Pro Bodybuilders vs Science Nerd

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I'm at one of the best bodybuilding gyms in the world where Mass monsters come from all across the globe to train and in this video I'm going to see if they'd be willing to take science-based advice from me a science-based lifter who's much smaller than them let's find out a lot of people think like oh if if you want the best advice you ask the biggest guy in the gym so I'm trying to see if people who are bigger than me would be open to hearing science-based lifting advice oh I I would for sure if you're smart you going to ask the big guy you got to ask the science guy who's also in shape obviously then you just try out and see what works for yourself hey bro you're obviously way bigger than me but I'm still wondering would you be open to taking science-based lifting advice from me absolutely man I'm always willing to learn you might not agree with someone's entire training approach there's always little things that you can take that you can apply to your own training but see your leral raise technique man all right okay good so I'm going to I'm going to pick I'm going to you say you open to hearing advice of course okay here's one thing I would recommend raising this up okay and the reason for that if you put it at hand height and hold it here you'll feel the most tension while you're dealt is most stretched because you're going to get the most tension when the cable and your arm form a 90° angle Mak sense so if you go from the bottom stand up where does that 90° angle happen about there so you're getting Peak tension the delt is most shortened whereas if we raise this up now you have Peak tension right here so you are getting the delt nice and stretched you could probably step out even a little more and get a little more stretch here I'm all on the stretch wave these days I'm not saying it's the most important thing but I think it matters that tension when the muscle's in the stretch position that's what's going to tear up the muscle fibers like I emphasize that on all my lifts I mean I'm pretty big it's working for me it's working for you exactly that's it bro this is good I'm going to try this today my shoulder workout man this is nice all right we got a certified big guy over here let's go see if he's willing to listen to me excuse me bro I was wondering if even though you're way bigger than me would you be willing to take some science-based lifting advice from me yeah sure of course would you be willing to show me how you bench sure I want you to do whatever you would do just pretend the cameras are not pretend I'm not here let's take the safeties off I I don't know why know okay so first of all I wouldn't like don't do this but you know wait so you want five plates so this is 495 lb 3 2 1 let's go dude [Music] Yep this is where I'll probably give you the science based critique trying to go for the junior world record on the bench press this year and this is 550 lb more than I've ever actually deadlifted in my life which is insane all right Deon let's get buddy 3 2 1 here we go drive drive drive come on work bro so you have like a very unique benching style which is just like Brute Force so it reminds me of the deadlifters who just come and like grip and rip but then they deadlift like 800 lb who am I to tell you to pull the sock out of the bar but in your case I don't think I noticed a lot of leg drive if you could push down and push the floor away from you press the bar up and back if that could help you generate more power or maybe that would just make you overthink it and actually press less when I make any small adjustments where I kind of have to think about doing it it always takes my mind off the actual lift it makes sense and listen like people kind of have this like caricature of what science based lifting is what it is to me is more along the lines of what's going to work the best that doesn't mean it has to be based off a study you can be doing your own experiment and if what you're doing is working then why like what am I going to say you're one of the best bench pressers in the whole world so it's like you know come on so yeah that was that was incredible bro you put on a great show I appreciate it man all right bro this is probably my favorite back exercise so can you show me how you do it yes how do you load the plates here I put the 25 here just to have a bit more of like uh weight and resistance at the bottom but I love to like re get like a good stretch that's exactly that is exactly what I would do as well that's that's really good good squeeze wow that's the tempo you lift with yeah yeah that's very controlled I have to get incredibly nitpicky cuz this is like basically perfect she's squeezing her mid traps together she's pulling them apart on the negative and then look at the control on the negative like you can almost feel the fibers pulling apart on the negative whereas a lot of people who do this exercise will just let the weight freef fall and they only think about getting the weight up rather than controlling it on the weight down but that's when most of the growth happens a a double plus you nailed it yeah that's perfect good job no wonder you're so freaking jacked what a lot of people do is they get so obsessed with adding weight that they let their form slip and they're like oh I'm adding so much more weight I'm getting stronger but it's like like no your form is just getting worse but I think you can become so obsessive with the form that you just like you can't get that like umph in the movement anymore as long as you can still get that oomph then I think it's totally fine to be as perfectionistic about your form as you want to be this guy is massive even though you're obviously a lot bigger than me would you be open to taking a few science-based tips from me or no absolutely yeah yeah okay cool um so what's a weak point that you're trying to bring up on your physique right now I would say my back more less is it more midback or more width so more like thickness versus wi like yeah more width let's go do some some pull-ups you want to show me your uh your Technique all right let's do it actually I have another question for you what's your weight right now bro um 345 bro I has like almost 200 lb on me I need a lot of assistance yeah yeah well if you're 345 lb that's a nice range of motion man good control so when I when I talk about technique from a science based perspective there's two things that I look for one is range of motion and the other thing is control on the negative okay you did both of those things great a lot of people on pull-ups cut the range of motion short either at the bottom or at the top with the bottom being extremely important because that's where the lats are going to be most stretched yes uh the other thing A lot of people do is they tend to use a lot of momentum on Pull-Ups so they kind of use a lot of hip drive to get themselves moving which I think is actually an advantage of using assistance because it forces you to be a little bit more locked in absolutely guys who are trying to get really really jacked like you are actually almost too proud to use assistance they almost see it as like oh I don't need assistance bro but I'm a lot lighter than you I can do quite a few bodyweight pull-ups but I find I can connect with my lats better absolutely if I use assistance so I thought that was a really great thing as well the only thing I did notice and I don't even think it's a bad thing is that when you do your pull-ups you almost Arc a lot you almost keep your head away from the bar you notice that trying to bring my chest to the bar you're essentially squeezing your shoulder blades together when you do that if you stay completely upright you'll isolate the lats a little more through if you just turn side on what's called shoulder adduction so essentially bringing it down in this plane okay whereas the more you lean back now you're going to get some some mid trap involvement pull-ups are meant to be a complete back exercise it's not a bad thing it's just different ways of executing it I suppose I'd give you an a double Plus on your Technique it's great coming from your we want to see what's going on I I was also incredibly curious how many calories do you eat a day you know what this year is actually less than usual I'm like 7,000 calories a day less a day 7,000 bro 65 to 7 usually yeah closer to seven how many grams of protein uh just under 400 and your body weight is 340 the studies do show that you tend to max out the anabolic response around 0.7 to 1 g of protein per pound of body weight so you could probably get away with like 350 340 350 at a at a up that's true I think I need like one more couple more couple more big guys big guys big girls whatever would you be open to taking some science-based advice from me even though you're the pro I don't understand okay okay I think a good English no no that's totally fun is it cool if I give you some workout tips okay yeah yeah yeah what's a muscle that you're trying to improve for your next show what's something you're really trying to work on my legs so what's what's an exercise that you've been doing to try to bring up your legs m squat squat okay can you show me how you do it yeah yeah okay let's do it let's do it so I just want you to front squat however you normally would nice that was perfect your depth is great your walk out is efficient your rack position is good A lot of people have a tendency when they front squat to kind of like let their back curve forward but you do a really good job of keeping your elbows up and keeping your chest tall you get really deep a lot of bodybuilders especially will try to load too much weight to the point that they end up only going like halfway down whereas you get all the way down so I have to ask you another question you're trying to bring up your legs so how many times per week do you train your legs uh two per weeks two days per week okay so that's that's perfect as well how many sets would you say you do for your legs I think 10 about 10 10 sets okay and you do that twice per week yeah so you're doing about 20 sets per week yeah so I have I have nothing for you yeah thank you so much great all right so I was curious even though you're obviously much bigger than me would you still be open to taking training tips from me yes of course for him he always likes to get in new information and learn from others if it works for him great if it doesn't then at least he'll learned something new right nobody knows everything of course he there's things that he doesn't know yet so the more he knows the better what's a body part that you're trying to improve this offseason maybe a weak point or something that you're giving more attention to um okay so so like mid traps mid traps okay you don't recommend anything for back thickness there's actually something that I do on the tar row that we can try it's a tar row okay that turns into a Kelo shrug so once you hit failure leave your arm straight and do this so you're not actually you're not rowing it's a shrug it's a mid trap shrug that'll allow you to get more Reps for your mid traps after you've exhausted your ability to fully row so it's basically an extended set Beyond failure I just want you to try that out so for Mid trap and emphasis flare the elbows out at about a 45° angle if you keep them too tucked it'll be more lat emphasis and then once you can't squeeze it all the way up keep your elbows locked and just shrug here that's it and so keep the elbows locked and just squeeze just squeeze that's it that's it that's it that's it nice what do you think yeah good good yeah good all right nice look at his arms look at this this is crazy dude even though you're obviously ly way bigger than me would you still be open to hearing science-based lifting advice from me absolutely what would you say is a weak point on your physique if any this isn't a good question to ask cuz I'm hypercritical I think everything's a weak point so to me that translates as no weak points one of the things I put most of my focus into is just the lats how many days a week do you train your lats right now I only train four times a week so I train everything once biceps I train twice is there a reason for that like do you do you think that you need six or seven days for that muscle to feel recovered because you're hammering it that hard or do you think that after like 3 or 4 days I'm not really sore anymore I could come in and smash it again I mean there's different like ways to train as you know and one of the things that me and my coach have tried recently is a really high-intensity program with lower volume so we're only train four times a week and with how hard I'm training I do need about six seven days to rest to come back and have another good workout when you look at the studies on training frequency they're mostly college aged guys who are not even remotely at your level of muscular development so it's like I I'm totally open to the possibility that like once you get to this level you can incur so much muscle damage in a session because of the loads you're using because of how much sheer Mass there is that yeah you just do need a long time for that stuff to get back to Baseline yeah exactly okay all right all right bro I was nervous you were going to say no about that science based thing oh yeah I'm these are the you like okay I want you to do it how you would do it so don't try to scientif it for the video just normal nice that's the tempo you'd normally use at this point yeah yeah one thing he's clearly doing is driving his elbow down that's going to activate his lat and he's actually not doing what a lot of bodybuilders do on pull Downs which is squeezing their mid traps together he's completely isolating his lat by driving his elbow down there's almost no no Swang amazing control on the negative and he's keeping his shoulders Square so if you look front on he's not doing this which a lot of people do to cheat this is good I think I can tell it's a non-dominant hand cuz you're like kind of curling with your wrist a little bit more also when you extend there's actually no need to extend back behind your midline because the lats have no leverage there so a lot of people have a tendency when they do pull Downs to go like way and pull back here but your lats literally can't contribute to that motion the the traps can take over but clearly he's trying to isolate his last here but that looks really good Queen you know you said something and the about the crisp being B I never catch that and when I switched it just something's that small I thought that much harder contraction yeah yeah yeah it makes sense because you you see like when you're training your lats there are multiple joints where tension can leak it means that if there's unwanted movement here that tension isn't being directed as efficiently to the muscle where you want it last question what's your favorite pose maybe a front double bicep front double bicep would you be down to do a front double bicep with me oh sure yeah right let's do it oh I was going to ask you how how heavy are you bro I wait now is 293 293 yeah makes [Music] sense just come up close on this bro yeah yeah yeah that's great you look insane yeah Quinton is probably probably has the most amazing physique I've ever seen in person like that I've stood next to and it's funny that I asked what his weak point was and he was like I don't know I have so many and it's like I knew he didn't have one I'm going to go ahead and Link everybody who is in this video's uh Instagram YouTube whatever down below so make sure you go show them some love let them know that you came from this video I really appreciate that if you guys enjoyed it leave me a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you all here in the next one why did the big guy cross the road why did the big guy cross the road get to tr there's Tren on the other side I don't know you said to be funny bro I don't have jokes like that I don't know
Channel: Jeff Nippard
Views: 1,142,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff nippard, pro bodybuilding, antoine vaillant, morgan macdonald, pure muscle and fitness, greg doucette, mike van wyck, science nerd, jeff nippard greg doucette, greg doucette jeff nippard, mr olympia, chris bumstead, fake natty exposed, fake natty influencers, will tennyson jeff nippard, jesse james west, greg doucette mike israetel, mike israetel, bodybuilding motivation, jeff nippard chest, jeff nippard back, jeff nipard, natural bodybuilding vs steroids
Id: gunZRs8g6q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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