Scotland: The Western Islands - Episode 4 - Lewis to Barra
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: NotepadProductions
Views: 131,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: notepad productions, Documentary (TV Genre), Travel (TV Genre), Scotland (Country), Hebrides (Island Group), Lewis (Location), Scalpay Outer Hebrides (Island), Great Bernera (Island), North Uist (Geographical Feature), South Uist (Island), Eriskay (Island), Barra (Island), black house, Callanish Stones (Tourist Attraction), Harris Tweed (Invention), Stornoway (City/Town/Village)
Id: f1q0nRxnnCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 26 2015
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