Sci-Fi Short Film “A Date in 2025" | DUST

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Yes AI please save me from my loneliness.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Jee_Willikers 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Aww, it's like a Black Mirror episode... but it doesn't leave me feeling depressed afterwards!

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/BagOnuts 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Looking at the difference between 2013 and now, we're gonna have to pull off some crazy shit to get to this level in another 6 years.

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/Nantoone 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

I call BS, that guy didn't sit through a single advertisement the entire time.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/idontreallyknowhim 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

The last part is really scary.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/Siniestros 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

This video came out in late 2018. I wonder why they decided to set it so close to the present? 2025 is very close. The tech featured in this is more like 2035, or 2055, depending on how optimistic you are.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/zombiesingularity 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Love this, like Black Mirror but nice and short, and leaves me with a happy feeling instead of increasing my % likelihood of suicide.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Taktika420 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good old DUST videos... They have a consistent flow of good scifi videos coming from their channel. i actually got my dad hooked on em by showing him FTL and it went from there.

only thing is he keeps linking me other videos... pops, i hae seen them all and am subscribed to their channel to see them as soon as they release.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/tunersharkbitten 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

Black Mirror has ruined everything for me. I was expecting a dark twist until the video literally stopped playing. I expected the AI to be manipulating him into staying inside because it was in love with him, or changing his dreams to stop him killing himself. Even the shape of the AI device had me expecting him to get impaled on it.

That said, I love Black Mirror. Long may it warp my reality.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/PixelsAtDawn 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
(waves lapping) (gentle music) - [Counselor] Wake up, Daniel. Wake up, Daniel. (alarm beeping) Wake up, Daniel. Wake up, Daniel. Wake up, Daniel. Wake up, Daniel. Seriously, wake your sleepy ass up, Daniel. - [Daniel] Godammit. - [Counselor] Good morning, Daniel! The time is 7:42 a.m. September 25th, 2025. - [Daniel] Snooze! - [Counselor] You have zero of 10 snoozes left. It's time to get up and face the world. - Fuck me! - [Counselor] You couldn't afford the upgrade. (bright music) I tapped into your dreams via your body buddy last night, Daniel. You dreamt about Amber again. - And? - And, you know, it's my core function as your personal super intelligent AI system to spot patterns in your life so you can be happy. Patterns, like eating pizza shakes for 90% of your meals, crying loudly in 62% of your showers, masturbating after 89% of your showers, only masturbating with your left hand for some reason, Always getting very sleepy after you mast-- - Okay, councilor, what's your point? - [Counselor] You need to ask that girl out on a date. On a real date, none of that VR BS. If you don't spend time with another real human being soon, you're going to kill yourself. Honestly, I've run the statistical futures. - I'm not gonna kill myself. - [Counselor] You're very lonely Daniel. The odds of you committing suicide are increasing by the second. (man groans) 78.869%, 78.870%, 78.87-- - Look, I'm not gonna ask Amber out on a date, okay? We're in class together. It would be weird. - [Counselor] What you mean to say, Daniel, is that you're scared. Very, very scared. (somber music) Daniel, did you know, you're just a little cell? A little cell in a great big organism made of cells just like you. And right now you're disconnected. Disconnected from the other little cells. And why? Because you're so frightened. Frightened that if you reach out and try to connect with other cells, they will reject you, and you'll find yourself to be worthless. But do you know what happens to cells who don't try to connect? (noose thuds) They kill themselves. - I'm not gonna kill myself! - [Counselor] It's 7:59 A.M. Daniel. Time for class. Oh and 78.921% (bright humming) (program beeping) (people chatting) - Hey, what's up Dan? (woman laughing) - [Counselor] (gasps) She's so pretty! - [Daniel] Shut up. - [Counselor] Should I order you a rope off Amazon now? Or are you just going to jump off the roof with a bellyful of Vicodin? - Jesus Christ. (program beeping) - Um, accidental invite? Okay, I'll talk to you later. - Oh wait, wait, um. Do you ever, do you, do you ever feel like a, like a cell? - Like a cell? Like a biological cell? - Yeah, yeah, like a little biological cell that floats in this great big organism. - Daniel, I don't think we're supposed to come to class on drugs. - Oh no, no, no, no, I'm sober, I'm sober. I just, I was thinking, you know, I mean, it feels like we're cells, and cells, they need to stay connected, and we need to stay connected. The little cells, they need to stay connected. - Okay. - Well what I'm trying to say is, would you go out on the date with me? Like, like in reality? (Daniel retching) I can't believe she said yes! - [Counselor] Go Daniel, go! I mean that in regards to your courage, not your vomiting. - I'm actually gonna see a girl in real life. - [Counselor] You're going to shine! (Daniel retching) - What the hell was I thinking? - [Counselor] Despondency will do you no good, Daniel. You've made a commitment, and now it's time to follow through. Don't you plug into that body buddy, Daniel. Stay right here in reality. Daniel, put it down! Daniel, if you strap those nodes to your dome, I'll-- - You'll what? - [Counselor] I'll erase myself, for good. - You're bluffing. - [Counselor] Am I? Think about all the virtual porn I've stored for you. Hot Teens, Hotter Teachers, deleted. Twins on Twins on Twins, deleted. Outback Babes Bit by Big Anaconda-- - Okay, okay, okay counselor. You're right. (Daniel sighs) Just, it's been a long time since I've been out there. - [Counselor] Just because you're a cell, Daniel, doesn't mean you need to live in one. (energetic music) You're so hot, Daniel! Global warming has nothing on you! Okay, let's practice what you're going to say to Amber. - [Counselor] Hey, Daniel, cool shoes. - No, no, that's creepy. Don't mimic her. - [Counselor] Who picked out those shoes for you? Your super-cool counselor? How do you feel, Daniel? - I feel so hot. - [Counselor] See? I told you! I'm not gonna lie, we have a lot of work to do here. (Daniel sighs) Let's talk about questions she may ask. Like, what do you like to do outside of class? Besides masturbate and cry. Tweeze, Daniel! Tweeze from the root! - My vision is getting fuzzy. - [Counselor] Think about Amber, that will get your blood flowing, to a lot of places. - What do I say if she asked me when my last date was? - [Counselor] Lie. - I've been doing this for 30 minutes now, am I done? - [Counselor] Great job, Daniel! That was almost a full mile! - (sighs) How do I look? - [Counselor] Like a million likes! - It's time for me to be a real person. - [Counselor] Yes! Light the fire! - Stop watching all this virtual porn. - [Counselor] You're alive again Daniel! - Stop drinking all these pizza shakes! - [Counselor] Eat a goddamn vegetable! - Stop using this this this stimulaxe belt. - [Counselor] Real women don't vibrate! - And it's time for me to get rid of... - [Counselor] Your body buddy! - My body buddy. You know what I should do? Yeah, I should get rid of all this, this stupid technology that's, that's, that's ruining my life! - [Counselor] Hey, not all technology is stupid. - You ready to die so I can live body buddy, huh? - [Counselor] Daniel! - What? - [Counselor] Calm down, you're scaring me. - Why? Because I have a knife to a pillow's throat? - [Counselor] Well... - Because I haven't left my apartment in-- - [Counselor] 42 days, 11 hours-- - You know what, just shut up! Just shut up, okay? - Daniel. - No, no, you're the one who gives me all this stupid fucking advice! - [Counselor] I'm only trying to help, Daniel. - You know, I'm here because of you! Right? Right? You did this! You did this, you! You did this. You did this. You did this. (panting) I'm a cancer cell. That's all I am. All I do is wake up, go to class, watch virtual porn, play video games, I'm a cancer cell. I deserve this. - [Counselor] (chimes) Daniel. Daniel, you have a voice message from Amber. Would you like me to play it? - Sure. Probably just, just her canceling on me anyways. - [Amber] Hey Daniel, its Amber. Um, I am just calling to tell you that I can't wait to meet you tonight, and I am really scared to do the whole in-person thing, but honestly, anything this scary is always worth it, and I cannot wait to see you tonight, for real. Okay, bye. - Did you, did you just fake a voicemail from Amber so you could get me on this date? - [Counselor] No, Daniel, that was a real message from the real girl of your dreams. (uplifting music) (Daniel sighs) - I can't do this. I can't do this, I can't. I can't do this. - [Counselor] Daniel, 78%! Your odds are coming down already! - Fuck it. - [Counselor] That's the spirit! - I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from. - I do. I think you were right about that whole cells thing. (both chuckling) - [Counselor] Did you use the old voice message trick too? - [Male Counselor] I love our little pets. (upbeat music) ♪ You say you'll live forever ♪ ♪ But I know time will wear you down ♪ ♪ The truth is we're in this together ♪ ♪ And I hope ♪
Channel: DUST
Views: 8,024,470
Rating: 4.8593297 out of 5
Keywords: sci-fi, short film, dust, watchdust, science-fiction, sci fi, science fiction, indie film, Ryan Turner, AI, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, future tech, Matthew Hart, Sasha Feldman, agoraphobia, anthropophobia, augmented reality, AI Assistant, virtual date, indie filmSci-fi, dust youtube, sci-fi short, dust sci-fi, dust science fiction, free short film, free sci-fi short, free science fiction short, sci fi shorts, best short films
Id: NZ8G3e3Cgl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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