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clock tower best known for its unique take on early survival horror in which combat is not an option the clock tower series traditionally stars unarmed protagonists that must run and hide from enemies namely its most popular character and main antagonist scissor man if you hear the clacking of his giant shears it's probably already too late hey guys it's John and today we are playing Knight cry I'm a couple years late on this one this is a clock tower game that's not a clock tower game it's not supposed to be very good came out a couple years ago and I think the reason I didn't play it at the time was because outlast had just come out or something like that but I thought it'd be fun to go back and check it out cuz I've had a lot of requests for it over the years and I said that I would play and I never did so I am correcting sins past let's go ahead and start a new game now if you haven't seen any clock tower games I did play haunting ground on this channel not too long ago I'll PlayStation 2 game and I also played clock tower the first fear for the super-dense into a long time ago on this channel I would not recommend watching that that was like six years ago you never know what you're going to get when you go back that far well hello it seems you've had one too many drinks can I get you some water man oh I'm fine I just need some air what what's with all the moaning oh he's got scissors yeah I will perfect time for a control screen so if you don't know anything about clock tower the main antagonist is the scissor man and it comes out with big hedge clippers like this and he like cut your head off at the neck and I'm guessing we'll be seeing them at some point during the game okay oh this is point-and-click controls I did not know that the P key is pause escape is returned to the title screen okay don't press escape let's go ahead and get into this so I just click and she walks over there I'm sorry I'm gonna need to see that runway walk again all right boobah soros over here I think needs a glass of water after all she's walking around like that sure is hot in here could you take my jacket don't get to the guy with the scissors he's like cutting the clothes up there's no one else bothered by this why is he cutting them up you'll need it to pick up your jacket Thanks bowl cut I'll be sure remember that thanks guys say Monica you're good looking woman but this walk does not suit you so should we go back to the party or what all right what does it look like when she runs if I double click she runs oh boy we'll be able to elude any pursuers with that run ok I guess we'll just go outside then I'm not done here yet what do you need to do besides give your jacket to the guy is there anything else to do in this room this is an empty room with nothing in it except this creepy scissor Clerk guy do we just talk to him by the way have you seen Harry oh sorry Harry is a friend of mine he doesn't know who Harry is tall short hair I didn't see him anywhere at the party tall short hair that narrows it down someone came and left down the hall a moment ago maybe it was him ok thanks it's through that door right yes ma'am there's a lot of space in between the lines okay so now can I go please don't tell me I'm not done here yet oh now we're done here okay so I guess we're looking for Harry that's a primary mission right now but she's got to take one look back at the scissor clerk she didn't realize it at the time but she fell in love with him and his weird gross scar behind his ear that's using something you looked at that for a long time without freaking out Monica ah my neck itches maybe it's this gross tentacle in my hair okay well I guess we'll just walk away from that can I take the fire extinguisher the cruiser is equipped with fire extinguishers oh we're on a boat hopefully I won't need to use this yeah so let's just not take it I guess she has no reason to take it right now so that's fine this is a goofy ass run I'm sorry not trying to shame her but come on take some classes or something walking classes it seems this way is closed off why take a copy of the brochure when I no I'm just gonna throw it away very practical Monica why would you just take it brochures for this cruise are on display I like that we get a dedicated brochure look angle sit on the chair the edge of the beautiful fabric is marred by a cigarette burn that's some attention to detail who could have the nerve to smoke in a place like this that young rascal when I get my hands on them whoo all right let's uh let's look for Harry I guess she's just kind of Auto running down the hall I'm not doing anything how far down the hall did I click beer bar open let's go in the beer bar let's have a drink camera angle shifts a lot stop running stop can I read that can I read the newspaper do you know how to read Monica we can't go up stairs we should talk to this weird guy doing his strange lab experiment in the middle of the bar and not doing anything else his hands are open in his lap no voice for him hello young lady are you back from the cocktail party I guess you didn't find your knight in shining armor huh yeah something like that are you on vacation with your wife just getting straight to the hey you're married right no I am traveling alone let me introduce myself I am Vigo bored solve the owner of this ship Wow you owned this ship this way just set on a gun you literally just said that yes it always brings me joy to see passengers such as yourself having a great time on my ship oh I guess I'm enjoying myself okay haha don't be afraid to speak out if there's anything we can do to increase your comfort I certainly will what is what is going on here with the beaker what are you doing what do you call this again I use this in school ages ago what you you put an eyeball in a beaker of water in school what kind of class was that such the bartender welcome would you like something to drink sorry I think I've had enough for one night maybe you're right let me know if you'd like some mineral water I don't know why I'm making them all sound evil I just they all save the kind of evil to me every character Lucky's looking at me don't look at me turn around why is it guys hands just open in his lap all right let's talk to these guys sure this will be a very entertaining conversation the pair are conversing rapidly in whispers it's hard to make out what they are saying it could be a foreign language okay so foreigners huh oh let's go all the way down this long hallway why don't you take your heels off there's no reason to be wearing them if you're gonna be moving around this much like look at how much trouble she has just walking look at that hips way it's ridiculous like to these girls they look like they're ready to party here you are no wonder I didn't see you two at the party oh they're her friends Jessica got tired of the party so I came along with her that's Kelly on the right I guess and Jessica's on the left got it I don't get why the best-looking guy here is like obsessed with Rhoni what a joke uh you mean the conductor Jerome yeah I think that was his name I'm gonna into slim guys what okay look I guess they gotta be just 200 pounds of pure muscle or what well that's the end of that conversation that's a weird and what's just got to say isn't it so weird how a guy is actually interested in a gloomy girl like Rooney who's Rooney The Death Wish diva you mean even if they end up going out once he sees her true colors he'll make a run for it uh yeah I guess we don't like Rooney should I take the elevator wasn't there something I was supposed to do on this floor I mean look for Harry I guess all right bye girls trying to have too much fun while I'm gone Wow this place feels alive doesn't it really helps get you a burst this place is totally dead isn't this supposed to be a cruise are there like 16 total people on this cruise or what a card key reader it seems the elevator can't be used without a card key well is that well is that sound a service elevator maybe guests shouldn't use this okay what does that sound I don't the only one that hears that right so I found out that if you press P to pause it just freeze frames the whole game there's no pause menu or anything it just freezes time I don't know that's so odd to me do you think this guy still has things to say to me here you wouldn't happen to have a lighter by the way I like to boil my prosthetic eye to sterilize it but I seem to have misplaced my lighter so let me get this straight so you got the beaker you got the Bunsen burner all set up you got your prosthetic guy in the water but you forgot the lighter sorry I don't have one at hand I don't smoke so wait there might be something at the bar counter well I just tell him that he could boil his own prosthetic ah he why are we boiling it for him what's at the counter this this tiny thing hot towels and matches on a well-polished counter hot towels yeah this is a very normal thing to find in a bar counter you find an item matches I got an achievement the nightmare begins is what it's called I guess getting these matches was a mistake okay creepazoid let's light let's boil your prosthetic eye to sterilize it there I did it there that should do it you're boiling your prosthetic I thank you lady you saved me I I did why do you need to okay I don't understand anything else anything else you got for me thanks young lady you were a great help by the way I have heard that there are certain items you can even use on yourself what is that me what what are you what items are you talking about that I can use on myself I don't have a clue what kind of items you can use I just yeah answer my question okay it was a weird interaction okay what was his like in universe reason for saying all that for being tutorial man oh hey it's the mannequin twins apparently you have to talk multiple times to people Harry was looking for you by the way oh thanks this was key information you should totally date Harry Monica are you serious I don't date guys with no future the threat is Harry gonna die he does he literally have no future but he wanted to talk with you about something you should come look for him on the lower floor I'll consider it yeah I'll think about it that's the whole ring you were looking for Harry I know this cuz you told me I'm not getting on that elevator are you kidding me skip wasn't there something I supposed to do on this floor look at this don't go in there fine we'll go in there this is a bad situation yeah let's go oh no I'm sorry why are we going into basement three yeah get out of that elevator was she casting a spell or something I thought she was gonna plot this hedge cliff prison chop my head off or something oh geez all right here we are basement three looks exactly like wherever we just were yeah this this is the exact same environment is it not no it kind of veers off to the right what's going on oh wow [Laughter] [Music] is this a little girl she's just happy children laugh sometimes Monica what do we just follow her mother's vending machines well look at all these a vending machine for soft drinks and thirsty but left my purse in my room why'd you do that don't you have like a little clutch purse who's this guy wow what a fashion statement that outfit is let's talk to him it's Harry hey there I see you left the party too huh yeah did you see a little girl come by this way mm-hmm it was just me until UK babe he would say babe is he gonna say ciao when he leaves - can I just say this what a horrible outfit why aren't you wearing pants anyway how's the party you said you found a guy you like well isn't that you what I thought I did he was all right but not my type okay so there is this your type Monica in the end I had to let him go all right he's not a pet Monica he's not a goldfish huh sorry for your loss yeah you sound real sorry Harriet douchenozzle okay we found Harry now what I guess we I guess we got talked to him again I'm noticing a pattern seemed to me like he was more into Rooney anyway who's Rooney when are we gonna meet Rooney everyone seems to talk down about that person well each to their own right personally she bores the hell out of me what what were you why were you watching me and I feel like you didn't know you're disgusting what what are you talking about I must have missed something come on I was cheering you on from the sidelines I didn't expect plain-jane to hand your ass to you haha go to hell Chico chosen a better night to stand out for once what's going on did I must be missing something big here we found Harry turns out Harry's a jackass what do we keep talking to him now there's a loading screen why don't have to talk to him three separate times don't get yourself worked up now come on I'll buy you a drink why is the voice acting out soda will get you on my good side hey you're right here we go what that what is it now well uh something's grabbing my hand what I said something inside here grabbing my hand Oh Harry the Gregory Peck act is a bit outdated don't you think how is this Gregory Peck life the Betty machines eating him and you're doing nothing she's just watching it happen that's a lot of blood what I'm sorry what just happened scissor man which is a woman oh my god achievement unlocked the scissor walker appears okay perfect time for a control screen as always there's like a million things to look at here okay so we got stamina when we run out we're exhausted we fall to the ground we're no longer able to move standard clock tower ship warning running for a long time or resisting the attack of the scissor walker will reduce the players stamina and the screen will flash red okay stamina will recover while walking or standing still left-click holds your breath while hiding you can also recover from falling over mouse wheel click while running to - greatly reduces stamina right-click center camera on the scissor walker using a scape mode that's a lot of information I'll try to remember it I think the main thing to take away from that is to run away so is it the old woman that was on the elevator - you have to move a little faster than that I'm not really sensing the urgency here nope you fell down get up oh my gosh oh wow this is our Walker it's very slow I guess that's why they're called the scissor Walker so what was dashing look like oh that's dashing look at this take off your heels going there no ok wait we got to go into a green room this one this one right here but with the bloody handprints of course room 308 high in the closet [Music] that thing was so far behind it ate my dust there should be no reason that it even knows I'm in here don't look in the one place in this room I could be hiding what what I put the heart on the heart is that what I'm doing okay hang on I'm trying to keep it in the crosshair yes can I help you are you telling me you didn't hear all that panicking I just did no I'm just outside a Chiba unlocked rock-paper-scissors what was that for you succeeded in chasing off the scissor walker there was a whole lot chasing involved okay well now that the horror is complete let's search the drawers I'm sure there's something in here the only thing in this drawer is a Bible well I can't count on that monster chickening out just because I pull out a Bible you never know maybe you can just say the power of Christ compels you and it will walk away a framed picture of a mid aged couple smiling together by now these people are probably probably what Monica dead well just cause they're old you're like the type of person that watches an older movie from like the 90s and you're like that dog's dead now dogs don't live that long so it's dead weight a phone charger there's a phone charger on the table cool do I have a phone that's what the phone charger looks like okay well maybe we'll get a phone we can charge at some point let's go into the bedroom oh cool the bed has been neatly made if I take a quick nap here maybe everything will go back to normal uh okay do you want to do that Oh no she's just she's just thinking about it it seems the call is not going through probably because you did dial anything Monica that's kind of an integral part of the phone call dialing the number is that all I can so it's just that Matt so there's nothing in here the only item I've found so far has been the match that used to boil that guy's prosthetic eye that's it okay well let's leave now I guess look at all this blood so as the scissor walker been on a rampage hang on there's another there's another greenroom right oh there's another room with bloody handprints I'll need some kind of light to search this room I like icy glow I like actually just takes a quick look inside and immediately closes it I mean it looks like we could see just fine in there am I wrong okay let's I'll look for things to interact with yeah let's dig through the trash that sounds like a good idea some colorful fabric is mixed in with the other refuse why would I even throw their shorts away here I don't know man if I was Harry I would have thrown those shorts away hey I used the same bucket at home for what milking the cows but that's that's not important right now damn right it's not important Monica so this is an elevator I think going to a different floor would be good one of these fuses is broken maybe making it the elevator moving by replacing this fuse okay I wonder what shoes is broken let's check this so I can't take the elevator a card key reader for the elevator looks like we're out of power so I've got to get a card key and a fuse it's been a week since I boarded this ship but I've never been here before you've been on this ship for a week I've never been on a cruise how long do cruises typically last is a week a long time or is that nothing I don't feel like reading a two-week-old magazine well then maybe it shouldn't be something that we can interact with if it's not gonna be helpful food glorious food a shotgun would be more helpful right now hey remember that fire extinguisher you're just completely ignored earlier ooh a cash register what are you planning the cash register has been left open what are you saying Monica it looks like there are only a few quarters in the register do we finally get something did you take you took the quarters please tell me you took the quarters you just saw a man get eaten by a vending machine I'll take that okay first you found an item four quarters Wow a whole dollar and now we have it cool so what can we buy something from the vending machines there's no one behind the counter okay I mean I can I can see that from here with all this stuff canned and packed foodstuffs are on display at least I won't starve to death foodstuffs somebody doesn't have a very large vocabulary I'm sorry is that Harry what I'm sorry what okay guys no no go this way please Go Go okay what their it was just high melting the fridge just in case I happen to be passing by come on come on come on okay keep going we'll go to art we'll go to the old standby the same room that we were in before no cup oh no let's go let's go Monica oh no a few I in the same place twice the scissor Walker's not fooled by the same trick twice run go go get up the door laughing oh my god I'm just gonna - oh my god no no get up get up get up get up what are you doing at least crawl inside get inside there maybe they won't see us oh my god they're right there they're literally not in the cutscene though none the cutscene though Wow you had all the time in the world to get into that thing I just feel such terrible hiding spot did it just turn on the dryer [Music] how am i bleeding what's causing the bleeding dead end it was a terrible hang spot I got two achievements welcome tonight cry and suicidal ideation so the first one was an achievement for arriving at a dead end and the second achievement was for experiencing a game over which isn't that the same thing okay I loaded the save avoided the scissor walker and now this random cutscenes playing oh I didn't mean to frame you are you alright you look very pale have you seen all the blood everywhere I are you alive oh no why don't you move out the way that guy wins a Darwin Award I'm sorry but he could have gotten out of the way of that are you kidding me hey I wonder if this is the card key for the staff where did he have that a card key was lying on the serving cart it must have fallen from that crewmembers pocket you found an item card key a well is he dead though it's too horrible to look at what is that coming out of his mouth does that his tongue all right here we go quarters let's uh let's get something orange oh wait no it's lemon just a lemon soda huh a severed hand has a wedding ring so we just take the wedding ring the severed hand is visible from the dispensing pocket okay so we have a wedding ring and a card key can the wedding ring be used as like a fuse it's circular how could this happen Oh No can we buy anything from this one as if I'm gonna use these spending machines again okay I wonder what would have happened if I had tried to use the quarters on it wait what's this guy hello his smartphone is poking out his pocket maybe he was trying to call for help why he doesn't have a hand or an arm he has no hands how would he call for help Oh slimy Oh we're taking the smartphone it won't turn on it seems to be out of battery battery dead we know how to charge it though okay where was that room we can charge the phone there we've got items guys card key a wedding ring and smartphone so is that his wedding ring I guess I think it is because that's probably his hand that we found in the vending machine I'm guessing hmm I'm sure this was a lot more clever on paper can you please get to are we supposed to go okay wait maybe I charged the phone right and then I used the phone light to go into the darkroom right wait what happened the suitcase is locked in will not budge wait is this the same one with the phone charger yeah this is a different room though this is 303 not 308 okay well I'm gonna charge my phone there we go of course if I can charge that phone you shouldn't need me to tell you this John Thompson battery fully charged that was quick thank goodness now I can use this phone that was an instant a hundred percent charge let's use it the name John Thompson is displayed on the startup screen okay can we please open it that's nice and all I don't need to know the dead guy's name you found an item smart phone you can now click the smart phone icon to use it you can save your game when you need to by charging the smart phone and dark places you'll need to shine your light in order to find the click point okay cool so wait it's 2:30 1:00 in the morning phone address SNS what's that snap in post John Thompson's post I guess I'm out of luck today and there's a casino my partner is still in bed how long is she gonna sleep that's creepy just taking photos of people while they're sleeping this is rot hosts Island this is my third visit here but there's always something new to discover can't but notice that none of these have any likes or any comments nobody seems to care that he's posting these maybe because you post once every two months the staff at the restaurant and my partner celebrated my birthday I'm surprised anybody celebrates you John your boring ass in I'm in the Mediterranean that is not how you spell that the breeze feels great that's the most you have to comment on the Mediterranean there is with this dog oh wait no that's catchy are they doing on there i coat animo Oh who are these people they must be like developers or something post let's post on John Thompson snap and post murder aboard Oceanus help do it can we upload an image it's much more likely to get engagement if it has an image I can't make any edits to this fine post I hope someone sees this and comes to save us you know you could have given it a hashtag or something how does anyone supposed to see that you've seen his followers don't care here we go this is the dark room turn the light on uh-oh how come this is the only room with that polite sign can't we just turn the lights on was this a spray can purchased from before the cruise is on the table is that pepper spray oh yeah I forgot a bought this can of pepper spray is this your room would this work on the monster wait this is your room why are the lights off are you kidding me hide it it's okay I've seen it too you have to keep calm where are you now can you get help huh what do want me to do about this we need to stay together I'm coming up to your floor now how do you expect to do that we don't the fuse you'll be waiting by the front desk the most obvious place of the entire ship for someone to look for victims I mean I'm sorry are you gonna are you gonna get the pepper spray or not you better get that pepper spray pick up the pepper spray why wouldn't you would this work on the monster take it why won't you take the pepper spray that's why I'm what Oh now damn it I don't understand where you're supposed to go is there another hiding place Oh a scissor walker stopped hi [Music] what achievement unlocked face your fears oh okay well that was pretty easy I used up a lot of stamina doing that is it regenerating it says it regenerates when I walk Oh No scissor walkers backup I think what's going to this room what no this closet isn't broken are you kidding me it was a different room it was a different room that it was broken it was in 303 wait what happened wait what I'm sorry what's going on it showed me escaping through the door and then I get chopped in half so I'm guessing I didn't escape oh hey look at my address book we got Angie Brown Antonina bar si and withheld my best friend withheld what withheld talk hey John how was your luxurious life aboard the cruiser we're lost without you honestly there aren't many electricians that could replace you and hey excuse me mmm oh is this John's wife no but I need you to get help immediately what who is this have I got the wrong number just listen there's been a murder lots of people are being killed I'm not sure what you're playing at if you've got John's phone you should return it to him now Wyatt why is your number with hell why is your name withheld wait please listen to me was a fun interaction I just have no idea what to do next I can't find anything to interact with the scissor walkers after us again Monica just take your heels off okay I remember it's saying that there was nobody behind the desk back here I'm gonna just try to hide back here because we can't hide in the closet and that's the only spot I found to hide please hide behind there oh my god she can yes stop making noise oh my god come on is he gonna peek over put your head under the desk I would not peek over until like 10 minutes later wow it's way easier to avoid them behind the counter than it is in the closet all right back to business as usual looking for this freaking fuse I've searched every corner of this ship and I haven't seen it what Angie Tom hello John it's Angie hi Angie it's me are you okay everyone's making a fuss here because the elevators stopped working um hello who is this where's John you've uncovered my mistress I picked up his phone I thought to take it to the front desk what the elevator isn't working you might want to tell Angie John's dead by the way I see thanks for picking it up that's my husband John smart phone is he on your floor yes in a way he is oh I'm not sure that's okay dear you wouldn't even recognize him why do you think I got his phone we can meet up at the front desk once the elevator is fixed everyone wants to meet at the front desk yeah I checked it out and it looks like one of the fuses has blown well he could easily fix that with the tools he carries around with him John's electrician so he always has his tools in his suitcase even when he's on a cruise really I'll tell you what he looks like so please find him and ask him to fix it for us Oh I'll ask him but I don't think he'll be doing a whole lot talking back it'll probably be faster than waiting for the crew right I'll do that oh my gosh wait a second no no wait a second the suitcase blowing into John Thompson the man of the elevator any clues for the passcode oh oh I knew this had something to do with it I've clicked this suitcase like five times I've been doing laps around the entire floor enter the passcode I don't know dude I probably I got a look at his social media wild guesses won't get me anywhere thanks Monica very helpful I'm not gonna take a wild guess why you think I'm looking at SNS my birthday March 14th that could be good I'm in the Mediterranean okay it's more it's it's oh three fourteen probably right oh oh there we go in the suitcase is a small box filled with parts of electrical appliances uh-huh you found an item fuse thank God okay hang on let me charge my phone so I can save and then we're fixing that elevator right up we're getting out of here so apparently in order to open the suitcase first angie has to call you I have no idea why it took her so long to call me I think cuz I didn't actually examine the fuse box after I got killed by the scissor walker and you have to examine the fuse box then get called by Angie then open the suitcase very convoluted I don't see why you can't just open the suitcase use it please it sounds like the whirring of a machine starting up yeah but it's probably happy because it has fuses now please use the card key I'll think I were on the elevator all you guys have no an idea how long I've been just wandering around please which four did we go to one hey what's going on so it's that old lady what my doing should I be doing something right now what's with the exclamation point it's polite got her I'm sorry how did I die there I was just killed by the very presence of the elderly I can still hear her evil music playing in the background she's just waiting in the elevator for me well you just click the elevator buttons she's did you see how she was pawing those elevator buttons she wasn't even directly pressing them she's just kind of groping at it all right whatever we're done this is it we gotta go to the front desk now so we can meet up with Jessica and Angie Wow where's the front desk oh wow these blood stains everywhere what what is all this there's some weird like cult symbol here won't open all right that's fine let's leave you guys is there anybody in the bar that old lady scary music is still going why I see the I boiler has left that's a shame I'm sorry is this a bug where that scary old lady music is just gonna be playing in the background through the entirety of the game in perpetuity eternal suffering forever and ever doing that [ __ ] in the background come on Monica let's get a move on let's hunch this way shall we oh she's in this elevator too don't go in there she'll pace around you okay the front desk is this way I think although it would be nice to be able to see where I'm going hint hint game the sad part is this doesn't look that much different from normal cuz when I was walking around earlier that was like nobody here it was like my two girlfriends and then those two guys speaking in a foreign language was this okay push the crate out of the way I don't remember this being here at all let's open this up wait aren't we supposed to be going to the front desk are we going in here these boxes are covered in dust I'm not going near them what a little dust is too much for you not the homicidal scissor Walker boxes are piled upon one another nothing out of the ordinary okay the lockers locked in when it open nice camera angle yeah it's open this one Locker appears to be locked okay let's try this one um this is a walker desica thank goodness you're okay no goodbyes I have mastered the QTE let's leave go coca huh get a weapon fire extinguisher maybe the one you refused to pick up earlier please take it now oh no my weakness my greatest weakness white powder brochures for this Cruiser they show the layout of the ship I'm sorry why didn't you take this earlier there's a map looks like a gig I can get out onto the deck via the cafe on the second floor so wide I'll go up to the second floor right the exit to the deck should be upstairs let's do this come on Monica alright let's go it's gonna move on I would think now would be a time to take off your heels the time as any maybe I can hide myself inside one of these okay let's wait until we have to do that let's not just wait in the box until help arrives okay let's see anything to click on ooh what's this the table is covered in a thick layer of dust it probably hasn't been used for a while you have a strange preoccupation with dust Monica what makes you think I'd be interested in that if that sketch of the ship's interior is accurate I should be able to get onto the deck this way but it's locked but there's a green light doesn't that mean it's unlocked oh my god right here bunches of keys are hanging off hooks on the wall it must be the keys for this floor you found an item key for the cafe that's great but why not just take every key there several keys remain hanging on the wall yeah take them know the labels help me figure out what room each key opens wait wait wait what what did you just say none of the labels help me figure out what room each key opens I'm sorry what's so confusing about the restaurant label meaning it's the restaurant key storeroom two key goes to store room two what I'll I don't know I'm befuddled why would anyone write that line it okay it's not just translation Eva that makes no sense can we can we look at Jessica's dead body let's take a look Jessica's slumped against the back of the locker does she have anything on her though it is clear from her deathly pale skin that she will never again see the light of day okay not too broken up about her death I suppose she'll never again see the light of day geez that's cold okay let's let's use the keys here on this thing you want to try that again Monica won't you go in the room please thank you what this storm is completely empty is there anything to acquire and yet there's nothing in this storeroom all right what Dwight girls do I go in here I just go to the other side now where am I Oh took you a while to see him whoa you made me jump I thought I was the only survivor on this floor this is no time to be laughing we have to get out of here before it comes back yes yes I just got here in search of a way to another floor who's Eric ideas what did we learn his name I do there's an emergency rope ladder we could use to move down the side of the ship seriously if we fall we'll be seafood he's dropping his neck he's got the biting going down wait I'm coming too all right let's go don't trust this guy he's bitten or something something's wrong with him he's got tentacle hair oh my god make it stop why is it am I going crazy why is it still playing that music doesn't help that there's absolutely no soundtrack to this game there is nothing hi [Music] can I help you well yes that's right Maria it might be dangerous to walk out there but yes yes calm down Rooney isn't our only concern right now who's Roni we have to stop that thing somehow yes I know Maria I don't intend to get myself killed you know I'm trusting you take care of the students how does everyone know who Rooney is why were this guy now oh my god he's slow look at this Wow no we have to play his another character oh I liked playing this Monica I was just getting attached to her I'm gonna presume that we've finished the first part or whatever and this initiates the second part of the game out of how many I don't know but I think this is a good stopping point my thoughts on night cry so far an absolute mess this plays like a game that's a year out from release I don't understand why there's some sequences that are voice-acted and others that are not like what we just played we're being introduced to a character that we're about to play why can't we at least hear his voice why wasn't that why wasn't that thought of the ship doesn't feel alive at all you're walking around this deserted cruise ship that he's supposedly been on for a week there's nobody walking around the people that you talk to don't do anything in fact two of your friends when you're not talking to them literally stands there lifeless there's no soundtrack as soon as you get out of the jazz lounge in the beginning of the game there's just nothing for the rest of the time it's a complete mess I don't understand who who pulled the trigger on this and was like yeah this is ready for release oh boy yeah freaking take a nap dude this was exhausting with that said I would be down to make a second video for it so let me know if you guys would be interested in seeing a part two of this and I'll make it happen just let me know if you're out there leave a comment tweet me I don't know whatever you want to do just let me know that you give a [ __ ] about this playthrough and I'll keep it going oh I'm eager for more pain what can I say thanks for watching guys I'll see you guys in the next video think critically [Music] you
Channel: John Wolfe
Views: 473,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NightCry, NightCry gameplay, NightCry Part 1, Clock Tower, NightCry walkthrough, NightCry Act 1, NightCry Part 1 gameplay, horror game, scary game, NightCry horror game, Scissorman, Scissorwalker, John Wolfe
Id: WNu6qLIZoL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 26sec (3566 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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