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On the outskirts of Yinchuan, a city in northwest China, at the foot of Helan Mountain, on a barren sand leaf , miraculously stand hundreds of round or square loess mounds, some of which are somewhat similar to the pyramids of ancient Egypt, and people call them the East Pyramids Are they burning camps , prayers to God, or ancient castles where treasures are buried ? Who built them? Yinchuan is the capital of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China. During the 13th century, there was a kingdom called Xixia in the northwest , and the capital was Yinchuan. At that time , there stood a magnificent palace, and the market was very lively . Today, on the most prosperous street in Yinchuan, there is an antique gatehouse, which the locals call it South Gate Tower. The square in front of the gatehouse is a place for citizens to hold celebrations and gatherings . It is said that the South Gate Tower existed in the Western Xia period . After several trials and tribulations , it is now preserved more than 1,000 years ago, which was rebuilt in the 20th century. This may be the center of the capital of the Western Xia Kingdom. The pile is the tomb of Li Yuanhao , the king of Western Xia. Yuan Hao was brutal and suspicious before his death. He murdered like hemp. He was afraid that the palace after his death would be robbed by the enemy, so he arranged countless similar tombs to harm people's eyes. Regardless of whether the legend is true or not , the mysterious mound has been used by the outside world for a long time Forgetting was exposed on the ground like this until 1971 when archaeologists came here to investigate in 1971 There is nothing in the modern market, ah , the Gobi is a Gobi . At the scene, people found many fragments with characters inscribed. Some of them are Chinese characters, and some are like Chinese characters, but no one can understand them. Experienced archaeologists have identified them as ancient characters from the Western Xia Kingdom. Just based on the remaining texts, it can be confirmed that this is indeed the site of the Xixia Kingdom. Later, people found in the history books of the Ming Dynasty that several generations of kings of the Xixia Kingdom were buried under the Helan Mountain. Therefore, archaeologists preliminarily concluded that the sites distributed here are Xixia. Wang Mausoleum But about the history of the Xixia Kingdom, the ancient history books only have sporadic information, and there is no particularly accurate and detailed record. So what kind of past and legend does this ancient country called Xixia have? In 1908, a mysterious camel caravan came to Inner Mongolia. There are some ancient ruins scattered in a desert here . The locals call it Blackwater City. Legend has it that countless rare treasures are buried. The leader of the camel caravan is a retired Russian military officer named Kerzlov . The next year, Kerzlov came to Blackwater again. In a stupa, he almost excavated an ancient museum, including countless Buddha statues, Buddhist scriptures and beautiful thangkas . We have lost many opportunities to uncover secrets. Only the more than 8,000 documents and exquisite relics preserved in St. Petersburg, Russia tell people of a once brilliant civilization, but at that time No one knows who those things once belonged to . In 1909, a Russian sinologist found a double-section dictionary in Chinese and Xixia in the literature. The mystery of Heishuicheng was solved. He was originally a city in Xixia. Located in the war and earthquake, the ancient country of Xixia has come into people's field of vision since then, but his face has always been shrouded in mist. When the tomb of the Xixia king was discovered, people were full of hope . Maybe the royal tomb can tell us a lot about the past of this subjugated country. In the summer of 1972, the survey work began, but at this time The people in this group know almost nothing about the ruins . When I went there, I felt that he was very big, very big, desolate , mysterious, um, um, he still couldn't tell. He didn't know how much he left and contained in it . People finally learned that there are 9 large-scale imperial tombs and more than 200 large and small accompanying tombs arranged on the land with a width of 4.5 kilometers from east to west and a length of more than 10 kilometers from north to south, with a total area of ​​nearly 50 square kilometers. A monarch, the last king was killed by an enemy , there should be no mausoleums. People guessed that there were 9 kings buried in 9 mausoleums, but where were they buried? Before finding out the owner of Suzuki, archaeologists had to separate the 9 Suzukis according to their locations. No. The survey results show that the shape of each mausoleum is similar. There are air earth city walls around it. The city is divided into front , middle and rear parts to form a closed courtyard. But what is the use of these air earth mounds? If they were not like they are now So what is the image? In addition, in the underground tomb of the mausoleum, whether there are rare treasures buried in the tomb, people have considered and decided again and again. There is no obvious robbery hole on the visual surface . The mausoleum numbered 6 has been excavated since 1972 . The 24.6-meter, 49-meter- long wooden path was finally cleared. The road leading to the underground palace was getting closer and closer. People became excited. What kind of legacy will the king who is going down to the west leave us? At that time, I was still more optimistic, because at that time there were leftovers on both sides of the wooden door . Although it is not very complete , there are some murals in the leftovers. This is a lion dance in Xixia, this one is holding a knife and holding a knife. In that place, I was probably afraid of this priest at the time. I was afraid that there was still some hope. However , when I went deeper, it brought deep disappointment. In the whole underground, I only found that there was a section that pushed through, like a skull, a chakra, and a calf that was too long. It doesn't exist , it doesn't exist anymore. Why is there such a phenomenon? It is estimated that it was also when the log was dug up, the corpse was discovered, and the warning was already on it, so there are not many generated under him, a luxurious underground palace. There are only a few items left. They were all buried in the muck or mounds. It was probably the No. 6 mausoleum that was accidentally left by tomb robbers . Even so, the fate of other mausoleums can be imagined . The results of the survey were surprising. Almost all of the dead have been stolen Traces , what kind of tomb robbers are so rampant? This magnificent forest area only left us with countless regrets What are their uses? In the ancient tomb capital of China, the emperor 's current generally has a long Shinto, on both sides of the Shinto, there are official statues that simulate the order of the court, as well as statues of some animals. They are called stone statues and guard the dead emperor. The authoritative experts have judged that these statues may also be stone statues, but because the number of unearthed is too small and the location is not completely certain , it is still a mystery how they are arranged. Among the large-scale cultural relics unearthed on the ground, the most striking is A few stone sculptures with unique shapes. They both want people and want to be thin. What do they do? In fact, they are one, a historical burden , just like our Four Heavenly Kings. He bears this one. This customer is A palace, this residence , this is the foundation of the 10 residences, the 10 below the 10. Come here, haha , he is a teacher to guide him . There is still debate about the use of the 10. Some people think that they are used for camel stone tablets. The stone tablets record the king's life. There may be merits and demerits, but all the tombstones have disappeared. Only a large number of fragments are scattered in the cemetery. When the No. 7 zero was cleared, a total of 1,775 fragments were unearthed. Li Fanwen , a scholar of Western Xia literature, was assigned to match the fragments. He recognized After clearing the 16 words and 16 words, he has a total of four items. The first item is the death of great sorrow. The second line is Hu Chengshengde. Hu Cheng is the title of this little man from the west. Hu Chengshengde is the emperor . The text of the tomb is this Emperor Ziyi, this is the person who is too small, the leader, this is recorded in the secular world, this is the leader, so after these 16 words are translated, it can be determined that this emperor is the fifth generation emperor under his knees. This is A very lucky thing , in a small number of 16 words, the clue of the owner of Suzuki was found clearly. To this day, Shouling is still the only one of the nine tombs of the Western Xia Dynasty that can determine the identity of the tomb owner. Although the excavation results are not satisfactory. But the huge scale of the undead is enough to show that the Western Xia Kingdom once had a strong national power and a glorious past , so who established this kingdom and how did it rise? The Yellow River has always been called the mother river of the Chinese nation. Like the Di River and the Diglis River, it gave birth to the earliest civilization and wisdom of human beings. Compared with the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, the upper reaches of the Yellow River are much desolate. The desert and Gobi constitute the main scenery here, but they are also dotted with pieces of oases and grasslands, natural features. The playground has been a paradise for nomads since ancient times . Among them, there is an ancient primitive people who can shepherd sheep. Sheep is their totem. The Han people call them the Qiang people. There is a tribe called Dangxiang among the Qiang people. power Gradually expanding from north to east. In the 7th century AD , the party statue group surrendered to the Tang Dynasty. A star-expanded tribe was the most central. They were born and died for the emperor in several crises. The emperor gave the highest honor to the Tuoba Department and authorized the leaders of the Tuoba Department to use the Tang Dynasty. The rationality of the dynasty became the nominal royal family . In the 10th century AD, the once- prosperous Tang Dynasty perished and the Central Plains fell into chaos. More than 50 years later, the Song Dynasty reunited China, but the various ethnic minorities in the north took the opportunity to expand their power. In 1038 AD , the hero and leader of the development department, Li Yuanhao, ascended the throne of the king , and the country name is Xia Jiandu Xingqingfu , which is today's Yinchuan. Li Yuanhao was 36 years old in this year, and history books called his kingdom. In the heyday of Xixia, his territory included today's Ningxia, Gansu , western Inner Mongolia, northern Shaanxi, and eastern Qinghai , covering an area of ​​830,000 square kilometers . After contacting the Han culture, the nomadic party school people learned to grow grain, burn porcelain , and entered farming civilization. However, traditional The animal husbandry is still an important production method for the appearance of people . The discovery in the burial tomb of Xixia Wangling No. 177 confirmed this . This golden copper cow is the size of a real cow and weighs 188 kilograms . The appearance is full of gold and cast in bronze. One of the most exquisite objects left to future generations, the posture of the same ox is natural and vivid. Obviously , the caster is very familiar with the posture and habits of the ox . A large stone horse was also found not far from the discovery of the golden and bronze ox. The stone horse adopts freehand brushwork. Simple original carving technique, simple and rough style , he is actually a kind of online bar of his life scene, um , some people say that cows and horses should be this kind of minority , that is, half-farm, half-farm , this kind of farming A manifestation of the economic form. What exactly is the cow with its head facing inward and the horse with its head facing out like this, one mile, one mile, one outside, one positive and one negative, some say , er, go out, nomadic , farming , there are legends about Xixia Kingdom A lot , but archaeological work can give us more accurate knowledge . Over the past 30 years , the archaeology of the Xixia royal mausoleum has not been interrupted , and the mystery about the Xixia kingdom has not been completely solved . In 2000, people began to protect the cemetery numbered No. 3 . The excavation was not completed until 2003. The excavation area was more than 30,000 square meters , and 140,000 architectural decorations were unearthed. Since most of them were broken when they were unearthed, almost all the components needed to be repaired . After a few procedures, people were able to see the works of decent people from centuries ago. Although there are not many types of cultural relics unearthed, they are enough to show the aesthetics of the party to people, and also reveal their inner secrets. The dragon is the ancient totem of the Chinese nation. Later , it was also loved by the surrounding ethnic minorities . Compared with the dragons in the Central Plains, the dragons of the Dangxiang people are fierce and sturdy, and their posture is unrestrained . I can see the image of the Dangjiang people back then, they don't look much like the people in the Central Plains Differences But in fact , the Dangxiang people have lived in grasslands and deserts for a long time, always retaining their nomadic nature. They are good at living together, dark-skinned , bold and stubborn, and they respect loyalty and tenacity. Because they are at the connection between the east and the west, the ancient silk. Lu has shown a strong sense of cultural exchange through the party project team from the territory of Xixia, and has close contacts with Han, Tibetan and other ethnic groups. This Western country is also a country with many cultures. It is multicultural and mainly Han, so you can Engraved his inside, his ministers, including his prime minister , if you want a common name, you will not be able to use your prime minister in the Song Dynasty. You came to me, and I will use you as the prime minister . The rich Central Plains culture behind you is the most important thing for Xixia people. In accordance with the style of the Song Dynasty, the Xixia people established a set of political and legal systems centered on the authority of the king, translated a large number of Chinese classic documents, and tried to use Confucianism to regulate and rule the kingdom . The Han culture got closer and eventually melted into the ancient Chinese culture. The religious scene in this city may represent the hope of friendly coexistence among human beings. In today's Yinchuan, Catholics , Islam and Buddhism can find their own beliefs and sustenance . Although the three major religions originated from Different countries, different periods, have different concepts and education , but here they live together peacefully like neighbors. During the reign of the Western Xia Kingdom, this is the world of Buddhism. There are all kinds of pagodas standing everywhere . Since the contact with Buddhism, the Xixia people They devoted all their enthusiasm and piety. They built countless pagodas and monasteries, sent people to Tibet and the Song Dynasty to seek the foundation of Buddhism , and built Buddhist caves on the cliffs year after year. The Buddha statue is a symbol of Western Xia art. In the St. Petersburg Museum , Russia, there is a double -headed Buddha statue found in Heishui City, Inner Mongolia. They all form a perfect whole. Buddhism has been integrated into every aspect of the life of the Xixia people . Many architectural structures unearthed in the Xixia royal tombs are actually related to Buddhist beliefs. This animal called the sea lion comes from the Buddhist classics . It is a divine beast that can fight the waves. The winged fish is also a Buddhist mythical beast. It is considered to be the spirit of water, the source of life, and it also symbolizes the danger and impermanence of the sea. This type of object was the first to be encountered in archaeological excavations. A total of more than 100 pieces were unearthed in peach and green. It is made of colored glass. From the head , it looks like an ordinary Buddhist Bodhisattva. The only difference is that many Bodhisattva noses have been artificially pressed down , and even the fingerprints of the craftsmen are clearly left on it. I think it should be the same as that of the craftsmen at that time . It has something to do with their psychological state, um , for example , Asians are relatively flat, and the lines are rounder than flat , so he may feel uncomfortable with his pointed nose because of his aesthetic . This is their restored image , with a bodhisattva. mystery A kind face, but when it reaches the abdomen, it becomes the shape of an animal. The lower limbs are thick bird legs, stepping on the fluttering cirrus clouds. Some people compare him with the mysterious teachers, students and people in front of the pyramids. His name is Jialing Concubines, which is in the Buddhist scriptures A kind of divine bird recorded. It is said that he preached the Dharma before he left the class. The peaceful and mysterious Buddhism soothed the hearts of the Xixia people . Centuries of hard migration , cruel wars, diseases and death , in the smile of the Buddha, everything became bearable. Hope is in the midst of endless suffering. The area around Wuwei in Gansu was once the territory of the Western Xia Kingdom. Many relics of the ancient kingdom were also found here. It was in the Dayun Temple in Wuwei 200 years ago. A scholar who came to travel found that there were A stele pavilion was filled with bricks. The monk told him that there was an unlucky stele hidden in it. Once an accident happened, it would bring disaster. At the repeated request of scholars, the brick was finally removed. The stele was secretly treasured . There are only some strange characters engraved on it, which look very similar to Chinese characters , but the learned scholars do not know a single word. Chinese characters are cut on the back of the detour stone tablet. According to the era name recorded above, the scholars finally figured out that the front of the stone tablet is the long-lost Xixia Kingdom. This stele has been completely preserved in the Wuwei City Museum. A century after the discovery of the Xixia stele in Wuwei, the Russian explorer Kerzlov discovered a large number of Xixia literate motors in Heishui City. It is an emerging international culture . Scholars from all over the world have tried to decipher its meaning. So far , more than 6,000 words in the Western script have been discovered. However , the meaning and pronunciation of the Western Xia script have not been completely deciphered . What era did it come from and how did it evolve into it? It is said that before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1038, Li Yuanhao proposed to create his own national characters. Minister Ye Lirenrong deduced his idea and created the Xixia script. In terms of appearance, the Xixia script is very similar to the Chinese character biography around the 2nd century BC. Countless lines are superimposed together, and it is more troublesome to write than a short biography. The Xixia people must not have thought that it is the repeated characteristics of Xixia characters that will lay the foundation for the loss in the future. At that time, his translation was quite developed . You can say this. In terms of regions, every 10 yuan has its own small and small scenic spots. Therefore , after the invention of this small mosquito, after the creation of the small mosquito, it has played a great role in the small culture, its level, economic and cultural aspects. After nearly 100 years of development after its establishment, it has gradually matured , and a large number of Western Xia books have appeared, ranging from national codes, official documents to Buddhist scriptures , literary and historical works , and even private contracts and loan slips . Some of them are handwritten, and some belong to engraved printing. Some are puzzling. Sun Shoulin of Wuwei City Museum loved to engrave seals since he was a child. He knew the properties of wood and clay quite well. When he first saw Xiwen’s sermons, his experience and intuition told him that it was a book of movable type. printed matter In order to prove his point, he spent 3 years experimenting with clay movable type, engraving a new dimension model to unlock the scriptures, you are alive, his horizontal and vertical are not a straight line, horizontal is not parallel, vertical is not vertical , he is jumping from one corner to another during class So when you see it in the class, after you see it, because when people check out, he will turn left, right, up and down. This is his biggest characteristic . It can be seen from the corner of the conversation, but the metal fire and the wood fire do not have such a quadrant. In Yinchuan, Ningxia Niu Dasheng of the Institute of Archaeology has carefully studied another Buddhist scripture in Xixia script . He believes that this Buddhist scripture is a printed matter of wooden movable type. The irregularity of the border and the appearance of Dao characters are the best evidence of movable type printing, especially the inverted character. This , what, this hangtag printing screen , if you mean to say I want to knock this word so that it has a special meaning, and I reverse this word, it is your intentional placement, and he is an active disease, this treatment guides me Inadvertently, you accidentally made a mistake. He placed this skillful tea . Around the 5th century AD, the Chinese first invented block printing , which greatly promoted the production of books. Movable- type printing was first invented, but because no comment on movable-type printing was found at that time, some people objected to the invention of a lifetime. Xixia script books are considered to be the earliest movable-type printing screens in the world. This further confirms that movable-type printing first appeared in China and later passed through silk The road has gradually spread to Europe. Since the No. 3 Mausoleum of the Western Xia Dynasty was cleaned and restored , the desolate place in the past has become a tourist hotspot. The management agency specially built two giant Jialing poor families and rich garden lanes on both sides of the entrance. Now it has a unique shape . The family of concubines in Jialing seems to have become some kind of symbol of the tombs of the Western Xia Dynasty. However, to the archaeologists, the excavation and cleaning of Order No. 3 is actually not much of a surprise . Over the past 30 years, people have accumulated knowledge about the tombs of the Western Xia State little by little through painstaking and meticulous work . The most conspicuous building in the cemetery is called the Ling Pagoda . Inside , it is built with soil , soil and stone, and it is soaked in soil, but its exterior has a platform on each floor, and it all goes out . Hanging , so he this he another he is a uh, octagonal so in fact he is a tower so now why do we call him Linta, that is he looks and that he should be very short-sighted so we call him Linta Pagoda At present , we can still see a little residue on the platform on each floor. At that time, the salt was the salt covered with the tile. Now it still remains on that. The mysterious oriental pyramid finally reveals the appearance of the year. It turns out that his appearance is like a splendid pagoda . As the tallest building in the mausoleum area, the mausoleum pagoda is like a silent satellite TV overlooking the whole mausoleum . In the traditional Chinese imperial tombs, there is generally a high seal above the underground tomb. The seal can protect the tomb well . Are these air mounds in the Xixia Royal Mausoleum? It is the seal that protects the tomb. We originally thought that he might have the same concept as that of Songlin, for example, but now it is not. One is that Mu Shi is not directly below him and in front of him. The other is that this building is not. That is pure stupidity. Through the study of Order No. 3, people have finally figured out the structure of the cemetery of the king of Xixia . Then there is the Stele Pavilion. After passing through the Stele Pavilion, you will come to Yuecheng, which is surrounded by three walls. Behind Lecheng is the early morning . In the middle of the morning, at the front is the existing store where sacrificial activities are held. Behind the Line Hall is a slope-shaped tomb hidden underground and the king's house. Underground Palace Behind the underground palace is a spiritual tower standing high on the ground. This form is unique among ancient Chinese tombs. Why did the Xixia people design this way? There is no definite answer. The only certainty is that this is similar to the Xixia people. The reverence for Buddhism also aroused people's interest in who the tomb owner of No. 3 Mausoleum was . Some people made a bold guess based on the tomb system recorded in the literature and believed that the owner of No. 3 Mausoleum was Li Yuanhao, the founding hero of Western Xia. It was in Li Yuanhao. Under the leadership of Xixia Kingdom, Xixia Kingdom was established and gained a firm foothold in the northwest region. Li Yuanhao was a pragmatic statesman and a tactful strategist. His temperament was heroic, courageous and cunning . Falling into sensual enjoyment, not formal , even his son hates him very much. His 67 wives or 78, is it another one? In the past, it was said that Li Yuanhao had a tragedy at the end. He robbed his son's daughter-in-law and was finally killed by his son, right ? This historical record may be true. What happened in this land, the tragic past, whether it was war or revenge , foreign invasion or internal turmoil, how could they have the heart to waste such a regular wealth ? The Mongolian steppe in northern China rose in the 13th century AD An incomparably brave nomad. Their leader, Temujin , is a legendary figure in the history of the world. Under his leadership, the Mongolian tribes have been integrated together to form the most powerful army in the interior of East Asia. This army is invincible everywhere . Hit Europe, almost from the very beginning of the war, Temujin launched an attack on the Western Xia Kingdom, but he encountered rare stubborn resistance in this not very vast land. In 22 years, Temujin launched 6 major attacks. Large-scale wars and even several personal expeditions , but they were all resisted by the Xixia people. An angry Temujin gave an order that when he conquered Xixia one day, he must kill all the Xixia people and destroy all the things in the Xixia. AD 1224 Mongolia People began to attack the prosperous Blackwater City. The military and civilians of Blackwater City resisted for three months. Almost all 100,000 soldiers died in battle. After the city fell, no one surrendered. Temujin, who had conquered 40 countries, did not see the Xixia Kingdom until his death. demise In 1227 AD, Temujin died in the process of conquering Xixia. At this time , the country of Xixia was also After exhausting their strength, the late Western Xia national army had to go to the Mongolian commander's garrison to surrender in person. In order to fulfill Temujin's wishes, the Mongolian army entered the capital of the Western Xia kingdom and started unrestrained slaughter and destruction. Civilized Chen Guo It turned into ruins , and countless innocent Xixia people were brutally killed . The 190-year-old Xixia Kingdom was destroyed. In the subsequent historical changes, Xixia Dangxiang people gradually disappeared . Most of them became Han or Mongolian ancestors . Forgetting, the past became a legend, and the Western Xia language continued to be used to spread culture . Until the 15th century AD , there were still monks using the Western Xia language to teach scriptures . The two stone tablets engraved in AD 1502 are the last time we have discovered the Xixia language in history. Since its debut , the Xixia characters that have survived tenaciously for more than 400 years are gradually forgotten by people and become dead characters . Whether it is a dead character or a mausoleum that has turned into ruins, the ancient Xixia country has a special attraction to many people. People believe that this vanished kingdom must still leave many secrets waiting for us to explore and find
Channel: 纪实中国
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Keywords: 高分纪录片, 动物, 好看的纪录片, 经典纪录片, 考古纪录片
Id: y7JgWqt2Q-E
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Length: 49min 38sec (2978 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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