SCIENCE 7. Q3. Module 3 - Motions and Graphs

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last time you have learned how to determine if an object is moving or not in this lesson you will learn how motion can be illustrated or visualized using tape charts or motion graphs hello my dear students welcome back to my youtube channel this is me once again featuring your science teacher for today's vlog so if you're new to this channel don't forget to subscribe like and hit the notification bell for more updates in science 7. [Music] welcome to quarter three week three of your module three in your science seven and for today's lesson vlog we're going to discuss about motions and graphs and for this week's most essential learning competency we have create and interpret visual representation of the motion of an objects such as tape charts and motion graphs to start with our lesson today so let us have the learning task number one for learning test number one read and analyze the following statements and get ready to answer the questions listed below a jeepney is moving at a rate of 45 kilometers within 0.50 hour before it stops at a red light after five minutes the vehicle moves again but this time it initially moves at a rate of 15 kilometers for 15 minutes which then increased to 35 kilometers after another 15 minutes the jeepney then continued to move at the same speed until it reaches another stop so the questions are number one how would you describe the motion of the vehicle number two did the speed of the vehicle change how did you know third question did the speed of the vehicle remain the same how did you know and last question at which point of the ride did you think the vehicle moved fastest how about the slowest or at uniform or constant rate [Music] number one oftentimes one describing motion of an object so we find it really hard to understand just like what we have discussed in the learning test number one so um this kinds of motions can be easily understand and visualized if we are going to use the what we call tape charts and motion graphs so unbottomed tape charts and motion graphs tape charts or the thicker tape diagram is used to represent motion in diagrams this method uses dots or thicker marks each diagram shows an object moving at different pace or speed where the dots represent the object and the distance between each dot represent the change in its speed okay [Music] describe the motion learning test number one okay so you will notice that the distance between each dot is not the same for it represents the speed of the object [Music] [Music] okay so this is learning test number one number one how would you describe the motion of the vehicle so it's very obvious that the motion is accelerating speed or young velocity so the second question did the speed of the vehicle change of course yes it's very obvious young distance says it represents uh how fast the object or the jeepney is moving [Music] did the speed of the vehicle remain the same so i think that's very obvious of course [Music] okay and at which point of the ride did you think the vehicle moved fastest and i think that's a good thing so knowing suffers young distances between the two dots [Music] okay so aside from tape charts to represent the motion of an object or to visualize the representation of data so aside from tape chart we also use the graphs so this one examples as a visual representation of information okay so in physics we use the line graphs okay this one okay so this is also known as the motion graphs to represent the changes or patterns and the objects motions and one example of this graph is what we call the displacement versus a time graph so examples are here so we have this one a graph a we also have graph b and we also have the graph c okay [Music] object slopes or lines or curves [Music] [Music] [Music] object stays at the same location or same position even as the time goes by so tomato auras the same position is an object now how about for graph b okay how are you going to interpret this graph okay very good so yes the [Music] [Music] so for graph b the slope is straight and move uh upwards indicating that the object is accelerating or speeding up uh maybelline this could happen when an object speeds continues to increase how about this graph c [Music] interpret graph c curve massignify or might indicate young certain points some motion graph changes some motion example okay okay these are examples of it one and three it represents the moments at which the object's speed decreases a point two four the object speeds increases okay so you twice a graph a little so point one at point three it doesn't represent object i uh one nag graph b young point one attention point one it in the ground represents object okay so again for graph b point one represents the moment the object stop moving while at point two the object moves again okay so for learning test number two you're going to analyze the emotion graphs so you're going to match each description to its appropriate graph and then you have to write your answer in a piece of paper so veronica five grabs the toes on explaining description the first one is a boy running for 20 minutes then stops to rest so ano young unicorn represents number two a rock please on top of a table so setting in saleman number three a car moving up hill or upward number four a child sliding down the slide and last question a moving vehicle suddenly stops and remain at rest for some time so salim graf nyan alin ang nagra represent nambawa situation ayan am learning task number two however for a learning test number two b you're going to illustrate and analyze the motion of an the motion graph and then so this time so a cut runs towards a mouse at different speeds so given the data here so you have to illustrate the motion of the cap using a motion graph and at the chart submarine table detail maritime position and team charts you created at which points corresponds to the following situations stationary or motion at rest and enjoying your constant speed and engineering speeding up at an engineer slowing down so tara go atta nd chart okay so for learning task 2b this is illustrating and analyzing a motion graph so this is our given we have the table here we're in the cut range so where the mouse at different speeds and the given data below illustrate the motion of the cat using a motion graph and a tape chart so what we're going to do here is we're going to make a motion graphs and achieve tape charts based on the given uh table so we have your position a fro to h and then the speed which is uh has the unit of meter per second zero until zero so with this example okay so we can have here so this one this will be the tape charts that we have created so position a so this is zero meter per second and then for b so it becomes like this zero uh one okay one meter per second and then see this is two meter per second and then another okay this one and okay and so on so this is for the tape chart so now what how about what does it look like if it is a motion graphs okay so for the motion graph so we have here this one okay so we have the position versus the speed so this is the speed uh this is the position rather sorry this is the position and this is the uh speed so for position a we have zero and then for position b we have one meter per second and then for position c we have two meter per second and then d we have two meter per second again and then e we have one meter per second f we have 2.5 meter per second and then for g we have four meter per second hang on h which is another zero meter per second okay so anta is i didn't get a genuine stationary in motion or motion address or constant speed and speeding down speeding up slowing down so many times example didn't emotion grabs because epoxy not been nothing motion grabs it is describing the motion of an object which is occasionally hard to do with words so sometimes graphs help make motion easier to picture and therefore understand zero points it means it is fast and steady speed so when you say steady it means constant so constant [Music] so returning to zero point capacity now line graph so it means it is getting faster and kapagnam for learning task number three doing detective work so you have to read the passage below and answer the guide questions that follows okay so this is the situation suppose that you are on a job trainee in a private investigating company task to investigate a hit and run case the alleged suspect was captured by a cctv camera driving a road leading to the place of incident the suspect denied the allegation saying that he was driving very slowly with a constant speed because of the short time difference when he was caught by the camera and when the accident happened he insisted that it was impossible that he would already be at the place when the crime took place but when you are viewing the cctv footage you notice that his car has left oil spots on the road when you check the spots on the side of the accident you found out that they are still evident so you've begun to wonder if the spots can be used to investigate the motion of the car driven by the suspect and check whether he was telling the truth or not so let's examine the distances between the dots of the tape chart presented below okay so next uh we're going to examine the distances between the dots in the tape chart presented below so this is speaker five the tip chart of the oil spots left by the car so it investigates this driver or not okay so there are different questions here so guide question number one so how will you compare the distances between the dots distances so remember [Music] so number one how will you compare the distances between the dots so we can say that the distance between the two successive dots increases uniformly and the next question so what does the tape chart tell you about the speed of the car and we can say that based on the tape chart here because the length of the tape chart uh or the tape increases uniformly it means that the speed or the velocity of the object increases uniformly so kitana so [Music] how are we going to uh make this in a graph also so it's a uh equal convert or interpret using the graph motion and yeah okay so now for question number four analyze the motion graph and compare it to the information presented in the tape chart okay so uh if we're going to analyze the motion graph comed so if we will interpret the graph in terms of the speed and acceleration of the moving car we can say that the change in length of the tape is constant so the change in speed is constant or the length of the tape increases by the same amount in each interval okay same amount and of course about what interval and of course uh by by by looking at this tape chart we can say that uh the object is accelerating so map based on our investigation on the tape chart and the motion so uh can we say that the suspect is telling the truth or not okay so we can say that if the arrangement of oil jobs left by the car is similar to what we use in this activity so then the suspect was not telling the truth okay because it is very obvious in the tape chart that we have here in this example [Music] okay so somewhat illustrate our representation changes and patterns in the objects motions nothing tape chart or motion graphs [Music] distance the represents object space between two dots it represents that uh a faster motion it represents slower motion and on the other hand we're getting them in some motion graphs [Music] moving upwards the straight vertically moving downwards represents that the object is decelerating a line that ends at one point indicates motion that has stopped from moving this is the end of our lesson vlog for quarter three module three week three of your science seven so i hope you learned something from this vlog son i'm alina yo at massage module for this week motion and graphs so sounds like that in pakistan another lesson for quarter three nang saiyan seven so i hope you learned something from me and i hope to see you next time again sunday this is me once again titrating your science teacher for today so if you're new to this channel don't forget to subscribe like and hit the notification bell for more updates in science seven marathon and see you all next time bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Khristine Min Jin
Views: 16,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion, graphs, science 7, module 3, science, physics
Id: HpmrkKuscUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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