Scooby-Doo being not so much for kids
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Channel: TeZoKi
Views: 15,882,482
Rating: 4.8791146 out of 5
Keywords: meme, monday, scooby, doo, scooby-doo, risque, adult, humor, dirty, jokes, kids, children, movie, film, shaggy, daphne, velma, fred, says, fuck, weird, scrappy, scrappy-doo, more, like, crappy-doo, amiright?, pretty, much, it, prettymuchit
Id: UKg6Mmp2Uhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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This is very well known already the film was cut down for more kid friendly stuff and they left in as much as they could.
I am wholeheartedly convinced that I prefer boobs over ass because of all of the PG/PG-13 movies I watched as a kid in the early 2000βs. The hot chick always had a rockinβ set and a low-cut shirt.
Have you not seen Halle Berry in the Flintstone movie?
People do realize that many children's movies, television shows have adult jokes that are aimed at the adults but of which should go over most children's heads.
It's to make the movie which adults are forced to watch due to these pesky supervision laws actually find the movie at least a little bit interesting.
This is the most prude video about a tame movie I've ever seen.
Fun fact: this movie was written by James Gunn (writer/director of Guardians of the Galaxy).
What's the dirty joke in the scene where Fred's giving a speech? I'm not seeing it.
I loved this movie
this video was made by a prude