Sullivan's Wild Scotland - The Coast 2019 (Full Film)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Stella stole stay stole he can order we in the ground we you're in here we did not flow too [Applause] [Music] I've always been an N land sort of guy I was born in the heart of Scotland the bonds carve their way through were difficult but the thing is and Scotland they're never really that far away from the coast and for a small country as quite a lot of most of which have never even laid eyes on [Music] so I've decided to embark when a coastal adventure my name is Sullivan by the way I'd like to tell you that I had some sort of structured agenda or a particular reason for gone but I don't I'm just going for a wander and since when did you need a reason to suckle from the bosom of Mother Nature I've had what my cloaks tomorrow Fraulein Oh anyway I'll be gone for a while and they're not sure when I'll be back there's one thing I'm sure of though it will be except to remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Machop began in late summer after arriving in Inverness I made my way along the Marisa I was hoping to see a mammal which had never really seen properly but I heard of a place which was apparently the best place in the country to watch them Chanin repoint I had a feeling I was in the right place as there was a fair few punters eagerly awaiting a glimpse of something amazing after walking around like the new in at school eventually found myself a place to set [Music] no normally when I'm Doon any worldly fortune was above patients required I seem to be there at the perfect time only minutes after picking my bum in my seat a team of bottlenose dolphins started to move in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I got chatting to a woman and she said that the Dolphins follow the fisherman with the tank and the current brings the fish along the shore but I was sin sometimes the Dolphins would swim past just meters away it was amazing there was a few times when the Dolphins splashed me in the face as they came up for air it was like been baptized by mother nature it really was something special and the Dolphins seems to be having even more fun than ours there are actually a few different collective nouns for dolphins you've got a help of dolphins there's a pod of dolphins there's a school of dolphins and finally a team of dolphins but Javon grant is stick with because they're a bet like a young team I suppose troublemakers if dolphins could walk and land a bet they would steal your shoes tie them and throw them over a telegraph wire that's the vibe I get off them anyway as far as my coastal adventure goes it couldn't really have gotten off to a better start sunshine dolphins and I even had an ice cream earlier channel my point would be as far north as I got for the time being it was time to leave the Dolphins behind I headed back to Inverness and walked around the other side of the motif us towards the coast of Aberdeen sure someone was buggered and off quicker than a dolphin chasin about fish and there was another coastal spectacle I was keen to catch [Music] [Music] by the way one you never loved before so or to somewhere somewhere I've never [Music] I was lost I was shot slow to feeling that you cannot beat when you [Music] hey Musti at slightly underestimated how long it would actually take to walk along the course I was having fun along the way I felt as if I was starting to get into the rhythm of the sea but something about the sound the waves that sort of keeps you going encourages you to keep walking and and find out what's around the next corner I passed through some lovely wee villages along the way one of my favorites was Creve II sadly Trevi is mostly occupied by holiday homes now after a storm and other misfortunes previe became non-viable as a fashion village but I could imagine what it would have been like and more prosperous times be boats coming in and out the bee nets and books and local was hanging out on washing I could think of worse places to live the cost was beginning to get more rugged and well cliffie it's the same that was getting closer to my next spot a caddy done along the coast for a while and it wasn't long before I had the racket of gannets welcome to troupe head home to the largest gannet colony on mainland Scotland [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] didn't season for ganas was no over and the juveniles had fledged but there was still plenty of buds to see I couldn't count them all but there was at least a million well a couple of thousand enemy when it comes to attractive seabirds a lot of people think of puffins the puffins can bugger off if you ask me they tried too hard but the reef fancy beaks I don't have a vendetta on puffins I just think gannets are overlooked as all the stunning buds with a wingspan of up to two meters and they way they hang and the updraft is no air for at all it's amazing to watch the moon catch a puff from doing that it really was a beautiful Bob to see in a beautiful place it made me wish I could fly I know I could go on a plane but I know I'll never be able to navigate the cliffs with minimal effort the we again it does all you can do is watch I suppose I stood there on top of the cliffs I was reminded of how much of a and significance I was it's good to feel small us humans of a bad habit of thinking about beggar and they could only stand on sometimes [Music] over the next few weeks I carried on walking down the East Coast I was staying in being bees and camping out and that could be bothered I even found the odd cave the sleepin it was autumn now and I realized I hadn't even been fed up in the sea air [Music] when I got down to the shore and it was the guy and one of those stand-up paddleboards a little a great fun I'd always wanted to try it I got chatting to the guy Tom so his name was John but his friends called them Zin but I just called him John anyway John was really nice and he agreed to give me a shot of the stand-up paddleboard he just said to leave it in the key when I was done this guy I've done a fair bit of paddling in my time canoes kayaks lie loose so I'm sure the stand-up paddleboard would come naturally [Music] long story short the paddleboarding is actually really hard I think I stood in the board for a total of about 20 seconds to be fair it was a bit choppier than it was when John was paddling that's my excuse anyway and I'm stepping too [Applause] anyway it was nice just to be out in the water exploring the outer boroughs costly and messin around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] after a fun afternoon I put the ball back in the cave for John and continued south [Music] at the esteem and a we place called Cleo and the East Nick of faith do you know when you just like somewhere and the sun is shining so you just stay there for a few days clear was a bit like that I suppose for the time of year the way that was oddly Pleasant in fact what was roasting there was false wehmanen everything Costa del clean prior to this trip I hadn't spent much time in the east course [Music] but even a foot travel for just a few weeks at seen loads beaches cliffs caves dolphins gannets nice V villages John my adventure was going whale had only had seven blisters the sound of waves makes the dress toes feel a lot better [Music] after just a few weeks of traveling I was beginning to run a bit low on cash I'd been camping out Westerner should have been and gone to the pub most nights I am in holiday after all don't judge luckily when I was stealing clear I bumped a woman whose brother ran a restaurant in North Quincy and he said I could have a few chefs washing pots the job gave me ever a time to plan the rest of my shirt and I actually got to try some secret up until now I'd just been eating tens of souping cereal fitties I was back on the move again one of the chef's said that his uncle at a ball in the West Course and he really like just taking people out and I'm not one to knock back a butcher I was now gone across country from the East Coast the West Coast [Music] [Music] [Music] it was great to be back in the water and captain Dave is a great guy as well he said just to column Dave back continued to call captain think you liked it it even gave me a shot of stealing the ball [Music] we sailed from Locke oil hit and we will no travel around the west coast captain Dave said he would take me to him Verrilli which would take a few days I couldn't give a mackerel along a batik they were honorable and life was good [Music] [Music] oh I haven't seen your face [Music] Oh drawling a seaport a thousand name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the player went and conscience plane you see they still in tomorrow [Music] we never traveled at any great speed captain Dave was never in a rush to go anywhere which was fine by me he would see we'll be there when were layer ten [Music] today used to life in a boat it's a nice be surprised when you wake up and you suddenly remember that you're on the water [Music] I know you are well into winter but the Sun continued to shame and it was that nice sunshine not hot Sun shame for golden sunshine which makes everything look nice [Music] it was the final nail in the book who captained even me had a few jokes reflected enough time that see I was sad to be leaving the boat but I was excited about what shenanigans my adventure still had to offer onwards and northwards when captain Dave dropped me off at Inverrary I feel a bit like a fish out of water and a wee bit naked maleic felt like jelly and the thought of walking didn't fill me with as much joy as it had previously I think I had both Blues on the plus side I had grown a fantastic beard while at sea [Music] ever since ago off the book I was feeling as if I wasn't getting anywhere not that I had a strict eternity but was kind of hoping to reach the north coast before I had to go home the Chatham woman doesn't seem possible [Music] after a few days of walking I reached the famous seaside town of Alban I was feeling about Natalie but on the coast was always something to cheer you up I spied a flock of ton stone hidden on the shore they were good fun to watch anytime one found something amongst the seaweed another one would walk up and be like where you found what you found could I have it can I have it properly characters I picked up a newspaper the fame date would have been good on in the world not that I was really interested but just in case there was a a meteor or something on the way the course doesn't live s please to be if there's a meteor coming [Music] what I dead newest was a couple of odd felts in the paper but you could change the rest of my trip [Music] I was starting a new job and stunned and soon so only had a few weeks left of my trip before I had to stop heading home but the advil and the paper could be a game-changer so I went to investigate [Music] [Music] [Music] meet Graham my new wheels but Graham wasn't complete I found something else which would complement him as far as I was concerned this was the best investment I've ever made between him and the trailer it cost a total of 35 quid Korea might have a wee bit of rust on him but he was still in good working order he was older than me after all after a few final checks we were ready to go Northwest here we come I hadn't breathe hey buddy live from West Chu the cavern Mac Donald laws here McDonald was your name Akili person they're sleeping on yeah [Music] yes Helen tears [Music] in all so clap yeah slavi aside please stay away [Music] it [Music] relief from which two days we love ever McDonnell of those years McDonough was young here yes [Music] cream and I made our way up through food Valley and powered on towards the north [Music] [Music] the west coast of Scotland is a magical place cushioned from the Atlantic by the Hebrides then between the mainland and the Isles rich waters are home to thousands of species countless white sandy beaches many compare the beaches to that of the Caribbean but they should really be compared in the Caribbean to the west coast they won't find any coconuts here them one lifetime wouldn't be enough to explore it all in any great detail ever since Graham and me became acquainted my spirits had been lefted in some of the landscapes we've been through well a bloody amazin if you ask me ridin Graham was sweaty walk though [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] or something amazing about being in the water you can explore the coast all your life but until you get and feel your nipples tear your wetsuit you don't really understand it as a kind of magic a very cold magic [Music] for the next few days Graham and I spent a time exploring the neverending west coast he would go for a wee depth here in there well just Levin although I always had a feeling without messing places out but that's life isn't it you can do your best but there will always be stones left untold that's part of the magic to support [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I haven't really mentioned castles year and the Scottish course doesn't short of castles one of the most striking ones is a land Donan Castle has seen many a battle and was left in pure state for a while but it was restored in the 1930s and it looks crack and no he asked me I was king to keep my energy up today and I had been going well so far but the road was about to get tough we were now heading through the applecross Peninsula home to one of the most infamous roads in Scotland the villa neva the pass of the cattle [Music] for years it was the only roads connecting the local areas it would be a long steep and winding ascent the kind of ascent which made me wash dreams gears would work [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] and the curling us too we know boats but a wide sweep easy yeah [Music] there was what what cycling up such a steep road if I could take my skin off I rid of it was practically night by the time we reached the top that Alan wants to describe her NASA that was but luckily it was all downhill after that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we followed the course ground until we eventually reached our pill and green was a trapped in some vague envy other pill has a population of about 1500 making it one of the biggest tones for males around this house were port for the fairies which served the Western Isles of the Lord's is stuff to see and do another pill but I only had a few days left to metric and I wanted to reach the mess [Music] have been slowly go I theater my lungs in their job sufferance near dies my legs have gone to try now harlot to try [Music] so hi so pi [Music] we all never [Music] the father of the west you go the more exposed it becomes no longer sheltered by the Hebrides the coast gets battered by the atlantic it's a stunning place sculpted by waves and time the way that had got well a wee bit wherein Wendy as they approached dumbass there was a storm coming but Graham and I was taken and astrayed and we were hidden it didn't matter what the weather was like done less would be the final stop on my adventure I was feeling about sad but was also excited doneness is home to one of Scotland's most spectacular caves I was put in touch with freezer by a women at the pub freezer has been walkin and smoothly for years and he agreed to show me around smoo cave is part C cave with part freshwater ironically the rain had flooded the fresh water part and we couldn't explore it but Fraser was keen to show me another cave and the rear end was a narrow one before a new Fraser had slept inside and I had to follow at this point I was slightly glad I was Ana malnourished [Music] following in the footsteps of his late colleague Fraser had been excavating a small Channel father into the cave system a massive cave was recently discovered just a few miles south of smoo cave and freeze of thanks they all might be connected part of an undiscovered massive cave system I go excited just listen a phrase I've been excited about it it's taken freezer and his colleagues years to get this far progress can be slow as any earth a rock removed must leave the narrow entrance that we came in from it just goes to show you how much we don't know about the ground beneath our feet it's nice to think that those still places out there which no one has discovered yet after felling a few containers of rubble Fraser and I headed back towards the main cave freezer had to head home it was his day off after all I was glad to have met him though I got a good buzz out of spending time with him and the cave seemed like a fitting place to finish my adventure [Music] before freezer left he pointed me in the direction of a mitten it's basically an ancient been consistent of discarded shells and teason such things the deepest layer was estimated to be Mesolithic it was amazing a pile of waste that might have been but they gave an insight to what life was like in the coast all those years ago long before grameen eyes time it also made me think about people and life as as no a greedy bunch we are taken too much from the natural world to be honest spend too much time ticking peck jaws ourselves thus a part of me that washes I was born thousands of years ago I may have had a shorter life but at least it would have been an honest one my adventure has come to an end from now it's been nice to live life the peace of the sea and explore my country but was also excited about the places I didn't see it's a better fairer leaf to know that somewhere out there but are stel wild places places which no human eye has ever seen parts of the wild which will never be tamed [Music] so haha Barton beware and No whoa and Oh who's me I'll swim [Music] leave you [Music] [Music] [Music] swallow water can sink in the [Music] and your goal I see [Music] jeez beware and no I I'm [Music] boy snow that's a lady leaving [Music] I hate c1 but Roland [Music]
Channel: Beluga Lagoon Films
Views: 65,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scotland, wildlife, skye, smoo cave, ullapool, oban, crail, arbroath, cliffs, durness, surfing, lochgoilhead, inverary, fort william, morar, mallaig, west, highland, line
Id: lE3gJave0jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 26sec (3026 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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