SCIENCE 7. Q3. Module 2 - Speed, Velocity and Acceleration

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the cheetah scientifically known as asynops jubatus is known to be the fastest animal in the land they say that it can reach at the speed of 112 to 120 kilometers per hour from a starting point a cheetah can cover a distance of 460 meters to 1500 feet in three seconds imagine a we have three questions first what is the fastest animal in the land second question how far does it cover for three seconds then question number three what is the advantage of cheetah as a predator differentiate and displacement and distance in our previous discussion speed and velocity in our previous module we discuss motion in terms of distance and displacement in this lesson we are going to answer how fast an object moves by describing its speed velocity and acceleration hello my dear students welcome back to my youtube channel this is me once again your science teacher for today's vlog welcome to quarter three module two week two of your science seven shamrock for more updates in science 7. [Music] for today's lesson vlog the the most learning competency for this topic is to describe the motion of an object in terms of speed velocity and acceleration and the lesson content for this vlog this is motion in one dimension and we're going to talk about the speed the velocity and acceleration sat in previous discussion vector quantity scalar is the distance and displacement is the vector so rifa lang that and when we say scalar this is a quantity that has magnitude without direction at paksina be nothing vector this is the quantity that has magnitude as well as the direction so now since we are talking about the speed and velocity so ali so is is considered as a scalar quantity while velocity is considered as a vector quantity and velocity okay so let's start with the speed so when we say speed it is a scalar quantity that measures how fast the object is moving with respect to the distance traveled and the time and usually a speed of symbolian is letter s small letter s and say don't book someone it is just letter v small letter v you know that's the symbol for speed and how do we get the speed since we said that speed is uh the measure of how how fast the object is moving with respect to the distance and time we can get the speed by having this formula speed is equal to distance over time i know you need negative [Music] meter per second that is the unit of speed meter per second if it's a million meter over second so on the biometer the biometer you [Music] it means speed is the measure of how fast the object is moving with respect to the distance traveled and the time so that's why speed we can get that s or b is equal to distance over 9. okay so in addition speed hindi meter per second pointed in kilometer per hour miles per hour or meter per so how about the velocity so when we say velocity this is a vector quantity that measures the speed of an object in a given direction how fast an object is moving [Music] it's a distance over time direction we are just uh stating about the magnitude but no direction when it comes to speed velocity my speed my magnitude my direction [Music] think of a man riding a bicycle the man's speed may change during his ride he runs slower when uphill or in rocky areas while faster when in flap and downhill when he stops the time still runs but no distance was covered then his speed is zero okay so let's take a little uh a short quiz so i'm gonna read uh some statement and then you're going to identify whether it is uh speed or velocity okay so let's start with number one tropical storm traveling 88 kilometers per hour is one is it speed or velocity okay very good that is velocity velocity because of the word is ward so indeed 88 uh kilometer per hour direction so direction that's automatically velocity direction that is just a speed okay let's say number two jacob run 10 meters in 10 seconds okay very good that is speed so let us have number three number three jean move the plate 50 centimeters to the right in three seconds okay very good that is okay velocity because of the word to the right in my direction okay so let us have number four raphael swings 120 meters towards the shore in 60 seconds is it a speed or velocity okay very good that is velocity back velocity narrow direction towards the shore so velocity lagging my direction okay last number five five a ship cruising 34 miles per hour okay very obvious that is speed because direction okay very good paramas lalu panatti mas main tindihanka speed and velocity so i will give you uh some sample problems that involves speed and velocity at megahertz counting competition about this okay let us have sample number one a car is moving at uniform speed of 30 miles north in 0.5 hour so what is the speed of the car okay so i know they are nothing given so it was nothing given so what is 30 miles so 30 miles we are talking about the distance so this is 30 miles so what is 0.05 hour so that is our time time is 0.5 hour okay which is the speed okay so we are talking about the speed what is our solution okay this is a scalar quantity that measures the how fast the object is moving with respect to distance traveled over time so so we have here 30 miles and then 0.5 hours so 30 divided by 0.5 and that is 60 so miles over hour so that will be mph so mph miles per hour so is 60 miles per hour velocity okay what is the velocity [Music] speed of 30 miles north so on speed and velocity when it comes to the equation distance over time i know distance traveled over time direction which is north so what if i speed i can be the v or velocity or the speed so we have distance over time so pani pagam [Music] okay so the triangle method speed or c velocity and then distance and time so speed or velocity uh distance divided by the time this times divided by the time so not in ac distance so distance is equivalent to speed or velocity times time so imaging equation [Music] is equivalent to velocity or speed times time so night time so naman distance divided by the speed or the velocity so this stands over v so it is either this one speed or velocity and this one distance now let's talk about acceleration so on pakistan be nothing acceleration when we see acceleration it is expressed when the speed and the direction both change okay so [Music] amount of deceleration in tournament eye slowing down there are three ways and how an object can accelerate number one is the change in velocity second is the change in direction and number three it can be the change in velocity and direction [Music] so what is the symbol of acceleration symbol of acceleration is small letter a okay small letter a means it's acceleration [Music] area so approximate letter a it means acceleration so what is the symbol or what is the unit what is the unit for acceleration so the unit for acceleration is meter per second squared [Music] due to gravity that is 9.8 meter per second squared when we say acceleration this is the change in velocity final velocity at initial velocity so it's acceleration support computing acceleration symbol a is equal to my triangle v so in triangle it means change in velocity it means final velocity minus the initial velocity divided by the t which is the time so i velocity which is meter per second divided by the t which is time or seconds unit unit for acceleration is meter per second squared [Music] [Music] [Music] and then the time and then the distance and the speed so this is the last column speed so given a genuine distance and time so distance so it is distance over time so [Music] [Music] i zero so when you divide zero by zero which is distance is zero and time is zero what is the answer so obviously it's zero for it so inaudible column is zero so let's say for example position b so position b and at time is one and the distance is also one so what is the speed subject meter per second so distance the distance is one so one divided by one which is also the time so one divided by one and that is one so don't supposition b your answer will be one meter per second so uh you have calculated from this table so tell which position corresponds to the situation below so it's a good job position a position b c d e so your number one stationary so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] slowing down [Music] let us recall some important concepts first speed and velocity tell how fast an object travels and to what direction it moves second if the object is at rest its speed is equal to zero number three if the object is moving at equal distance at equal interval of time the motion is said to be constant and last if the object covers varying distances at equal interval of time the object is changing speed and is therefore accelerating [Music] this is the end of our lesson vlog for quarter three week two module two of our science seven so i hope you learned something from this vlog [Music] so for our next topic we are going to discuss about motions and your science teacher for today's vlog and stay tuned on this channel again if you're new to this channel don't forget to subscribe like and hit the notification bell for more updates in science 7 bye [Music] bye subscribe subscribe [Music] subscribe student at the end of this journey [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Khristine Min Jin
Views: 36,135
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Id: xkfPCTzJLqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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