Scientists Are TERRIFIED to Open Qin Shi Huang’s Tomb After CRAZY Discovery!

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the tomb of China's first emperor chiner hang is located in the lintong district of Shian in shanii surrounded by the renowned Terracotta Army the tomb has never been opened by archaeologists because of rumors about potential booby traps the ancient historian SEMA chian who wrote about the emperor's death over a hundred years later mentioned traps like crossbows and arrows that were set in place to fool Intruders and not just that but some historical records suggest that chinu hang's followers used Mercury to create rivers and seas within the tomb to further drive people away from destroying the tomb but what's so strange about this tomb that has terrified scientists join us as we talk about the mystery behind the mysterious tomb and how it has changed the way we see Emperor chin Sher hang forever ever since Arch ologists tiptoed around the tomb they've tried to ignore all warning signs about this mysterious Monument but what they couldn't understand was what's going on with all the Mercury while some scientists have dismissed many historical accounts surrounding China's first emperor chiner hang as just another Legend a study conducted in 2020 revealed alarmingly high levels of mercury in his tomb this finding suggest that volatile Mercury might be escaping through cracks which is proof that the tomb has remained sealed and untouched for centuries now this comes off as a huge surprise since it's now one of the few tombs on Earth that remains unopened chiner hang renowned for his role in unifying China was apparently obsessed with consuming mercury in his pursuit of immortality however what he didn't realize was that the secret to a long life wasn't actually drinking liters of mercury now historical records show that he may have ingested Mercury and potentially died because of mercury poisoning at the age of 49 apart from concerns about Mercury archaeologists are hesitant to excavate the tomb due to the risk of causing damage both the Terracotta Army and chiner hang's tomb site have UNESCO world heritage status in 1974 Farm in China's shanii Province made an astonishing Discovery while working in a seemingly ordinary field they stumbled upon fragments of clay human figures which sparked a much larger excavation further digging revealed many pits beneath the field each containing thousands of life-sized terracotta models these intricately crafted figures depicted soldiers warh horses acrobats officials and animals collectively known as the Terracotta Army their purpose was to guard the tomb of chiner hang despite extensive exploration around the melum site the emperor's tomb itself has remained sealed keeping its secrets well-kept for over 2,000 years however the booby traps aren't the only reason why archaeologists were hesitant to open the tomb opening the tomb of China's first emperor chiner hang raises significant concern about potential damage and loss of historical information especially considering the invasive archaeological techniques currently available if we compare this to the damaging excavation of Troy by Heinrich schleman team in the 1870s it's no secret that there are a lot of risks when it comes to excavation of such historical sites as a result scientists have proposed non-invasive methods such as utilizing muons which are subatomic particles generated during cosmic ray collisions acting as advanced x-rays muons offer a promising Avenue for exploration although this method is not really popular yet moreover the immediate dangers posed by potential booby traps within the tomb are another reason why there haven't been any attempts made to open it and the fact that there is mercury adds another layer of concern now let's talk about what's inside chin hang's tomb archaeologists are currently expanding their excavations at the melum of chiner hang during the 3r century BC chiner hang governed the largest unified Kingdom in the Far East laying the groundwork for Imperial China under the chin Dynasty the empire thrived in military prowess economic prosperity and technological advancements however after chiner juang 's death in 221 BC the Empire experienced a rapid decline the thing is chiner hang was super motivated and initiated the construction of an expansive and opulent tomb located outside the chin capital of Shion according to Legend construction on the tomb started when the emperor was just 13 years old so it required a huge Workforce to complete despite attracting numerous tourists the remains unexplored but if the Legends are accurate the melum could potentially contain treasures and decorations unparalleled in ancient history chiner hang's tomb is located 35 KET east of Shian nestled between the lichon mountains to the South and the wey River to the north according to traditional Chinese geomancy beliefs the landscape resembles a dragon with the Imperial TB tomb situated within Lee Mountain symbolizing the dragon's eye Lee Mountain once larger but now diminished by erosion over 2,000 years is adorned with Lush vegetation and spans approximately 1 square mile comparable in size to the Great Pyramid of Giza however comparing the scale of the first Emperor's tomb solely by the mountains Dimensions would be rather unfair it was no secret that chin shur hang wanted to live a long life in fact he also believed in the concept of an elaborate afterlife and thus orchestrated the transformation of a vast area several kilometers wide around Lee Mountain into an extensive above ground and underground city guarded by his impressive terracotta warriors this city reflects his aspiration for a majestic final resting place befitting his stature discovered in 1974 by local Farmers while drilling a water well near Xian the Terracotta Warriors stand as one of the most extraordinary archaeological finds of modern times this remarkable collection comprises life-sized statues including soldiers chariots horses officials acrobats strongmen and musicians estimated to number around 8,000 during a special exhibition in London from 2007 to 2008 when a few of these statues traveled abroad the British museum saw its most successful year ever even surpassing the famed Tuten common exhibition of 1972 since the initial discovery of the Terracotta Warriors archaeologists have extensively explored the surrounding area uncovering a network of 180 distinct sites these sites contain miniature representations of offices Towers walls with Gates Gardens lakes and animals entertainers and decorative ornaments it appears that chin shur hang in his quest for immortality through unconventional means sought to create an entire replica World linked to his tomb The Artisans from the time painstakingly carved a map of the entire chin Kingdom into the floor while the ceiling was adorned with jewels to mimic the sky not only that but simulations of rivers and oceans were achieved using Quicksilver which further enhanced the immersive nature of this underground world the only source that is aware of chiner hang's Tomb is the shuji or records of the grand historian written by simaan who served as a prefect of the grand scribes during the Han Dynasty this historical narrative was compiled roughly a century following the first Emperor's demise Caan's depiction of of the Tomb appears almost too good to be true it is believed that it took around 700,000 laborers who were tasked with constructing a vast space filled with bronze after tunneling through Three Rivers According to some sources Artisans meticulously carved a map of the entire chin Kingdom on the floor adorned the ceiling with precious jewels to emulate the sky and utilized liquid mercury to simulate rivers and oceans a substance believed to possess life-preserving properties during the chin era remarkably A specialized mechanism was reportedly devised to maintain the flow of these Mercury Rivers given the immense Authority and resources at chiner hang's disposal there arises skepticism regarding the plausibility of such an elaborate tomb the sheer volume of Mercury ore required for such a task would have amounted to tens of thousands of tons as the tomb remains sealed the accuracy of Caan's narrative remains unverifiable in 2005 a research team led by Chinese archaeologist dwan Chingo employed ground penetrating radar electrical resistance measurements and core samples taken from the vicinity of the Tomb to generate a computer generated image of its interior this revealed a vast pyramid-like structure with a sealed chamber equivalent in size to a football field believed to house chiner hang's tomb to corroborate Caan's description of mercury Rivers the team conducted an analysis of 4,000 core samples for traces of mercury vapor remarkably all samples particularly those from the area surrounding the burial chamber contained elevated levels of mercury this strongly indicates the presence of liquid mercury rivers in encircling chiner hang's remains potentially within a replica of his Empire spanning the size of a football field despite the involvement of a vast Workforce in constructing the mausoleum historical records concerning its interior and contents are notably scarce shockingly it's believed that the emperor resorted to executing each worker to safeguard secrecy Often by ining them within the very Earthworks they helped create this grim and ruthless aspect of chiner hang's rule where those who contributed to the mum were met with such a fate prompts reflection on whether the memory of these workers should be honored by preserving the tomb sealed rather than potentially disturbing their final resting place however with advancing technology there's a growing Prospect of gaining deeper insights into the tomb's contents but what do you think was it the right move for scientists to open the tomb or are the Mercury Rivers just a hoax let us know in the comments and subscribe to our channel for more videos just like this
Channel: Crunch
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Keywords: crunch, discovery, scientists are terrified to open qin shi huang's tomb after crazy discovery!, scientists discovery, ancient discovery, ancient aliens secrets of the tombs, ancient aliens: secrets of the tombs (s5, mysterious discovery, ultimate discovery, qin shi huang's tomb, incredible discovery, ancient tombs, discovery channel, discovery plus, reacting to indiana jones, tombs, secrets of the tombs, strange recent discoveries, strangest things recently discovered
Id: 7GOdC25WcAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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