12 CREEPY Things About CERN That Will Keep You Up at Night

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CERN is one of the most important scientific Laboratories in the world it is home to the Large Hadron Collider the largest and most powerful particle accelerator ever built CERN has made many important discoveries but it has also been the source of some strange and creepy stories welcome back to fact nominal in this video we will take a look at 10 creepy things about CERN that will keep you up at night number 12. one of the most common theories about CERN is that the Large Hadron Collider is a portal to another dimension or a parallel universe this theory is based on the fact that the LHC creates incredibly high energy collisions which could theoretically open up a wormhole or tear in the fabric of space-time there is no scientific evidence to support this Theory some people believe that the LHC is being used to open up a portal to Hell While others believe that it is being used to contact aliens number 11. the Higgs boson is a subatomic particle that gives other particles their Mass it is thought to be the last piece of the puzzle in the standard model of particle physics the Higgs boson was first proposed in 1964 by Peter Higgs and other physicists he was finally discovered in 2012 at CERN the European Organization for nuclear research the Higgs boson is a very important particle it is thought to be the glue that holds the universe together without the Higgs boson there would be no mass and the universe would be a very different place the name God Particle was given to the Higgs boson by the media it is a catchy name but it is also a bit misleading the Higgs boson is not a God and it does not explain everything about the universe number 10. some people including physicists and futurists believe that CERN is creating a super intelligent AI they believe that the LHC is being used to create a computer that is smarter than humans and that it will eventually become self-aware some people believe that a super intelligent AI could be a good thing While others believe that it could pose a threat to humanity [Music] number nine on the campus of CERN the European Organization for nuclear research stands a statue of the Hindu god Shiva the cosmic dancer and destroyer of worlds it was a gift from India symbolizing shiva's Cosmic dance of creation and destruction however some people have expressed concern that the statue is a sign of a cold activity at CERN they point to the fact that Shiva is also known as the destroyer of worlds and they are worried that CERN is conducting experiments that could have disastrous consequences CERN has denied these claims stating that the statue is simply a symbol of peace and understanding despite these assurances some people remain skeptical about cern's motives they believe that the statue of Shiva is a warning sign and that CERN is playing with forces that they do not understand number eight some people believe that CERN is causing the Apocalypse they believe that the LHC is creating many black holes earthquakes and new forms of matter that will eventually destroy the universe people believe that the apocalypse is already happening and that CERN is simply speeding up the process number seven some people believe that CERN is creating a new world order they believe that the LHC is being used to control the population and that it is part of a larger plan to create a One World Government some people believe that the New World Order is already here and that CERN is simply enforcing it number six [Music] there have been a number of small earthquakes near CERN in recent years some people believe that these earthquakes are caused by the Large Hadron Collider some people believe that CERN is using the LHC to cause earthquakes as a way of controlling the population number five in 2015 scientists at CERN announced that they had created a new form of matter this matter is called a quark gluon plasma and it is thought to have existed in the universe just a few microseconds after the big bang the creation of quarklo on plasma is a major scientific breakthrough but it is also a bit creepy Quark gluon plasma is incredibly hot and dense and it is thought to be unstable this means that it could potentially destroy the universe number four cern's logo is a stylized representation of particle tracks but some people believe that it Bears an eerie resemblance to the number 666 the mark of the beast this is of course just a coincidence but it is a creepy one that has fueled speculation about the nature of cern's work the logo was designed by a British graphic designer named Marguerite borkin who was inspired by the tracks left by particles in a cloud chamber the logo was first used in 1954 and it has remained largely unchanged ever since number three neutrinos are subatomic particles that are so ghostly that they can pass through normal matter unaffected they were first proposed that CERN the European Organization for nuclear research and their mysterious Behavior continues to Spook scientists neutrinos are produced in nuclear reactions such as those that occur in the sun and stars they are also produced by the decay of radioactive elements neutrinos are very weakly interacting which means that they can pass through most matter without being absorbed this makes them very difficult to detect the only way to do so is to use large detectors that can capture the tiny amount of energy that neutrinos deposit when they interact with matter neutrinos are very important for understanding the universe they can be used to study the sun and stars and they can also be used to search for dark matter who knew the universe was haunted by its very own particles number two antimatter is the mirror twin of matter it has the same masses matter but opposite electric charge when anti-matter and matter come into contact they annihilate each other releasing a burst of energy CERN the European Organization for nuclear research has produced and captured anti-matter this is a major achievement as it paves the way for new scientific discoveries anti-matter could be used to create new types of fuels and propulsion systems it can also be used to create new Medical Treatments however anti-matter is also a potential weapon if it were to fall into the wrong hands it could be used to create devastating weapons CERN is taking steps to ensure that antimatter is handled safely number one another common theory about CERN is that the Large Hadron Collider is creating many black holes this theory is based on the fact that the LHC creates incredibly high energy collisions which could theoretically create black holes that are smaller than atoms there is no scientific evidence to support this Theory either but it is a popular one among physicists some physicists believe that many black holes are harmless While others believe that they could pose a threat to the universe so should we be scared of CERN and all it entails comment below your concerns about CERN thank you for watching fact nominal and 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Channel: Factnomenal
Views: 139,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CERN Mysteries, Unsettling Science Facts, Creepy CERN Secrets, Large Hadron Collider Dark Secrets, Sleepless Nights, Strange Phenomena at CERN, Unexplained CERN Discoveries, Behind The Scenes at CERN, Scary Science Realities, CERN Facts, Science Gone Terrifying, Hidden Facts about CERN, Thrilling CERN Facts, Mysterious Science, Disturbing Discoveries at CERN, Unnerving Scientific Experiments, Terrifying Scientific Discoveries, Particle Physics Mysteries, Creepy, Space, Nasa
Id: GBarJp-Aq8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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