SCP-682 VS SCP-076 - The Warrior and the Dragon

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Able wandered through the sands, a lone warrior, dragging a long, dark sword behind him, his black cloak flowing in the gentle breeze. The sword was thirsty. It’d been too long since it tasted blood. What had it been? A day since he cut down ten men in a tavern without breaking a sweat? They’d bled and screamed like pigs as he’d diced them into bloody chunks. He couldn’t remember their faces. They hadn’t earned that. Very few combatants had been remarkable enough to warrant committing to memory. It was all just more dead flesh. He took a sip from his canteen and sighed. Did this world hold no more challenges? What a boring eternity was laying out before him. His burden as the greatest warrior of all time weighed on him heavier than the chain. It was old and rusty, levered over his shoulder and grasped in one bloody hand. About fifteen feet behind him, the chain was connected to a dark, stone sarcophagus that was as much a part of him as his eyes, skin, or heart. If ever he was slain in the glorious heat of battle, he’d rise out of it, ready to fight and kill another day. All because of the actions of his worthless, good for nothing brother… He looked up when he heard the rush of footsteps and the clanking of armor. Warriors - or whatever passed for them around here - about twenty of them, circled all around him. Yes, oh yes. His grip tightened around his sword. One of the warriors called out something about him being under arrest, by order of the king, for murders beyond counting. Able couldn’t help but yawn. Words, words, words. Why even bother? He dropped the chain, and in one fluid motion, he threw his sword. In a fraction of a second, it’d pierced the armor of the chattering man, spearing him through his formerly beating heart. The scream died in his throat, he fell to his knees, then collapsed entirely. The other soldiers sent to kill or apprehend him turned to their fallen leader and gasped. It was that little gasp, that moment of distraction, that sealed their fates. Able’s face cracked into a whisper of a grin, as he drew two long daggers from the darkness of his coat. He’d at least try to have fun with this… Before the others could even get over their leader’s sudden death, Able had vaulted forward and begun his delicate dance of slaughter. Every swing found its way through armor and into skin. He sliced throats, cleaved off heads, parried blows, and pierced hearts. There was barely a single scream. Able killed too quick for screams. In what would seem like the blink of an eye for some, the soldiers around Able fell. Most dead, the rest dying. Some looked up to him in their dying moments, in terrified awe at the efficacy of their killer. In their dying moments, they knew that they never had a chance. They might as well have faced the glistening scythe of death himself on the battlefield. Able, on the other hand, rolled his eyes and sighed. Another pathetic waste of time. He sensed movement in the corner of his eye: One of the wounded soldiers was limping to his feet, trying to use the sword to lever himself off of the ground. With a flick of each wrist, Able tossed his knives into the man, killing him instantly. It really was that easy. “Your attempt to kill me does not offend me,” he said, to whoever was still able to hear. “What offends me is that they would send so few, and that those few would be such pitiful excuses for soldiers. This wasn’t a battle - It was a mercy killing.” He was ready to turn around, grab the chain, and carry on walking, when he felt a sudden pain in his back. There was a slight whistle, then another sharp spike of pain. There were now two arrows sticking out of his back. Able turned, surprised, and saw a much larger force standing behind him. Swordsmen, archers, men with clubs and axes and chains. The ones he’d killed were little more than a distraction. This was the real threat. This was the real army. Perhaps, these fools would give him some actual exercise. He reached into his cloak and pulled out a mighty obsidian battle axe. At the very least, he’d try to have a little fun turning this fighting force into cold cuts. A fog of arrows sailed through the air as he charged forwards, perforating his body, but the injuries didn’t slow him down. He lunged, slashed, and cleaved. Even as the weapons struck him, he carried on, killing person after person. At times, it was almost exciting - Almost, but not quite. By the time he was done, none were left standing. Thirty arrows were sticking out of him. He’d been cut deep by more weapons than he could count on his fingers and toes. He was breathing deeply, scarred chest pumping up and down. He coughed blood and cracked his neck back into place. They might’ve cut him a little too deep this time. No matter. Able fell to his knees, feeling the life draining from him. He wondered, when he awoke from the coffin again, what the world would look like. Sometimes it was days, sometimes weeks, months, or even years. As he fell forward, dying once again, he hoped that he’d wake into a world with a warrior or beast that could actually challenge him. Maybe someday… This was one of Able’s many lives, hundreds of years before he was contained by the SCP Foundation. He’s perhaps the greatest warrior who ever lived, died, and lived again. He’s a man so individually deadly that not only is he kept in a containment chamber under the sea, surrounded by highly trained and armed guards, he has his own localized on-site nuclear weapon, ready to blow away and annihilate him and his entire containment area if deemed necessary. He may not be a contagious anomalous pathogen or a lethal memetic hazard or a giant beast shooting world-destroying fireballs in every direction, but if this one-man massacre was left to his own devices, there’s no doubt that he would methodically slaughter his way through the human race until an XK-Class End of the World Scenario was practically inevitable. He was fueled by pure hatred and an almost bottomless bloodlust. He simply lived to fight and kill. And not only did he have the will and the skill to be a pure force of annihilation, but his anomalous abilities also make him perfectly tailored to the task. He has massively enhanced physical strength, speed, and durability, taking the kind of damage that would kill several normal humans to reliably put him down - Though even that is only a temporary measure. Able will always resurrect back into his black sarcophagus to menace the SCP Foundation another day. It is also effectively impossible to disarm Able, because he has the anomalous ability to pull deadly edged weapons from localized pocket dimensions at will, and his proficiency with these weapons is unlike any warrior the world has ever known, before or since. During containment breaches, he’s regularly killed scores of trained Foundation guards, with both numerical advantages and considerably more advanced ranged weapons. Despite being a simple humanoid, he was taking up a truly insane amount of containment resources. Despite his violent tendencies, Able is still a recognizable sentient human, albeit an extremely deadly anomalous one. This led some higher-ups at the Foundation to come up with an interesting idea: What if Able’s eternal rage could be harnessed? What if they could use their resources to reshape this rampaging killer into a devoted sword of the Foundation’s cause? After all, if he wanted worthy opponents, what could be more worthy than the anomalous monsters that the Foundation faced on a daily basis? And as long as they kept the sarcophagus, even if Able was killed in the line of duty, he’d still be accounted for. In many ways, if he could be trained and truly brought to heel, there could be no better asset to their coming struggles. It was this logic, allowing anomalies to work for the SCP Foundation in exchange for benefits, that led to the creation of a new, groundbreaking Mobile Task Force: MTF Omega-7, Pandora’s Box. This group became the SCP Foundation’s hail mary pass. For any particularly dangerous or potentially deadly mission, they could send in Able, along with a group of highly-trained Foundation soldiers that even the ancient, blade-wielding warrior held respect for. While, like their namesake, Pandora’s Box, it would all wind up in terrible tragedy, to begin with, they achieved some of the highest mission successful results of any Mobile Task Force on the Foundation’s payroll. No task was too challenging for them to swoop in and crush it. This was far from expected: Able, one of the most violent SCPs they’d ever contained, suddenly becoming a great asset to their operations. A vital tool in their quest to keep the anomalous at bay. He’d cleaved through legions of Chaos Insurgency soldiers during breaches into their secure sites. He’d fought off the well-paid, well-trained, and well-armed body guards of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. during Foundation raids on their clandestine operations. He’d even gone toe to toe with some of the deadliest anomalies in containment during mass escapes. It was hard to imagine how they’d ever lived without him. Of course, while Able was happier than he’d been in years - in his element, in fact, as a working warrior, given varied missions and frequent opponents - there was still something nagging at him. His thoughts were hounded by his white whale: The endless search for a truly worthy opponent, someone or something that could really give him a run for his money. After millennia of leaving opponents dead in his wake, nothing would bring him more joy than meeting something that actually knocked him on his ass. A new bar somewhere above him to work towards. Oh, what a glorious day that would be… Eventually, the Foundation started to run into a problem: They were running out of missions to give Able. After all, he wasn’t the kind of operative you could just give any mission to: His potential for collateral damage was truly staggering. He’d neutralize the anomaly, then slaughter everyone within a hundred-foot range, just to work off some of the excess energy. Like a hand grenade, he was powerful, but dangerously imprecise. If they ran out of high-priority missions, what were they supposed to do? Just put Able back in his box to gather dust until something else rolled around? He was getting antsy enough between missions already… That’s when an unexpected member of personnel stepped forward: Dr. Jack Bright. You see, Dr. Bright and Able had a history and not an altogether pleasant one - Not that anyone could really have a pleasant history with Able. Jack was only a junior researcher when he had his run-in, carrying a seemingly worthless medallion dubbed SCP-963 back to its containment locker. That was when a wall next to him exploded, showering him with brick fragments and dust, only to reveal Able standing behind the new aperture. Before young Dr. Bright even had a chance to scream, Able had already cleaved through him, leaving him in two distinct parts that were both very much dead. At least it seemed that way, until it was revealed that Dr. Bright’s consciousness had actually been eternally bonded with SCP-963, giving him the gift and curse of immortality. Since then, Dr. Bright had become increasingly reckless in his conduct, perhaps hoping that the next time he fades to black, the movie that is his sad, strange life won’t just start to roll again. Of course, he hasn’t been lucky in that regard yet. Naturally, this has given Dr. Bright complex feelings about his fellow anomalous Foundation employee. So when the call came around all the senior researchers and site directors, asking if there were any tasks that Able seemed fit for, he had one very pressing suggestion. After all, it wasn’t that long after Dr. Bright had been forced into a cross test with the intention of terminating SCP-682 - Which had not only been a failure, but a generally painful and exhausting experience. Now, perhaps it would be Able’s turn to take his lumps. He happily put forth the suggestion, claiming that surely the Foundation’s new sword-wielding golden boy could give killing the Hard to Destroy Reptile the old college try. After all, even if Able was killed in the process, he’d just come right back. It was a situation where they really could not lose, so why not take a chance? What’s the worse that could happen? The O5 Council found Dr. Bright’s pitch extremely compelling. He’d succeeded in every mission they’d given him so far, so perhaps he could carry that success into the herculean task of actually terminating SCP-682. One boundlessly bloodthirsty killer might be the only thing truly capable of taking out another of equal magnitude. When Able was informed of this latest mission, he got a scary glint in his eye. They gave him warning after warning: The beast is said to be unkillable, it can adapt to anything, it’s killed scores of people and survived the attacks of anomalies thought to be flawless killers. The more it was explained to him, the more Able felt the tingling sensation deep within: Was this it? Had he now discovered the perfect opponent? Something that would actually challenge him, would actually put him through his paces? Yes, yes, yes! He accepted the mission without question. Able would fight SCP-682 until his breath was no longer. In order to prepare for the match, SCP-682 was released into a secure area: Rocky, desert-like terrain, bordered on all sides by a Foundation perimeter, hundreds of meters away on all sides. They thought it best for the showdown to happen here. After all, with combatants like Able and SCP-682, it was bound to make a mess, one way or another. Able strode with pronounced swagger onto the battleground shortly afterwards, carrying perhaps the most powerful sword he’d ever summoned. It was somewhere between a claymore and a chainsaw, an unholy union that gave the resulting weapon a degree of deranged badassery not ever seen on the battlefields of planet earth before. Carrying this thing, Able felt like a King, and he was about to slay the most ancient and bestial of monsters. As he approached 682 and took in the whole of it, he could feel his heart pounding with excitement in his chest. It was a huge, reptilian nightmare. He could see its scales hardening into a mighty carapace as he approached. Its huge, serrated fangs. Its bulging, sinewy muscles and insane, dagger-like claws. Oh yes, this would be the one. The beast snarled at him as he approached. He just smiled, puffed out his chest, and said… “I have heard tales of creatures like you. Glorious beasts of scale and flesh, talon and fang, a prowess in battle even greater than the immense intellect hiding behind those bestial eyes. They said your kind once ruled the Earth from enormous stockpiles of treasure, killing and eating all who displeased you. But you were knocked from your throne, one by one, by the great warriors who walk this world no longer, until there were no more, and you became but mere myth. Even I had thought you to be nothing but fairy tales, but yet, here you stand before me, a living dragon…” In response to Able’s lofty speech, the monster merely grumbled and chided him, claiming he was little more than a pathetic SCP Foundation lapdog, following orders and being manipulated. It showed no respect for Able as a valued enemy combatant - Merely another nuisance thrown at it in a futile attempt to finish its wretched and seemingly eternal life. Able couldn’t take such insolence. He leaped forwards, bringing down his mighty chainsaw claymore, ready to cleave the beast in two. However, what he didn’t expect was the move SCP-682 pulled next: Throwing its head up against the blade of Able’s sword, shredding away huge chunks of flesh and bone, and utterly confusing Able in the process. For the first time in a lifetime of intense battles, Able found himself thinking, “What the hell am I up against here?” The force of 682’s headbutt threw Able off balance, leaving his stomach briefly exposed. But “briefly” was all SCP-682 needed. It thundered its massive, stony fist into Able’s gut, throwing him like a ragdoll into a nearby rock with such a force that it nearly shattered the rock behind him. It was a force like he hadn’t felt in years. He spat some bloody teeth and grinned. This was just what the doctor ordered. He issued a challenge to the beast in a long-dead language, as it seized violently, regenerating, growing, taking on the stony qualities of the ground around it. It looked like a vengeful living mountain. A true behemoth of a beast. In other words, challenge accepted. Able pulled an obscenely giant mace from the shadows of his cloak - The handle six feet long, with a chaos of swirling blades and spikes. A perfect weapon for slaying a dragon like this, he thought to himself. The two charged at each other, full of power and fury. Able swung the mace, once again shattering the creature’s head and flinging it back across the battlefield with the sheer force of its strike. The decimated lizard clawed its way into the ground, devouring the rocks and the earth, integrating more matter to fuel its regeneration. But it wasn’t long before Able was upon it again, striking mercilessly, giving blows as the monster gave brutal claw strikes in return. They were ripping each other’s bodies apart, piece by piece, but Able felt so exhilarated he could barely even notice. It was the fight of his life - A battle against a truly worthy opponent. This was heaven. Able leaped into the air and unleashed a volley of deadly chakram down onto the beast, shredding into its reinforced flesh. As the force of gravity brought him down, he pulled a mighty axe from his cloak, and bellowed a warrior’s roar as he brought it down, splattering into the nightmarish body of SCP-682. However, this did nothing to even slow the beast down. It flipped over, slashing Able with its claws. When Able stumbled, it leaped on top of him, unleashing devastating slashes and punches onto the fallen warrior with the speed of a machine gun firing. When it raised its claw to deal the killing blow, though, Able once again turned the tables. He produced a giant pair of mechanical scissors from thin air, and sliced off both of SCP-682’s forelegs. The beast descended with its mighty jaws to devour Able, but he kicked up, with freakish strength behind his bladed boot. The sheer force of the kick flipped SCP-682 onto its back. Now, it was Able’s turn to execute his opponent, though on some level he thought it would be an awful shame to lose such a terrific beast from this world of cardboard. Still, a battle is a battle, and this is how they go. He jumped onto 682 and went berserk, slashing into it relentlessly with blade after blade, pulling out a new one every time the old one broke from his sheer ferocity. He screamed in incoherent battle fury, tearing, slicing, ripping, rending. Yes, yes, yes, yes! As Able stepped away to breathe, the beast began to regenerate, releasing a shockwave that started to warp reality around it. But Able wouldn’t have this. No, he would give this beast no quarter. It was time to present the true pain he was notorious for.. He pulled a long sword from his cloak and charged, taking air and bringing it down towards SCP-682’s head. The beast, sensing the warrior’s presence, opened its mouth, unleashing a chasm of horrifying teeth within. The two were on a fierce collision course. As the jaws closed, Able descended. Both roared in infinite rage and bloodlust. Both combatants fell to the ground, just twitching. Oh, what a glorious, terrible day it had been. Neither had died for good, but both would remember this incredible battle forever. When Able awoke once more in his dark stone coffin, he did so with a smile. What a battle! What a fight! What a truly honorable pursuit! After so long, being bored and unfulfilled, he’d found an opponent that got his blood pumping once more. His stomach grumbled. A post-battle feast was in order. Now, where did they put that magic pizza box… Now go check out “SCP-682 - Ways SCP Foundation Tried to Kill Hard To Destroy Reptile” and “SCP 073 & 076 - Cain vs Able” for more about the two legendary combatants involved in today’s battle!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 898,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-682, scp 682, scp682, scp-076, scp 076, scp076, hard to destroy reptile, hard to kill reptile, able, scp able, scp lizard, scp reptile, keter, keter class, scp keter
Id: gfvqgddjoBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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