SCP-2845 - Alien God Crash Lands on Earth - THE DEER (SCP Animation)

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On November 27th, 2011, a comet was  spotted traveling towards Earth.   This comet's existence was confirmed by Mount  John University Observatory on December 1st   of that year, and the next day, the Minor  Planet Center gave it a name - Comet C/2011 W3.  Scientists continued to observe this comet's  trajectory, which appeared to be nothing out   of the ordinary. That is, until C/2011 W3 reached  perihelion. C/2011 W3, like many objects entering   the solar system, had been pulled into orbit  around the sun, and perihelion is a scientific   term which refers to the point at which an object  in orbit is the closest to the star it's orbiting.  On December 13th, as C/2011  W3 approached perihelion,   Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a fragment  splitting off from the main body of the comet,   a fragment that then began hurtling  towards Earth. Despite the SCP   Foundation's implementation of deterrence  procedures, the comet stayed its course,   and soon it became clear that areas near the  predicted crash site would have to be evacuated. On December 21st, the comet reached the  Earth, crashing into the Pacific Ocean,   124 kilometers off the coast of the United States.  This in itself wasn't unusual - on average,   our planet is hit by 17 pieces of space  debris a day, and much of it does land   in the ocean. What was unusual, however, was  that 3 days later, the creature that had been   riding that piece of space debris reached  land and revealed itself to the world. Starting on December 24th, 2011, footage  started cropping up all over the internet   of an otherworldly creature. It appeared to be an  enormous deer, with mint-green fur, a long neck,   human face, and marbled black antlers ringed  by floating ice crystals and metallic spheres.  The SCP Foundation quickly mobilized  in order to contain the beast,   but it was immediately evident  that it was impervious to attacks.   What was worse, it had a devastating  way of retaliating against aggressors. Fitting its cosmic origins, The Deer possesses  the godlike ability to instantly transmute   matter through powerful energy beams. It can  turn solids into liquids, gases into solids, and   organic material into metal instantaneously. The  materials that result from these transmutations   remain stable, despite outside factors that  logically should destabilize them. For example,   The Deer can create shapes made of solid  frozen hydrogen that remain solid even outside   of the sub-zero temperatures that it normally  requires to keep gases in their solid states. This transmutation ability is used  consciously, as a form of attack,   and the beams occur in a variety  of shapes around the creature.   The most common are a vertical column measuring  five to seven meters in diameter and sixty to   eighty meters in height, or a horizontal  cone, measuring between one hundred and   one hundred and fifty meters in length and ten  to thirty meters in width at the furthest end. Although The Deer rarely attacks without  provocation, it will transmute matter   indiscriminately, making no effort to exclude  non-combatants from the range of the attack.   Everything within the range  of attack is transmuted. People hit with the beam will be transformed into  hexagonal columns roughly 2.4 meters in height,   known as SCP-2845-1. These columns have rubbery  green skin, and no organs outside of a brain,   which makes up the entirety of the column's  inside. Miraculously, they remain alive,   as the brains of instances of SCP-2845-1 have  been studied and are shown to be in a constant   state of high activity. Analysis of brainwave  patterns suggests a pattern of call and response,   which implies a telepathic link between  the different instances of SCP-2845-1. Given the devastating effects  of SCP-2845's attacks,   the SCP foundation naturally had an extremely  difficult time containing it, and they had to   take drastic measures to do so. The Foundation  enlisted the help of the Global Occult Coalition,   as well as outside consultants who were brought  in to try and draft a plan for containment of   the beast. The ideal place for its containment  was determined to be somewhere on the other side   of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and through a  campaign of artillery bombardment that lasted   from December 26th 2011 to January 15th  2012, the SCP and GOC were able to drive   SCP-2845 across the mountains to the location  that would come to be known as Site 100. What sets site 100 apart from other SCP  containment sites is the complex system   put in place in order to properly keep SCP-2845 in  containment. The site consists of nine concentric   circular bands, designated Ring-A through  Ring-I, with a gap located between Ring-C   and Ring-D. Six circular chambers are located  at 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 degrees within   each Ring and Gap. The chambers located at  0 degrees are aligned with geographic north. Two additional circular chambers are located  outside of Ring-I, located at 120 and 240   degrees. The floor of each circular chamber is  decorated with a hexagram, or 6-pointed star,   made of lead. The central chamber, containing  SCP-2845 and 216 instances of SCP-2845-1, is to   contain an atmosphere of 96.3% hydrogen, 3.25%  helium, and .45% ammonia maintained at -110°C. Site 100 must be staffed at all times by a minimum  of 30 trained individuals, who are to be given   unlimited access to untrained human subjects. The  staff and subjects must perform a complex series   of rituals at different points of the circle,  acting on a cycle of 63 hours and 54 minutes.   Each ritual lasts 39 minutes, and they  must be performed every 10 hours. At the   beginning of each new cycle, the schedule  of rituals will be carried out in the next   ring closest to the containment chamber, going  from Ring-I inwards until they reach Ring-A. Each ritual requires 6 participants. Procedure 410-Constantin is performed  at the 60 degree point on the circle.   Containment specialists are presented with  masks - Joy, Sadness, Anger, Apathy, Fear, and   Foolishness – and must act out a farcical, comedic  play before playing a dice game with one another. Procedure 420-Perinaldo is performed at  the circle's 120 degree point. This ritual   involves a performance by a band consisting of  flute, oboe, clarinet, French horn, timpani,   and bass drum. It must be a live  performance, recordings have no effect. Procedure 430-Epimetheus, performed at the  180 degree point, involves exchanging small   gifts with values not exceeding 4.28 USD. Each  gift exchange is followed by the recitation   of ceremony Epimetheus-A and followed by  scattering grain over the chamber floor. Procedure 440-Cassiel, performed at 240 degrees,   involves the recitation of ceremony Cassiel-A  while participants bind their feet with wool   and drink 500 milliliters of olive oil.  They then will break apart a rock weighing   at least 200 kilograms with hammers.  Ceremony Cassiel-B is recited throughout. While the previous procedures might sound weird,   it's after that point that the containment  rituals start to take a turn for the gruesome. Procedure 450-Cairo is performed at  the 300 degree point. In this ritual,   a D-class personnel has a symbol drawn  on their stomach with a platinum-based   paint - a ring surrounding a dot, with an  arrow pointing upwards at the 90 degree point.   The D-class is then presented with  a blue cloak, crown, and scepter,   before being restrained in a chair and castrated  with a hand sickle as ceremony Cairo-A is recited. Finally, 460-Omphalos is performed at the  0 degree point, the very top of the circle.   This ritual, the most gruesome of all, involves  cooking and eating a three-month old infant. In case of containment breach, site  100 is equipped with a nuclear warhead,   just like all SCP containment sites, which  will be detonated if containment ever fails. Because of the complexity of the  procedures required to contain SCP-2845,   some animosity started to develop between the  Foundation personnel stationed at site 100   and the outside contractors who had conceived the  containment rituals. They had to go through these   time-consuming, elaborate, sometimes horrific  procedures over and over again, going around and   around the circular maze that made up the site,  every 10 hours, and there was no way of being able   to tell if the things they were doing had any  effect on the creature in containment at all. On the 31st of January, 2012, Site Director  Dell finally approached one of the containment   consultants and asked him why, exactly,  they had to uphold all this pageantry.   Surely there had to be some other, more  streamlined way of keeping the creature   in containment. The consultant denied  this, and explained their reasoning - “I find it sickening that after all  the struggle to contain this creature,   pencil-pushing bureaucrats are still seeking  to cut corners where they cannot be afforded   to be cut... The ritual will remain as it  is, and will not be changed in any way. Rituals do not work because of some underlying  laws, such as those that science operates on.   Rituals work because they are rituals. They  work because an arbitrary set of criteria   has been met with exacting care. Belief  that meeting these arbitrary criteria   achieves a certain end assigns power to  the ritual. The actions that were once   meaningless now have been assigned Meaning  through their repetition and application. This is how one seals away a god, and this  is a god. I know that the Foundation does   not approve of using the term, but it  is still the case. The Stag is a god,   and it is not a petty local god. It  is not one of the mild gods of Earth,   or some weaker spirit that is bound  by the strength of man’s belief. We have, for the time being, fooled it  into thinking that we have overpowered it.   It does not understand that we do  so falsely: It is a god. For gods,   words have Power. Ritual and belief hold greater  power over a god than all the laws of science.” So, why are the containment procedures for  SCP-2845 so dramatic and complex? The answer   is simple - because the team believes the rituals  work. As a cosmic deity, SCP-2845 doesn't follow   any scientific laws as we understand them  on earth, but what it does understand is the   power of rituals and beliefs. The only reason  it hasn't escaped is that it responds to the   beliefs of the Foundation personnel, and in turn,  it believes that it's being held in containment. The consultant goes on: “It will not think to escape, or even  to change its strategy. The idea will   not even pass through its mind. It cannot  comprehend the concept. It does not think   in the way we think. Truth be told, I would not  say that it thinks at all. This is an old god,   it does not dabble in decisions. Decisions  are for creatures who may act erratically,   variably, or out of line. A god of this  strength simply Is. It is an absolute.   It acts as a force. In building this ritual,  we have shifted its being the slightest bit,   and now it is locked into a pattern of behavior:  It struggles against us, we struggle against it,   and we are locked together in an eternal  dance so long as the ritual remains intact.” One last question remains, though, when it comes  to SCP-2845 - the rituals that are performed to   keep it in place are far from random. They seem  so specific that it feels impossible that the   outside consultants could've come up with them  out of the blue. What was their inspiration? Well, in his statement to Site Director Dell  he mentions “listening to the songs of the   converted”. Remember how the instances of  SCP-2845-1 were shown to be not only alive,   but communicating with each other telepathically?  They were able to communicate with the contractors   as well, giving them the tools needed to create  the prison that would hold their god. If you're   wondering how the converted feel about having  been transformed into immobile green monoliths,   the consultant had an answer for  that question, too - “They are not   suffering, but they are no longer  human. They are changed utterly.” And so the rituals continue in order to  keep SCP-2845 contained. Perhaps one day   a new technology will be found, or simpler  procedures will be given, but until that day,   we’re all lucky that there are others who will  subject themselves to horror day after day,   hour after hour, for our behalf. Now go check out “SCP-4205 - In The Eyes of  the Beholder” and “SCP-2317 - The Devourer   of Worlds / A Door to Another World”  for more from the Foundation’s files!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 667,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-2845, scp 2845, scp2845, scp the deer, scp deer, the deer, deer god, rituals, ritual, scp keter, keter class
Id: 2jItoUjEhhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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