Sci-Fi Series "ATROPA" Episode 1 | DUST
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Channel: DUST
Views: 1,673,839
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Keywords: sci-fi, dust, watchdust, science fiction, Sci-fi, dust youtube, sci-fi short, dust sci-fi, dust science fiction, free short film, free sci-fi short, free science fiction short, sci fi shorts, best short films, best sci fi short films youtube, sci-fi action, action adventure, atropa, sci-fi series, sci-fi adventure, action film, action sequence, mystery, noir, sci-fi mystery, romance, drama, deep space, lost in space, cliffhanger, detective story, solving mysteries, spaceship, space
Id: YVuZDtz-Aes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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Finally, I have found a show that has my attention.
Check out Episodes 1 through 6 of ATROPA.
This is one of the greatest scifi short films I have ever seen.