NUN MASSACRE - Scary Puppet Combo Horror Game (Ending)

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hey guys it's John and today we are playing nun massacre this is a horror game developed by puppet combo who also made palette roll Massacre babies sort of blood bath night Ripper playing a bloodthirsty Santa you guys know he is by now this game came out several months ago and I just haven't gotten around to playing it so this week I'm gonna try to get around to games I didn't get around to plank and this is one of them let's go ahead and check it out play in trouble letter dear mrs. MacDonald I hope this letter finds you well your child is sick and needs your immediate attention we would normally handle this matter but the situation is urgent what oh okay yeah here we are in our freaking station wagon the road is blocked road closed who sent that letter why do they have our child they're sick huh how did the how did my child get here if the road was closed oh hi hello title screen you know maybe it's for the best that the road is closed cuz I don't think my dinky little station wagon could make it through here um what how did you get here it's locked I don't see anybody around how did you get this truck up here this thing let's have four-wheel drive er I don't know I don't know anything about vehicles off off-road terrain resistance I put five points into endurance and now my vehicle has been upgraded man we must really love our kid I'm not gonna lie this was me I'd be like a tough luck I'm not sure what you were doing at the top of a freaking Mountain anyway somebody even graffiti the side of it where did you get spray paint was it worth it to go all the way to town for that okay here we go there's a blinding light was it metal door okay let's go in let's go into the mysterious mountain school or whatever this thing is all right very difficult to see do I have I have no items all right let's continue [Music] read dear diary mommy dropped me off at my new school I'm going to miss my old friends I brought Bongo with me though we have a teacher named sister Euphemia she has an assistant named sister Oh Delia they're teaching us all about the Saints and what wonderful lives they lived today we learned about Saint Lucy her eyes were put on a plate and she became a martyr huh martyr that's a weird word sister Lavinia said that her love for God saved her from the evil Romans that tried to hurt her sister Rose said that mother Apple Apollonia is gonna take care of us I really doubt that any doubt that very much um okay we can hide mostly I'm just wondering if there's like a flashlight or you know something like that around look a lighter all perfect how do they get all this stuff up here they got tons of beds they got vanities spray paint all sorts of stuff and you know what I have no idea how they even built this thing up on top of this mountain the roads don't even go here must be magic there's no running water oh that's a shame I found a rock nice okay well we'll save that rock for later what the hell one plank okay I'll take that so let's see so this is our inventory we got lighter rock and plank and we can only carry three items it looks like a standard oil lighter I can use this to see where I am maybe it has another use fire has tons of uses dude come on I could throw this to make noise a one plank maybe I can use to walk across something all right if I find anything that I need to walk across I'll use the wooden plank Oh get out I'm stuck what was that they disclosed barbed wire pit really looks like I'll die yeah it sure does so wait can use the one plank here oh I can that's nice don't fall in oh my gosh uh okay all right first puzzle defeated um let's see was this a rock I found another rock I've got two rocks the door is a glass window locked it's boarded shut great okay so what if oh we did it guys can't get in a rock okay we picked that back up oh you can go into the vents here what is that does that mean something Oh what the hell wait we're back in here this is a different one what the hell okay I'm going back in here uh let's go down vent cover it's screwed shut okay so we need a screwdriver for that I guess I can't pass with the fan on now come on just stick your arm in there the bone will stop it I don't want to hear about what you can't do I want to hear about what you can do this vent system is pretty elaborate uh okay sorry I didn't write in forever mother Apollo nee I found my diary and locked me in punishment I didn't think I would ever get out I found a new paper to write on I want to go home she doesn't treat the other kids this way is this my child's diary that I'm reading was it there must be something different behind here that's very vague but okay alright weed dear diary mother a pony has said I'm too old to play with dolls and want me to give up Bongo the clown what heresy I told her I threw him away buy him somewhere good so he could watch over me I can't tell where for his safety I trusted him with something important Bongo the clown's got something important paper clip okay and radar huh radar it says property of the US government I should be able to track somebody if they're walking like a nun maybe mannequin organ can't carry any more items okay hang on drop the rock I guess pick up the mannequin organ must be something different behind here okay alright so I'm getting a bunch of items I can only carry three at a time though there's no running water right another paper clip I guess I'll take it is this bed what happened here I don't know maybe somebody slept there or some [ __ ] I need a wrench for torque to pick this okay mother a Pollyanna hates me she pulled me outta class today but I didn't do anything I got the ruler five times I hate it here I can't make friends nobody else wants to talk to me I really don't believe in God if God was real there wouldn't be so many bad people in the world I miss mommy my old friends I want to go home to a normal school yeah you hear that mommy they don't like this I wouldn't either I wouldn't want to go to mountain school either let's see there's nothing freakin get on my way exit it's locked really I know what that was huh oh I'm moving it oh oh okay wait what it's a vent up here wire clipper you can't carry any more items oh crap okay you know I'm gonna drop this I hate to do it stick the wire Clippers okay it's it's a lot something behind it or boy okay so we got a wire clipper don't know what's for wire I need something to cut it oh you are in luck sir for I have the wire clipper gate it's locked okay we'll get to that in a second let's see bandages can't carry any more items see don't want the wire clipper um let's go ahead and ditch the wire clipper well we'll take the bandages we don't need to heal right now go look at this hideous wallpaper this looks terrible dear diary I need a pee really bad in class but mother of Paula Nia wouldn't listen I couldn't hold it so I try to pee a little my desk but she found out everybody laughed at me I had to clean it up and walk around in my underwear the rest of the day what the other kids call me pee pants now no we're gonna have friends I'm trying to pray more if Jesus is watching me but I feel so alone I don't know what to write so that's the end for now oh my god it's poor kid [Applause] what go go go go get in the vent again the bank in the vent yeah I think the other kids would have called me pee pants right now well we saw the nine okay status danger how good thing I picked up those bandages deal cool our status is now fine awesome and I've got two lockpicks I guess that's what those paper clips were for okay hi Paul Ania or whatever her freakin name is snow you a screwdriver for this vent cover no I did I did cut the wire so I wonder if this fan is off now the pants off uh mannequin hand mannequin arm oh man well I got a man can organ I'll be assembling a mannequin nothing interesting okay uh scale the bowl is full blood how much can it hold seven offerings of flesh to Christ I think interesting on the fridge oh wait do put the mannequin oh seven offerings of flesh not really though the steak is sharp okay get it take the fight okay so I guess we just play it that's two offerings of flesh just take the mannequin forearm this is three we're not gonna have enough here mannequin hand it's four right yeah let's see this is five so five offerings of flesh help a rock what okay read okay hang on I was locked in punishment again I screamed to let me go to the bathroom I couldn't hold it inside pooed on the floor dude go to the bathroom before class okay come on don't make me read this mother Paulin II have found it and I had to pick it up and rub it over me she showed the other kids and everybody laughed I can't stop crying I want to climb out the window it's too high I can hear her coming she's looking for me she's saying where are you Janie okay that's the kid's name okay I don't want to hear any more about you pooed yourself or peed yourself it says cfv what does that mean [ __ ] if I know why would I know that picked up a hammer huh a paperclip metal door no door it's locked well do I have lock picks lock Oh a rock okay headless statue it's been decapitated I gathered that from the fact that it's headless okay cool let's see metal door lock opening so that didn't use up a lockpick okay Oh what lets you not see me what don't move she just walked right in I let her in through the door unlocked she's got a knife with her dude I said maybe I shouldn't maybe leave okay oh-oh-oh-oh we're back here oh okay got a rock and a hammer oh wait wait wait we used to hammer on the boards Oh oops no she's following me in the beds white go she's in the beds I know she could do that [Music] hi-hi under the bed okay she followed me into the fence no she's definitely here too no don't look under beds don't don't search any potential hiding places please I think I'll stay under this bed forever I'm never coming out oh she probably looks under the beds too if she goes into the vents do you think we're good oh my god oh my whites don't do that oh you gotta be kidding me oh don't make so much freakin noise stop just catch the board's before they fall to the ground drain cleaner okay I'll take it with me go in here okay she has no reason to look in here if you know she didn't see us go in so let's take a look drain cleaners his drain cleaner may come in handy well okay drained what is it there's something in the drain huh oh my god the object was dislodged okay um no went down the drain and went down the drain uh what is it on this floor must be on this floor must be oh there it is hex key okay I got the hex key now what the hex key was that to go to I'm gonna go to the safety safety of the vents real quick and check it out a small hex wrench I should use this for torque to pick a lock I know exactly where that is - it's really close to where I just was so I guess we'll just go back there use it what am i doing I'm sorry what am i doing my health has gone down for the lockpick no no she's around how do I get out of this know what out of lock picks why didn't understand what I was doing what was I doing please don't kill me I gotta get more lock picks oh I haven't been in here screwdriver oh I know where to put this take us to the vent I'm gonna look around a little bit more first ah video tape like a hand let's see we want the screwdriver let's drop the drain cleaner pick up the video tape nice and this is an exit just like all the other floors okay video tape right we gonna take this to the TV maybe they'll give us a hint I haven't seen the nun in a while can't say I'm complaining ah let's see okay wait wait do I want look at the videotape first or do I want to unscrew the vent cover let's go look at the videotape first that seems like more fun okay I don't know what that was all about video tape all right let's uh watch it let's go [Music] what was a waste of time wasn't it all right let's go use the screwdriver on the vent cover that was just a bunch of noises probably to attract than at all that's what it's for it's to attract the nun so she goes over there I bet all right uh yeah get this thank you gotta do each individual screw come on man you're lucky these are flat heads pride goeth before destruction and a hot spirit before a fall Wow okay that sounds like endgame material right there I don't I don't like that well looks like it just drops off no thanks what it's another TV listen man oh come on stupid cross I better leave it alone just turn it upside down that'll scare off okay what was that about do the tapes play different things based on where you place them like in which VCR you put them I'm not going over there I'll check it out but there's no other place that I can go okay let's go this way this time left or right left guys have been crawling in this event for like two minutes I'm not convinced that it is actually leading anywhere what is this was this was this was this was this was this was this videotape does a valet belong it it says children's show three but you can still go ah Oh well what I'm stuck no I'm stuck in the fence the game just closed was that an ending very not satisfying what what the hell was that I've never seen that before that was the thing that killed me in the vent is it going here did it go in here okay how my face hmm what's that little running thing though I want to know okay I don't think it's still after me how you doing warning okay status warning I know I opened that I knew there was nothing in there let's go [Music] Wow [Music] maybe she won't look here this was the only hiding place I could find how'd she get in here all the doors were locked so tell me she dropped in through the bed - stop stop it okay so to give you guys an update on where I am I just got the hammer put five of the mannequin pieces on the scale and trying to get back to where I was trying to get a real ending now that you died in the vent from a tiny little trophy man killing you I don't know what that thing was okay do you think we're good though this okay I don't know min okay we got this screwdriver seems like you can get the screwdriver pretty early earlier than I thought I wonder if I'm supposed to use it now they should use it now oh wait [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you go go she went downstairs okay let's give this another shot I thought that hex key give it to me here it is okay what clock seems to be stopped another paperclip that's all that's in here I didn't even unlock it cluck door gear peg I need to find a gear that fits well I have I guess I got to go into the vent yeah I mean I don't know where else to go pride goeth before fall yeah yeah yeah alright let's go this way this time but let's not go down the long hallway take it right this time it's gotta be the right way left if not we'll go right don't do this to me well this was this uh okay here I go climb it's too high not really it's too high well can I go this way oh you can do that but you can't but you can't do it on this side huh it's too high okay so I need like a rope or something I need a rope I need like here I got a lot of stuff alright let's go let's go straight here and see see what we can find what mother Pollyanna told me I'm not praying enough this is the perhaps was to try it lures my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the lure is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid hide not thy face far from me but not thy servant away in anger thou hast been my help leave me not neither forsaken me O God of my salvation for he gives me the power to always see thee that's creepy do you guys like my Shakespearean acting I've always been told I'm quite the thespian oh my god the mannequin arm was here the whole time let's drop this I don't think I'm gonna need it anymore mannequin arm okay all right we're gonna put this on the scale that's six out of seven so we just need one more mannequin piece Wow all right just need one more okay actually haven't been over here much at all [ __ ] off is she down her up she down her up she's gotta be up Shh Shh go go go go go it's an event it's an event what what huh make it tore so this is the last one video tape I'll have time for that crap right now whoa she went down she went down got [Music] down there I've gotta go down there and put it on the scale broken scale there's a gear oh my god the clock right is it over here no it's up its up a floor okay please don't be over here right in here right in here right in here put it in the back put in the back you can't turn I mean it can't turn No what are you doing what was that for what was that for what did the clock open this the clock opened this a religious painting oh you thought you'd put it in this dark effing hallway huh where am i what am i doing it's locked it's locked clearly this was a secret passage oh no padlock number code okay seven all right seven uh-huh nothing where the F do I go I really just painting yeah I know nine okay so nine is comes before seven nine something seven nothing here it's held shut by the rope huh huh can't burn the rope I got a screwdriver and a lighter and that's it okay um excuse me I could place a candle here yeah oh yeah we could I guess why though why would we do that Wow there's lockers everywhere nine seven three three nine something seven is the code and rubbing alcohol oh we can use this I bet we can use this to burn the rope three nine something seven got it anything three nine five seven is the code three nine five seven okay three nine five seven let's just do it let's just do it let's just do it let's just do it no no no three nine five seven beside it it's not three nine five seven seven nine three five why [Music] candle oh my god I can't give up the rubbing alcohol okay hate to do this but it's the candle okay wait we gotta get the other one yeah I get the other one rubbing alcohol on the rope and burn it I bet okay right here yes good saturated rope burn it yes okay candle okay we got both candles here here here here here okay I don't know where the nun is but she is slacking she is missing out okay this has to be endgame you'd think corpse somebody's been crucified yeah I can see that statue head but the headless statue for the headless statue huh okay wait wait wait wait I don't want to die here we come so far I don't want to die here just keep walking it's almost like she doesn't even know about this place she probably idea that we did the clock puzzle mr. recording I've been going for a long time okay I am something I'm always paranoid about I have had lost recordings in the past this is a difficult game well that's not so bad once you get used to it like after I died I caught back up to where I was and maybe like 10 minutes okay oh my gosh you guys it's this one oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my guys it's right here it's right here it's right here go go go go go the head has been returned damn right has mothers coddled and protect their children I'm going to save this child no matter why I have to be this pain will save my daughter a good mother knows that I can give her this discipline but not as her mother her mother will try to protect her from the pain she felt if I can't save her as her mother then her mother will have to leave the sister will have to guide her this home will be here school this one woman will be here teacher she'll understand that's because her mother loves her it's because God loves her what there is no way to control this child there's only so much it can be expected to do for her mother a Pollyanna would know what to do she knew what children need discipline and structure you can't expect that to come on its own God works through the actions of the faithful after all I can't fix her sinful ways as a mother then surely a sister can fear is this clear a path of righteousness as anything lay down what and drown so the ending is that we bury ourselves alive okay well that was nun massacre I think there are multiple endings I don't know which one I got there were a couple things tonight hi they're actually a couple things they didn't finish I think I might be wrong anyway um yeah well that was great that's great it's five bucks on hgl or if you want to get on public combos patreon you can get it for free with your pledge I think it's worth it this was great I don't quite get the story or the ending that I got but whatever it was fun it's it's just fun hiding from the homicidal nun I like all the inventory puzzles it kind of reminded me a little bit of granny which I think the developer actually intended that a bit I think they were inspired by granny and evil nun to create a similar game but in their own style I could be wrong about that I think I saw them to tweet something like that but yeah this was really good I enjoyed it very difficult but all the public combo games are pretty difficult baby serve bloodbath night Ripper you know you got a you got to kind of bang your head against the wall for a while in order to get from there's not really much I can say that I haven't said before about these games I like the unique aesthetic and the atmosphere and everything and nobody's making games quite like these there's the North berry Grove devs and a couple others but these games are really unique and I've got a couple more to play I need to play another one of their games called stay out of the house so yeah nothing super insightful to say just very enjoyable and these are some of the best indie horror games coming out today so really enjoyed it let me know what you guys thought about nun massacre in the comments and I'll see you guys in the next video think critically [Music] you
Channel: John Wolfe
Views: 677,306
Rating: 4.9517775 out of 5
Keywords: Nun Massacre, Nun Massacre game, Nun Massacre horror game, Nun Massacre gameplay, Nun Massacre ending, Nun Massacre walkthrough, Night of the Nun, scary game, horror game, jumpscare, puppet combo, John Wolfe
Id: BWvC0dCFyq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 27 2018
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