How to process and sort Copper pipe and Brass fittings for CASH. Make money from home part time 2020

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alright guys we're gonna process out some of this copper today it's kind of piling up it's in my way so I'm gonna cut some of this all apart we've got all this up here to cut apart I got this whole bucket here we'll cut apart I got a lot more stashed but at least this will give me some room right here in this little area that way I could get on the other side of the bench over there maybe get in here to the wire stripper maybe I'll run some wire later but I'm gonna get to it and I'll give you guys a look as I go along so there's got a big pair of wire cutters cable cutters and device I just bring the plate for the tube right through put them down it's real nice small pieces they store real nice and easy like a stockpile quite a bit of it then and it doesn't take up as much room this is all number one copper I'll cut some with the bandsaw you know some of the one-inch stuff but this will cut 1/2 inch and 3/4 I made a video chop it up some copper with this a while ago you can go back and check it out but I'll get the bandsaw out today and I'll cut some of the bigger stuff and the harder stuff that you can't use these cutters for but number one copper maybe will fill up a whole bucket today I got quite a bit here that I'm gonna run through but here you got half-inch that end off and you get a fitting like that that'll go is number two this elbow with the cider that'll go is number two I'll cut it right along here same thing here I'll cut it here I'll cut it here in your little piece of number one this will be number two this whole section here will go is number one got piece of 3/4 now the whole thing is number one copper pipe don't fittings don't side or no paint but I'm gonna chop it up nice and flat into containers the way that everything fits real nice and tight together we definitely fit a lot more in there more 3/4 [Music] number one piece of one inch pipe same thing just big cable Carter I'll cut it and you get a check a number two just a fitting I just wanted to show you how I try to keep everything stacked up and separated I got a bend down here number one right to the side of it I keep my mixed brass and then right up on the top I keep all my number two copper that way what I got you know one spot to throw everything to one two three and then once this one down here gets filled up I'll start filling up this blue bucket here well I'm still added over here that's some more copper up on the bench this pile over here is dwindling but I've been moving all the stuff that's a little more time-consuming just throwing it on the ground there I'll get out the bandsaw to cut the brass off and take apart some of that stuff things like this I'll take apart all these pull the copper out separate the brass over here cut this here take the brass off from the number two copper and I still got this whole barrel to do I took out a few pieces and I move that copper line set over there one wine that soon and this is what I got about I don't know a third of the way full and my number two I threw in just a few pieces but I'll keep you guys posted as I go along and that's some more copper tubing from a line set got this insulation on it pulls right off underneath it number one copper tube cut through the insulation cut them down into sections and then just slide it right off throw them out once I cut the tape off the number one piece of tube then I'm gonna work on this mess I'll break all this stuff down for you the buckets filling up more number two is filling up more I dumped out the blue bucket now now I'll start putting my number one in there and then I got to break apart all these things all these brass fittings and circulator pumps all this different junk on the floor and I still got that green tub to go through and then I might go up to the back there and bring down two more bins of copper and work on that it's raining today so good day to do it so I got a brass fitting here in the vise got a little piece of copper pipe sticking out I go ahead I take these all apart this will be number one copper and then all this will go in mix brass takes a couple extra seconds to take these things apart I throw that in mix brass and then this little piece of copper I'll just hammer onto the fitting and throw that also this will go into brass the pipe will go into number one copper I've got all these copper pipes with the coating on it or use for like an oil line that stuff strips right off keep a knife handy this knife has been through hell I'll keep giving it a quick little sharp edge on it and it just peels this coating right off nice and easy number one copper I'm sure everybody's picked up a couple battles along the way picking up scrap they work real nice just to clean up things like this keep it sharp there's your number one copper something like this I'm going to put in the vise I'm gonna get the bandsaw out right now I'll cut right here this little piece of copper will go in number two copper and then I'll cut this you know about right here this will bottom section will go in number one copper I'll cut it again right here with the solder on it this will go in number two and then the brass valve will just go in mix brats so I got the bandsaw out like I said I'm gonna cut this side right over here you know one little that's a little 1 inch piece of number 2 copper [Applause] I'm gonna cut the press valve off okay and I'm gonna cut right here on the edge of the solder so you got number two copper with the solder piece and device is number one piece of brass that fell and this is the piece of number two copper number two copper so I'll cut everything apart like that here's another is so that the little piece of number two copper falls off brass valve here gonna go mix brats and then I'm just going to cut right on the edge of the solder number two copper and then device is number one type of pipe I'm going to work through this pile a little bit and I'll see you in a few minutes as I'm going through these I just wanted to show your file always have a file handy it's your best friend when you're doing copper and brass fittings if you don't know the difference between copper and a brass fitting the smile is definitely going to help you just file off one edge I get the camera to focus that's copper and then right here see the yellowish tint that's brass if you're unsure and you don't know the difference yet between the different metals keep the file nearby your bench keep it in your truck keep it in your pocket all the time and you can file off the edge of something and help you tell the difference between the different metals just wanted to give you guys a look at that that's brass on the Left that's copper on the right now we'll cut it right here and put them in the right bucket here's another example of a fitting altogether it looks like copper when you pick it up usually you can tell the difference just by the weight it's pretty heavy but again get out your file just file off a little edge on it and you can see it's yellow yellow brass and I'll just clean up the edge of the copper long as the camera will pick that up you can see the difference copper on the Left brass on the right and then I'll just cut it free down here right here number two copper on the bottom this right here is gonna be brass and then this edge right here will cut and that'll be nozzle number two copper I got a little valve here let take apart piece of brass inside the top right here is cast aluminum the bottom will be number one steel I got a brass fitting right here it's a part of a ball valve this is down in that big pile I've been working on so I figured I'd take one of them apart for you on film just so you can see what we get four screws yep brass is falling piece of solid brass just cast aluminum just gotta unscrew it that's cast aluminum no piece of sheet aluminum and then this nut and piece of threaded rod that's also brass pipe off this little nut another brass not look piece of steel this washer throw it in with light iron piece of rubber garbage and then down in here underneath all this old black gunk this this right here is brass got a socket right here it's a big nut down in here this is going to be another chunk of brass that you could pull out of these valves it's all brass throw that in with mix brats and like I said this body right here is doing the number 1 steal this little pipe right here number 1 steel and then this is a ball valve a brass ball valve will pull that off there you go number one steel and then the brass ball valve goes in mixed brass and a whole bunch of fittings here we're gonna cut apart most of it's gonna be number two I might get a little piece right here number one but everything else will be number two copper [Music] that's gonna be number one the rest I'm gonna cut away from the brash [Music] so that bandsaw great it works excellent for this superfast brass mix brass number two copper in just a few seconds [Music] just want to show you this one here's a nice piece this right here is just gonna be number one steel the valve the valve is gonna be brass I'm gonna cut this piece of copper off right here number two copper this is a piece of brass this fitting and then this whole pipe is brass nice thick solid brass nice chunk of brass right here I got to cut this end the copper off number two copper and this end the number two copper nice piece of brass this piece of pipe here is gonna be brass this end fitting is brass number two copper in the middle I'll cut these apart I'll pop off all these brass little nuts this right here came out of the front of a boiler it's on one of the switches or something tells maybe the boiler temperature or something on the inside but this here is copper number two copper just cut it off right there throw this in mix brass throw this in number two copper I only got a few other things to take apart I'm down to just the end right there in the bucket I just got to pull out all those number two pieces of copper those came off those copper aluminum coils from condensing units that I cut apart I don't know a few videos ago and this is what I got this is about I don't know two hours in the buckets about I'd say halfway full it's pretty heavy number two bucket it's almost halfway full and then the brass I keep adding to the brass I put quite a bit of weight in there right now is just about over a hundred pounds in that bucket already might be more last time I checked it was just over a hundred so maybe maybe it's at 150 now but I haven't weighed it in a while so I'm gonna cast aluminum I'm taking off the valves and that's about it I'm gonna go get another bucket of copper from the back I still got do that big line set well I think that's enough for this video you got an idea now of what I'm doing how I separate everything how I cut apart the pipe away I showed you a way to check if it's brass or copper I know a lot of you guys already know it but there's some people that are just starting to scrap or they want to learn how to scrap you know that might be something that's pretty helpful for them I see a lot of guys throw that in the wrong bucket and either get their copper downgraded or they're not getting the right price for it but hopefully this video was helpful for somebody thanks for watching like subscribe share comment I will see you guys on the next one stay safe thank you
Channel: Mike Has It
Views: 42,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, scrap, copper, copper mining, brass, scrap brass, scrap copper, copper pipe, make money from home, copper grades
Id: 8PMsezkVIY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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