbage day people are fraying out the old CRT televisions we've got quite a lot of copper in there one option is to remove the copper out of the straight out of the TV and leave it there for their recycling people to take it away or is to take it away yourself remove all the valuables and then send it off to the transfer station a recycling center so they can recycle it properly this is most likely going to go into landfill right so it's a waste of precious resources as well as toxic for the environment so why we're taking this off the street removing all the good stuff and then sending it to the recycling center you're doing not only yourself a favor by getting yourself some free copper but you're doing the environment a favor in that way these get recycled properly and and the future is much better so I'll take this now there we go nice Panasonic got some smaller TVs that's all you need to do when you're picking up going around on the streets rubbish garbage day there's hundreds of TVs still out out there so if you're looking for free copper it's still there as well as microwave ovens you've got some copper in there as well another TV yeah we got room it hasn't been scrapped okay it's Philips so it's a good one still got the cord old-school monitor these are good tubes of copper so not bad the TVs have certainly filled up the van a bit yeah so two pcs or one and a half if you like but at least we've got some copper out of these TVs and and yeah they're going to be a bit of work to you know send them off to the recycling center once I'm finished with them but that's what it's all about at least these ones that I'm taking are going to be you know left out of landfill and they're going to be recycled properly plus we get the copper and all that out of it see another TV this one's an old one and all to Sheba black stripe this one all Toshiba czar good copper in that we reckon TV Papa well since it has made script we take it I've got the trusty drill bugger I want the copper yoke so let's just scrap it out on the spot there you go didn't take that long did it first thing we do on the street we always cut that first off the flyback transformer remove that top one yoke circuit board here yeah less than a minute yoke circuit board degaussing table and we've got plenty of copper in there doors and tables put the cover back on some nice heavy one that means copper transformer okay getting there slightly another microwave nice shiny silver one beautiful okay LG good good copper in that way near Capri out here guys no shortage and at the same time you get your free copper and you get your free exercise and you have a little bit of fun I don't have a microwave just a little one that still a microwave thank you thank you well Sony look at the size of em decor something again always cut the cable leading to the I don't know if you're getting this I'm on a good angle we want this divorcee is probably 10 bucks for coppered just in the degaussing table okay hold on circuit board three-piece circuit board two-piece Sony divorcing cable you know these are going to be great and a huge papi okay now we just clean up [Music] [Music] [Music] mother screw on Mars I'll do the small one too since I'm here [Music] [Music] thank you there's a little TV will you reckon well I can't be bothered scrapping it on the spot it's just a dud brain but we'll take a little bit of copper now the TV more copper [Music] - easier cut the cord safety ready to go we've got add the gossan cable copper yoke and assert the board we can get some copper off aluminium I see chips it's all there two minutes [Music] that's a big Martin okay we've got a couple of nice TVs here this one's a Sony good one this one giant it's gonna be gross the gossan table here so this one's already had some work don't know that it's an old one so I'm not sure how much we're going to be able to get out of this wobbly [Music] so again same procedure cut remove there we go free copper there's another okay wow this one's old any small joke there you go more free copper cable here [Music] there we go one more well that was for TVs in one pile and he's another one right next to it free copper every way oh that's a nice one look at that look at what a copper there take that to so a couple of minutes doesn't doesn't look like what you reckon scrap it out get some free copper Wow okay more free copper there we go one minute here we go another television how many's that I've only been driving around for half an hour and probably number seven or eight I reckon we can get the copper out of this one to cut the cord safety first but as far as safety is concerned on DCI T's as long as they're been sitting around for a while no problem I mean this this TV is probably my 3500 CRT that I've scrapped so I never had a problem okay ready for the rubbish was a little shiny probably a good little one to keep as a collectible if you have room you know I certainly don't have room to keep old TV I've got a lot better stuff to keep shiny circuit board beautiful copper yoke and a say need the coursing cable we're in business this pile just goes on forever actually there's a TV there I should scrap it out a okay so there you go free copper it's everywhere and it's still out there there's still plenty of these TVs as you saw a lot of mice crept out on the spot and you know because I can't take them all with me to the recycling center but you know that's just how it goes it's I take as many as I can back home you saw a lot of the small ones that I've brought back and a lot of microwaves and once I'm finished taking out all the copper out of them you know I send these to the right place and get them recycled and then it's a it's you know it's great you know because these make no mistake they when they're put out in a in the hard rubbish or out in a trash on a weekly basis and the garbage collectors come and pick them up they don't take them anywhere remember if you actually watch them how they throw them into the back of the truck and then the can the compactor pushes it all into the back they actually explode and they they they crush half of up and they're just going into landfill and so that's unfortunate but there's billions of them that have been put in landfill unfortunately government's aren't you know really taking the initiative to recycle improperly but you know the ones that I take out and send them off to the recycling center they will get recycled so at least the ones that I'm doing all that led in there and any other toxic material is going to be recycled properly so I'm getting my free copper but I'm also doing a little bit for the environment so you know if you want to talk about value well not so much for our generation but in the future generations every television that we can keep out of landfill is just it's going to you know be much nicer for the future for the next generations so but you know unfortunately a lot of them do go into landfill and there's not much we can do about them if the government's aren't going to do do anything about it first so but there you go guys plenty of free copper out there no question about that is really nice you know good copper here and there you know depends on what you do with it if you just take it all to the scrapyard and sell it that's fine you'll get pretty good money for copper other people like to speculate on copper like an investment you know and that's why I like to make bullion bars I'll make more videos about that in the future but you know copper doesn't necessarily have to be six dollars a kilo forever you know it's more and more expensive to mine copper out of the ground and you know they only get a few kilos of copper for every ton of dirt that they dig out of the ground so even just selling your copper like this to the scrapyard you know it's putting it back into the system so it's a you know it's creating less need to actually dig holes in the ground to get the stuff because you know all this will just copper is very easily recyclable and yeah so anyway guys hope that was a little bit of fun and just an update on my opinion on scrap copper and getting it for free and where to get it and and yeah if you don't mind a little bit of work well this is a excellent source for copper and microwaves too as I said PCs but you saw that I picked up quite a lot of microwaves so even after we take out the copper transformer and other bits of copper and so on you know then we take the microwave to this scrap yard and we can still sell the microwave as scrap steel so we're also getting a little bit of money back for that for air time but otherwise get out there and get yourself some free copper before I get it all and but you know it's certainly out there guys have fun and I'll catch you next time soon
Channel: eWaste Ben
Views: 125,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Copper Wire, Scrap Copper, copper from tv's, copper from junk, copper stacking, Muphata pitala, cobre libre, libreng tanso, tembaga percuma, ewaste ben, street scrapping for copper, tv copper wire free, where to get copper, how to find copper, garbage picking
Id: rVtyZOp0Z3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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