Elastic Energy + More Experiments! | Season 1 | Full Episodes | Science Max

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this is science Max experiments at large science Max welcome to science Max experiments at large I'm Phil mordic and today we're going to be building one of the most devastating one of the most powerful machines known to Medieval man using a plastic spoon among other things we're going to be building a catapult catapults were used throughout history for all kinds of reasons to throw all kinds of things but mostly Big Stone blocks at castle walls in order to knock them down here's what you need in order to build your own catapult you need elastics uh pencils um unsharpened is fine plastic spoons like I said and Popsicle sticks Popsicle Popsicle sticks Popsicle sticks um I'm going to go wash my hand so here's the science behind what we're doing today it's all about elastic Force elasticity is a property of solid materials like this elastic and how much they tend to return to their original shape when deformed like when I pull on it elastics are called elastics because they're great at doing just that you can pull on it and pull on it and pull on it and it'll ow ow ow always return to its original shape so we are using the power of elastic force today ow now it's time for a science Max quiz elasticity is the ability for a material to return to its original shape when deformed like this or this which of these materials have elasticity a rubber band a pencil or a rock haha this is a trick question the answer is all three most solid materials have elasticity nearly everything will deform a little and still be able to return to its original shape it all depends on how much this is a steel bar this is an elastic band and this is an ice cream Sunday we're not talking about ice cream Sundays now though so get that out of here good now a steel bar and an elastic band both have elasticity a steel bar can be stretched to 1% of its length and still spring back a rubber band can be stretched 300% or more the difference between the two is why we make balls out of rubber and buildings out of steel because the other way around wouldn't be good for balls or buildings this has been a science Max quiz all right let's build our catapult the first step take four pencils and stick your Popsicle stick in between so you have two on the top and two on the bottom and then use your elastic to go around and around and around that's why I like building things with elastics because it makes it very fast to tie things together because once you go around and you have it nice and tight you just pop it over the end and voila it stays together and that is how you start making your frame put more pencils on that side and another popsicle stick on the other end held on at the corners with more elastics then take even more elastics and put them right around the middle until you get this I've added a few more elastics around the middle here and that is where we're going to get all of our elastic Force I think I have six the more you use the better it's going to work take your Popsicle stick stick in between the elastics and then start spinning it around here's the reason I use pencils and popsicle sticks is because the pencils are a little a little bit longer which allows you to twist the popsicle stick around in the middle and build up the elastic Force now because I'm twisting the elastic Force we're using here is called torsion or twisting force when you feel you have enough torsion pull your Popsicle stick down a little bit so it won't unwind on you and you'll see that you have all kinds of elastic energy then take your spoon and stick it on the popsicle stick and and you can also break off the popsicle stick if you want to make sure it's the right length and it works like that to make the frame you just need more pencils and elastics the trick is to make a triangle with two pencils attached to your frame they should stick up right where your catapult arm would be fully upright then take a final pencil and put it across the top don't forget to pull the arm back before you put the pencil across otherwise it'll end up on the wrong side now this is is very complicated and I went pretty fast so if you want the step-by-step instructions on exactly how to build this go to our website and there you go a catapult of your very own that you can use to knock down very small castle walls I've also built a larger catapult using all of the same principles pretty good huh it's got a longer arm which means I can throw marshmallows even further whoa or I can throw larger marshmallows or I can throw very large marshmallows now I know what you're thinking you're thinking Phil is that the largest catapult you're going to make well of course not this is science Max experiments at large I'm headed to the Center for skills development and training and we're going to max out the Catapult so that it's big enough to throw one of these [Music] hey Zach hey Phil how you doing all right this is Zach he's a mechanic engineer and you build machines for a living right that's right great cuz I need help building a catapult okay but what's with the pumpkin the pumpkin is what I want to throw out of the Catapult um see I figur we just take the small design and we just make it so that we can throw one of these what do you think you're going to need a really big catapult yeah and I'm also going to need some really big elastics where do you get those well in medieval times they used rope to make large catapults oh okay well rope is a lot easier to get and that would be fine uh and I want to make this arm uh as long as this piece of wood here this is going to be a huge catapult it's a huge catapult I guess you should build it outside though huh let's do it okay it's over that way I'll follow you sure do you want a hand with that no no I'm fine you go ahead and I'll I'll just maybe if you hold the door open for me I could just hold no you know what you go and I I'll meet you you sure you good our full-size catapult is going to look a lot like the popsicle stick version we start with a four-sided frame and add some legs on the bottom our spoon is going to be replaced by a long throwing arm with a basket on the end then we need a really strong cross brace at the top to stop the arm just like in the small version using a triangle shape is the best because triangles are very strong finally we need something to wind around and around which is going to give us our elastic Force instead of elastics we're going to be using rope for our catapult because rope has just the right amount of of elasticity but unlike Medieval Times we're going to be catapulting pumpkins once zck and I got it all put together it looked like this okay we have built a catapult check it out it's pretty solid and I think it's pretty amazing and just like in the small catapult we have our elastic Force but this time we're using rope right Zach yes okay and rope will work as well as the elastic did in the small one yeah all right great so what do we do it's really loose now we need to wind this up so we put some tension into it Go the reason a catapult works is because the Rope is Twisted the elasticity in the Rope wants to unwind which gives the Catapult its power just like the small catapult the more you wind it the better it works usually in medieval days they had a whole teams of people doing this job but it's just me and Zach now how you doing Zach all right okay and then we clamp it on here so the thing doesn't unwind right y good all right now we have our pumpkin and we're going to fire our pumpkin in our castle wall which is made out of cardboard boxes over there pumpkin all right here we go pull on the arm back oh that elastic force is pretty strong okay how do you think we you think that pumpkin's a good size oh it's pretty big you think a little too big to it's tooo big for our basket smaller pumpkin smaller pumpkin I'll hold this no rush stack no rush okay Rush Zack can't hold oh yeah can't hold arm okay ready one two three it didn't work that well um that well yeah so it went and it flew and it landed here which is a little farther away from the wall like it to be one3 of the way to the wall I don't know if that's enough what do we do to make it better well the way we're throwing it right now we just have the pumpkin in a you know at the end of the arm but if we make make some kind of a sling so that we fling it as we're bringing it up we make a sling yes all right I don't know how to make a sling but you know how sure all right we'll make it and then you can explain how it works yeah all right good let's put the pumpkin over here we'll put it we'll recycle it later Max historica good Tom to you I Am Lord fingon III and welcome to my medieval castle throughout history Lords and Kings have built castles and walls to keep people out I built my castle to protect my prize collection of snow globes I have so very many and they're all mine ha oh hello no you down there you can't come in this is my castle and throughout history there have been people who've been wanting to get into those castles because Lord fingon has been hogging all the snow globes and I well I'd like to look at them but the odd part is figuring out how to get into the castle because our CES come up to the wall and start armoring on it taste the wrath of my water balloon because because if I get too close to the castle he can get me fortunately there's this thing called a catapult oh Fiddlesticks they have a catapult what you do is you put something heavy in the end here and the Catapult fires it at the walls of the castle knocks them down all from forign enough away that the people in the castle can't get to you I Surrender don't knock my walls down it'll take me a week to fix them all right all right you can have a snow [Music] globe and that's how catapults were used in history oh so beautiful back to our maxed out catap our first design threw a pumpkin just like it was supposed to except it only threw it onethird of the way to the wall now Zach and I are planning to outfit the Catapult with a sling the sling attaches to the end of the throwing arm and gives the pumpkin a lot more distance to travel because the pumpkin is traveling a longer distance in the same amount of time it will be going faster which will hopefully get it to the wall or at least a lot farther than before so we built this sling how does this work Zach well we've got one end tied here yeah and then we put the pumpkin in here wait wait okay pulling arm down pulling arm down okay yeah now what now we put the pumpkin in here put the pumpkin in there and we Loop this over the back of the over that as the throwing arm goes up this will slide off the back of the throwing arm and it will release the pumpkin all right you're the expert I believe you let's try it out 3 2 1 wao okay that works really well you know what the problem is though we still don't have enough oomph yeah it needs more power so what do we do sh I don't know if we can crank that rope anymore I think we're at the limit of our rope power but if we added some more elastic I thought we weren't going to use elastic well we used elastics in our small demo models what if we use some more we have elastics I don't know brought some in here just in case what's this it's uh surgical tubing it's like a giant elastic mhm well I guess this is elastic Force so do we do we twist it around at the bottom there we just wrap it around the throwing arm like this oh I see so we tie it here yeah we just need a lot more and then and then we pull this and it would be oh yeah that would make a lot more so we just need a lot more of this elastic uh what is what is this again surgical tubing surgical tubing it's like a giant elastic fantastic all right goggles on goggles on yes yes mini bag here's another fun way you can play with elastic Force take a milk carton I prefer science Max Milk because it's the creamiest 2% cream 100% science wrap some elastic bands around it with some popsicle sticks on the bottom sort of like feet then take some clamshell packaging which wraps just about anything you buy nowadays and cut out a square or a rectangle then wrap some tape around that square with an elastic in it and put the elastic on the feet of your milk cart then wind it around and make sure you go backwards so your Paddle Wheel boat will go forwards when you put it in the [Music] water and there you go a Paddle Wheel boat now it is time to Max it up aoy the SS Max that plastic Force Paddle Wheel boat mattress I need I need a better name but I've made a giant Paddle Wheel boat that will work on elastic Force because I've got surgical tubing as my elastics and that's an air mattress and then I use some Lumber to hold it all together and of course I need a Paddle Wheel and what better thing to use in a pool than a flutter board okay here we go so normally you're not allowed to wear your clothes and your shoes in the pool but I got special permission because of science besides I'm not worried at all so I didn't wear my swimming outfit because I figure I can totally do this entire experiment without even getting wet that is how confident I am all right now the tricky part we'll be getting on to the mattress okay here we go the SS science hey SS science that's a great name for this look it works great and I managed to stay totally dry huh well almost oh oh you thought I was going to fall in the pool but I didn't uh-oh my flutter board has has stopped moving and I'm I'm in the middle of the pool almost yeah didn't think this through no no no no that's not going to work maybe I'll maybe I'll wait our maxed out catapult was working well with the sling we attached to it but it still didn't make it all the way to the wall Zach's idea is to attach a bunch of surgical tubing to the Cross piece of the Catapult surgical tubing is pretty much big elastics so we'll have two places we're getting elastic force from the rope and the surgical tubing hopefully this design is enough to help our catapult fling a pumpkin far enough to hit the castle wall all right here we go uh you hold that I get this we got our system down now okay this goes up to there okay okay three two one nope one 2 3 oh it went too far it went too far we are that's so good oh man okay so all we got to do is move the Catapult back so you get that side I'll get this side and we'll move the Catapult see now our catapult is too good and we got to back it away from the castle all right let's go again p pumpkin pumpkin pulling arm back pulling arm back grunting loading pum hooking rope on arm hooking rope on arm more grunting more grunting pulling back strongly one two three oh oh oh wow wo we're inside the castle we're still inside the castle oh man it's an excellent shot though so what do we do move the Catapult back yeah move the Catapult back about here here here we go again pumpkin pumpkin loading arm loading arm all right you ready you think it's going to work we've got we've done every modification we can possibly do so you think it's going to work this we did it it's going to work okay here we go I'm excited all right ready ready one two three yeah woohoo high fives well there you have it awesome job now we need to throw fingers to see who gets to rebuild the castle okay one two 3 oh thanks very much for joining us you take a break I'll rebuild the castle you see this is exactly how catapults used to work they'd hit the same part of the wall over and over until they made a big hole and that would weaken the wall fortunately for me it's really easy to fix H just put this right in here oh man grading science maximi my name is Phil and today on science Max experiments at large we are using Mouse truck traps but I cannot find my mouse trap so it's going to be a little hard to do the experiment unless I have oh hey here they are oh yeah I stored them preset why why would I do that okay well that's that's fine anyway today we careful are going to be using mouse trap um like I said we are going to be using Mouse straps Mouse trps as a form of propulsion that's the force that makes things go and we are going to be making a boat go and what is the thing that's going to make this boat go a mouse oh oh it's not set sorry I'm really jumpy anyway we're going to be using a mouse trap and don't worry no mice are going to be harmed in the making of this or any science Max episode but mouse traps are really great because they can store energy in the spring if you see there's a spring that makes this bar want to snap back but we can put energy into the spring and store it and then use that energy as it unwinds the spring to propel our butt but it's a little more complicated than just this so come on I'll show you what we're going to do is build this this is the mous trrap boat and it works like this I've got the mous strap and it's attached to a long arm that arm has a string on it and it goes around the Paddle Wheel and as the mouse trap unwinds the Paddle Wheel spins like that which pushes the boat forward now looks kind of complicated but it's actually quite simple to make and here's what you need my mouse trap boat is made with styrofoam craft sticks and elastics you'll also want a pencil plastic drink caps a shish kebab skewer small zip ties string and of course your mous strap now mous strap straps can hurt your fingers so get an adult to help you when you use them start with two pieces of Styrofoam I like to cut mine into this shape but the only really important thing is that they're the same size your Paddle Wheel is made from a circle of Styrofoam with it penciled through the middle and it will go across like this to make the Paddle Wheel I use cut pieces of craft stick or they can be plastic and make some cuts and then put them in like this and that is what will make your paddles on the Paddle Wheel cuz that's the wheel and that's the paddle Paddle Wheel that's why they call it that stick drink caps to the ends of the pencil after sticking it through the styrofoam I like to use a few craft sticks and elastics to help give the styrofoam strength next is the mouse trap which you want to glue down to a frame of four craft sticks attach the frame to the boat with elastics then attach the shishkabob skewer or a pencil to the mouse trap with zip ties I like to put some craft sticks on the end to make it easier to tie the string to it wrap the other end around the Paddle Wheel pencil and remember you need enough string so that your stick can lie flat okay let's try it out wind up the Paddle Wheel this will be a little hard as the spring will pull back but that's where you're storing the energy and when it's wound up put it in the water and let it go paddle wheel turns because the mouse trap is transferring energy that we put in earlier and it goes all the way we stored the energy in the tension of the spring now that tension is pulling the mouse trap the stick and the string which turns the Paddle Wheel and makes the boat go mous trp powered boat if you want more detailed instructions or other designs look up mous trp boat and there you have it the mouse trap powered Paddle Wheel boat and this is what we're going to max out today come on all right time to pick an expert and go off to Max it out careful okay let's see here and uh-huh who to pick ah Michaela from the the antario science center she'd be perfect all right come [Music] on I Ed up in the water again oh well at least maybe Michaela made it oh Michaela who pH are you okay are we still fixing the portal yeah I need to tweak it just a little bit it was a it's a little off again anyway great to see you Michaela from the Ontario Science Center you're going to help me Max your the mouse strap boat awesome yeah wait where's the boat I yeah I don't have it it I thought it was going to come through the portal um it could be anywhere really I me what oh here it is okay good so here is the mouse strap boat check it out so we got a mouse strap here right and you wind up the Paddle Wheel and it goes yeah right up awesome so what do you you think we should do in order to Max this out uh well first idea I'm just making more mouse traps more mouse traps so we just make a boat and it has like 10 mouse traps on it at least okay great actually I had mouse traps I had mouse traps coming through the portal as well okay okay okay we're all right okay so now we've got the mous TRS we can start building let's good collect them carefully though I don't know if [Music] they're initial thrust or constant [Music] thrust what's the difference it's all about power uh-oh paper airplane initial thrust it gets all it gets all of it it gets all of its thrust from my throw initial thrust if you want constant thrust you have to take the thrust with you like [Music] this so lot of cats in here initial thrust initial thrust initial thrust all the energy is put into the beginning of the all the energy is put into the beginning if you want constant thrust then the thing has to produce power while it's moving wind up car constant thrust actual car yeah that's constant thrust because you have an engine of course not this car this is this is a toy car but but you know what I mean check out this fishing rod and on it I have a lure with a hook now watch this I cast it out initial thrust but then I use the Reel and start winding it back in constant thrust huh huh two thrusts in one and now you know the difference between initial thrust and con thrust hey I caught a fish hey easy Kitty nice kitties easy [Applause] [Music] Rona Michaela and I are maxing out a mouse trap boat we built a larger version with 10 mouse traps all in a line so it looks pretty good I think we're ready right I think so got a whole bunch of mous traps should we should we wind it up and see happens let's do it I think this is going to go pretty well what do you think of that stick is that going to bend too much is that going to snap or it's pretty flexible I mean I think we're okay I think we just keep going until it it breaks oo now it's starting to look very fast yeah like it looks like a speedboat okay ready well um positive it is working it's not going to win any be not not going to win any races at all but it's totally working the mouse straps they're pulling on the string the string is making the Paddle Wheel turn just not much I would have thought this many Mouse straps would be a little bit more effective yeah it looks like we're going for for distance overpower things here that's a lot of distance for this to travel smaller metaph force over a much longer distance that's how a lever works so we Slide the Rope down further on the stick then we would get more force and and it just wouldn't go as long okay so why don't we try that wrapping like that nice all right once again trial two okay ready ready set go oh y that looked better than last oh now it's picking up yeah that's really working careful oh look so good it's good it's not great not yet right how do we make it better what do you think well I was thinking what we try to reduce the friction remember that other boat we tried uh here it is oh yeah the little one you mean yeah the little one see look at this one it has the Pontoon style do you see how um we have it floating on these two surfaces so very little is actually touching the water whereas this one we have a giant hul it's going to drag the water and slow our boat down so it's it's sort of like the difference between like like pushing a whole bunch of water like that and and pushing the water like that yeah we very little resistance for a boat so Little Resistance with a couple things that just stick down like that a lot of resistance when we have big flat okay like that so we completely rebuild this boat shall we do it yeah let's do it our tools floated away again ra [Music] you Min ma our maxed out mous trap boat isn't the only way to give a boat propulsion let's look at another way using balloon let's make a balloon powered boat all you need for that is something to be your boat and a balloon then you attach them together actually the best way to do it is use a straw and attach the balloon to the straw using an elastic band and then you attach it to your boat using more elastic bands just like this I've put a nice tape top on the boat to make it look awesome and I also put a little bit of a riser here using just anything plastic to keep the straw nice and straight because the question is will our balloon powered boat work better if it's pushing in the air or if it's pushing in the water well let's do a science experiment and find out first version in the air oh almost all the way now let's try it with the straw like this so it pushes into the water who works so much better why because water is denser than air the air coming out of the straw has to push against something to make the boat move water has more mass than air so pushing against water has a better result now let's Max it out this is an air compressor well actually that is the air compressor you see the engine here pushes air into this tank which works sort of like the balloon and then it goes out this long hose which sort of works like a straw so let's make a maxed out air powerered boat ready just like the small boat pushing against the air doesn't produce much thrust huh not so great but now let's put it in the water pushing against the water gives me much more thrust because water is more dense than air max out air powered boat maxed out air powered boat yeah who that's that's not me Michaela and I are maxing out the mouse trap boat 10 Mouse trps didn't seem to make our boat go very fast but moving the string down our lever arm helped and now we want to redesign the hull so it has less friction with the water check it out this is the ultimate Mouse Bo we got 10 Mouse straps here we got our long arm we have it attached at the right point of the lever we think and then we've got two two paddle Wheels the back and Pon yes yeah so what do you think this thing is set it's going to be awesome yep okay ready ready Let's test it what working it's working picking up speed yes wow who M trap boat I mean it's good it's good it's not science Max good yeah we were hoping it would go faster faster or no pretty much just faster yeah okay obviously we need to store more energy that will make the paddle wheels go faster right yeah so we just have to think about it right like what's stronger than a mouse trap well 10 Mouse straps that's why we have 10 Mouse straps Michaela okay what's what's stronger than 10 Mouse trps 11 Mouse straps like if we just keep going and going to get super wide we have a thousand mouse trap W what and that's with the mouse traps have you ever seen like a rat trap no they're huge well hold on I can just get one from the portal one rat trap coming up oh okay came from all right well fine and who wow look at that that is a lot bigger okay so snap yours is is it ready no trrap okay okay that's terrifying so that's a lot more power yeah a lot of force uh so tell you what we have a little mous trap boat why don't we build a little single rat trap power boat and we'll race them and we'll just see the difference in in power from one Rat Track to one m I like that we'll do a prototype before we make a big one yeah okay come on let's go so we built a rat trap boat to race the mouse trap boat and then Michaela and I got a little competitive check out the rat trap boat no check out the mouse trap boat mouse trap boat is better because yeah rat trap boat is better it's got bigger Springs more potential energy stored in here and mous strap boat has less potential energy and less Springs but he's got more heart and he really wants to win yeah I'll tell you what Phil loser jumps in the pool what oh um uh okay sure let's do it okay ready go so as you may have guessed the rat trap boat has a lot more potential energy that can be stored in the spring okay so rat trap boat is clearly better than the mous Trap boat we make the boat the same way yeah but we use rat traps instead of mouse traps what do you say love it okay let's do it let's do it yeah wait a second Phil what fair is fair you got to jump in the pool okay fine here you go hold this inertia what is it well it's directly related to Newton's first law of motion an object in motion tends to stay in motion an object at rest tends to stay at rest Let's do an experiment here is an object right now it's at rest you might think that means it has no inertia but that's not true inertia just means an object's tendency to keep doing what it is doing right now it's doing nothing but if I wanted to overcome its inertia I would have to put energy in and now that I have it is moving on its own it has inertia if I wanted to stop it I would have to overcome its inertia its tendency to keep moving there I went exactly that far now let's Max it out I'm adding these weights to the cart now it has a lot more mass which means it has a lot more inertia and it's tendency to do nothing but this time it has a lot more inertia if I wanted to get it going the same speed as before I'd have to put in a lot more effort there now it's going the same speed as before but now it has way more inertia so stopping it will be harder so there you go inertia uh things tendency to stay moving or stay still and The more mass the more [Music] inertia dear Phil I can't believe you did a whole episode on boat propulsion and you didn't use the greatest thing out there for making a boat move a propeller sincerely a fan well let's talk about propellers oh good thing this is fan ma get it cuz it's a fan anyway a fan pushes air just like a boat propeller pushes water they're both fluids and they behave in the same way now if you look closely at a fan it's curved on the blades the air or water is caught under at this side and then it's pushed out on the curve to make it go that way and the faster it spins the better it works now this is a propeller powered boat and what you do is wind up the propeller I have an elastic band here to store the amount of energy I put in and then you put it in the water the propeller spins and the boat goes forwards it's being propelled by the propeller that's why you call it that awesome right well now we'll Max it out this is a drill it spins and this is a propeller and when you put it in the water and spin it it provides thrust so let's try it out who remember not to try this at home I am a trained professional this is a very small propeller let's [Music] compare this this th this is a super maxed out propeller whoa okay let's try it [Applause] [Music] out the larger a propeller is the more energy you need to turn it and the more propulsion you get [Music] out Michaela and I are maxing out the mous Trap boat well actually actually we can't call it a mous trap boat anymore because now we're using rat traps the design is the same as our 10 mous trap boat back trap boat C trap Boat Boat it's the super most C trap boat ever we wind it up and try it out okay ready go it worked great the reason is because this boat was storing a lot more energy in the spring tension more energy means more propulsion so much we couldn't even catch it yeah that was awesome rat boat science Max experiments at large rat trap boat high five let's do it again greetings science Maxim mites my name is Phil and welcome to science Max experiments at large today we're going to be looking at air pressure and friction and simple machines like levers pulleys and gears we're going to look at some rotational energy um some spring tension and gravity we need all those things because we're building rub Goldberg machine Ru Goldberg machine rub Goldberg machines rub Goldberg machines rub Goldberg you heard me say rub Goldberg machine okay we got that part okay good rub Goldberg was a cartoonist who came up with the idea of having a simple task done by a machine that was extremely complicated there are rub Goldberg competitions all over the world and there's only a few rules first a human can only touch it once by starting the whole thing off and then the machine has to work all on its own I know what you're thinking you're thinking Phil what's the science behind a rubbe Goldberg machine well it's all about changing energy remember you start the whole thing off with just a little push but if you want the machine to keep going and going and going you have to come up with clever ways to add more energy to the system so you've got more energy to keep the machine going so check this out a bunch of stacked dominoes which will start a chain reaction that leads to this mouse trap which has all of its energy stored in the spring tension which will release the ball check this one out it's a bunch of pulley and there's a rope that goes up and down and up attached to this lever where there's a ball and there's a big heavy weight here and when the weight gets knocked off the table the ball falls into the hole and then goes down the tube and so on check this one out here's a great way to change the direction of something say the ball falls on this lever well it's weighted on this end but then the weight falls off and the ball goes this way H and uh-oh uh the portal turned on uh I got to pick an expert okay hold on a second uh 10 seconds before the portal resets ah Sonia from the Ana Science Center perfect and there we go tons of time three 2 [Music] one oh Sonia hey I port in three blocks away I had to run here okay you're here now yeah I didn't put the coordinates in when I left anyway okay it's okay Sonia from the Ontario Science Center I'm glad you're here cuz we are going to build a rude Goldberg machine really yeah oh my gosh I'm so excited yeah yeah I am excited too check that out this is giant room we I've never done anything with it so why don't we build a giant machine in here okay so here's the rules rub Goldberg machine has to start with one simple thing right so we are going to start with this marble and we send it on its way and then a whole bunch of stuff happens and at the end we press that button that button what what does it do I've never used it before but when we hit that button we get cake cake a cake will portal in and we'll have cake oh my goodness can we have chocolate cake we can totally have chocolate cake all right now I'm really really excited okay so can I start absolutely great cuz I saw some stuff over here [Music] okay this is a pendulum it's a weight that swings it swings back and forth pendulums are pretty simple it it swings back and forth predicting the path of a pendulum pretty simple it's going to swing back and forth but wait as I make it so much more complex by adding a pendulum now I've got a pendulum down here and that one swings back and forth and I've got a pendulum up here that swings back and forth what will happen to this part of the pendulum when I let it go can you predict let's find out this is a double pendulum and predicting the path of a double pendulum is really difficult it's still simple physics but because there's a moving part attached to a moving part it makes it way more complex so the question is can we Max it out even more of course we can these are chaos pendulums this one's a lever and it's got another lever on the end waa and this one here is a perfectly balanced lever and it's got a pendulum on either side scientists and Engineers have always said that the more moving Parts something has the more complex they are science Sonia and I are taking turns building our Rube Goldberg machine the first section was my turn and I explained it to Sonia right here we have what is known as a ramp yeah I know you know FC right so we put a marble on the ramp rolls along this thing into what is known as is a pylon and then we've got these guys right here which are dominoes and when that falls off the table it'll pull on the string and then it's attached to this now this is the release mechanism so when that string gets pulled it will let go and it will fire this which is a treby shake all right should should we test it out absolutely you want to try please okay okay three two one huh wait wait H didn't didn't didn't go the why didn't well the Domino doesn't seem to be heavy enough to make this contraption fire you know what Phil what I have an idea oh yeah maxed out dominoes maxed out dominoes I love that idea why are they maxed out do they do they glow in the dark we'll see do they produce electricity we'll see do they talk to animals we will do they dissolve in water maxed out Domino that's what I'm talking about these are very maxed out okay so we started off with this Domino then we went bigger bigger bigger bigger bigger bigger bigger and we went to the biggest and this is where we're going to get the most weight which is going to trigger it and release Here We Go 3 2 1 here we go the one thing to remember about rubbe Goldberg machines is they never work perfectly every time didn't didn't didn't go but we tweaked it and adjusted things and then here we go 3 2 1 that was pretty far yeah check this out okay so now now that we've got the trebuchet firing and the ball is going over there we need to get the ball going over here yeah to the cake button cake button I can't wait for the cake so I have an idea come okay no wait changing Direction stuff is over on okay now we're going to talk about tension what's tension one more than nin get it cuz tension and N this okay I'll um because tension is the force that we usually talk about when we think about pulling a rope or a chain or something like that because you know the old expression you can't push a rope but today we are going to push a rope I have a rope right here and I'm going to push it using another Force called flexion I've got some pieces of plastic here and they Bend or flex and when they do they want to spring back but I'm going to prevent them from springing back by putting them in between these knots huh and look the Rope now stays up and take another piece and I stick it on this knot and then I bend it all the way this is not terrifying really it's not terrifying at all okay good and then I take this piece and I put it here and I bend it around and so now we have a rope that's being pushed and we're Defying Gravity and we're making a cool art sculpture all right one more here okay here we go and and flexing and ha there you go I've pushed a rope defied gravity and made a cool art sculpture okay well I guess technically I haven't really pushed the Rope because we're still pulling from each knot and I guess I haven't really defy gravity cuz that one's sitting on the table and all the others are sitting on top of that but you can argue that I made a cool art sculpture ha art I mean science Sonia and I are maxing out a Ru Goldberg machine W the first part worked pretty well and now we need to change the ball's Direction so this trabichet trishe fires the ball right yeah right now I want to tell you the story of the ball first it goes through this fancy film of tin foil uh aluminum foil right aluminum foil cuz it's yeah you're right it's made of aluminum it enters this large receptacle uh a garbage can a g you also could be called a garbage can it falls into this con con um device uh funnel a funnel yes you could call it a funnel and then it enters the Chango Direction Matic which is a lever there's a weight on that end then it falls off then the ball goes this way b or that way the one thing you need most of all when making a ru Goldberg machine is patience ball goes in the funnel knocks that off changes Direction and then it goes this way okay and that's all I got so far so not bad but we really want to get closer to that way right because that's the button that gives us cake how about we use some chemical energy for this o chemical energy I have an idea for this one let me go get go for it this is my idea Ball's actually going to roll down the tube oh yeah cuz this is a rat trap right which is like bigger than a mouse trap and then it's going to hit it yeah nice O So this flips around exactly and what's this that is something called an ant acid tablet some water and the Ant acid and the water react it blew do you want to test it out sure can I okay okay ball comes through this goes down there comes out of this and on the ramp onto the Trap and ah so then it fires up and hits something else and something something something button cake H so we got a lot of different energies but you know what one we're missing is electrical energy yeah you're actually right I've got a great idea hold on hold on all right let's see what he comes up [Music] with [Music] Min this is a chain of beads and this is a glass now if I was to drop the chain of beads what will happen it will fall yes that's right it'll fall because of gravity but watch this this side goes up why because of gravity wait a minute wait a minute why does one side go up because of gravity well it gets a little complicated but I can explain um but I think I should I'll have to put the beads back in the glass okay so what's going on well when this part of the chain starts falling out it gets longer and longer and it has more mass than this side of the chain and if it has more mass then it has more inertia and when it starts yanking out very hard this side of the chain gets yanked up out of the glass very quickly when it gets yanked up hard it flies into the air but then of course the direction has to change so it goes around a curve and then goes back down because of the speed that it's going that curve starts lifting up over the top of the glass and that's how it works there's a big difference in energy because this chain Falls far I try it from here and it doesn't work as well why why because the drop from here to here isn't as big you want lots of force acting on the falling chain which means the higher you do it from the better it works so maybe we should Max it out yeah oh wait we should wait for it to stop and now let's Max it out this is a really long chain and this is a really long drop let's see what happens W look at that whoa Super maxed out [Music] science Sony and I have used potential energy the lever and chemical energy but you know what one we're missing what is electrical energy electromagnetism so watch the chemical Rockets which we had from before they'll fire up they'll hit the underside of this tray the marbles will fall and flick this switch see that Sledgehammer this is an electromagnet and it will attract the the metal in the sledgehammer watch this ready there there magnetized electromagnetism now when the marbles fall it'll turn the electromagnet off and the hammer will fall oh that's pretty cool actually right so let's let's try it here's something we didn't know predicting the flight path of an antacid rocket canister is almost impossible we had them aim the same way every time but we stuck with it and being patient is key and eventually eventually it worked the chemical Rockets fire and they hit the tray all right that's pretty cool yeah so now we just need hammer hit something and then something something something button cake I have an idea all right cake any minute [Music] now this is a basketball it bounces this is a golf ball it bounces but it never bounces as high as where I dropped it from but watch as I put the golf ball on top of the basketball whoa why does the golf ball bounce higher than where I dropped it from how is this possible I only bounc the golf ball from 1 M high so what's going on well as the basketball hits the ground it compresses storing the potential energy of its bounce about to give that energy back as it bounces up again but this energy works as a springboard for the golf B and since the golf ball has a lot less mass than the basketball the upward kinetic energy of the basketball is given to the golf ball so let's Max it out ball on a ball on a ball three ball [Music] [Applause] bounce did you see that ball on a ball on a ball on a ball quadruple ball [Music] bounce don't wait turns out getting four balls to drop straight down on top of each other is pretty difficult so we know the mass of the ball is important why don't we Max it out in a different way this is a Swiss ball for exercising it has a lot more mass than a golf ball so let's try it out there you go the transfer of energy between balls a great way to lose golf [Music] balls Sonia has added one more step to our Ru Goldberg machine a Stomp Rocket it's a hammer rocket exactly so what's going to happen is the hammer is going to hit our bottle which is going to release all that air that's built up inside of it it's going to hit that button wait wa wait wait the rocket hits the button and then we get some cake cake cake oh so this is it so we're done the rot Goldberg machine with this last step okay did you want to do it I think we should do it ready ready 3 2 1 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's pause here just before the cake portals in and recap the science a marble on top of this ramp has potential energy as it rolls down that changes to kinetic energy which transfers to some stacked dominoes they fall in a chain reaction finally causing bigger and bigger dominoes to fall giving the last Domino enough Mass pull a string attach through some pulley to a quick release on a trebuchet now a trebuchet is a first class lever with a weight on one side and a sling and a ball on the other if the weight falls the sling releases the ball at the right moment and it sails through the air it's caught in a garbage can and changes directions on a few ramps and another lever as a teeter totter finally it falls onto a rat trap which has more energy stored in the tension of the spring the rat trap smacks another lever which flips around turning over some ant acid Rockets this allows the ant acid to mix with the water and start a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide which eventually builds up enough pressure to fire the container to another lever which tips dropping some marbles on a string attached to a switch that turns off the electricity to our electromagnet and when an electromagnet doesn't have electricity it stops being a magnet so our Sledgehammer starts to fall now our Sledgehammer is heavy so it has both mass and speed when it hits this plastic bottle all that inertia crushes the bottle reducing its volume the air gets put under pressure and pushes out through a tube which takes our Stomp Rocket with it the Stomp Rocket bucket flies through the air and hits our cake button which then portles in some cake uhoh uh uh huh guess we really didn't think that through huh the cake should have laid me landed on a table or something would have been nice there you go science Max experiments at large rub Goldberg machine are you sure you don't want some of this cake no let's let's but let's go greetings science Maxim mites my name is Phil and today we're talking about fr I didn't slide take two okay I'm still not oh I I know I know I got it take three socks don't work any better take 15 34 take 36 I don't know why I thought that would work take 52 I'm Phil and today we're talking about friction all all right okay friction we did it we got it everybody how many takes this that oh well still we got it good [Music] work as you may have already guessed today is about friction and here's a really easy friction experiment you can do at home all you need is a piece of wood you don't need the frame and you don't have to uh do anything fancy to it just put one end up on a couch or a coffee table and make it nice ramp then you want something to slide down that ramp and I like to use a piece of wood now check it out wood ramp wood block the friction is so much that the wood slides to there now what I like to do is take a little flag and mark the results recording the results is good science now here's where it gets fun get another surface and attach it to the wood like carpet and wood let's see how far this goes H not as good all right all right record the results cardboard ooh nicely done cardboard [Music] foam and this wood has been waxed like on a floor wax which makes it nice and slippery let's see how that does ooh and now the Ultimate Ice attached to Wood this is actually harder to do than I thought all right let's try it out ice the clear winner not a big surprise right there and get this once you've done all of that you can change the surface of the ramp you can go to waxwood carpet boom cardboard well and and well yeah you get the idea record all the results compare them and there you go friction ramp experiment and that's what we're going to be maxing out today so come on let's go check it out I've improved the portal interface watch this yeah and then I can scroll through experts and oh this is going to be fun and I've got my coordinates right there oh um that's never happened [Music] okay hey Sarah hey good to see you again good to see you too Sarah from Mad Science you're going to help me Max at friction yeah friction we think of my max out friction room it's amazing it's so wonderful so how are we going to max out friction today in the last I had a ramp and it had um stuff with different surfaces on it oh that's so cool it's too bad you don't have it here we could totally test that out I can bring it here I have a new app on my phone that talks to the portal and let's see huh that's not what I oh hold on hold on okay there we go and whoa oh I can do this I just it needs an update that's what the Yeah is perfect so here Go amazing the friction ramp it's pretty simple you just take um I've got blocks of wood with different surfaces amazing and then you just slide them down the ramp right so cool yeah so what if um to Max it out what if this is us we're a block of wood no I mean like we are on the block of wood and then we can try changing the bottom I guess a block of wood isn't the right thing to use though right yeah maybe we could use like a like a sled yeah okay like a right uh like a snow sled that's a great idea okay we tell you what I will portal in a sled for us are you sure you want to portal it in I'm sure just stand just stand back though okay ah there we go max out friction slide you ready Sarah yeah I'm ready okay here we go Sarah and I pushed each other around on the sled which was fun but it was also tiring it's uh it's pretty hard this is a my turn my turn all right oh yeah wao oh friction yeah friction yeah yeah friction but we soon realized it'd be pretty hard to measure how much friction there was you know how hard you were pushing I had no idea how hard I was pushing a lot but that doesn't really help in science terms so exactly what do we do well with your first experiment you used a ramp could we maybe put a ramp up in here in here in here yeah I guess uh then we can measure also how far we go so we know how much friction is being used right so we have our control and then we have all just like the blocks exactly just like the blocks okay great so we'll get the ramp we'll get a bunch of wood we'll get some tools y the case of the missing friction it was rough all over in the big city my toughest case yet and I felt like I was getting nowhere someone stole all the city's friction and it was my job to find out who and get it back but after a week I was no closer to solving the case it was hard to get anything done now that there was no friction Uptown to downtown people were sliding all over with no way to stop themselves it was chaos chaos I tell you but if there was any detective that could solve the case it was me but it's like my grandma always said it's tough to follow leads if you can't sit in your [Music] chair nothing stays put in a city without friction and you never appreciate something Till It's Gone the phone rang sure I wanted to answer it but it slipped through my grasp just like this case the mayor was on the line he wanted to know if I'd made any progress but I felt I was going in circles I I'm a little I'm going to have to call you back Mr Mayor without friction you couldn't do very much at all it was going to be my toughest case [Music] yet sounds good Sarah and I are maxing out a friction ramp step one make a giant ramp there are we done hey I think so we're done all right but proved a bit hard to lift up to the second floor fortunately Sarah had an idea maybe we could use this crane we used the crane oh yeah I've got a 5ton crane at science Max headquarters good thinking Sarah so we rigged it up and tried it out the bonus was we could make the ramp any angle we wanted okay time to get my helmet cuz don't go any higher than that cuz I don't have my helmet and then we will start sliding down friction room I got on the slide and Sarah lifted it up until I started moving and that allowed us to record our results we at 2 m 2 m recorded First Recording done now we switch it up we tried it again with Sarah on the slide to see if she slid at the same height and she did now we have a way to record the results the plastic sled went down the ramp at this height things with more friction will mean the Mark is higher and less friction will mean the Mark is lower so then we tried it withb cardboard what did we get and it was a little over 2 m meaning cardboard is a little bit less slippy than the plastic of the sled all right ready for carpet sled good to go here we go oh past two M oh almost three here we go here we go carpet had even more oh my gosh we're going to the side that was so cool that was exactly three then we tried Boom coming up on 2 m all right coming up to three it will go up any higher and just like the wood block the foam didn't slide at all what if I like do [Music] this right so um friction sled uh on foam highest friction of all of the materials Mini Max oh hello there uh here's a fun science experiment you can do with science and friction together take two books put them on top of each other and pull them apart oo not too much friction but if you take the books and you interleave some of the pages maybe three or four parts and try it again pull them apart they're a little harder to pull apart that's because the friction for more pages touching each other actually starts to add up so what if we were to take two books with a lot of pages and very carefully and meticulously take each page individually one at a time and overlay each one and go back and forth these are two books completely shuffled together the elastic band is actually just to hold the covers together all right so now the friction between all of these pages when I try to pull it apart makes it pretty much impossible now there's two things going on here first of all when you start to pull the books apart the pages start to stick together because they squeeze together because you're pulling and they're squeezing and the fact that there's so many pages sticking together the friction builds up to a degree that is actually very impressive but don't take my word for it let's Max it out here is another two books elastic just to hold the covers this one clamped to the wall and I'm going to pull on this one science still don't believe me well let's Max it out some more two books all the pages layered together held together only by friction suspended over a giant bat of slime now let's see how much faith I have in science ha friction yeah okay okay oh no okay now a get down okay hold on and then science that was close Sarah and I have used our maxed out friction ramp and compared the regular sled to cardboard and foam what's next we've waxed the bottom of this sled and we're going to try a wax sled next waack sled all right here we go all right 1 M oh boy 1.5 m w [Applause] [Music] wrestling woo the slipperiest yet only 1.5 M that's awesome do we have anything that's more slippery yeah we do we have ice Leed are you ready to try it out so ready to try it out okay let's do it all right and there we go that was awesome look how far you went that was so cool and only 1.25 M least amount of friction ice wins so I think we should do something else to Max this out though maybe bringing it up a little bit more and using something with less friction wait I have an idea um yeah okay come with [Music] me Min this is a climbing frog why does he climb because of science I pull on this rope and then I pull on that rope and I pull on that rope and that rope and he climbs up the ropes and why well because of friction the secret is two straws the straws are pointed away from each other at the bottom this allows it to climb thanks to friction take a closer look when I pull on one string it pulls straight which makes the Frog pivot that string slips through the straw because there's not a lot of friction but there's lots of friction on the other side because of the angle so one side of the string goes down which makes the other go up which means the frog goes up with it all thanks to friction so now let's Max it up that this is a super maxed out climbing frog just like the small version I have a rope going through two tubes I pull on one rope and the other holds on by friction then I switch and it does work it's just a lot harder to pull on the ropes but it totally works whoa care there and then this one and then that one and then that one yeah a giant climbing frog all because of [Music] friction here's another way to defy gravity using friction get a plastic water bottle and fill it with rice take two so get a plastic water bottle and fill it with rice using a funnel then take a shish kebab skewer and stick it into the bottle and nothing happens but if you tap the bottle down the rice starts to pack in a little bit better see how the level of rice is lower which means you can add more rice pack it down even more and you can even use some the same diameter as the mouth of the bottle like say a highlighter and make sure all the rice is as packed in as you can get it there now the rice is really packed in there and when I stick the shish kebab skewer in the friction between the pieces of rice and this wood is enough to lift the bottle using nothing but friction now let's Max it out I filled this 20 L water cooler jug full of rice and it's really it's really heavy I wanted to see if I could lift it using nothing but friction and this dowel which is just a round piece of wood all right here we [Music] go science I'd Max it out even more but I don't think I could lift anymore it's okay I can just fit um Newton's first law in 60 seconds Newton's first law says an object in motion tends to stay in motion so why don't they see if I was to throw this it doesn't stay in motion it doesn't keep going it slows down and falls to the ground well the whole law states an object in motion tends to stay in motion until an external Force acts upon it so what forces are acting upon this well gravity for one pulling it down towards the ground and friction specifically air friction slowing this down and making it stop now if you were to have something very light with a lot of surface area it would really be affected by air friction you wouldn't be able to throw it very far at all no matter how hard you tried so there you go Newton's first law an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless it's affected by an external Force such as friction like air friction so there you go Sarah and I have recorded a lot of results on our ramp by raising it till we started to slide here we go now we've decided to raise the ramp to the highest point and see how far we can go using some low friction things like a wheeled cart I've made a double bike cart wheels are great for moving they have rolling friction really which is different from sliding friction what happened you went through all those boxes back there that was it we went really far total fun let's try something else so what are we going to do next now we're going to do the frictionless disc thing that we have at science Max headquarters a hover disc oh my gosh that's so cool where did you get it built It season 1 amazing as you may remember from that episode a hover disk uses air to greatly reduce the friction with the ground here we go so what would a hover dis do on a ramp only one way to find out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was amazing that was awesome so let's recap friction is when two surfaces rub against each other you can have a very small amount of friction or a very large amount depending on the materials and using science to reduce friction results in the best sledding experiences nicely done done science Max experiments at large your turn my turn yeah let's do okay so take those and I'll get this and then I'll give you the helmet and then we got to rebuild the rebuilding the boxes is like the hardest part of this whole situation greetings science maites welcome to science Max experiments at large my name is Phil and today we're going to be looking at the power of Mag magnets you see magnets are fun things to experiment me with because they are really okay they're really interesting um this magnet that I've got here is a neodymium magnet or a rare earth magnet it's one of the oh one of the one of the strongest magnets you can get um a magnet is an object that is attracted to anything that is ferromagnetic which is iron nickel or Cobalt and mag magnets are interesting because they have two sides there are two oh there are two poles I'd show you but I can't rip the chain off hold on one second there are two oh no there are two poles to every magnet H just like the Earth there is a North Pole and a South Pole that's right the Earth is a giant magnet so if you take kitchen magnets you'll find that there's two different poles I've written north and south on these ones they don't normally come like that if you put the North and the South together they stick but if you put the North and North or South and South together they repel they repel see they don't want to go together at all and you can force them together if you want but if you do they will Spring away the second you let them go but when magnets repel each other I find that some of the most interesting stuff check this out this is just a small container and I've got a magnet in here and I have a looney attached to it so that it fits nicely in the container like that for the top I've attached two magnets together and I have another coin on it and if you put them in there I've made sure that the two poles repel each other which means this magnet will just sit there and Float magnetic levitation very interesting and you can pop the top on that if you want and just carry around a levitating magnet now there's a couple fancier ways you can levitate stuff with magnets this is just a wooden frame I've made uh this is completely not necessary you can use just about anything in your house a desk lamp works really well the important part is I've tied a magnet to the end of this arm here and this is a bolt which is attracted to the magnet but it's got a thread tied to it so it can't get there just far enough that it will actually hang in midair look at that it's not attached to anything it's just being pulled up by the attraction from the magnet the thing is as soon as you pull the bolt away far enough it will lose the attraction and it'll just fall very cool here's one that's a little bit more complicated but is also really neat this one uses disc magnets which have a circle or a hole in the middle of them here and you put two around a pencil and then four more in such a position that you can put the pencil against this wood on the side and it will just levitate on its own you can even give it a spin look at that and if you want to make the levitating pencil yourself there's stepbystep instructions on how to build an easy peasy version on our website meantime we are going to Max this out magnetic levitation on science Max experiments at large but you're probably thinking what are we going to levitate well we're going to levitate meat at least that's the plan that's why I'm going to the Center for skills development and training come on okay who turned out the lights guys how what was that what why is this room so small and and only only going down to way level this is the weirdest room I've ever been in where where am I what's going on oh hey Matt hi Phil this is Matt he's from job Master magnets now you guys use lots of big magnets right that's right we do awesome so maybe you could help me max out this wow you did a great job of building the levitating pencil experiment yeah so what's going on here exactly well all magnets have at least a north and a South Pole right and when you put like poles together they want to repel oh okay so have you ever levitated a person not yet well let's do it all right do you think we can use these we can try okay well uh put that one on the ground and okay so North and I'll put the north one on my foot here and then if I Just Step wait a minute if I step stop moving if I step on that step on the okay well first of all the this magnet keeps sort of moving away from me when I try to push down on it uh what do we do how do we fix this well we need to keep the magnets in position so that they don't move around when you try to bring them together yeah cuz I have to come straight down on it don't that's right so why don't we attach this one to the floor good idea and then we'll put a board on this one we'll see how it goes perfect okay let's do it all [Music] right this is a magnet this is a magnet this is a magnet this is a shoe what's the difference to know that you have to know your magnets this is a donut it does not stick to this magnet this is a spoon it sticks to this magnet these paper clips stick to this magnet this shoe does not so what is attracted the magnets only things that are ferromagnetic here's the difference horseshoe horseshoe magnet this one is a magnet this one it's not but the Horseshoe sticks to the horseshoe magnet because this one's a magnet and this one is ferromagnetic only things that are ferromagnetic are attracted to magnets things that are not attracted to magnets they're not ferromagnetic plastic banana mittens sandwich magazine no but how do you know do you go around the world sticking a magnet to every single thing one at a time hey Ma I need you to come over I need to see if you're pherom magnetic no pherom magnetic no you don't need to do that first of all only metals are ferromagnetic so that eliminates all your clothing your lunch and meets your magazines what have you everything that's nonmetal you don't need to worry about never mind M doesn't matter but this clock is metal it doesn't stick well not all metals are ferromagnetic mainly just the ones with iron nickel or Cobalt and there you have it now you know your magnets I hit the phone on the magnet there uh can you hear me ma hang up the phone hang up hang up the phone Ma my first attempt at levitating had the magnets sliding all over So the plan is to take the bottom magnet and attach it to a big wooden board so it won't go anywhere then attach another plank to the top magnet to make it a little easier to stand on okay that is definitely attached to the floor thank you all right now if I just get this lined up oh look at that it could totally oh wait a minute [Music] totally it doesn't want to stay put wait a minute they levitate come on levitate why doesn't it want to stay it just doesn't H should I stand on it okay I'll stand on it here we go and am I levitating no no h so why isn't this working well just like your pencil experiment we need a shaft through the center to hold the magnets in position oh yeah maybe we can use like a ring magnet yes that like we use with the pencil right and and we're going to need stronger magnets we're going to need stronger magnets are the ring magnets strong yes they can be awesome all right let's do it all right now it's time for a science Max quiz which one of these things do we have magnetism to thank for birds flying south in the winter music or a sandwich if you picked a you're right some birds migrate in in the spring and Fall using the Earth's magnetic field many animals can sense the Earth's magnetic field and use it to navigate migrating birds fly hundreds or thousands of kilometers North or South when they migrate in the spring and fall a compass works the same way by using magnetism to point to the Earth's magnetic north pole but if you picked B music you're right here he some music the way you're hearing this music is because the musicians recorded their instruments using microphones which use magnets and then the signal was translated by a computer and stored on its hard drive which uses magnets then it was broadcast to your TV and comes out your speakers which use you guessed it magnets and for those of you who said you have magnetism to think for your sandwich ha well you're right you see you'd probably go to the kitchen to make that sandwich right well I'm guessing you got all of the tasty ingredients from your refrigerator well it works on electricity which is produced by magnets and then there's an electric motor in the fridge that circulates the air and keeps it cool guess what magnets and finally the door on your fridge stays closed because the door has magnets so there you go you can thank magnetism for birds flying south music and your sandwich it just goes to show when you're talking about magnets everybody wins because magnets are everywhere this has been a science Max quiz mini B here's an experiment you you can do with a bag of water take a sharpened pencil and carefully push it through the bag if you do it carefully it won't spill the reason this works is because the bag is made of polymers long stretchy chains of molecules and also because the pressure of the water against the pencil prevents any water from spilling out now we're going to Max it out this is a very large of water and here I have some very large pencils you ready oh that's one that's two here we go should I go from the bottom taada science okay okay okay I know what you want like I was saying science turns out trying to balance two repelling magnets on top of each other is pretty much impossible here's why this is a magnet and here is the magnetic field it's often drawn with lines like this but actually the magnetic field radiates out in all directions really think of the magnetic field kind of like a ball when you try to balance another magnet on top of the first magnet it's about as hard as balancing one ball on top of another ball so here's the plan just like the levitating pencil we're going to use ring magnets because we can put a shaft through the center of one ring then drop another ring magnet on the shaft it will keep them perfectly aligned then it's just a matter of putting the bottom magnet on a board to keep it stable and using another board so I can stand on it and TAA magnetic levitation or at least that's the plan okay board magnets magnets oo look at that awesome and now I'm going to put the platform on nice I got some weights here let's see how this works yeah this is going to work amazing all right think I should try it give it a try okay here we go uh yeah I'm doing it I'm levitating what just a little bit oh really yeah so hm yeah what do we do we need more power more power I like that idea how do we give it more power uh more shafts more magnets okay sure well why don't we do um why don't we do one two three four shafts and then we'll have magnets on all the shafts great idea all right let's do [Music] it mini BS if you attach something ferromagnetic like this washer to a magnet not only does it stick but the magnetic field travels down the metal making it a magnet too which means you can stick more and more things to each other and they will continue to stick until you run out of magnetic field you can do this yourself at home with anything ferromagnetic paper clips work pretty well or washers like a have or screws or bolts and they'll continue to stick to each other as long as the magnetic field is strong enough you can see it's getting pretty weak here and they'll all stay magnetized as long as the first one is still attached to the magnet but if you want to go even further all you need to do is keep adding more magnets to reinforce the magnetic field I've got a few here point this get the chain started like that and then I've got a magnet attached to this washer so it will keep the magnetic field strong and I continue to add one magnet one washer and we'll just see how far I can go you can even sculpt it a little bit look at that and then at the end a whole bunch of paper clips eventually the weight will make it fall off but it's a lot of fun to play with magnets and make art speaking of art you can make with magnets you can also make sculptures when everything sticks to everything else you can make some pretty fancy designs this is a rare earth magnet a very strong one and a bunch of nuts that I've gotten and this one here is an electromagnet but electromagnets are a little different because they need an electric current to work check this out this is sort of a magnet dude with crazy hair there's a earth magnet here and this is a giant screw and these are metal bits and then I've got two more magnets at the top here to hold on his crazy wire hair he's got crazy wire hair because he's crazy magnitude now of course we couldn't just talk about magnetic sculptures without maxing it out so let's Max it out this is a bunch of scrap metal from leftover experiments and I've got a bunch of rare earth magnets and now I'm going to max out a magnet sculpture see there you go a maxed out magnet me I made this guy out of metal pipes with Earth magnets in between and these are his arms attached of course with magnets his hand his little metal pieces attached with magnet steel wool for the hair and of course hat non-magnetic all right here we go ready uh want to see a magic trick simple copper tube drop things through [Music] it nothing unusual happens but watch when I drop a magnet through what it's not magic it's science because the magnet creates a magnetic field when it goes through the tube the magnetic field repels the magnet up upwards now the field isn't perfect so the magnet doesn't come to a stop but still it slows down from a fall to a nice graceful drop take a look from above pretty amazing right magnets not magic science so I've managed to levitate on some magnets but just barely what Matt and I needed was more power so instead of having one shaft and one pair of ring magnets we're going to use a larger board and put a shaft on each Corner then we'll have four times the power because we're using four times the magnets hopefully this will be strong enough to get me floating on a cushion of magnetic energy and magnets magnets okay here we go this is going to work great and top board mhm ooh what do you think looks great yeah okay here we go Matt you're levitating I'm levitating woohoo all right it feels cool it's sort of like it sort of feels like surfing a little bit all right thank you so much Matt that was amazing and there you have it science Max experiments at large magnetic levitation you know I'm surprised we could do an entire episode on magnets and we never actually got the so close to the camera that the camera went all weird because Cameron's are magnets they don't oh deal uhoh um no that's okay I can I can I can fix this if I just maybe if maybe if I put the magnet to the camera again that way oh oh okay that's not that didn't help okay well thanks very much for watching uh science Max experiments at large and uh we'll see you again uh as soon as we we get a new camera greetings science maxit my name is Phil and this is science Max experiments at large and this is a syringe you might know syringes from when you get a needle at the doctor but syringes are used all the time in science because they let you measure very precise amounts of fluid now check it out you push the plunger down and it comes out the top or you could pull the plunger in and it would suck more fluid in this way but check this out I've got a syringe attached to a hose here and this hose is filled with water and I wondered if the hose was really really long how hard would it be to push this plunger down of course I don't know where the end of the hose is because it was really long and I had to string it all the way around so here it is okay so let's find out push the syringe down and water will come out the other end of the hose pretty cool you see this is called Hydraulics Hydraulics is a branch of science that deals with fluids fluids like water but Hydraulics are also a mechanism used in a lot of machines check this out this is a syringe with a short hose on it much shorter than this time and I press down on the plunger of the syringe and water comes out and I pull in on the syringe and water goes back in because the plunger is airtight it allows me to push or pull the water but what if I close the system and take another syringe and attach it to the end of the hose like this well then if I push this plunger in this syringe fills up with water and then I pull this plunger out the syringe empties so check it out this plunger raises and lowers based on what I'm doing with this plunger and you know what that means we've made a remote control huh check it out so if you take two syringes and you take a hose and you attach them to something you want a remote control voila you can build something like this we have made our very own robotic arm that you can power remotely with hydraulics pretty cool right if you want to build one one of these yourself here are the materials you need first you need two supports and the arm I used pieces of wood but you can use Wooden Spoons rulers or pencils you'll need some craft sticks elastics and a paper plate and of course two syringes and a hose which you can get in an art supply store or a hardware store here's how you build your own hydraulically powered arm first make the base by tracing holes for your supports the width of a craft stick apart cut up the holes and use a craft stick and elastic to secure the supports underneath the plate and on top then add some elastics and a piece of craft stick in the middle so the supports won't scrunch together because we are holding this whole thing together with elastics then get your syringe in there and keep it propped up with more elastics then get your arm and slotted in between the supports the arm should be horizontal when the syringe is half full elastics to attach the arm and the syringe then push down on this end of the plunger and haha you have a remote control robotic arm you can also Max it out even more by adding more degrees of movement you can make the arm rotate side to side you can even add a little claw attachment at the end and power it all using syringes ha science and hydraulics so let's Max it out I just I just need an expert to help me uh let's see and over that way uh oh Chris from Logics Academy of course logic's Academy knows all about building robot stuff I'm sure Chris can totally help me let's go [Music] uh oh hey Phil oh hey Chris from loges Academy great to see you what uh took you so long uh how long was I gone and what's with the uh orange lab coat oh it happened again it keeps changing the color of my lab coat but this time Chris I prepared for it and I wore another lab coat blue no well you know what this is happening a lot Chris so so I wore another lab coat under this lab coat I'm going to have to wear a lot of lab coat stuff because this is happening all the time we should talk about Hydraulics right yeah cuz we got some cool stuff planned okay so we're just going to get the table in here oh oh okay this is the hydraulic arm check it out oh very cool very cool if we want to Max it out what can we do we could make it bigger we could make what if we did it so that the force you put on this side gets multiplied so that this side's even stronger ooh what do you call that when that happens uh Force multiplier a force I like that Force multiplier it sounds like a video game so we would have a lot more power you have a lot more power which we can do fun stuff yeah so if we had like lots of power what would we do we like Crush something yeah let's Crush some stuff yeah we could crush some stuff okay can we start with syringes though and then we'll work up as we go I like it so what do we need do we need different sizes so yeah I would thinking we need a small m a delicious plate of cheese and crackers my favorite snack but these crackers are pretty salty so I should probably pour myself a glass of water first huh no my cheese are crackers why why does this happen why does the water stick to the glass well because it's science and the reason why it happens gets a little complicated but it boils down down to this one simple thing water likes to stick to things huh huh did you see did you see how it stuck no of course you didn't you know why because it only sticks on a small scale see those drops of water that's water sticking to the surface but it only works when the surface tension of the water is less than the force of gravity which is why Water Drops Fall when they get bigger so it sticks to things that still doesn't explain why you can pour water out of some containers without any drips and other containers make it nearly impossible it's all about the angle water will flow very easily when there isn't a large change in Direction like around the curved top of this glass but when there's a big change in Direction like at the mouth of this teapot the water can't make that turn as easily this is also why pouring from a full glass is much messier than one that's less full pouring out of a full glass the water only needs to change direction this much to flow down the side but from a half full glass the water would need to change direction this much so all this happens because water likes to stick to things so let's do an experiment and coat this glass with hydrophobic spray now hydrophobic Coatings repel water so if it's repelling the water from the outside of the glass will we still have the same problem well let's find out hydrophobic coated glass nonhydrophobic coated glass or just regular glass water likes to stick to surfaces but it can't stick to one coated in hydrophobic coating that's impressive should we try something else well that's one way to solve the dribbling glass problem except you can't coat your glasses at home with hydrophobic coating because it's not good to eat the secret is using a container that has a very sharp angle between where you're pouring the water and the underside of the glass like this jug and there you go now I can enjoy a nice glass of water with my cheese and crackers uh oh right I am wait hold on I can re I will remake the crackers into see look see it's just it's fine it's fine I'm not really going to eat that I'm just kidding Chris and I are maxing out our hydraulic Crusher yes yes before we get to that I have a little game I want to play okay great okay you can pick either the small one the big one okay so what's the game simple thumb war uh I'm going to press down this side you press on that side we'll see you win okay okay ready 1 2 3 go no wow that was really tough why was that so hard well pH I'm just really strong wait a minute my turn Okay one two 3 go yeah see pushing down on this one is way easier you wouldn't think that the small syringe would be easier why is that the reason for it is is that you have to push this one down a lot farther than you have to push this one down see see how far this one goes and this one's barely this one travels much more this is how we can exchange a little bit of force over a long distance that's right to a a little bit of distance and a lot of force that's exactly right just like the lever it's a mechanical advantage but in this case it's hydraulic advantage that's right Chris and I push down on small syringes which gives us more force on our larger syringes our Crusher was ready to go ooh how about an orange one two three we squeeze down [Music] [Applause] and then we tried a walnut are you allergic to nuts I am not 1 2 3 oh when we tried to golf ball we reach the limit of what our plastic syringes and our hands could do we need to come up with a stronger more awesome crushing machine using Hydraulics that's right I have some ideas okay good we can go to we can use metal we can use metal and we can use and we can go bigger as well ew this water is gross but I'm going to drink this water why well because of science no but I'm not going to drink the water like this first I'm going to use the power of science to help me clean it how by using gravel gravel yes gravel so say I've got some dirty water and there are particles floating in that water large particles your rocks your wood these styrofoam bits will act as the large particles you pour it into the gravel and the large particles get filtered out see nothing but clean clean water yeah I know what you're you're thinking Phil that's not really clean yet that's because we haven't done step two sand sand yes sand let's say that these plastic beads are small particles that filters out the tinier stuff there huh clean right no it's not very clean so we filter the water in the next step with charcoal what charcoal yes charcoal charcoal works just like gravel and sand except on a microscopic scale say these bits are tiny particles you can't even see the charcoal catches these like the sand and gravel caught the larger particles this is called a gravel sand and charcoal filter the gravel catches the big particles the sand the smaller ones and the charcoal the microscopic ones these kinds of filters are used all over the world to clean drinking water delicious science Max [Music] historica this is Archimedes what who said that uh it's me the narrator we're doing a segment oh well I was working don't sneak up on a guy like that this is Archimedes an ancient inventor and one of the greatest scientific Minds ever one of his famous inventions was the Archimedes screw um [Music] um which was used to make holes in wood no that's not what it's for it's it's for water right used to make holes in water what what what no look did you even do your homework I um hold on it's uh it's here it's here somewhere um look I'll just show you you see in ancient times we had many uses for something that could lift water up from a well or to take Lake water uh from uh the lake and put it into a farmer's field and that sort of thing oh okay I've got it from here so Archimedes invented a screw and he drilled a hole in the side of that container no no no look just just sit down I'll I'll explain it okay I am sitting I'm in a voiceover Booth good for you now be quiet now look what you do is you put the screw in the water like this and then you want to raise the water higher you see and so turn it around like so and the water fills Each G in the screw and it starts to come up it gets to the top and look at this look we've got water coming at the top there the water is being pumped up it is the first water pump I see still seems like a lot of work to fill the glass but it's very cute no we made them bigger we obviously were not going going to make them this big this is not very useful right Archimedes one of the greatest scientific Minds ever Chris and I are maxing out a hydraulic crushing machine we tried one out of plastic but now it's time to make one out of metal these are called hydraulic cylinders and they work the same as our syringes small ones on this side with a lot of travel and then a larger one on this side to multiply the force and some mechanical advantage with a lever to help us push even harder we tried crushing a watermelon and it worked great so what else we want to crush we crushed a coconut it's cracking oh there we go oh it's going to leak and then a can of [Music] pop science Max Cola now in the new smaller can let's really challenge this press ah perfect a piece of wood we tried to crush the wood but we weren't able to get it to budge so it's time time to Max it out even more I think we're going to need like a multistory industrialized hydraulic press you know where we can get one of those I do awesome this is water things float on water like pool noodles and wood and toy boats and now we're going to do an experiment with how paint floats on water how's this supposed to work again oh I'm supposed to take the paint out of the can first this is a fun experiment you can do at home all you need is a container some water and paint but not just any paint special paint you use for hydro dipping that's Hydro meaning water and dipping meaning dipping carefully pour the paint on the water and add a few different colors then take a stick to swirl it up into a pattern then you get something you want to paint and you carefully put it in like so but don't pull it out as soon as you get it in you have to spread the paint away because it'll stick when you bring it back out and then when you pull it out whoa hydro dip let that dry and then you have a very cool painted toy let's do some other stuff this is a bike helmet if you put tape on what you're painting you can remove it later to make parts that aren't painted skate board oh that's pretty cool now to Max it out hydro dip pants wearing the pants when you do this is super messy and not something you should try at home but the results weren't bad science pants science pants science pants one of the ways you can experience the power of water is watching it wash away we dirt you can experiment with this yourself by making your own erosion table to make your own fill a plastic tub with sand and tilt it up cut a hole in the tub at the low end and put a hose with a trickle of water at the high end then to complete your model fill it with a little happy town this small model shows how Rivers cut their course to the ocean by following the lowest point try to design your town and the layout of the ground so the river goes around the buildings I'll see you later I'm going to take over swimm in the river now there are lots of ways to experiment change the amount of water or the steepness of the angle look at the soil it's all getting eroded over here or the way the town is laid out every time you do it the river goes in a different direction and have fun oh pH I'm I'm tired I'm just going to lie down and that is the power of water Chris and I are maxing out a hydraulic crushing machine what about this is this what we're going to use we went to the natural resource Canada's can met materials laboratory which is a federal research lab oh this is good oh look at that oh is this what we're using oh I can use this hold on let me figure this out maybe maybe later really it's it's just over here CAD is the largest Research Center in Canada dedicated to metals and materials research this is it yeah right hydraulic press how much force does this apply this can do two million pounds that's over 900,000 kg which is about 20 cars ah let's crush him stuff crushing we got to get the stuff we got to get the stuff all right we started out with the piece of wood which defeated our last press and go oh wow that sound awesome reversing it turned our wood into a pancake who totally flaten so it was time to try some other stuff we crushed a ball of plasticy that's so cool that is neat you sort of made a rainbow yeah aluminum foil aluminum foil yes it is now a solid plate of aluminum and a basketball basketball good thing we got these earplugs in because when it pops it'll be loud what never mind oh this hydraulic press was so maxed out we had to think of the toughest stuff to crush we crushed hockey pucks a safe we crushed a hydraulic jack with the hydraulic press this is a metal Vice hard strong yeah steel heavy steel who look at it [Music] B wow now it's time to crush a bowling ball it totally [Applause] exploded science Max experiments at large Hydraulics who nicely done so F I should reverse it and we should start cleaning all that stuff up huh I think so okay reverse
Channel: 9 Story Fun
Views: 111,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science max, science max experiments at large, science max full episodes, science experiments, easy science experiments, learning, educational, lab, did you know, facts, interesting facts, knowledge, 9 Story Kids, 9 Story, 9 Story Fun, 9Story, 9 Story official channel, science, Gravity, elasticity
Id: HiWxS8t_z2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 40sec (7240 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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