Joe Rogan Reacts to Discovery of Genghis Khan’s Tomb

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Angus Khan and his family did they kill 10 of the population of Earth while he was alive I they killed so many people that they affected the carbon footprint of human beings on Earth in a groundbreaking Revelation scientists have Unearthed what they believed to be the long-lost tomb of Genghis Khan this tomb concealed for centuries contains mysterious and unsettling artifacts that raise more questions than answers the contents of this tomb challenge are preconceptions about the great Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan welcome back to Crunch today we discover the Lost Tomb of the great Khan the Enigma surrounding the tomb of Genghis Khan has been the subject of Legends novels and scholarly inquiries while factual accounts have been scarce tales about the tomb have abounded Genghis Khan the Mongol conqueror who established one of the world's largest Empires the only people that the Mongols didn't dig over samurais them up Mongol showed up and they tried to take over Japan on several occasions more than one occasion and every time they were met with these dudes who actually knew how to fight or sword trained or shooting the arrows that dis was believed to have ordered the secrecy of his final resting place it was rumored that anyone involved in the burial was executed to ensure the location remained hidden Legends even suggested that Rivers were diverted to flow over the tomb and wheeled horses were released to obliterate any traces of its existence the location of the Tomb has remained one of history's most tantalizing Mysteries sparking imaginations across centuries historians and archaeologists found themselves torn between respecting local traditions and satisfying Global curiosity in Mongolia Genghis Khan is not just a historical figure but also a national hero and spiritual icon Mongolia has traditionally regarded disturbing the Khan's resting place as a potential source of calamities making it forbidden territory both culturally and literally a lot of things going for them they had strategy first of all they they had devious wild strategies like they would set people up like they would they would send a small party out and those people would go after a small party and chase them down they would lead them into like a canyon filled with Mongols and just Slaughter everybody and block the exit and this tension has created a delicate balance between scientific inquiry and cultural sensitivity failing the tomb's location in secrecy and taboo numerous attempts to locate the tomb blending scientific expertise with local folklore had yielded nothing but disappointment adding complexity to the existing web of speculation yet despite these challenges the Allure of discovering the tomb remained potent it transcended the mere appeal of treasure or the promise of invaluable historical artifacts it was driven by the insatiable human desire to solve a riddle that had confounded Generations archaeologists scoured ancient texts scrutinized satellite images and studied local animal Migration patterns in their quest for Clues folklore spoke of a mountain in northeastern Mongolia believed to be sacred to Genghis Khan leading many to speculate that this mystical Mountain guarded the longsword secret then Guided by Fate came a groundbreaking discovery that many viewed as audacious if not sacrilegious in an age where technology could peer into the far reaches of the universe it was almost inevitable that we would one day turn our gaze toward the hidden recesses of our own past that day has arrived and the Revelation is nothing short of earth-shattering they literally changed how many people were burning things they literally changed it in core samples like when you do a core sample on the earth the carbon footprint of human beings is less while he was alive because he killed one out of 10 human beings that we can no longer rely on campfire Tales or speculative videos about what might lie within Genghis Khan's tomb we now possess tangible incontrovertible evidence a reality that punctures the ballooning myths that have captivated us for so long the significance of this find cannot be overstated for academics it opens new avenues of research into Mongolian history archeology and anthropology for Mongolia it represents both a cultural celebration and a complex dilemma regarding Newfound International attention for the World At Large it adds an unsettling new chapter to an old narrative that has fascinated us for centuries there's a story about this guy that was traveling to China to meet and see if they could do business and do some trading and and see what it's like and as he got close he saw what he thought was a snow-capped mountain in the distance as they got closer they realized that it was a pile of bones and that Genghis Khan and his Warriors had come in in Jin China they killed just when the world had nearly given up on locating the Faber tomb of Genghis Khan a team of archaeologists stumbled upon an unexpected Revelation equipped with Advanced scientific instruments the team was initially in Mongolia for a different Mission studying ancient climate patterns by examining soil sediments little did they anticipate that their findings would ignite International Intrigue and debate the site lay in a remote area near burkincaldoon Mountain a location long suspected to be Genghis Khan's final resting place but never definitively proven as such as the team began their excavation irregularities in the soil layers peaked their curiosity delving deeper they encountered not just the usual plant fragments and sediment but a man-made formation that hinted at a burial site recognizing the potential significance they contacted authorities and initiated a meticulous excavation process cutting-edge technology played a pivotal role in this Landmark Discovery ground penetrating radar mapped the Subterranean structure Advanced Metal Detectors signaled the presence of artifacts and drones equipped with high-resolution cameras provided an aerial perspective aiding navigation in the challenging terrain these tools converge to unveil a burial site of incredible intricacy befitting a leader of immense importance intricate carvings symbols of power and remnants of ceremonial offerings were scattered about that his genes are in a high percentage of the people that still exist there today the defining moment came when inscriptions resembling the old Mongol script were deciphered pointing almost conclusively to this being the tomb of Genghis Khan as news of the discovery spread the world held its breath anticipating the unveiling of the tomb's contents however this discovery was not without its complications given its Monumental significance to mongolia's Heritage the Mongolian government had to be consulted at every step as news media descended upon the site ethical considerations arose questioning the propriety of Excavating a site so deeply intertwined with Mongolian culture and identity weeks turned into months as scientists clad in specialized gear worked tirelessly Around the Clock onlookers and local officials maintained a respectful distance periodic updates offered glimpses into their progress fueling discussions and debates spanning from academic inquiries to existential ponderings beyond the incredible artifacts and historical documents emerging from the site there was an ineffable sense that the discovery was unraveling unforeseen consequences linguists examined inscriptions historians scoured ancient texts and anthropologists assessed the cultural implications as the project embraced an interdisciplinary approach everyone involved recognized they were part of something extraordinary an Endeavor rewriting chapters in the annals of human history the Mongols would lay people on fire and then use their bodies to light buildings on fire with catapults I thought you're gonna say from warmth did they ever light people up but just just a warm up it's cold whatever they wanted to as archaeologists and researchers prepared to open what was almost certainly Genghis Khan's tomb an atmosphere of our knees pervaded the typical Grandeur accompanying significant historical discoveries was conspicuously absent replaced by an apprehensive atmosphere the contents of this tomb were not merely historical Treasures they were enigmatic and chilling threatening to reshape our understanding of Genghis Khan and the era he dominated as the seals were carefully broken the initial items revealed were expectedly Grand gem encrusted swords Inked Scrolls resistant to the ravages of time and ornate armor showcasing the craftsmanship of the era yet as the team ventured deeper they encountered artifacts that defied explanation among the riches were objects composed of material seemingly more advanced than anything from the 13th century anomalous metallurgical compositions enigmatic gadgets with unknown purposes and rudimentary Mechanical Devices both disconcerting of all were inscriptions and symbols on some of these artifacts glyphs and scripts that did not correspond to any known language etched with an uncanny Precision suggestive of Machinery rather than human hands experts from various Fields could not identify the origins of these inscriptions or even offer hypotheses about their possible meanings it was as though these objects were transmitting messages that defied deciphering hinting at knowledge or entities previously unknown 2003 studies found evidence that Genghis Khan's DNA is present in about 16 million men alive today the mystery deepened when DNA analysis of the tombs remains yielded inexplicable results containing genetic markers distinct from any known human lineage while historical figures are often mythologized these scientific findings hinted at something far more mysterious and complex adding to the Eerie Ambiance where ritualistic items implying practices not found in recorded Mongol Traditions ceremonial daggers arranged in geometric patterns containers holding unidentified organic compounds and inscriptions alluding to celestial bodies and Cosmic events was Genghis Khan part of a lost belief system or was something even more otherworldly at play among the most unsettling finds was a parchment resembling a map depicting landforms unidentifiable as any known geography it seemed to represent a different world filled with symbols and topographic designs so I don't know if you know this a lot of Asians are born with a giant blue birthmark on their they call it the Genghis Khan birth bark do you know this no they say it's all the way back from something Genghis Khan did Mr Mongolian blue smile without parallels on Earth next to the map lay stones with translucent qualities almost resembling Advanced data storage devices though purely speculative these Stones emitted a faint glow and inexplicably caused electronic devices brought near them to malfunction the disconcerting aspects of this discovery went beyond the challenge of scientific categorization they ventured into existential territory if these artifacts did indeed originate from Genghis era they hinted at a level of knowledge and understanding seemingly alien compared to previous assumptions about that time the unsettling question loomed large what if Genghis Khan was part of a narrative far more complex and disconcerting than anything we had ever contemplated tell us your thoughts in the comments section below if you want more Discovery content please hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: Crunch
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Keywords: Crunch, archaeology, archeology, archaeology new discoveries, Crunch History, History by Crunch, archaeology crunch, crunch archaeology, genghis khan, where is genghis khans tomb, genghis khan's tomb, where is genghis khan buried, genghis khan tomb, joe rogan genghis khan, joe rogan speaks on genghis khan, joe rogan podcast, genghis khan discovery, genghis khan tomb discovery, Joe Rogan Reacts to Discovery of Genghis Khan’s Tomb
Id: G_KHkzBnlpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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