SCP-4840-B - The Demon Lancelot

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The entity that is SCP-4840-A   is an old man who calls himself the caretaker  of the floating city of Audapaupadopolis.   He holds secrets that will change the  Foundation’s understanding of the world forever. The old man was initially encountered by Captain  Francis Pike who first explored Audapaupadopolis   for the Foundation. It was here that SCP-4840-A  provided some insight into the city and its   mysteries. Over a decade later, the Foundation has  sent Dr. Val Ostrovich to interview the old man.   Unbeknownst to her, everything she and everyone  else thinks they know, is about to change. SCP-4840-A walks into the  room where Dr. Ostrovich sits.   “Please take a seat,” she says to the old man. He looks around at the barren stone walls and  takes a few steps into the center of the room.   Dr. Ostrovich motions to the  chair across the table from her.   The old man pulls the chair out and takes a seat.   Dr. Ostrovich leans over and pushes a button  on the voice recorder resting on the table. “That’s very impressive,” the old  man says, examining the device.   “So, it records everything I say?” “That is correct,” responds Dr. Ostrovich. The old man looks around the room and then  directly into her eyes. A smile cracks his lips.   “I wondered when the Foundation  would want to talk… like actually   talk. You are a seeker of knowledge.  You reminded me a little of my brother;   he may have been the greatest scholar that ever  lived. And now you seek the truth. For that,   we will need to take a journey  billions of years into the past.” “Billions?” asks Dr. Ostrovich. “Billions,” the old man answers,  folding his hands on the table.   “I was there from the beginning.” The old man  begins to tell his tale. It is so vividly worded   that Dr. Ostrovich feels like she is living  in the story; like she’s been transported to   a different time and place to experience the  creation of the universe and the fall of man. In the beginning, there was light. The iron god  manifested itself; his sword cut flaming stars   into the sky. The god of flesh sprinkled drops  of blood onto the earth creating the first life.   The Serpent of sin and its Dark Brother laid  the foundation for what is and what is not.   A young boy looked up at the sky as  the Earth began to turn. He watched   the creation of everything from the Great Hall of  Audapaupadopolis. This was where humans were born. “Wait, I don’t understand,” says  Dr. Ostravich. “Are you telling me   that Audapaupadopolis is like the Garden of Eden?” “I am not telling you that it is like anything.”  the old man says with a wink. “But I think you   want to learn more about a different  tale. Something I will get to in time.” In the early days of the universe, there were only  a few humans in existence. For millions of years,   they watched through the haze of creation to learn  more about the reality they were born into. They   built the very first city and upon completion, it  became the spot where that which IS came to be. There were only ever two true gods: IS and IS NOT.  They were the only truths in the entire universe.   IS brought the Serpent into the world. It  searched for whence it came and to learn   about all the truths that had been hidden from  it. The IS NOT was the darker shadow of IS.   It controlled everything that stretched  out beyond the world and into the unknown.   The two gods could not exist without one another. “When you refer to the Serpent do  you mean the entity that resides in   the Wanderer's Library?” interjects Dr. Ostravich. “One and the same,” replies the old man. It was during the time after the IS and IS NOT  finished creation that the monsters and demons   inhabited the Earth. However, there was order;  the monsters of other worlds were kept separate. These entities would be in the dreams of men but  were never able to cross over to their world.   It was the strange folk to the  west of Audapaupadopolis that first   opened their eyes to the cosmos. They were  created from the last remnants of the IS,   but were not human; they were something  that could not be explained by logic.   The humans were looked after by the mothers of  the newly created world. The wolf, the bear,   the sow, and the lion were their protectors. As the days went on more and more men   and women walked the streets of Audapaupadopolis.  They met in the Great Hall of the city where they   would seek counsel and listen to the First King of  Men. His name was Asem, which came from the word   that meant “IS.” His skin looked as if it was  made of gold and he had power beyond imagining. Although Asem was only a man, he could  create mountains with his hands and   deep oceans with his feet. He had a  lance that could kill even the gods.  Asem was a great leader, but deep  inside of him grew the first vice   of man—envy. He would look to the  heavens and desired them to be his.   Humans had built the greatest city that would ever  be, and yet, the king wanted more—so he took it. Asem was the first being to seize something  from a world that was not his own.   He stole a crown. And when he gathered  the inhabitants of Audapaupadopolis to   the Great Hall to show them his new relic,  he declared himself the King of All That IS.   He built his seat of power on top of  the spot where mankind first found   IS. Asem was still kind to the people of  Audapaupadopolis, but he always desired more. Then the great betrayals came. Asem’s sons  grew up in the shadow of their father’s envy.   The first betrayal was by his middle  son who coveted his father’s crown.   He demanded that it be passed on  to him, and when Asem refused,   the son amassed an army and laid siege to  the world. But the middle son was struck   down by his father and locked in a stone tomb  deep under the grounds of Audapaupadopolis. The second betrayal came from Asem’s oldest  son. He went behind his father’s back and   spoke passionately to the people using sense  and reason to demand that they make his father   give him the crown. The people of the Earth  worshiped Asem’s oldest son as if he were a god.   Seeing this, Asem removed the poison that  his eldest son had put into their minds.   He then dealt with him by casting his  son to the most desolate place on Earth,   where he would wander until  the sun went down in the east. The most devastating betrayal of all  came from the youngest son of Asem.   He came into his father’s bedroom while he slept  and took the crown from his head. The youngest   son and his followers ran away with the crown.  When Asem awoke, his heart broke with what his   youngest son—whom he loved more than anyone  or anything in the entire world—had done.   An endless rage welled up in the king and he  turned the Earth into a smoking wasteland. Asem searched tirelessly for his youngest  offspring and the crown. His envy knew no bounds,   and he desired nothing more than for  his crown to be returned to him. For   thousands of years Asem searched but  could not find what he was looking for.   The crown had been hidden away  and slowly faded into legend. The world gradually returned to normal. Fields  began to regrow, and forests sprouted from the   smoldering embers of the planet-wide siege that  Asem had carried out in search of his crown. The   followers of his youngest son spread across the  region, which would later become known as Europe. Then came the time of endless wars. Men fought  demons and monsters; men fought one another.   From these wars came the deaths of many and  the ancient ruins that have long since been   consumed by the sands of the Earth. But these wars  would lead to the current age of human history. During the great wars, one man hid and watched  from the Great Hall at Audapaupadopolis.   He witnessed the world consume  itself. But the worst was yet to come.   Xorus the Sky King found his way to  Audapaupadopolis and demanded that he   be given the lance of Asem. However,  the lance had been lost long ago   with the fall of the First King of Man as  he ravaged the planet looking for his crown. Xorus refused to believe the lance was not in  the city and began to destroy Audapaupadopolis   as he looked for it. But before Xorus  could completely demolish everything,   a hidden mystery was called upon to  stop the threat. The last of the titans,   the great dragon Bharath who slumbered  beneath the city, emerged from the Earth   and carried Audapaupadopolis into the sky.  Forever separating it from the men of the world. “You mean until the Foundation  discovered it,” says Dr. Ostravich. “Well… yes and no,” replies the old  man. “There was one before you.” The history of man progressed. Daeva  hero of Gilgamesh killed Sarrus   II's only son in single combat on the  fields of Jerusalem. The dreaded sorcerer   Noah El Mehtoh flooded the lands until  he was killed by Malidrau the Wrathful.   Jorei Apollyon sailed across the great sea  to meet with the king of the Night Children   but was buried alive to feed the heart of their  tree goddess. Then, from the east, came Lancelot. “Like the knight from King Arthur’s Knights  of the Round Table?” asks Dr. Ostravich. The old man frowns. “No, that  was a different Lancelot. The   one who came to the floating city  was called the Demon Lancelot.” As the Demon Lancelot approached Audapaupadopolis   any remaining allies who still walked the Earth  were called upon for assistance. The evil army   that the demon commanded would not be easily  defeated. Lancelot first targeted Bharata,   the old dragon who had lifted Audapaupadopolis  into the skies, next he battled the sea lord   Arkthurus, he made quick work of the hero  Beowulf, and lastly fell the King of David. All that remained between the Demon Lancelot  and the city of Audapaupadopolis was one human.   He took up his sword and battled the demon, but  Lancelot was too strong. The demon used the flails   attached to his six arms to demolish anything  in his path. He was about to land the deadly   blow when with its last breath, the dragon Bharata  ripped the Demon Lancelot’s heart out of his chest   and cast him into the Temple of Sunset  where his dead body lies to this day. All was now quiet in Audapaupadopolis.  The gods and heroes of old had been lost   or were hidden away. The search for the crown  continued on and even Asem himself is somewhere   scouring the Earth for his precious relic. The  floating city of Audapaupadopolis was forgotten. “So, basically most of the SCPs  that the Foundation contains come   straight from your history,” Dr. Ostravich says. “Yes, I believe you are correct,” replies the old  man. “Just from this story alone, there must be   entities you recognize. And the fact that many of  the gods, early men, and demons are immortal means   you will probably hear more about them in time.  The Demon Lancelot may seem dead, but his body   still radiates heat; I feel it is only a matter  of time until we must do battle once again.” “There is something I don’t understand,”  Dr. Ostravich says. The old man nods at her.   “Where do you fit into this story? I  understand you were there at creation,   but you know so much, and I can’t help  but feel you are leaving something out.” The old man pauses. He lets out a long sigh.  “My name is Seth,” the old man says. “Brother   to Cain and Able, son of Adam El Asem… the First  King of Men. I was the King’s youngest who stole   the crown. I was the one who looked at the night  sky and asked my father for a star all my own.   He pulled one out of the heavens for me and it  became the iron crown. It drove my father to   madness, my brothers to butchery, and led to the  ruination of our kingdom. The crown is the seed at   the root of all evil.” Seth stares blankly across  the room. “And it was meant as a gift for me.” Now watch “SCP 073 & 076 - Cain vs Able   (SCP Animation).” Or check out  “SCP-343 - God (SCP Animation).”
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 307,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-4840-b, scp 4840 b, scp4840b, scp-4840, scp 4840, scp4840
Id: 5U5cBlX9t9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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