Scientists At CERN Just Announced A TERRIFYING New Discovery!

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scientists at the European Center for nuclear research or CERN have reignited their Cosmic Cannon the Large Hadron Collider A revolution is about to break out by dint of this the big game of understanding the nature of the cosmos has therefore begun in light of recent developments in the revived goals of particle physicists even before it underwent refurbishment the collider has been producing evidence that the cosmos could be hiding something remarkable what is the universe's starting point as opposed to matter why does it include antimatter join us as we examine the amazing finding that CERN researchers just discovered that alters everything the most basic questions several scientists made International headlines a decade ago when they discovered the Higgs boson a long sword particle that gives the rest of the universe its mass what however is still lacking it could be anything say optimistic scientists when the super collider was initially turned on in 2010 the entire Cosmos was take the Higgs boson was the object of the biggest and most powerful machine ever created this particle serves as the foundation for the standard model a set of equations that describe every aspect of the subatomic world that scientists have been able to measure however the standard model is insufficient for addressing some more fundamental questions about the cosmos including how it came to be what makes it up and even why the Higgs particle has mass scientists are confident that new findings May provide answers to open-ended questions in science as well as the riddles surrounding dark matter the fact that the majority of matter in the universe is invisible to humans is a stunning Discovery however because astronomers have detected the gravitational signs of dark matter they think that it must exist a take on Dark Matter galaxies and Galaxy clusters are connected by dark matter and invisible Cosmic structure we're not entirely sure what it is undoubtedly one of science's most interesting Mysteries is dark matter in 2010 we saw the initial activation of the massive collider and physicists hope that this will lead to some answers however other than Higgs boson no other new particles or information on the makeup of Dark Matter was found fortunately there was no impact on the traditional model the collider was shut down at the end of 2018 for significant maintenance and enhancements the collider will run again until 2025. at which point it will shut down for an additional two years to allow for the installation of other significant upgrades this round of improvements also includes improvements to the massive detectors that sit in the four locations where the proton beams Collide and are examined as well as the Collision debris since July those detectors have been put to the test as there are many sprays of particles that must be distinguished from one another squeezing the proton beams confuses detectors and computers while increasing the possibility of protons colliding at the Crossing places in the meantime several investigations have highlighted weaknesses in the mainstream model and a more thorough in-depth understanding of the universe these discoveries relate to Peculiar behaviors as subatomic particles whose names most of us on the cosmic stage are unaware of Take the muon A subatomic particle that briefly gained notoriety last year what is muon muons which are 207 times more massive than electrons yet have the same negative electrical charge are commonly referred to as fat electrons how muons fit into the whole picture is a mystery they are created during collider events and by cosmic ray collisions and only in a few microseconds Bay radioactively Decay to physical electrons and Spectrum neutrinos muons spinning in a magnetic field wobbled far more swiftly than the conventional model anticipated according to 200 scientists from the Fermi National accelerator laboratory in Illinois the world learned about this Revelation last year the parameter called G2 which measures the particle's response to a magnetic field to the eighth decimal place revealed the discrepancy between experimental results and theoretical predictions the standard model would eventually be destroyed if the existence of the particles could be verified scientists have linked the small but considerable deviation to the quantum Whisper of a particle that would momentarily develop around the muon and modify its characteristics for example the Higgs boson serves as both a powerful telescope and an extremely accurate microscope for studying nature at the lowest scales because it seeks to Decay to a lower energy level through a vacuum it has access to extremely high energy scale physics our vacuum is referred to as a false vacuum by physicists the higgsfield energy potentials Peaks and valleys keep our universe in this fictitious vacuum long enough for planets stars and galaxies to develop this false vacuum will eventually degrade since it is intrinsically unstable this strange Quantum tunneling phenomenon known as Quantum energy fluctuations could be able to break through the energy barrier allowing the phony vacuum to cross those Hills and roll down the slope on the other side the dissolution of the phony vacuum would spread outward in a wave traveling at the speed of light destroying everything and replacing it with a real vacuum whatever occurs it won't be for the benefit of the universe we should be thankful for the existing Universe since only the Higgs field is preventing vacuum decay further trailblazing so here is yet another effort to comprehend the cosmos the Hadron colliders quest to discover physics outside of the standard model depends on these models despite its Great accomplishments the standard model of particle physics is by no means the final word for example it does not fit cosmological theories that explain the universe's creation however two groups of theorists are still attempting to match up their predictions of what G2 should be in the meantime as they wait for new data from the fermilab experiment one of the six kinds of quarks that make up heavier particles like protons and neutrons the muon is also involved in another abnormality the B Quark is either the protagonist or maybe the bad guy in this Tale the two Quark B Meson particle has these quarks however these quarks appear to violate the standard model because of their instability and propensity to dissolve in certain unusual B Quark decays a daisy chain of events may be at play resulting in the generation of a younger lighter quark and a pair of light particles known as leptons which may be electrons or the muons of its fat counterparts or both according to the standard model the probability of both electrons and neurons occurring in this process is equal a third heavier lepton called the tower exists but it decays too fast to be seen despite the lepton universality principle Dr Patel and his colleagues have found more electron couples than muon pairings similar to the muon's magnetic anomaly this anomaly suggests the presence of an unidentified influencer a force particle interfering with the process Dr Patel claims that the possibility of a lepto quark a hypothetical subatomic particle is one of the most dramatic scenarios if these facts hold up in the future collider run the difference between the two sorts of particles that make up the material Cosmos may be bridged if the particle is genuine protons neutrons and light electrons like electrons muons and neutrinos are made of quarks temptingly there are six sorts of quarks and six different types of leptons we are starting this run with more hope that a revolution could be on the horizon according to Dr Patel we are keeping our fingers crossed introducing another new particle another particle in this bizarre assortment is the W boson which Bears the so-called weak Force responsible for radioactive decay the 10-year Endeavor to determine the mass of this particle was announced in May by the Collision detector at fermilab or CDF before the building of the Large Hadron Collider fermilab tevertron collisions which were the most powerful in the world yielded around 4 million W bosons which were all used in this work based on the standard model and past Mass measurements the W boson should weigh around 80 billion electron volts The Chosen measure of mass energy in comparison the Higgs boson weighs around 125 billion electron volts or about the same as an iodine atom the most precise measurement to date the wcdf however came in at 80.433 billion which was more than anticipated according to the experimenters seven Sigma estimate only one in two trillion times was there a possibility that this discrepancy was a statistical fluke the W Mass boson is correlated with the masses of other particles notably the notorious Higgs therefore the mainstream model could have another problem if this most recent disagreement persists with further knowledge the three anomalies may all vanish just as the revolutionaries want nevertheless all three point to get unidentified particles in forces that conflict with accepted physics which gives Believers hope as a result Carl Kramer a physicist at the University of Wisconsin who takes part in other CERN experiments hypothesized that the LHC would find a new particle that might account for both the G2 and the W Mass thus even though the LHC won't break the laws of space and time it could enable researchers to shed light on some of the institutions Mysteries researchers will utilize the LHC to explore the more subtle interactions of the Higgs particles and seek hints of the mysterious Dark Matter about 27 of the cosmos is made up of metadata that has never been explicitly observed comment below and let us know what you think about this finding
Channel: Futurize
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Keywords: Physicists, at, CERN, have, just, announced, the, Large, Hadron, Collider, made, incredible, discovery, large hadron collider, large hadron collider in action, large hadron collider sound, large hadron collider results, large hadron collider documentary, large hadron collider explained, large hadron collider higgs boson, large hadron collider latest news, large hadron collider discoveries, Scientists At The Large Hadron Collider Have Just Made A Big Announcement, Large Hadron Collider news, cern
Id: 0QYWJDdizvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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